Car Accident - Help

I had a car accident about a few weeks ago and I know I was at fault.

I drove out from the driveway and then a car hit me. I lodged the insurance claim and now the insurance said that I hit the wall, due to the colour scratched on my car “was different”. The other car was silver/beige and they said it was “white paint”. I argued and said it was an accident and not hitting the wall.

They said that they can only fix the front and front door (driver side) not the rear passenger side (right side) as it was hit by a wall. I also mentioned that my car may have issues with the aircon (when I turned on it was hot).

They are telling me to get my car back from the repairer as they cannot store my car there. They even said that they will get my car towed back to my place. I refused as I said no one will be there and I don’t have the time to go back and forth. They have raised this matter further and sent an email giving me the claim number.

What can I do to raise this matter further and get the outcome that I want - that is to get my car fully repaired.

Related Stores

Budget Direct
Budget Direct


  • +1

    Lodge a complaint and if they don't play ball lodge something with the ombudsman. Who are you insured with?

    • +1

      Budget Direct

      • I haven't had to claim with them yet 🤞 , I hope this isn't a precursor to what will be if needed 😳

      • +5

        Sucks to be you. Expect to have your insurance cancelled for making a claim.

        • +9

          This is one of the problems with Budget Direct that people dont realise. Making a claim means you may not get offered a renewal.

          Then when you switch back to a mainline insurer (AAMI, NRMA), you now have to say yes to "Having insurance refused or cancelled" - while it wont affect the premium, it just means you will likely have to provide the decline letter from Budget - adding hoops to jump through. (used to work for NRMA)

        • +2

          At least he had insurance. How many people post these threads who don't have insurance?

  • +9

    can only fix the front and front door (driver side)

    and then….

    not the rear passenger side (right side)

    so… urh… which side did the car hit you? Or are you claiming they hit you so hard that they pushed you into a wall?

  • +14

    How would the other car have hit both your front driver's side door, and the rear passenger side door…?


    Guessing they're suspecting that you already had damage on the car so hence they're not fixing the other damage

      • +11

        Well it didn't

        Though I'm sure the other driver wished you didn't blindly pull out into traffic, as they're now having to deal with getting their car to repairers etc…

        • and premiums go up even if you're not at fault :(

      • +12

        answer the question.

    • +6

      Yep, it does sound pretty dodgy.

      Reminds me of The Simpsons:

  • +5

    Is there a MS Paint diagram, Police Report, Photos, Webcam?

    Tip: Buy Popcorn now before Tariffs are applied.

    • There’s photo and I can even get the third party (the one who hit me) to back it up.

      • +2

        How is your cousin?

        • +1

          Probably fighting with his insurer too

    • +8


      You'll need to be 18+ and pay $10/min

      • I meant Dashcam.

        (and $10 per minute seems high) lol

        • +8

          I meant Dashcam.

          Surrrrre ya did

  • +8

    sounds like you are trying to get 2 accidents fixed on 1 claim. pay 2 x excess and stop trying to be fraudulent.

    • -8

      Yeah sure I am. I can even provide evidence and the guy who hit me can even prove it…

      • +5

        Can prove he hit both sides of your car? Did he make your car spin, then went back in for another go?


        • Did hit both side?… I said on the driver side (door) and the rear passenger right side (door).

          • +9


            rear passenger right side (door).

            Passenger door would be the opposite side to the driver's door… One side is referred to as the driver's side, the other is the passenger side.

            What it seems like you're actually now saying is both doors were hit on the driver's side

            • @spackbace: So it was the driver side and the rear passenger door side that is behind the driver side- if this makes sense …

              • +19

                @iceteacake: That would be the drivers side front and drivers side rear doors in that case

                • -3

                  @mapax: Like who cares???? Maybe English isn't the OP's first language? Not sure why your comment is getting many upvotes, like this is some sort of "gotcha"

              • +6

                @iceteacake: Who calls that rear passenger door lol

                • +1

                  @askbargain: Well the rear one isn't the driver. Ergo it's a passenger's door.

                  • @tenpercent: @tenpercent What if there's a backseat driver sitting behind the actual driver?

                    • @Massive Flog: If the OP's Mother in Law was in the Car, I think they would have mentioned it.

