Do ALDI Staff Lack Training?

I spend lots of money at Aldi, so I think this qualifies me to ask the question (or make the criticism), do Aldi staff lack training? Or are there other factors at play? (eg Do they employ a certain type of person or is there a culture of not being motivated with regards to customer service?)

I had to return a whipper snipper as it stopped working completely. I was reasonably happy with the unit when it did work, but the manufacturer said they do not do repairs, and the only option is to return the unit to Aldi for a refund.

I line up at a checkout (with shopping trolley containing all the components & attachments), and when I get there, the checkout lady looks at the docket for about 2 minutes, before talking into her headpiece to call her supervisor, as she said she cannot process a refund greater than $100 on her own. (The total was $149). The lady has been working there for about 3 years, but I can work with that.

So she asked me to move out of the way, and then I wait 5 minutes for the supervisor to arrive. She has to call him a second time to get him to actually arrive.

When he arrives, I give him the purchase receipt. He looks at it and asks when I purchased it. As odd as this sounded, I went along with this, took the receipt back from him, and read the purchase date from the receipt to him. (out of interest, the date was 12/1/2023, and beneath this the warranty was shown as being 5 years). I read the date to him wondering why he could not read this himself???

He then leaves for the office with my receipt and closes the door - I wait for 5 minutes. He comes out and says on this occasion they will do a refund. This is puzzling to me, as he says this like he is doing me a favor. What other option was there?

The supervisor walks off. I then have to wait to get to a cashier again, seems I lost my place in the queue.

The checkout lady is unable to process the refund, so she has to ask another checkout lady who also does not know, so they have to call the supervisor back.

It was eventually sorted out, but what a terrible experience.

I am tempted to make a complaint, but I don't think this would achieve anything.

I have to say, it is unlikely this would happen at Coles or Woolworths or Bunnings. This seems to be unique to Aldi.

Sure they don't always drop the ball, and there are staff members that would have some working knowledge, but this is not the first time I have experienced issues with refunds.

Regularly I have been told that a product did not come in or has sold out, and I then find it out there is stock in store or that there is stock in their store room. I am not sure if this is a result of their skill set or care factor.

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  • +121

    You have 1 bad experience with Aldi and you question their entire training policy?

    You had a faulty product and managed to get a full refund after having to wait 30 minutes. I'd consider that a win over having to have the item repaired.

    • +16

      All that stuff in the centre isle is rubbish.
      Especially electrically or battery powered things like TVs, computers, power tools etc
      They are a once-off on-sale item with no service or parts pack-up.
      Usually no replacement stock either if for a warranty claim.
      Fool be anyone that doesnt realise this and buys this rubbish only to find they are stuck high and dry one day as OP did.

      Just stick to the grocery items in Aldi (when they are actually available) and you should be fine.

      Aldi staff dont need any further training than to stack shelves, scan bar codes and occassionally process refunds.

      Oh yes, they do need training on rotating fresh food stock and removing out of date food items as Im always finding out of date or close to out of date stuff on sale - especially in the fridges

      But I do agree with OP that Customer service does not exist in Aldi.and they have a "dont care" attitude.

      • +6

        All that stuff in the centre isle is rubbish.

        All these replies to the top thread are rubbish.


      • +3

        It might be rubbish. But at least it comes with reliable warranty and Aussie Consumer Law protection.

        Just from that it's better than AliExpress / Temu, who may not even charge the correct GST (based on the original price, not the payable price after discounts etc.)

      • +5

        Coles and Woolworths staff also need training on rotating stock in my experience. Last week we had a note in the book because the manager found hard cheese nearly a month out of date

        • That's how they make blue cheese. They just flip over the label.

    • +1

      No, it is an ongoing experience. Not always bad, but regularly below what I think is acceptable.

      • +4

        Rather simple if you dont like the service dont go there.

        But i personally wouldnt even consider buying a whipper snipper from a grocery store those its a basically one off items and parts if you need them might be hard to track down online.

        • Why can’t I provide feedback as a customer? You think these stores don’t care about feedback?

      • -3

        Aldi's slogan is …

        "Good - Different"

        They actually advertise that they are different

        So dont compare what you think is acceptable with Aldi because they ARE different
        But I do agree - not in a good way

        • +8

          OP using therm 'what I think is acceptable' is the most entitled sentence I've read here in a long while.It smacks of classist ideology. It's lord and manner stuff.Certainly not what I would say is a locally grown "fair go" ethos.

          • +10

            @Protractor: I used to have the fair go attitude until my super chill islander hairdresser was complaining about McDonald's messing his order up.

