Truck Windscreen Damaged in Workshop by Mechanic

Bring a truck to service, this is my first time in this workshop.
Give the key to a mechanic and left.
Later today my boss got the text from service technician with a photo of cracked windscreen.
So they lift the cab without checking what inside the cab that could fall down and damage the windscreen.
Now they blame me the driver at fault.
They refuse to replace the windscreen at their cost.
What is your thoughts?
Thank you for reading.

Poll Options

  • 34
    Always driver at fault
  • 20
    Mechanic should pay for the windscreen.


  • +4

    TIL that IVI is now driving trucks.

    • Cost of living too high, need to find a side hustle.

  • +14

    So, let me get this straight, you left shit loose in the cab knowing it was going for a service and that this would involve lifting the cab…

    Yeah, they are not at fault…

      • +2

        It's not their job to make sure your shit is secured. It's the drivers job and the driver's bosses job…

        "Hey Frank, your rig is booked in on 'wensdy for a service.. just make sure you take all your shit out of the cab before you take it in. Thanks, champ."

        • I agree, and as i said, they didn't tell me to clear the shit out.

        • +1

          "Hey Frank, your rig is booked in on 'wensdy for a service.. just make sure you take all your shit out of the cab before you take it in. Thanks, champ."

          That's fair if they said that….. But if they didn't……

          Either way, they have a duty of care to check before tilting a cab.

          • -1

            @JimmyF: Actually No.

            Rummaging through the cab is an invasion of privacy.

            How would you feel if the service centre went searching through your car for loose items before it was serviced / vacuumed?

            Rule of Thumb: never leave anything lying around in a vehicle going in for a service

            • +2

              @Dr Phil:

              Rummaging through the cab is an invasion of privacy.

              What total BS, I didn't say for them to rummage the cab. But a quick look around would have seen the object in question. Not hard to move it to the floor. I'm not saying open the glove box.

              How would you feel if the service centre went searching through your car for loose items before it was serviced / vacuumed?

              Not even remotely the same thing. But using your logic, it would be ok for them to vacuum up anything on the floor, coins, money, bags, ipads etc. Then when you complain, they say well you shouldn't have left anything 'loose' in the car, not our fault.

              Rule of Thumb: never leave anything lying around in a vehicle going in for a service

              No the Rule of Thumb is: If you're going to tip the cab as part of your job, make sure nothing is lying around that will cause damage. It is poor workmanship not to do so.

              The fact they didn't check OR advise the OP to ensure nothing was loose, is a failure of their duty of care to perform the work requested.

              Amazing that people think this is totally ok for them to walk away from this.

            • @Dr Phil:

              How would you feel if the service centre went searching through your car for loose items before it was serviced / vacuumed?

              Rule of Thumb: never leave anything lying around in a vehicle going in for a service

              Wow, so you actually take the warranty service book out of the glove box, and leave it out for them on the passenger seat? Or you don’t? Your two sentences contradict each other

    • +5

      So, let me get this straight, you left shit loose in the cab knowing it was going for a service and that this would involve lifting the cab…

      So, let me get this straight, as a mechanic you didn't check for loose shit in the cab knowing full well it was going to be tilted forward?

      Goes both ways.

  • +10

    how did a tissue box and a tupperwear box break the windscreen?

    • Not only those, the rear light cover.

      • +1

        So a plastic rear light cover somehow smashed a solid glass windscreen?

        Thats doesnt sound right

    • +13

      it could have been a chap stick

      • +7

        If only it had been stored in the centre console

        • +1

          Can't put there or all hell will break loose when the misses finds it.

  • You should be able to determine if it was broken from something hitting the inside or the outside

    • It's definitely from inside.

  • +1

    That's on you if loose items from the cabin can damage the windscreen.

    Is the boss blaming you? No? don't worry about it.

    • Yes, they always blame the driver.

      • +1

        That's shit then.

        Sorry, you may have to cop it.

  • +4

    Ask them to pay half. Most things in life are about compromising

  • Honestly a bit of blame on both sides really, they should have known better and checked for loose stuff before tilting. I'm sure it hasn't been the first time they have broken a windscreen. I feel this is something as a Mechanic you do once and learn to always check before tilting. A quick look around and pushing everything to the floor that isn't bolted down.

    So what was it that hit the windscreen that broke it?

    • The rear light cover if you look closely.

      • +3

        What was the rear light cover doing floating around in the cab? Was it for them to install? It fell off?

        • No, it's not for them.

  • +8

    I'm surprised everyone's jumping straight on the mechanic's side. Surely they have some responsibility to ensure that their actions are done safely?

  • +7

    Would think there would be a policy at the workshop for customers and/or mechanics to ensure the cab is empty of loose objects.

    • +2

      It would fall under duty of care to ensure the cab is free of loose objects.

  • +9

    its our fault for clicking into this topic

    send us the bill, we will pay for it

  • +1

    This is like trying to eat lunch while trying to get a dental check up LOL

    • +1

      Reminds me of the classic thread from ages ago on the overclockers forum of someone complaining about the hairdresser cutting their headphone cable while getting a haircut.