                  • +1

                    @tenpercent: So with this naming convention, cars have a driver's door and 3 passenger's doors.

                    OP has damaged the driver's doors and one of the other ones. Sorry, can't be more specific.

                    • +2

                      @SlickMick: Yes there are typically 3 passenger doors in a 4 door car. Yes OP said the driver's door was damaged and he specified which passenger door was damaged "the rear passenger door side that is behind the driver side", which could have been more clearly conveyed as either "the drivers side passenger door" or "the right side passenger door", nevertheless with an average IQ or greater one can decipher the meaning quite clearly and rule out the other two doors.

                      • +1

                        @tenpercent: I think OP may have edited the OP.

                        Its fairly clear to me the OP has english as a second language. It makes sense to us to say drivers side rear door. Not many would actively refer to 'passenger doors'. Passenger side, drivers side. Front or rear door. Panel beaters tend to use near side and off side. Others would use left or right.

                        • @Euphemistic: Starboard and port?

                        • @Euphemistic: Yeah though still got it wrong

                          rear passenger side (right side)

                          that's contradictory, it can't be both passenger side and left side in a left-hand-drive vehicle
                          but yeah even us with below average IQs can work out what OP means now

                      • +3


                        Yes there are typically 3 passenger doors in a 4 door car

                        That's very observant but not really helpful

                        Yes OP said the driver's door was damaged and he specified which passenger door was damaged

                        Eventually, not before all this hooha

                        could have been more clearly conveyed as either "the drivers side passenger door" or "the right side passenger door"

                        yeah that would have worked, or just use the local vernacular "driver's side rear door"

                        nevertheless with an average IQ or greater one can decipher the meaning quite clearly and rule out the other two doors

                        or maybe someone who turns up late after the confusion has been corrected can't see that there was previously a problem

        • Without an observer there would be an interference pattern

        • I might pay $10 per minute for the Demolition Derby footage…

      • By any chance, is the other driver known to you? Friend, Family, Neighbour, Colleague?

      • +4

        This proves how important MS Paint diagram really is. Driver side, passenger side, passenger' door on right side… ehh.. so many words… just do the darn MS Paint!

        • This proves how important MS Paint really is

          @mrs paint - see I told you so.

    • sounds like it

  • +3

    Let me guess. It's a new policy, less than a month old when you had accident. over insured on an agreed value.

    Oh, and post pics of this accident damage otherwise we'll just assume the worst.

    Is the person who you hit someone you know?

    • -4

      Me against enemies, me against friends
      Somehow, they both seem to become one.

      • +2

        Ozbargain is the place to come when you want honest advice, not sympathy. Personally, I love asking questions here because I'll get a blunt response. No one trying to sugarcoat it to protect my feelings.

        I feel for you, but you don't have many options. I'd get the front panel repaired and pay for the back yourself. Grumble about it to the repair shop and maybe they'll do it cheaper. But you have no real evidence, unless you can show how you got white paint on there, you're out of luck.

        • +1

          both dont have to be mutually exclusive. A good community forum can show sympathy/ empathy as well as provide advice and Ozbargain used to be the epitome of this when it started.

          I dont ask as many forum questions because seems like these days there are always trolls who seem to think everyone lies all the time. Its sad thats what it has come to. Saying that, there are still a lot of good people with fair advice on here.

    • +3

      Lessons for future new-policy old-accident claimants: make sure the old-accident paint colour matches your mate's fully insured car colour.

  • +1

    Car Accident - Insurance Company Claims Some Damage Was from Separate Accident

    Reasonable person's translation: Car Accident - Dodgy driver claims some previous separate damage was from this accident

    OP might think they are not as clever as himself, however Budget Direct makes excellent very high IQ TV commercials.

    • +3

      Dodgy driver claims

      Plus the AC isn't working now too!!

      • +4

        No, standard practice is for the aircon unit to be located in the passenger side, driver side, rear, middle door hatch. Could easily be damaged in a 2 for 1 accident.

    • -6

      They got guns out aiming at me.

      • +6

        No need…. target gets bigger every time you comment….

  • They are telling me to get my car back from the repairer as they cannot store my car there.

    Was this the repairers or the insurance company telling you this?