            I tried to play devil's advocate and he just asked me how I'd feel about him giving me the wrong haircut or making a mistake. He expanded on this with words to the effect of: "I'm not a wealthy man, I provide a basic service, and I'm not allowed to make mistakes or do a poor job of it without people being really upset over their appearance, and we don't openly hold vanity as one of our fundamental values as a people."

            It hit me pretty hard, I've been pretty diligent in reviewing everything I do for errors since then and have really adopted a measure twice, cut once approach to everything I do.

            He was absolutely right then, and still is. Poor service, sloppy work and general inattentiveness are unacceptable attributes to be shown by people who get to live and work in one of the most comfortable societies in the world. "Minimum wage minimum effort" attitude belongs in countries where the minimum wage is not remotely liveable.

            OP is also absolutely right, this is pretty abysmal. He or she was merely trying to exercise a statutory right and the staff were so poorly trained it served as a road block to exercising a right.

            • @Assburg: You're dreaming.And funny in a kind of unsettling way.(And I have a bit of a clue as to why you chose to bring a hairdressers ethnicity into the room.)
              But I find absolutism X idealism rather cute, nonetheless.

          • @Protractor: I think it is an interesting thought why we get so pissed off in these situations. Think it is because ultimately we know we have no power. Other than being unpleasant there is no real justice or recourse. They can be unpleasant to you, you can be unpleasant to them, but that's it. You'll be back cause of the deals and even if you didn't or went to a different ALDI it would make no difference to the people who were unpleasant to you. Ideally you'd just go to a place they treat you right and save yourself the hassle, and I think the realisation that you'd let yourself be treated a lot worse to not be charged marginally more hurts quite a bit.

            • +2

              @bp2000: You have a pretty inflated view of justice. This was a delay in a minor shopping resolution.The biggest whinge here is the usual one. Ppl did not drop everything to deal with me.I'm special The OP got what they wanted eventually and nobody died.Or went to jail, or lost their autonomy.I don't think most ppl have the patience to follow a principled path these days. Ppl forget that the staff are humans not automatons or servants.It's even worse for govt workers. Ppl think they own them

              • +1


                Ppl did not drop everything to deal with me.I'm special

                I didn't really read the OP as saying this. I read it as the staff were totally unaware of what should be a basic process. Surely stuff gets returned all the time, and they shouldn't need to make multiple calls and deal with supervisory level staff who cannot read information off receipts to have these processes followed.

                The story wasn't about one big failure, it was a rolling series of incompetence, which would gradually get more and more frustrating to deal with.

                • @rumblytangara: OP is a regular ALDI shopper and( goods returner at Aldi) ,so self inflicted and maybe very unlucky or very clumsy,, or uses warranty periods to cycle through equipment.

                  This is a big deal about nothing unless (as usual) the deciding factors have been left aside for (1) a good story or (2) reinforce the narrative.

                  Rolling series of incompetence? What? Based on one long winded ,one sided diatribe?

              • @Protractor: Ah yes we go back to thanking people for not making the situation worse.

                Thank you for addressing each of my points succinctly and in good order, and inadvertently reminding me why we do have classism in Australia.

                I don't think the Aldi staff here should be taken to prison, but it's certainly the case with people like this that they are already working beyond their capacity. It costs nothing to be pleasant to deal with, and it's quite easy to make up for the lack of skills or knowledge at work with some small talk or a brief apology. Ironically, it's often the case that people are simply too arrogant to own a mistake to resolve a situation.

                The hairdresser's ethnicity is relevant because it was a total backflip from the easygoing attitude I've become accustomed to from that culture.

                • @Assburg:

                  attitude I've become accustomed to from that culture.<

                  Username alignment complete

                  • @Protractor: Yes, people from New Zealand are generally super laid back and non confrontational.

                    People from China are generally very attentive of social status and maintaining equality in giving and sharing between friends and family.

                    The Arab people are consistently some of the most gracious hosts in the world.

                    Just because I'm accustomed to these things it doesn't mean people must act in accordance with it, it's just a baseline which is established by the part of the brain that recognises patterns.

                    I'm not the huge earner I'd like to be but man am I grateful for my job. I get to spend like 40-45 hours a week in aircon, and it frees up the entire rest of the week for me to do what I like. I don't need to farm, I don't need to brew my own beer, I don't need to catch my own fish, I don't need to do all the maintenance tasks that come up in my life because being employed in Australia affords us a considerably comfortable life.

                    Thus, when I'm representing my company I am absolutely on my best behaviour.

                    If the Aldi man on $25 an hr or the McDonald's worker on $24 takes absolutely no pride in their job, are they of the mindset they're too good for it? Are they also better than everyone in every other country earning less?

