This was posted 12 years 1 month 20 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

50% Any Ski Yoghurt Product at Woolworths until Feb 24


Pretty self explanatory but here's the short story. They are giving out hard copies of these vouchers at the Open. Got one and was attempting to photograph it to submit it here. Google Goggles then notifies me that it found the PDF of this coupon on the Australian Open website. Very cool.

The 1KG are on special now for $4.49 (usually $5.69). With 50% off that's $2.25. Discount is for full price, so it will be $2.85
Ski Activ 4 x 125g are on special for $3. With 50% off that's $1.50 50% off regular price.

In the past:

March 2012 - Ski Yoghurt 200g 3 for $4.98 -
Feb 2012 - Ski Yoghurt Activ 4x125g $2.99ea

See here

This appears to be the cheapest Ski Yoghurt deal in recent history.

The coupon has disappeared from the Australian Open website. Download here

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Australian Open

closed Comments

  • Duck yeah.

  • Good old google goggles.

  • That is pretty cool and a great long expiry.

  • +12

    Nice find OP!

    Direct link to voucher -

  • +2

    Are any Ski products made without gelatine? I prefer fully natural yogurt and don't mind if it's a little lumpy.

    I'll print it out and try it at my local Woolworth's at the self checkout. No need to surrender the voucher and print it again that way.

    EDIT: I just noticed the Terms and Conditions: "Only original coupons will be accepted". Makes for a self-serve checkout only deal. Makes me wonder why a PDF was placed on the web site. A home printed coupon isn't exactly "original".

    • -3

      A home printed coupon isn't exactly "original"

      It is original if you print it and don't copy it…

    • Pretty sure they all have gelatine, I avoid them for that reason.

  • +6

    Here is a link to the Ski product range.

    IMO Ski yoghurt is sugar filled junk, I don't know how they can even call it yoghurt! Many of their yoghurt products are almost 20% sugar!

    • +1

      13 to 15% on most of their products. It is a bit much.

  • Hmm….. can this be used when woolsworth is having a special price?

    the voucher does state cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer

    • I would think it would work with Woolworth's sales. It would be pretty shortsighted to be giving these coupons out and for them to not work.

    • even if it took 50% of non-special price it will take price to 2.85, which is still a bargain

    • +1

      Tried it today. The coupon takes the discount from the normal price, not special price.

      I usually raid the 'near expiry' section for discounted yogurt with a best before rather than use by date. Best before dated yogurt doesn't go off and is perfectly fine to eat after the date. Makes me wonder if the 50% discount would take the price back up to 100% before discounting, completely defeating the point of buying almost out of code yogurt.

  • Darn just bought my yogurt yesterday. Nice find. +1 for me.

    • same here !

  • +4

    dont buy ski, support australian dairy farmers. ski uses imported milk products.!!

    • +1

      Surely the milk (the bulk of yogurt) is still Australian even if some concentrate or cream may be imported?

      If the milk is imported the product would have to state 'Made in Australia from Imported and Local Ingredients'

    • +1

      the fact they put gelatine and excessive amount of sugar in is enough for me not to buy it

  • Thanks

  • +6

    I hope Australia jumps on the coupon craze that the USA has… anyone ever seen the show "Extreme Couponing"? If only!

    • +1

      That show is scary AND amazing

    • Pretty sure coupons would catch on much more quickly if customer service staff would stop giving us major grief when trying to redeem coupons.

  • +8

    Good deal but it has way too much sugar.. I prefer jalna natural yoghurt..

    • I too prefer Jalna, or B.D. Paris Creek yogurt. But the OzBargainer in me is drawn to this deal.

  • Thanks neil. Ill be trying it out in about 30 min. The double up range looks good.

  • Woohooo! Yoghurt 2 nite! :)

  • I am assuming this is for one product at a time (eg if you buy 2 tubs of yogurt together you get the discount on 1)

    • use the self checkout and go twice

  • It's actually more than 50% off!
    I just bought a 12 pack of tubs, $5.99. Voucher adds $0.01 to the total and subtracts $3.05.
    50.8% off!
    (Plus ING PayWave) #winning

  • OK, just got back from WW. Bought 5, using the same coupon at the self-serve. It took 50% off the yoghurt each time I swiped the coupon. Thanks again OP! I didn't try swiping at the end, just swiped between yog tubs. This is for the 1kg.

    • I'll clarify my own post - I actually did get roughly 50% off the sale price rather than regular. I was charged $4.49, and then $2.29 knocked off price, so $2.20 was the final price. It's irrelevant now though, as they are back to full price again. Still a FANTASTIC deal for Ski yoghurt, so thanks!

