Reaching Minimum Spend for Points Bonus, and Then Refunding Item

If I'm struggling to reach the minimum spend for a CC sign up bonus (e.g. spend $3k in the first 2 months to receive 100k QFP), what would happen if: I buy an expensive item to reach the minimum spend, receive the points bonus, and then return that big ticket item.

Would my points be deducted? Or at that point, the bank doesn't care?


  • +4

    Would my points be deducted?

    Most likely…

  • +4

    Bikies knocking your door twice a week.

  • +18

    I can't wait for the follow up post…

    "I bought an expensive item to claim CC Points Bonus and now store won't let me return it"

  • +8

    Pay extra into your electricity / water / internet bills

  • +4

    donald trump coming after you with tariffs

  • +5

    I can help you. Just DM me your CC number, name on card, expiry date and 3 digit cvv number and I will spend the $3k for you.

  • By a GPU then flip it on gumtree

  • +14

    Don't do that. Buy woolies or coles giftcards and use them on groceries over time.

    • Not sure why this was negged, it sounds like a reasonable thing to do. Get them discounted for best value

      • +3

        it sounds like a reasonable thing to do

        Because you can't have sensible comments when everyone else is joking.

  • Wait until the points get sent to your Qantas account before refunding.

    Then you will have a negative points balance and you can close the credit card. They can't take your points back from Qantas.

    However, you may find it harder to get approved for cards with that bank in the future.

    With Amex the sign up bonus is attached to the transaction which takes you over the threshold. So spend $2999 on a refundable item and then buy a coffee or something. They will take back the points for the $2999 item but not the bonus. Then close it. Based on what has been happening with Amex in other countries, you can probably only do this twice in your lifetime.

    • you can close the credit card. They can't take your points back from Qantas.

      Banks can and occasionally do withhold points from qff accounts. I had it happen to me and it went a unique occurrence.

      • You mean they sent the points to Qantas and then Qantas sent them back to the bank?

        Or just that the bank didn't send the points to Qantas?

        • +2

          Sent to qantas, then weeks later followed by a negative transaction in qff account

        • yeah I have had negative transactions to reverse point awards from my bank in the past after I returned an item. they definitely can do this.

  • +2

    Banks won't like this as you're technically not hitting the spend and their conditions would normally force a refund.

    Better to just prepay things like electricity, health insurance, gift cards etc

  • +3

    Please come back and post the outcome. We love a good horror story.

  • +1

    • booking dot yeah

  • +4

    wish i struggled to spend $3k in two months. or even one month.

    • +1

      Just prepaid your council, ATO, car insurance,home insurance, health insurance or buy gift card

  • Airbnb is my favourite way to do this, no CC fee and super fast refunds. Just book something far enough away you don’t (profanity) over the host.

  • +1

    There’s ample suggestions above, but I’m more curious as to why you signed up to get the CC for the bonus points without doing some quick calculations as to whether you would spend $3k in two months.

    If you’re typically struggling to spend that kind of money, it sounds like something you should be waiting to sign up for when you know you have a big purchase coming, e.g., furniture/appliances/holiday.

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