                    Do you think we should live in some communist utopia where people who do really easy jobs get equal rewards to, say, doctors who dedicate their life to their work? Or are you also ok with your doctor talking to you with total disinterest when you raise legitimate issues with them?

                    • @Assburg: Cheers, when I need an expert in racial stereotyping I'll get back to you.
                      Welcome to Straya We take anyone.. Even stereotyper types.

                      • @Protractor: And here you were stereotyping someone unhappy with the service as some wannabe upper class lord and manor type, romanticizing the poor as if they're so kind and empathetic they wouldn't expect good service.

                        The only difference between our stereotyping is that I'm aware of the innate tendancy we have to do it, and can check myself before I make a judgement.

                        Edit: Man it only took like 20 seconds to validate, you might remember typing the following:

                        "If there's uniforms or badges the dicks come out."

                        If your time ever becomes remotely valuable, you will understand all of this but until then my friend, godspeed.

      • I hate going to Aldi, zero customer service and the lines are stupid if you only have a few items. Not significantly cheaper than the other stores, id rather pay a little extra than stand in those lines

        • self check out only reason i start going to aldi at all line do my head in.

      • I've got news for you, inexperienced/lazy staff is rife throughout almost every industry there is. I'm always telling Woolies/Coles/fast food workers how to do their job and what the store policy is. They hire new inexperienced staff all the time, it's normal. That's why I avoid Aldi as I almost never have to interact with Coles/Woolies workers by using the self checkout, my shopping experience is streamlined and a lot faster and cheaper than shopping at Aldi eg. Getting $100 off every 4 weeks or getting free items, getting 10% off every month, getting free knives/glassware, getting all my tasty junk food at half price, getting a constant 5% discount on all shopping on top of all the discounts etc.

    • Go to a different Aldi with more staff and a Supervisor/Manager who also helps at the checkout counter when it's busy.

      Also, go Bunnings if you also want customer service.

      • +2

        Each individual Aldi has it's own culture, much like other smaller staffed stores. They are understaffed and made to do every job in the store and that's why we get cheaper groceries. I have noticed at my two local Aldi's that the service is night and day compared to one another.

      • +4

        Bunnings - customer service? They always seem like they are trying to play hide n seek with me all the time.

        • Bunnings click and collect is consistently indescribably bad.

        • They all in the staff room. Go to the customer service desk, queue up wait for your turn. Then let them know you need help. Out comes the walkie talkie and 2-3 helpful or pretending to be helpful staff will appear miraculously.

      • +1

        If you can find staff.

    • +1

      Agree. OP lacks training.

    • +36

      The point of a TL;DR is because we don’t want to read a paragraph

      • +14

        GPT, please 5-word summary for the truly lazy?

        "Aldi staff struggle with refunds."

        • +16

          Funny, my AI just came back with one word. 'Karen'.

        • +1

          What is this a tl:dr; for ants?

        • "OP hating Aldi refunds process."

  • +30

    This is some high end boomer complaining.

    • +16

      High end boomers wouldn't be whipper snippering themselves, they'd be paying someone else to do it.

      • +1

        High end level of complaining.

        Otherwise i would go further and say that a wealthy boomer would not shop at aldi to begin with.

        • +3

          They wouldn't. They would have someone do their shopping for them.

        • Some insights that might educate you.

          They could be rich because they do shop at Aldi.
          Maybe the Manager didnt like the OP because they thought they were a Boomer and they also believe Boomers are the source of all evil ala El Cheapo
          Could be that OP's first name is Karen and the Manager is an Ozbargain regular.
          Maybe Manager was rostered off and had to come in because a staff member who looks like the OP had pulled a sickie.
          Maybe the Manager has had a recent fight with their next door neighbour who Whipper Snippers on Sunday at 3am
          The Manager was attracted to the OP, and just wanted look at them thru the CCTV for a bit longer
          None of the above…. its all a figment of your obsession

          • @RockyRaccoon: TPG customer complain about TPG customer service.

            • @skillet: I have been with TPG for over 20 years and have had excellent service.

          • -1


            they also believe Boomers are the source of all evil ala El Cheapo

            Struck a cord did we?

            Never said or implied that, but i believe we found another one 😂

      • I know plenty of wealthy boomers who buy cheap tools from ALDI then return them when they inevitably stop working. Never underestimate the stinginess of a rich boomer

        • The item you bought is suppose work during warranty period. Returning a broken product has nothing to do with being wealthy, it's something a consumer should do.

  • +10


    • +8

      I don't think that will trim grass edges very well either

  • +32

    All I got from that post was you got free use of whipper snipper for over a year and still aren't happy.