      • Bought 1 yesterday and it was still on special. So managed to get the same price as you. So I'm assuming its 4.49 this week as well.Will buy another one this week to secure the price for another good week of yoghurt except if next weeks catalogue has a better special than 4.49.

  • -1

    Bought all the big tub stock at woollies. #That satisfying feeling when you clear out the shelf. Gotta eat about 10kg of yogurt before the expiry, but hey it's cheap protein.

    • +5

      Let's hope you have private health insurance with extras…

    • did you get 50% off on a single transaction.?

    • +1

      dat dere dreamer bulk?

  • I got one today at the Open, but now I know there on the website as well that's more cheap Yogurts……..Werd Up!!

  • Thanks OP good find

  • You BEAUTY!!!

  • Just bought some Ski Activ. No gelatine unlike their other products. It was on special at $4 per 800g tub, usual price $4.99. The product scanned as $4.99 and then -$2.54 discount with the printed voucher. Therefore as the coupon states, it's not in conjunction with any other offer, including any in store discounts. Still a good price.

  • It works :) I wanted to see if scanning the pdf on my phone will work but when I got to the self check out the damn file had disappeared. I wasnt going to download it again with people behind me. Luckily I had a print out.

    • It may not have. The scanner laser depends on reflectance but your phone screen is emissive. But do try sometime, I'm curious. Also try an e-reader if you have one. I think that will work.

      • You were right - it didn't work. I don't have an e-reader so couldn't try that. Time to go stock up now :)

  • Has anyone found a 'non-participating woolworths' ?

  • .5 *5.69 *.95 = 2.70…great price for 1kilo. Even contextualised with Aldi (Br Fam yo)@$3, the Ski translates as 0.30 cheaper. +1 neil.

    • Impressive.

  • Nice find, neil.

  • expired. cant find coupon. no longer available @ site

  • -2

    can't open the link..:-(

  • -2

    oh, sorry i mean the voucher thingy..

  • Can someone please clarify what needs to be done? If you use self-checkouts, do u scan the yoghurt first then the voucher or the other way around (or does it not matter)? Thanks

    • +1

      Doesn't matter

  • +1

    Do you need to print it out ? Can you scan it from your iPhone ?

    • +1

      Most (all?) Woolworths scanners can't read barcodes off screens. Print it out.

  • -3

    where can you find the voucher tho?? :-(

  • +2

    their self checkout machines can't scan it directly from my phone… had to ask the staff to enter the barcode manually.

  • print out works for me at my local NSW store :)
    happy on the inside (cos I eat yoghurt :))
    happy on the outside (cos I have more money :))

    • Yep, still on special here at Macquarie Centre. I buy one every few days, and it's always $2.20 total. So nice!

  • -1

    Hi I can't find download/ keeps opening to blank page on my computer/ Can someone please copy and paste original flyer/ thanks

    • Don't need to. It works fine. I tested it with 3 different browsers. Something is wrong with yours, or your Internet. Try again.

  • sale price of $4.99 for six pack of ski delite mango lovers (gelatin also awesome). Machine took $2.54 off that so it was 50% off the sale price.

    • +1

      Bargain! Best coupon ever, and long-lasting!

  • +1

    perfect yoghurt weather…if there is such a thing

  • +1

    Don't forget to stock up on your ski yoghurt. Only 3 days to go. Got my wife and I 36 small tubs today which will last to expiry date.

    • +1

      Good call, thanks for the reminder.

  • Best Promo, went through the reg with x6 6pks of yoghurt, normally $5 each, Paid $2.50 each so $15 total

  • Got 8 today in marathon session at self serve checkouts seeing it finishes tomorrow , thanks :)

  • will rush in wollies tom morning haha=)

  • Did anybody get told off for using them at the self serve checkout?

    • Fortunately no as I accumulated (12x1)+(1x1.2)some 13.2kg over last fortnight, several trips, earning myself 40 dollars. Tho I may need to froyo a couple of. Did have one hurdle getting barcode picked up, on such exception(s) they keyed in the number and registered just fine a 1x6pk; but eventually got flyer up-scaled to 11" tried only yesterday and happily cleared that.

    • no…I used them there all the time….noboby seemed to notice or care :)
      In fact yesterday (being the last day) I put 4 tubs through as single sales, one after the other…tra la la….

  • +1

    loved this voucher…
    thx Neil :D

    • ust owndering if you tested the voucher today, if its working after 24th of Feb

  • Just owndering if anyone tested the voucher today, if its working after 24th

  • Good question but i can't imagine it would. If anyone is willing to try that would be interesting!

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