• out of stock

BRIXX Leg Press and Hack Squat Machine $124.27 Delivered @ Andala Pets & Rural via Bunnings Marketplace


BRIXX Leg Press and Hack Squat Machine was $1390 now $124.27 Deliverd at Bunnings marketplace (price error)

BRIXX Mammoth Heavy-Duty Power Rack, Bench, 200kg Bumper Plates & Barbell Package was $1925 now 128.56 Deliverd at Bunning marketplace ( price error) https://www.bunnings.com.au/brixx-mammoth-heavy-duty-power-r…

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Bunnings Warehouse
Bunnings Warehouse
Andala Pets & Rural
Andala Pets & Rural


  • +6

    lol nice. would cost more to deliver than the price they're charging.

    Nice of OP to share. You had a chance to get it if it didn't go on ozbargain, haha!

  • Got both for that price, crazy! Now lets see if they deliver them!

  • +20

    Anyone else refreshing all these comments waiting to see if someone posts they received a cancellation email… Otherwise, they'll be shipping out hundreds of these haha

  • I think we all know it's not going to be honoured. The pet store would go out business LOL Best hope is that you get a refund and a bunnings voucher

    • +28

      Class traitor

    • +2

      You fail teh ozbargaining

    • +4

      so you can get $250 for yourself instead of us getting cheap gym sets ? thanks mate, legend

    • +2

      What is wrong with you…

  • +1

    i got the power rack, time to make space in the house.

  • +5

    Can someone with a mathematics degree explain if it's possible for this to have less than 0% chance of being honoured?

    • +7

      A probability of less than 0% is mathematically impossible because probability is always between 0% and 100% (inclusive). The lowest possible probability is 0%, which means "absolutely never happening."

      In practical terms, if you believe this deal has "less than 0%" chance of being honored, you’re essentially saying it’s more impossible than something that’s already impossible—which doesn’t make mathematical sense. The probability is likely just 0%.

      • +3

        Thanks ChatGPT

      • A correction: 0% Probability doesn't mean impossible.

        An example is that: the probability of randomly selecting a number turned out to be a rational number is 0%, but it's possible to find a rational number

      • +2

        What if you can travel faster than speed of light, which is probably the speed that this deal will be cancelled. Can we entertain negative probability while travelling faster than speed of light? ;)

    • Pay your money and let it ride.

      Power rack and Leg press thing coming.

    • +1

      I did year 4 maths. I think it's about as likely as rolling a 7 on a 6 sided dice

  • too good. thanks for sharing.

  • -5

    Ordered 3 … if they all come i will be huge in 3 months

    • -2

      Bet you it was a stick who didn't order one in time who down voted you

  • This item is no longer available

    • +1

      I just ordered.

      • Maybe it's because I was trying to deliver to a remote location.

  • +4

    pay in 4.. smart.

  • Has it shown up for anyone in their orders?

  • Ordered one 5 mins ago still havent received confirmation email yet

  • +8

    Just bought a leg press machine for my one-bed apartment - who needs a couch when you can do calf raises?

  • +3

    Warming up the popcorn….

  • +4

    Guess I'm parking my car in the driveway now

  • +4

    This feels like ethical gambling, the rush is invigorating for the risk adverse

    • -2

      Hardly gambling, there is 0 risk. Cheap AF gym gear or a full refund.

    • +1

      risk averse

  • Not sold out, not sure why someone reported it as such. Just ordered and ready to get refunded either way.

    Edit: now sold out as of 1.06pm

  • -3


  • +4

    The next OzBargain meetup will be interesting seeing everyone so jacked after pumping iron. Whoever is organising, please book a wider table.

    • Maybe the Brisbane and Perth meetup will join up with so much width

  • Choo choo, jumped onto the pricing error train!

  • The leg press doesn't seem to take a lot of weight

    • Max weight of 240kg on Sled Weight Plate Intake
    • +60kg per peg = 360kg total. Still not a lot.

      • Thats per "STORAGE PEG" though

        • yeh, Leg press would be nice but not worth the space. I went with the power rack.

          • @skid: At 240kg leg press would be maxxed pretty quickly.
            I went for the power rack too, mainly for the weights if anything. Not too optimistic about it being honored though 😂

  • +2

    Onepass for extra flybuys?

  • ordered the power rack - used Afterpay just in case as well

  • +2

    Never been so confident in my fitness abilities that I didn’t buy it even with pricing error.

  • how much do these equipment normally cost?

    • +1

      this is would be around 2k

    • It says the usual price in the OP

      • whoops my bad - damm i should've bought it then lol

    • probably the same price with the decimal moved over one spot

  • +5

    Maybe it's a mostly victimless scam. They hold our money for a few weeks earning interest, and then refund once they've made some interest.

