Please read the following before clicking on the link and commenting regarding this…
As sourced from…
- Login to your Xbox under a US account
- Under your US account go to the Games Section of your Xbox 360 Dashboard and click on "Browse Games"
- Located in the upper right corner of the "Featured" page (the first section when you browse games)
Click on the Sales and Specials section and download the app - After downloading the app log out of your US XBL account and login with your AUS account
- Go to the Apps section and open 'My Apps"
- Run the 'Sales & Specials +' app
- Select the 'Chain Reaction' section
- Claim your free plane
Worked for me this way so should work for anyone currently who has a US account on their Xbox
Some more details about how this type of promo system works
"The Chain Reaction feature is a series of specials that are dependent on each other, get the first deal and your eligible for the next and the next and so on. The free bi-plane from the Toy Soldiers game is the first leg of the current Chain Reaction deal"
A lot of effort for a avatar…