Monopoly Board Game Goes 'Cashless'

Monopoly Reinvents Its Board Game Without Paper Money…

Earlier this week, Hasbro announced its newest version of the classic board game Monopoly but with a big change — the role of the banker is gone.

In its place is Monopoly App Banking, a concept designed to speed up play and make the game more enjoyable.

When it lands in stores in August 2025, for US$ 25, smartphones will serve as the bankers, and each player will manage their money using the accompanying free mobile app. (Players must each have their own phone.)


  • +13

    Holding out for the cryptocurrency version.

  • +31

    How are you supposed to win without being the banker and physically stealing cash?

    Asking for a friend

    • +22

      How are you supposed to win without being the banker

      ‘If you give a man a gun, he can rob a bank — if you give a man a bank, he can rob the world.’

    • +1

      Is your friend my sister?

    • +1

      They are now allowed to invent it out of thin air and charge you interest on it.

    • +1

      If I'm playing as banker I will be stealing money. This is what banks do and it adds to the fun, for me.

    • +19

      Waiting for the usual suspect to make everything politicial in the comment section. Oh wait, thats you. Don't you get exhausted?

      • -3

        No. I live off other ppls apathy. It's my rocket fuel.

        • +1

          You're not supposed to sniff the rocket fuel.

    • +3

      I found the cringiest version of Monopoly

      • -7

        You could reduce your insecurity by inventing a counter version, called Manopoly.
        The problem is, you'd still need a woman to explain the rules and do all the work.

        • +6

          You misunderstand, I shared because this seemed like something up your alley

          • -2

            @FireRunner: Nothing monopoly is really in my orbit.And you are dead right. It is cringey. What exactly was the designer thinking? Was he/she thinking?
            I mean it would even make Tony Abbott rage, while at the same time offending most women as well.

      • +4

        Missed opportunity to call it WoManopoly

      • I found the cringiest version of Monopoly

        As expected:

        … Reception towards Ms. Monopoly was mostly negative
        … a "surface-level fantasy world" where women succeed simply because of their gender.
        … unhelpful to portray women as needing special advantages
        … if male players instead faced challenges women face in the workplace
        … criticized the game for failing to recognize …

        All these for a board game … abandon hope.

      • Checks time circuits…
        It's not April 1. Are you telling me this sucker is real?!

    • You've got a monopoly on monotony with your comments

  • +4

    and make the game more enjoyable.

    It's Monotony, nothing will ever make that game enjoyable!

    • +1

      Yeah, it's a case study in how not to design an enjoyable board game. The likely winner is identified pretty early on, then it's just a slow, slow grind to the end.

      Good as a bored game though.

      • +4

        As intended. It was originally designed to teach the problems of unfettered capitalism.

    • Blasphemy!!!!

  • +11

    When everyone has phones you'd think more board games would rely on phones to play. I guess it means the games would be useless in 10 years when Hasbro shuts down the servers and stops paying to update the apps for iOS 40.

    • +11

      Or they just stop supporting because they have a new version they want you to buy.

    • +7

      Can’t forget it will also be filled with ads

      • +3

        Setting up a family game of Monopoly, everyone's phone speakers at the same time "Have you heard of Jerkmate?"

    • Microtransactions!

  • +4

    Damn, i hope they keep some physical money versions. I found it useful to help my kids visualise the exchange of money for the singles, tens hundreds etc. They dont realise they are practicing maths as we play xD

    • +3

      They dont realise they are practicing maths as we play xD

      We're practicing maths as we OzBargain.

      5% cashback
      30,000 Velocity Points with $75 annual fee
      Annual Plans vs Monthly SIM-hopping

    • I had to return a laser printer once and decided I wanted my money's worth, so I bought some reams of coloured paper and printed my own Monopoly money using a high quality PDF I found online. I did them double sided though, I didn't realise the official money was printed only on one side. Never thought of a use for them, I probably should toss them all in the recycling bin.

      • +3

        Use it for the collection plate on Sunday.

  • +11…

    A similar version was released decades ago - Monopoly Electronic Banking Game

    • +4

      Yeah cashless monopoly definitely already exists, i dont know what they are talking about, there is also a voice banking version, and several others

      • Voice banking? I've only got one voice. Am I considered poor in that version of the game?

    • This my thought. Unless the plan going forward is to make this one the standard?
      But I doubt it, it looks like another novelty among the hundreds of Monopoly variations

    • Yeah, I've had the cashless Monopoly Live for many years! This was released in 2011.

      The Monopoly Electronic Banking Game was released in 2007.
      Hardly re-invented wgen its been done multiple time prior. Nice try Hasbro.

  • -7

    Do they have a version with social credit points and CCTV on every square? Can't wait to use my Digital ID to make gameplay safer and more effective.

    • +5

      With fresh ideas like these, you could write humour articles for the Babylon Bee

      • -5

        With such insightful contributions like this, you could write for the ABC.

    • +1

      Do they have a version with social credit points and CCTV on every square?

      You are already living in that soft-prison

  • +3

    Is there are cashless surcharge?

  • +11


    Half the point of playing a board game is to disconnect from technology

    • +1

      Agree 100%.
      One of the best ways to get the kids (and wife) off their phones is to put the phones away out of reach and play a board game

  • You'd rather just buy the fully digital version, and it costs less as well.

    • +1

      How to play the digital version during a power outage ?

      • +1

        using phone's battery power?

      • -1

        Power outages are for drinking games

      • +1

        Not sure if Amazon is delivering in Northern NSW/South QLD tonight. ;)

      • The same way you would play this version 😂

  • For me, it's monopoly socialist edition.

  • +2

    …does it charge 1.5% fee per EFTPOS?

  • +1

    If you order through Uber eats while playing can you use the game's money?

  • +1

    We have a boardgames night each week, one of the key things is no phones, if you want to use your phone why even bother with the board at all?

  • Currency transfer in some board games is just clunky and does slow down the game play, I think monolpoly is one of them.

    An app done well that's efficient could also add some cool features, e.g. soundtracks, personalised sfx depending on which monopoly "character" you play as… sounds like an upgrade even though provocative.

    Ive been appreciating for example the Star Realms points app - rather than the clunky two-card point keeping system (tens and ones), the app has cool SFX, graphics, and winner animation, and the music options help create a cool vibe when playing.

    If not done well & does distract, then yeah it'll flop, curious to see the game play.

  • +1

    Fast forward 12 months from now: sorry we have changed the app to a new app, which no longer works with the previous game you bought. So you will have to go and buy it again! sorry not sorry

    • Or
      'notification noise Hey user, you haven't been playing the new monopoly game recently, we missed you, here's 100 bazingos you can use to buy babblezonks on our online market

  • yet another industry delivering ads direct to your smartphone

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