A Local Resident Is Blocking Public Road Parking

Hi OzB enlighteners.

I noticed that a resident on public street is consistently blocking a public road parking space—either by placing objects or using their red cone to reserve the spot. Since this is a public road, I’m wondering if this is legal. Do local laws allow residents to claim public parking spaces in this way?

I went ahead and parked and got a notice from the resident on my windshield. He/she is advising me not to park there. What annoys me is that resident put red cones on both sides of the corner.

FYI this is close to the Metro station if that makes it any more legal.

I would appreciate any insights or advice.

Picture of cones
Notice from resident


    • Don't post on Ozbargain. Confucius should know better.

    • lol top post, hilarious, have a +1

  • +7

    Should post this as a Click Bait deal as Free Cones near Metro station

    • +15

      It's a public street. If they need more parking, they need to buy a house that has more parking. Their problem is not OPs problem.

        • +5

          Irrelevant. Nothing gives a person the right to stop another from parking on a public road in a lawful parking spot, if they comply with any signage.
          A one-off request to allow parking for a delivery or tradie parking is not the same as demanding reserved parking adjacent to a home.

        • +2

          Nope, we don't need to know anything else. The road is fair game, the person that lives there doesn't control it.

        • +1

          Did you write the note?

        • This is a troll post


    • +1

      It's a corner block so they get a couple extra spots in front of their house. They're being greedy.

    • +3

      please, kindly, buy a house with a driveway and garage you pleb

      would be my response

  • Can you ignore the note?

  • +14

    Contact the council, saying that the council workers may have left the cones on the road. Don't mention the "notice". Council will then remove cones or look into it a bit deeper. The problem then is between the council and the resident.

    Even if spaces are freed up, other commuters will probably take them.

  • +5

    Pick up cones, throw in bin.

    Pick up note, throw in bin.

    • +1

      Thats a bit . Drastic.

      • +4

        Not at all. They'll stop stealing/buying more cones eventually.

        • +1

          100% agree

  • +6

    I would ignore the note and be thankful they're reserving such a convenient parking spot for you every day.

  • +3

    So the silly bastard bought a house without any parking spaces?

    • +1

      No, there is actually a double garage at the back (and even enough room to park 1-2 more cars in front of their own garage.

      • +1

        The garage is probably full of crap and it looks like the kids play basketball in front of it.

        • Probably just want the convenience of parking without needing to turn in and reverse etc

      • OK, well that makes it even worse? :)

  • +5

    I'm surprised no one has commented on the massive cross at the entrance. They might have reserved the spots for emergency exorcism purposes

    • May be they are reserving spots for their patrons . Dont you think ?

    • Ms paint did

    • +9

      thanks chatgpt

    • +1

      Get mental help

  • +4

    Not legal. To restrict or redirect traffic flow you would need to apply to council and you would need to submit plans and you would need to have the approval of council and to do all this, you would need to have the relevant paper work to say that you can even submit and action a traffic plan.

    Get out of your car, move the witches hats and bollards up onto the footpath and park there. Be warned, though, you may return to your car having been vandalised, so make sure you have appropriate video coverage of the vehicle.

    Their note is nothing more than a request that you are not obligated to abide by.

    • +2

      This is where driving a beater that's near end of life comes in handy, they could scratch it and kick the door in and it wouldn't ruin your day.

    • witches hats

      We don't say that these days. It's considered misogynistic and also religious vilification against Wiccans. They identify as traffic cones or safety cones in these times. /s

      • Seems like this is just vilification against druggies.

      • "Traffic Cones" couldn't think of a better thing to do while stuck in traffic than having some traffic cones!

  • +1

    Leave a note in their letter box that says if they touch any car by placing a note on it, they will be dealt with swiftly.

    • +4

      By OzBargain Bikies.

    • +2

      rock through window with a letter on it attached to a traffic cone

  • Hahaha!

    Someone is cruisin for a bruisin!

    Personally, I'd take this approach - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzLml7JdQDQ

  • +16

    Only take one of the cones. Cut it up into pieces and return it with a note explaining the other one is next.

  • +5

    What they need is more parking space on their property, or less vehicles in their household. I wouldn't park there though, people are crazy. Probably already posted above but there was the crazy poo lady: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BI37RQodDW8

    • "It wasn't about people parking outside my home, it was about being bullied in my own home"

      What the!?

  • +5

    Lol what an absolute twat

  • +1

    lol the entitlement. What's that red pole around the corner as well? Another attempt by them to "reserve" public space?

  • Why is it that we all know exactly what age this person likely is. Name is probably something like "Jim" or "Frank"

    • +1

      Why is it that we all know exactly what age this person likely is

      Because of the all caps and then the use of running writing as well as how they do their "s".
      I suspect the name is more like "Karen" or "Margaret". Their writing looks feminine.

