This was posted 12 years 1 month 26 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

BOXEE Box HD Media Player (DSM-380) $189 Plus Shipping from Mwave - Today Only

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Shipping is around $13…..a few bucks cheaper than the closest on S.I.

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closed Comments

  • nvm

  • Remind me what this does over an android tv box or raspberrypi with xbmc again?

  • +1

    I heard Boxee pretty laggy and unresponsive, just like my Popcorn Hour A-200.
    Can anyone confirm this? Is it possible to install Netflix on this (AU version)?

    • +3

      I've had mine for 18mths & it's always been quick & responsive.

      I can't believe how expensive it still is. I paid $210 shipped from Amazon.

    • +1

      I got one less than 1 year ago. It is now sitting in a box collecting dust.

      I found it to be a piece of junk. It cannot handle large collections of media, it was slow, and power supply died on it about 2 months ago (cannot find the receipt to return).

      I would recommend to anyone to avoid this piece of crap!

      • +2

        oh well I suppose different build quality then.
        you should be able to get a standard power supply to use.
        And mine has no issues with my media collection, roughly 12000 files. maybe you need a software upgrade? Another thing I liked was the ability to auto-download updates.

      • +3

        Cant handle large collections of media? I have over 10TB's of files streaming to mine and it handles it fine. With media streamers one of the most important things is how organised your local files are, maybe look at setting up file structure for XBMC, that should help your problem

      • i can second the slowness. i ended up building a htpc and putting openelec on it.. much faster.

  • +1

    Personally I'd recommend a Roku over Boxee any day. Can pick up a Roku 2 XD from Amazon for around $80 delivered. The number 1 streaming device and is supported by the largest number of apps. Roku + UnblockUS + Netlfix + Hulu Plus is an awesome combination. Only thing Boxee has going for it currently over Roku is that it has a Slingplayer app. Which I'm sure will come to Roku sooner or later.

    • +1

      Roku doesn't do any local streaming of files through your network nor local playback I believe.

      I'm currently debating between a Roku and a Boxee at the moment. Can you still order Roku through Amazon? I tried and it wouldn't ship to Australia.

      • +1

        Yes it does. Using Plex, which IMO is definitely the local streaming program you want to use. Sorts all, your shows and movies into seasons and displays episode descriptions, pictures of each show etc. and if you order the most expensive roku it also plays back media files from a USB stick.

        I ordered my roku from amazon and it let me ship to Australia fine :S was only about a month ago. Know a lot of ozbargainer a ordered them when they were on sale over thanksgiving.

        I can highly recommend the roku.

        • +1

          Neat, thanks for the clarification.

          Although I'm pretty sure Roku does not support DNLA which I would need to stream video from my NAS without needing to leave my computer on as a extra device.

          Regardless it seems a pretty good device for the cash. I'm going to have to have think about it!

        • +1

          No worries. Yes you are correct in that it doesn't support standard DLNA.

        • +1

          Quite a few NAS boxes have Plex media server available to them now.. Synology does and it's a fantastic setup.

        • +1

          BUT (and this is a huge but) you need to run Plex media server (PMS) on your PC/NAS/Server if you want to stream to a Roku.
          This isn't a big problem if you stream all your local content from a PC but who wants to keep their PC on 24/7. A lot of NAS drives and Server OS's don't have the ability to install Plex Media server.

          I've owned a Boxee box for the past 2 years and i've also owned a Roku 2 XS, the Roku i was lucky enough to be able to return.

          My current setup includes:
          HP Microserver running FreeNAS - cant install PMS.
          DLink DNS320 - cant install PMS
          LaCie Network space - cant install PMS

          I also have 2 Apple TV's running XBMC and in my experience the Roku was the worst streamer i've tried. The menu was very sluggish and the GUI looked cheap and unpolished.
          I'm a huge fan of XBMC and would recommend anyone that likes to tinker to go in that direction but for ease of use and stability the Boxee box wins hands down.

          I rarely have issues with my Boxee box (maybe 4 issues in the past 2 years) and this is fixed by a quick restart of the box. The Boxee GUI looks great and is quick, the only downside is it takes a while to update content as it seems to scan everything again rather than just new content but other than that it's a brilliant streamer.