    • -2

      Yeah this is why the cost of doing business in Australia is soooo high

      • +3

        Aldi manager could have also sent the unit off fo have it assessed by the manufacturer to determine that the unit suffered a fault suitable for a warranty claim first. Seems they should be happy they just refunded you then.on the spot.

        • They just charge it back to the supplier, seems like everyone thinks Aldi is doing the guy a favour.

          Aldi supplier don’t do repair and it cost Aldi to deal with them. There fore they do a refund and a charge back.

          • +1

            @spc12go: Sorry but you are incorrect.

            I have had both a bike camera and walkie-talkie set repaired. Both times were very simple, provided a free postage label to send them in and they were returned promptly.

            • @mattmel96: Nope I had my stuff refunded. Call the supplier they said nope they don’t repair. I had my eletric saw, bug zapper, speakers and eletric tooth brushes (twice) refunded. You’d all the customer support they are just a small importer and tell you to take it back to Aldi.

              Call Aldi customer care and they don’t have a clue what to do except take it back to the store.

            • @mattmel96: Some companies do that, some companies write their repair/defects off. Ex JB storeman here

      • +1

        The cost will be passed back to the manufacturer.
        If that's a problem, they can either make stuff that lasts for at least the stated warranty period or shorten the warranty period.

  • +17

    Goes for a refund, is amused because a check out chick carefully reads the receipt rather than just immediately hand money over.

    Then he is shocked she can’t override a refund limit.

    Then he is shocked her manager (who evidently was busy) isn’t too interested in reading a receipt carefully to locate the date.

    He comes out and says on this occasion they will do a refund. This is puzzling to me, as he says this like he is doing me a favor. What other option was there?

    To leave you waiting out there while he actually ascertains whether or not they are cleared to refund that item - which is unlikely he did, as 5 mins is a short time frame to check those details on a random item they sold 2 years ago.

    The supervisor walks off. I then have to wait to get to a cashier again, seems I lost my place in the queue.

    The horror.

    The checkout lady is unable to process the refund, so she has to ask another checkout lady who also does not know, so they have to call the supervisor back.

    You are surprised two check out ladies don’t know how to refund an item over the standard refund limit?

    Its hardly an every day exercise that someone tries returning a two year old whipper snipper.

    The end result is a good one, yet you are disappointed because it wasn’t resolved in a way you think was right?

  • +3

    'Do ALDI Staff Lack Training?"

    Some, but almost all the customers need training.Per capita the rudest,most arrogant and loud Karens are Aldi shoppers.

  • +4

    boomer doing boomer things

    • +1

      boomer things

      like whipper snippering? like expecting products to last the stated warranty period? to be fair, boomers grew up in a time when whitegoods for example would last 20+ years

    • Na. IME Karens come in all ages and genders.

  • +5

    In England all the Aldis I went to were ran like dirty warehouses. They didn't stack shelves, they brought out a pile of pallets of things on a pallet jack truck and when the top layer was emptied just take the top empty pallet off. Even in Germany from what I saw they operated like this, though I only visited one there. I think Aldi has "Australianised" Aldi for us, with clean shelves, things stacked into those big shelves in the middle for special buys, everything all neat and proper. That's not what Aldi is at its core though. A manager eagerly processing a warranty claim for you is not in Aldi's DNA.

    • +1

      When did you see that? Aldi was like that when it first came to Aus. My local was like that

      • +1

        Yeah I remember reading an article that Australian shoppers didn't take to Aldi at first because it wasn't like Colesworth. So they changed it to suit Australian tastes. We are probably paying a little more for the products for it. It's probably worth it tbh, for a store to be clean and orderly it can't cost that much extra.

      • +1

        yeah, low level lighting, BYO bags or grab an empty box from the shelf, super long ques going half way down each aisle.

    • That was my experience as well in a few European countries.

      The one I went to in Berlin though was amazing and even had a bakery with freshly baked bread, rolls, pastries etc that you could buy individually

  • +2

    I'll play.

    On the fact situation, the manufacturer advised you to approach Aldi for a refund.

    As you didn't ask the Supervisor for a refund, is it possible they thought you might want to exchange the item?

    Maybe they phoned the manufacturer or checked floor stock and finding nothing suitable in storage said "on this occasion they will do a refund" because that was the only option left.

    As far as Out of Stocks, use the to check Stock Levels.

  • +1

    moral of the story
    stick to cheap stuff at aldi below 100 bucks
    get refund instantly

    • -5

      But I rarely go to ALDI for cheap stuff, just big-ticket promo items like TV, washing machine and e-Bike. Sometimes they are excellent value.
      But it is obvious they are not as well staffed as Colesworth. OP has a valid, if long-winded, point.