  • used afterpay to get 2, if it gets cancelled within 2 weeks then no out of pocket

  • This has no chance of being honoured, delivery alone would be more than that price - Gltah.

  • ****SCAM****
    Hey everyone! Just a heads-up—the leg press and possibly other products are showing images taken from another brand, Lifespan Fitness. It looks like they’ve poorly photoshopped the 'Cortex' logo out. Not sure what product you’d actually receive—if they even fulfill the order.

    This is the product that they have stolen (technically, this model has been upgraded, but you can see in the video on the page): https://www.lifespanfitness.com.au/products/cortex-lp-10-45-…


    • +6

      Would be happy with a Temu IP-theft machine made out of toothpicks for $100 delivered

    • +1

      Even if not the right brand, this would still be a bargain for a machine like this for any brand if in the slightest chance it gets honoured (which I ain't holding my breath for).

    • +4

      Cortex is just a generic rebadge of all the same wholesale crap anyway

    • look again, those images are completely different, similar looking yes but not the same

      • -3

        did you watch the video? it's the same product, model and set up

    • +6

      You do realise that Lifespan doesn't actually design or manufacture their own equipment right? There is likely a Chinese company involved that designs and manufacturers Lifespan's equipment with option for small variations and they just stick their logo onto it. Hence you can get the exact same equipment made from the exact same factory with another comapny logo or no logo.

      • -2

        I'd be concerned if anything is delivered. Seems suspicious if a company is using another companies images.

        • +2

          They aren't actually using another company's image. The manufactuer provides the generic images which Lifespan can then edit. For example I recently purchased the $70 MPowerd Luci Solar String Lights from Aliexpress for only $30 delivered. Aliexpress even has product image search feature to overcome the issue when other companies call the same item different things.

          • -3

            @happyadventurer: Nah, I know for a fact, that these are images from Lifespan Fitness. This is not a generic factory image.

            • +1

              @jess murphy: How do you know this for a fact? You haven't provided any credible evidence
              cough Member Since: 1 hour 45 min ago

              • +1

                @Grannular: if you google the cortex lp10 those pictures appear everywhere.

  • +3

    Mine just got delivered via Doordash. The driver had both of them strapped to the roof of his Yaris

    • +2

      Wow, you're still getting car deliveries in your area? My usual pushbike equipped Doordasher rocked up with an ingenious contraption of the hack squat machine with 27.5" wheels strapped to the bottom. He'd somehow rigged it up so everytime he activates his quads, the wheels spin. Not sure how he's planning to get home; not my problem.

  • This is how the pet store gets you through the door.

    First you get swole legs from the leg press, then once you have completely transformed with singlet, shorts, the obvious the next step is going back to the store to buy a pitbull

  • It's now Out of Stock. I guess they either caught on, or the system zeroed on their inventory, lol

  • At a quick glance it looks 'OK' as a Leg Press,

    But as a Hack Squat, it looks like it will bottom out before the model reaches parallel, because of where the weights are loaded, so don't expect to go deep.

    • +1

      At 240kg max load, its hardly worth it as a leg press anyway

      • Oh dear, I didn't see that.. nice find.

      • That's heaps heavy
        Probably plenty for the average ozbargain user

  • +1

    Can't seem to check out any of the 3 items, including the squat and power racks.

  • Both now out of stock. We will probably get an email very soon haha

  • +3

    Arnie said there's nothing better than the pump it's better than sex but he never had an ozbargain deal like this 😍

    • +25

      Found the guy who missed out 😂

        • +3

          why tf are you on ozb crying if you're complaining about consumerism. Go and pick from shelves in colesworth and stand in the queue and buy @ RRP

          • -6


            why tf are you on ozb if you're complaining about consumerism.

            Everything in excess is bad. Getting hyped up about a non-existent deal like a bunch of crackhead fiends is just laughably pathetic brainlet behaviour.

            Scoring a good deal that was always going to be fulfilled is a different story. This is just circle-jerking over a meme.

            buy @ RRP

            In case you haven't figured it out yet, there was no deal. Protip: if it's too good to be true, it usually is.

    • +7

      Bunnings marketplace, guarantee'd at the very least you will get a full refund. 0 risk, potential reward. That's why it gets hundreds of upvotes, not hopium.

        • +3

          It's not hopium if you don't give a shit either way.

          • +3

            @AmperSand: guy needs copium now if at all orders(even some of em) get fulfilled 😂

  • +1

    Thanks OP, mine just got airdropped from the sky. It's a dream!

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