I was just made aware of this deal via a forum, FastTech have just got it in stock today.
The previous best price on this (from the last deal) was $59 after $10 off.
More info from the old deal here:
Use the code BLF at check out to get it for $46.60.
Detailed information from NiteCore is here:
Reviews of the light:
FastTech is relatively new, I have dealt with them twice on bulk purchases of batteries and another time for flashlights. They were easy to deal with and gave me a lower than expected price.
There is more about people dealing with FastTech here:
EDIT FastTech has changed the coupon to PRICECONTROL to get around NiteCores anti competitive pricing.
Theey also now have the NW version available.
NW: http://www.fasttech.com/product/1217800-nitecore-ea4w
CW: http://www.fasttech.com/product/1209201-nitecore-ea4
Too bright for a bike - i prefer the bus driver to see me before he kills me.