    • Insurance company

      • +1

        Did you have permission to leave it there originally or just decided it suited you to keep it there?

        • So when I made the claim they said they will get it assessed, when I dropped the car off at the repairer they said someone will call me and then I got a call a day later from the insurance/underwriter.

          • +4

            @iceteacake: Well that makes sense. If your car is driveable it could be months before they start the repairs.

              • +6
                • @MS Paint: ❤️

                  • @iceteacake: Something's lost in translation here. Why don't you Google world's smallest violin and don't read the literal meaning.

              • +3


                I thought people in here were friends

                after 100 forum posts you realise this

              • +1

                @iceteacake: Just educating you, take it on the chin and you'll be better for it.

  • +11

    Never get car insurance through Budget Direct! I too have learnt this lesson.

    • +10

      If only there was something in the name that would have warned you!

      • +3

        From the words Budget Direct

        I can make "u get rect" (you get wrecked)
        with letters left over to sell on eBay. :+)

    • I had a different experience when i had a claim with them. Lodged a claim and explained that i was being hit from rear. Claim was approved within few hours and able to book for a repair at their preferred repairer. I was so surprised and asked if they need any pictures. They said it was sufficient from my story and i can upload the pictures if i want to.

      • explained that i was being hit from rear.

        I don't see what that's got to do with, but you got the results! Maybe I'll try that if I ever need to make a claim.

  • +8

    Sorry OP, but you might be screwed. If the assessor has reviewed (as they most certainly would have done), they’ll have concluded that there’s 2 separate lots of damage caused by 2 incidents. Good luck getting that decision reversed.
    Only option is to prove them wrong or have independent assessment

  • Which wall did you hit?

    • +1

      A white one…

  • +6

    I'd be really worried here… I'd be concerned they'll flag this as attempted insurance fraud. There are worse things than not getting your car repaired.

  • +1

    I argued and said it was an accident and not hitting the wall.

    What did you hit and when did you hit it?

  • Get all your evidence, statements, photos and contact the insurance ombudsman, and start writing reviews on product review, trust pilot etc

  • +2

    What can I do to raise this matter further and get the outcome that I want - that is to get my car fully repaired.

    You have three damaged panels.

    How many accidents did you have to damage all three panels?

    Insurer will only accept one accident per claim. You don't get to treat your car like a bumper car all year to save em all up and only make one claim saying they all happened at the same time.

    If you want all the damage fixed, you have to make a claim for every accident you had.

  • Other car have any damage??

    • +8

      Probably on the roof and underside

      • The underside of the roof of course.

        • +1

          Driver's roof or passengers?

    • +6

      Rear passenger seat (don't ask which) no longer folds down..

      • +4

        FFS if I drank coffee I would have spat it out. Gold.

  • +1

    Take photos of the damage and post them here. There have been far too many people asking for help to commit insurance fraud on these forums to blindly trust anyone.

  • +2

    Lmao Budget Direct - enough said

    Too busy spending money on creative ads to pay out any claims

    • They paid out my total loss claim at a reasonable market rate and very promptly. I was actually surprised. OP is trying to see how much of their car they can get replaced off one excess.

  • +1

    Post your photos, should be easy to take it to another assessor to get their view. Note if there really is damage from 2 incidents any decent assessor will be able to spot it, likewise if it is all from a single impact it should be an easy thing to get an expert view it and write a contrary report then you can take to ombudsman. If I was you I would also be picking the car up, otherwise you could end up liable for other costs like storage or towing.

  • +2

    Will you be making a forum post when insurance is due for a renewal?

  • +2

    Budget Direct are one of the worst insurers out there. They are terrible with anything to do with claims and recovery.

    Anytime we come up against a BD third party claim, we destroy them so easily.

    They were even sued by ASIC!

    Like Youi and the rest of those cheap and nasty insurers, all they have is snazzy ads and nothing behind them.

  • I have always been with NRMA for me and my parents. I recently moved to GIO but my parents are still with NRMA, I find NRMA has dropped down in standards as well but mainly its the repairers they use that seem to be the issue. I am not sure about GIO, do people feel GIO is safe like NRMA , AAMI? Or are they closer to the dodgy end like Budget direct and co?

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