  • +2

    Well, I've had a Boxee Box for nearly two years (in April) and I love it. I've switched most of most friends over to it from competing devices.

    YMMV but I mainly stream my own rips from my NAS (I also watch quite a few Revision 3 podcasts on it with the built-in app). As it meta-scrapes from and you need to make sure your files are named correctly (I use Filebot for that). It's a very elegant solution with a great remote. I highly recommend it!

    • +2

      Yeah I've found the boxee really good. More importantly the missus loves it too. Especially the keyboard on the remote which make youtube & iview apps easy to use.

      Before this I used XBMC and the interface on boxee really is much cleaner & easy to use.

      Also it has VPN & DNS settings, so you can use VPN service or to watch netflix, bbc, etc

    • I don't believe it scrapes from thetvdb anymore and sometimes does a pretty poor job at it too. I've had heaps of media files that were named correctly (also use Filebot) not scrape properly. Even if the right title is selected using the 'identify' tool or from a .nfo file, it regularly displays incorrect images (especially with newer items) and sometimes even changes or shows the wrong name. Would be nice if it allowed you to choose where the metadata is coming from like XBMC. Another annoyance is that it doesn't do incremental scans for meta scrapes, it scans the whole folder every time. Also found it to slow down a fair bit when adding large media libraries. That said, when it works, it does so incredibly well and has a very nice interface.

      • I use Ember media manager to scrape all my media, does a brilliant job.

  • Sister and brother in law have a boxee. It's a pile of crap.

    • +1

      If they hate it that much, tell them I'll buy it off them for $10 :)

  • +1

    I'm amazed at the polar opposite experiences here… even for ozbargain where you normally do get people arguing over product, you guys seem pretty polarised.

    I have to say at the price you'd want it to be pretty good. Does it have a tuner? I'm still using my cheapy Aldi dgtech Android (Kudroid) actually, and for $69 bucks a year ago it's all right, but the appwise it sucks, only YouTube and even that stopped working. That even lets me watch and record free to air, supports media server and samba/nt shares, only thing I'd use that I don't have is iView support, but even most tvs have that now.

    Then there's always WD TV, basically $50 after the last cashback.

    • It's an overpriced product with much cheaper alternatives, anyone who has purchased it may have met their needs at 2-3x the cost and are experiencing buyers remorse, hence stupendously good words for the thing.

      • No buyers remorse here, I speak as someone who (apart from my beloved Boxee Box) has an Apple TV (gen 1), a Netgear NeoTV 550, WD TV Live, a PS3, an XBox 360 as well as an HTPC (built from an ASRock Ion 330 and running XBMC). I've used them all in my endeavour to find the right media solution for me. As I said before, it's perfect for me, YMMV.

  • +1

    Boxee is a great streamer - get over the negative comments. It does what it says it does - I previously had a Popcorn a200 and 2nd gen WDTV and found the boxee superior.

  • +1 has the Boxee on special for $198-00
    …add another item worth at least $2.01 to get free shipping for orders over $200. Have had excellent service getting several orders from Estore.
    Boxee plays .wtv (Windows Media Centre) files; haven't found another media player that does.

  • +2

    surprised nobody has mentioned Navi-x. That itself is worth the price of admission to Boxee. and its the only box which will play the free version of Hulu.

  • lol jb hifi selling this for $249

  • +2

    I still have a boxee box connected to a NAS and it's been working great.

    Unfortunately, it appears Boxee (the developers) will no longer be releasing any major updates. eg. maintenance mode. So as of late last year, this box is EOL.……

    • Jeez that's pretty bad. Reason enough to choose any other streaming device IMO. Yes I'm a Roku fan but picking any streaming device that is going to be supported going forward is definitely a good idea. Especially when you are paying nearly $200. Definitely cheaper and better options out there. Roku is definitely one ;)

  • +1

    Love my Boxee and air playing YouTube off my iPad/iPhone.
    Handles zip files, mkv's.. Just wish it could identify my AFL games

  • +1

    Boxee is the be all end all solution.. Google boxee+ for hacked firmware which allows you fanartand I sstarted using it as a torrent downloader as well finally not needing to use pc at all anymore.

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