Finally, after lots of phone calls, They told me that my waiting periods served with my other insurances are honoured and I'm covered. One thing I didn't know is that the watining periods are accumulative. so basically I can stay with one insurance for 5 months and the other for 7 months and still have the waiting periods served. I learnt this from [The right to change] (https://www.ombudsman.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0020/294…) that YesPleaseThankYou shared.
Original Post:
Hi, I have a question regarding health insurance which might be off interest of a lot of OzBargain community who change their health insurance within a year.
I have been with a health insurance provider for more than 12 months in 2020. After that I have been changing insurance based on the offers of the providers but always kept silver level.
I now have an upcoming surgery, and I have been with my current insurer for 2 months. The item numbers I will be claiming require 12 months waiting periods (Cancer related). My provider is keep sending me in loops of providing more documents and each time I provide the document to them there is an up to 7 business days of getting back to me. I have been calling them every day to resolve this. I need to confirm my hospitalisation date with the involved surgeons (more than 1) in the private hospital which is tentatively booked for next week and everything is dependent on the confirmation of my current bloody insurer.
I would like to know whether they can deny my claim? What are my options and rights? Honestly, considering the stress that they are giving me I am more inclined now to go public and later sue this provider for not having an urgent channel for upcoming hospitalisations.
Also, any comments on what OzBargainers did when moving in between funds to make sure the waiting period is honoured other than providing the last clearance certificate?
Please only provide constructive comments whether positive or negative but no time waster.
Thank you.
I don’t get it… “ I have been with my curent insurer for 2 months. The item numbers I will be claiming require 12 months waiting perios”
Why would they pay for your surgery?