      • +4

        Partially vaid perhaps.
        Aldis prices are low because they don't wrap customers in cotton wool.It's a bare bones operation. They don't try to hide it.
        Minimum staff means they are busy and multi tasking. Stress levels can get pretty high at times for staff.
        Basically late additions like shopping baskets,check out scans etc only came about by social media bullying and Kareniitis.The more ppl demand of Aldi the higher the prices will go.

        If you need your hand held, Aldi is not for you.
        Ppl will dicover that a lot of the middle aisle stuff is real junk.It's up to customers to do some homework before buying.
        I rarely bother with any of the chinese crap in the special buys any more, unless it has a purpose for me (not FOMO) and it has a long standing proven design and features with decent reviews.

  • +5

    The staff at my local Aldi are awesome. Overworked but awesome. They also have a no fuss return policy. Certainly helps when buying a lot of the discount imported cr4p from their Special Buys. No risk.

  • Sure you'll get better service at Coles or Woolies but what of thier stores would stock anything like a line trimmer or anything else worth more than $60 (olive oil).

  • +1

    Literally saw this poor effort to clean up a spill the other day.…

    • Busy day?

      • Nope. About midday.

        • -3

          I mean, were YOU having a busy day?. Why would you feel the need to take that picture?
          Insurance? Social media? Testing the new phone?

          • +1

            @Protractor: It is actually a new phone. Just thought it was funny.

            Took like 5 seconds out of my day and I'm saving time with the self checkout.

        • +3

          Not as busy less staff working. Next time in Aldi look around how many workers are standing around doing nothing? Pretty rare they always look busy to me.

    • What a waste. Do they not have a mop because they have a contract cleaning service?

      • Being near the fridges i would say there is actually a ongoing problem there.(Refrigeration maintenance required). Mop it up and 30 minutes later it its back again. Aldi with low staff levels the staff member most likely has been called to the registers Every minute of staff wages in Aldi is linked to turn over middle of the day less staff.

        • Just imagine if OP was demanding their attention and the staff were busy dealing with the spill. 2 threads for the price of one.
          You can please some of the ppl, some of the time, but……….

    • Refrigeration leak? that leak will be ongoing a Refrigeration company would have been called.

  • +1

    If only they had an internal RTO and the govt paid them millions in taxpayer dollars to train their staff in some really important certificate like a cert 3 in retail/hospitality like we pay McDonald’s, Grill’d and pub chains to do. MILLIONS

  • Never had an issue with refunds personally.

    However, the stock issue with special buys can be frustrating. Product delays are one thing, but especially when you're after a particular item and it says it's in stock online yet the person in store at the checkout (that you have to wait in line I talk to) tells you it's not, because they can't be bothered checking out the back and nobody has put it on display yet.

    What happened to "Stack 'em high, watch 'em fly"?

  • Buy a whipper snipper from Woolies and try and return it to compare experiences.

    Oh wait

  • +3

    The same people dishing the OP will be the same people bitching when something happens to them. Typical OZB.

    • +2

      So true, and its the same bored late night cowboys who need to post something believing they can influence the world.

  • +1


  • +2

    The staff in my local Aldi are all very friendly and helpful, and I have never had any issue returning something I didn't like.

  • +3

    Yes, they probably lack training. Yes, all their perishable items are short dated. Yes, their fruit and vegetables aren’t very fresh. Yes, most Aldi products are only 80% as good as their brand name equivalents. Yes, Aldi shopping is a pretty poor experience. We all know this, yet we still shop there. So :shrugs:

  • +1

    why did YOU allow yourself to be treated like that without out calling it out?

  • +1

    I keep my expectations low with any retail outlets. Otherwise I only ever get disappointed.

    In your case though, you got a refund for a faulty unit, even if the experience was less than stellar. A win.

  • From their FAQ:

    How do I get a product repaired or replaced?
    If your product is covered by a manufacturer's warranty, you may be entitled to a product repair or replacement. For the quickest solution, please contact the product manufacturer. You can find this information on the product packaging or the warranty card.

    For more information on product warranty please refer to the warranty certificate or product information plate.

    What did the warranty card say to do?

  • This does happen at Coles/Woolworths/Bunnings and/or any retail store to be fair…. Its a fundamental flaw of our education system to be honest. No one really knows anything about consumer law, warranties and refunds. The amount of times I've had to argue with a store to deal with my 'warranty' as they sold me the product has been INCREDIBLE! They all insist that I need to contact the manufacturer, which is not the case

  • +1

    Ok Karen you can rewrite their entire customer service process and send them the PDF

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