    • +1

      Whatever the Chinese equivalent of that is

  • Don’t enable them. Just keep parking until they get the point

  • +1

    It's all illegal, they have no authority, they are just trying to keep spaces reserved for them. Park wherever you want behind the No Parking sign.

    • Even if they paid their council for street parking I don't think they have the right to claim any particular spot.

  • -6

    We had a friend’s neighbour that tried to stop us parking outside his house. Basically we laughed at him. Public parking is available to anyone. The fact he was an entitled LNP politician with a beat up the worker mentality just added to the joy of doing this.

  • bikies …

    otherwise could take date/time-stamped photos of each occurrence - then send a collection to local authorities, and get a council ranger to fine them for obstructing public street parking space - something like that

    AI told me - 'In NSW, obstructing a street parking space or driveway is illegal under Road Rule 198, with a maximum penalty of 20 penalty units. This means you can't stop on a road in a way that obstructs access to a footpath, driveway, or bicycle path'


    while these seem to refer to drivers, suggest you call council to ask about the offence of using cones to block access to public street parking -

    found it - '236 Pedestrians not to cause a traffic hazard or obstruction …
    (2) A pedestrian must not unreasonably obstruct the path of any driver or another pedestrian.
    Maximum penalty—20 penalty units' - https://legislation.nsw.gov.au/view/whole/html/inforce/curre…

    • A pedestrian must not unreasonably obstruct the path of any driver or another pedestrian.

      I don't think these are pedestrians. Maybe I'm wrong?

      • Yes, I find them incredibly slow to cross at pedestrian crossings.

  • Won't they scratch your car if you move the cones and park there yourself?

    • We know where they live

    • If they do, scratch the house

  • why does your avatar mean blue ?

    • +2
      • Underrated song. Its not 'good' but it is enjoyable

  • I would be notifying the council of this persons actions and requesting council instruct them to stop it.

  • Steal a cone everyday

  • +1

    Absolutely massive case of far kright off.

  • +2

    Crowd fund some cheap cars with a few months of rego left, park them and leave them there until rego expires.
    like <$1k cars if those still exist.

  • +2

    Traffic cones on the roof ha.

  • +2

    Write a return note saying, if they need extra car spaces, get a better job to buy a bigger house with more garage space.

    • +1


  • They have offstreet parking from the back via a lane.

  • Worry about car damage they can cause because those selfish people can go low and could damage car.

    • +1

      A traffic cone going through their front window would also cause some damage.

  • +4

    Pick up a cone and use it as a loudspeaker, continue to say gentlemen this is democracy manifest.

  • +1

    I'd be buying the ugliest junker of a car I could find and parking it in the spot and then taking the cones and putting them in the closest dumpster I could find. (profanity) whoever left you that note!

  • we leave cones in front of our business so that semi trailers can back in. It's a bit of a different scenario as its a business.

    at home i guess our neighbourhood has an unspoken agreement you can park in front of your house. It will be even more of a shit show once everyone's kids hit 18 and start having their own cars.

  • Think you need to 'borrow' a cpuple of no stopping signs and install them at the end of where the cones are. Then call council if someone parks in the no stopping zone.

  • I would remove them, what is the address and I will do it for you…. this is an (profanity) move and completely illegal, like they actually think they own the (profanity) road?

    • Rothbury Terrace, Stanhope Gardens NSW 2768

  • I would just drive over the cones, they can't reserve a spot on a public street, it's a public road, it's rude how they feel entitled.

  • What a character! Tell him to get stuffed. He seems like a nutjob, therefore if you push back at him expect your car to be damaged.

    This lifted my day! Ha ha.

  • Report the cones to the council. They can't reserve public parking.
    Report the notes to Police, only Police and council workers can legally put a ticket/note on your car. When they vandalize your car , Police. This advise is for Victoria, I don't know what state you are in.

  • Sell the witches hat / cones on gumtree or FB marketplace.

  • The true crime is the yard full of yukkas

  • I went ahead and parked and got a notice from the resident on my windshield. He/she is advising me not to park there.

    Well, the note is very polite and explains why.
    Perhaps approaching them if you "need" to park there too will help.

    Perhaps serious family issues of some value and importance (illness, no garage, elderly, whatever) justify their request.

    No, it is not legal (their request for exclusive parking space) and probably illegal to put cones on a public road. And probably also using "stolen" cones … perhaps.

  • a) Snap Send Solve.
    b) Explain this is crown land and they are trying to claim it. It was not that long ago people would lose their heads for less.

  • If they don't want you to park in front of their house, I wonder how they would feel about you parking on their footpath. Especially if you do some decent forward and reverse in the same spot squashing her lawn and exposing the dirt ruts?

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