  • +1

    I can't believe people are siding with the mechanics.
    They have a duty of care when handling your vehicle in their workshop. Of course they are at fault.

    They can choose not accept the truck for service unless it's free from clutter/danger. But if they do take it in, it's on them.

    • +1

      Yeah nah. The OP has admitted they (1) knew they would lift the cab and (2) did nothing about the loose stuff he KNEW was in the cab. Duty of care is a reciprocal responsibility process, it's not one party's obligation. If the OP had done a JSA prior for example?
      Also whatever it was that could have broken the screen was possibly a hazard while mobile anyway, because CLEARLY it wasn't secured. Better luck next time.

      • So either the mechanic did their own JSA and knew there was a hazard that could break the windscreen potentially injuring someone in the workshop, or their own JSA missed the hazard, or they did not complete their own JSA.

    • +1

      If the mechanics is at fault as you believe, the best way to handle this will be file a comprehensive insurance claim and let the insurance company to deal with the mechanics?
      In fact, I'm in a similar situation and thinking to file a claim now.

  • +1

    If you were going for a ride on a roller coaster, wouldn't you make sure all your loose stuff was either stashed in your pockets or given to someone on the ground to hold?

    I can't believe people need other people to think of this for them and warn them.

    Why would you send your truck in to be serviced without cleaning all the crap out of it first? Can't help but wonder if your mum still makes your bed for you.

    Pointless pondering duty of care in this circumstance. Definitely not the mechanic's duty to clean the crap out of your truck.

    • +3

      So no one was going for a ride in the cab, and as for a roller coaster, the crew working there have the responsibility to check everyone is safe and secured, no hats etc. Bad example as that just proves the mechanic should check, which is what they are taught to do when moving any thing, including the space around the vehicle. Not saying that you should not check the inside when you leave it, but anyone working with millennials knows they don't take responsibility and expect everyone else to do things except themselves.
      So the question comes down to legal responsibility as both parties should have checked, which will not get answered here. People come to Ozbargain as they just want to find some support to make them feel better.

      • -1

        Not at all, my friend.

        Firstly, pride would make me clean up my truck as much as possible. Don't want other people knowing you need your mum to pick up after you.

        Sure, perhaps mechanic could have said something but seriously, this dude is an adult who drives trucks on the road for a living! Please tell me he's not the lowest common denominator and needs someone to remind him to put his toys away when his truck is being serviced?

        Pretty sure most trucks tip forward when they get serviced, this isn't a new thing. This is one of those adult things we do when we're adulting. I mean, this is an example of why we have to write "caution hot" on takeaway coffee containers.

        The question of negligence arises from
        1. Did that mechanic owe a duty of care to the trucky?
        2. What was that duty?
        3. Did mechanic breach that duty?
        4. In breaching that duty, was harm caused - causal connection
        5. Damages.

        This will fail because clearing out the crap is not a duty of care the mechanic owes the truckie

        Just cause millennials according to you. aren't the brightest tolls in the shed, this doesn't mean the general public are legally required to make adjustments for their short falls.

        Brains are like trains, you gotta make sure you get on the right one.

        Even the mechanic's company is denying responsibility whilst the truck driver's boss has passed it onto him. I'd say that this isn't the first rodeo for any of them and it's probably an expectation that all contents are secured when you hand them in.

        Why expect mechanic to even enter truck if there's nothing he's gotta fix in there and it's all under the hood?

    • I agree that removing the crap in the cab is not their job, still they should have hang a blanket to cover the windscreen when they lifting the cab to prevent or minimise if anything fall and hit the windscreen? No?

      Like they print this plastic bag is not a toy…, to
      smoke alarm, fire distinguisher, seatbelt and air bag, etc. And when you're driving with passengers, do you check their seatbelts are on?

  • Nothing in the cab of that photo looks like it would crack a windscreen to that degree… Unless the Tupperware is full of concrete? And even then the crack wouldn't be that big.

  • Was the light cover part of the service? had you asked them to put it back on?

  • No. We left it there when swapped out the broken one.

  • +1

    As a mechanic and previous workshop manager, and a business owner, it is 99% Driver at fault.

    The boss, well, unless the boss is also responsible for Common Sense of Drivers, then only as far as managing the driver and his heavy junk left insecure in the cab as per normal driving duties.

    The mechanic, I am sure they like we did, take a precursory look around before tilting cabs and remove/move/secure obvious objects, but unless we completely empty a cab and YOU are PAYING our EXTRA time for this, a small heavy/metallic object can find its way loose from hidden spots under seats etc….. Driver at Fault.

    So, if a $20 bill was found under a seat along with that wheel nut lock key, where do you stand on that?
    Hey we cleaned the cab out, and secured the Key into the glove box or tool kit where it belongs and all non truck or junk on the floor is in the bin. If we find the $20 note later and pocket it, tough luck buddy, keep ya dam vehicle clean for us that have to rummage in your vehicles for servicing/repairs.

    If you cannot keep your vehicle 'Junk' free for the workshop, imagine that junk into the back of your head at a 200kph head on. I will assist your stupidity with an 'At Cost Replacement' and if you any further issues, you can argue with my Insurer.

    So, still, Driver at Fault.

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