ANZ Purchase Protection – Will They Cover My Phone Dropped in Water?

Hi everyone, I recently bought a Samsung Galaxy S25 using my ANZ Platinum/Black credit card, and it’s been less than 90 days since the purchase. Unfortunately, I accidentally dropped it into a river, and it’s completely water-damaged and unrecoverable.

I know that ANZ’s Purchase Protection Insurance covers accidental damage within 90 days, but I couldn’t find a clear answer on whether water damage or submersion is covered. I’ve seen posts where people successfully claimed for phones dropped on concrete, but nothing about water-related incidents.

From what I read in the policy booklet, exclusions mention things like "failure to take reasonable precautions" and "unexplained disappearance," but water damage isn’t explicitly excluded. Has anyone here successfully claimed for water damage under ANZ’s Purchase Protection?

Would love to hear any success stories, advice on filing the claim, or if you think it’s worth trying.

Thanks in advance

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  • +5

    Unrecoverable, as in, its still on the bottom of the river?.

  • :D

  • +4

    Try it, what do you have to lose?

    • +1

      and report back here to the ozb community please

  • +4

    Take me to the river, drop me in the water

    • +3

      I don't know why you treat me so bad
      Think of all the things that we could have had

    • Yeah first thing I thought, but due to the suspense the eerie taking heads version, not the original.

      • +1

        I was referring to the Talking Heads version. Probably one of the greatest live albums, recorded, and the video was great. Even my conservatiove Mum liked it. ;)

  • +2

    Will They Cover My Phone Dropped in River?

    I can only think of moral hazard and fraud issues, but see what they say. What's to stop you from dropping replacement phone in river (and selling on Marketplace) and getting another, etc?

  • +2

    Sure it’s at the bottom of a river

  • +1

    Lol scheming insurance fraud

    • How is making an honest claim on insurance considered insurance fraud?

      • It's like people think insurance doesn't cover exceptional events.

      • If he was making an honest claim, he would've already made it.

        • +1

          To me it looks like OP is just over thinking things and I can't see anything in his post that makes me think he is looking to do a bit of fraud.

  • +2

    ANZ pds, Purchase Protection Exclusions Point#13: your failure to take reasonable care;

  • +1

    Why not just tell them the Piranhas took it. More believable.

    • “So I was walking in a river, and a bunch of piranha were being chased by a shark and because I was so scared, I dropped my phone”

      “All this happened when you were at St KILDA beach?”

  • -1

    You accidentally damaged your phone and your insurance covers accidental damage.

    Just make the claim. It will take very little time to make the claim, so it is definitely worth trying. Worst case scenario they find a way to weasel out of it, but if they cover accidentally dropping your phone on concrete, I can't see how accidentally dropping it in water is any different.

  • -1

    hi this is ANZ, no coverage,
    thanks bye

  • Policy covers stolen, accidentally damaged or permanently lost. If you're both a churner and a scammer you're up 3-nil.

  • ANZ Purchase Protection – Will They Cover My Phone Dropped in River?
    they actually will, but now that you say that out loud on the public forum ANZ probably will say no realising that you not taking good care of the phone

  • they will, but you need to sign disclosure of staying away 1km at least from any river for the rest of your life

  • +1

    From what I read in the policy booklet, exclusions mention things like "failure to take reasonable precautions" and "unexplained disappearance," but water damage isn’t explicitly excluded.

    if they have to exclude everything the list could be 1km long and keep growing every single day

    • +2

      If they don't cover dropping your phone under accident insurance, then they don't actually really cover anything.

  • +1

    I recently went on a trip interstate and accidentally dropped a drone in a fast flowing creek. We couldn't run after it fast enough. It was only bought a month before the trip so I tried to claim it through Amex purchase protection. They told me that the Purchase Protection only covers theft, not accidental loss, but since I was on a trip, I can claim it through the card's travel insurance. I don't remember if Purchase Protection had an excess, but the travel insurance did, however, I still got more than half of the purchase amount back so it was still worth it. Not sure if your situation is similar, but you can always put the claim in and they might help you find a way to get some of your money back.

  • if your phone 'went for a swim' you had better call saul

  • +1

    That's kinda hard to fathom given these phones are IP rated.

    Either the OP just plain lost it
    The phone was compromised/cracked to start with.

    My s9+ has fallen overboard from a boat 5+m down submerged for 15-20 minutes
    Still works 2 years later.

    I'd be surprised if accidental/negligent damage was covered.

  • Of course ask random strangers before asking the company directly involved.

    But for an opinion, you are fully covered for not being responsible with and having a phone near/over a creek, but not a river.

  • +2

    This guy was luckier.…

    Left his phone in a 10 litre paint bucket on the beach. Not a closed bucket, one open to the weather. He was tired and nodded off, and the tide came in and floated the bucket away. Three days and 20 km of ocean away someone he knew found the bucket with the phone in it, and got it back to him.

    He'd given up on any chance he'd get it back, let alone dry and working, and bought a new phone. Wonder if he could take back the new phone and get a refund.

    • I knew a guy, who went fishing January 26th one day on Lake Macquarie, and lost/forgot his Nokia phone.
      He went back to find it but no luck (and he probably had a few more beers).
      The following year, on the same day, he went back to the same spot, cast a line, sat down, and put his hand on the ground, and felt something on the ground.
      Yes, it was his phone, which of course, like any Nokia exposed to the elements didn't work.

  • Comments closed as per OP request.

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