Has anybody got satisfaction from AFCA from credit card rejection complaints, have been known to churn a few credit cards to chase frequent flyer points.
Credit Card Rejection

Last edited 18/02/2025 - 16:57 by 1 other user
Do you mean rejected when applying for a CC, or rejection when using it?
What doe you expect AFCA to do? Have you been misled in anyway by the credit provider before applying? Have you suffered any actual (not potential) financial losses from the rejection?
Lol. Please. FFS.
Credit card issuers are limiting the free points hack exploited by churners. Outrageous! Call Slater & Gordon, next stop ACA. Over at AFF there's a discussion about when the golden goose may stop laying.
Is this acceptable @mapax?
I had a girl who works for a bank reject me in a bar, is that covered by AFCA?
I doubt they can discipline an institution for applying their lending criteria firmly. Possibly the reason they rejected you is because you jump around, not economic to onboard you if only for 12 months
You didn't act quick enough?
I had a girl who works for a bank reject me in a bar
She showed no interest at all?
He tried to tap and go, but his deposit was declined.
Obviously you did not present yourself as a fast high returns investment (slowly slowly)
I’m really sorry you’re going through this. It must be incredibly disappointing and frustrating to be denied, especially when you’ve put in the effort to play by the rules. I can only imagine how disheartening this must feel. I hope you find some resolution soon, and that AFCA is able to offer some clarity and fairness. Thinking of you during this frustrating time.
tl;dr - thoughts and prayers
glad to hear AFCA got things sorted for you in the end
i havent even started churning and still get rejected for a no/fee wetspac flex cc :\
Maybe banks are rejecting you as they see one credit card application after another on your credit report?
Solution: Stop opening credit cards.
Lol you can't force a bank to give you a credit card.
Every bank spends millions on economists, actuaries, system developers / analysts / testers to formulate a system that will take in your information and churn out a Yes or No.
Very few people in the bank knows how the system gets to this answer.
They are all trained to one end, believe what the Computer says.
Asking the Bank Clerk, some government branch to see why you are rejected or complain is just a waste of everyone's time.
Has anybody got satisfaction from AFCA from credit card rejection complaints, have been known to churn a few credit cards to chase frequent flyer points.
Its a credit card APPLICATION, it is up to them if they accept it or not.
They can choose whether they want you as a customer or not. Given you have a history of churning, they will see that and likely decided you were outside of their target customer segment. The enquiry will now stay on your credit file for 5 years. You will likely find it difficult to get further credit in the short term.
AFCA will not assist you with this. You applied, got rejected, nothing to do with AFCA.
Crazy part is I think people do have success going to AFCA… I agree that the bank can deny your CC for any reason they see fit however some people disagree.
Not the exact scenario but this comment on another post is similar:
https://www.ozbargain.com.au/comment/16197558/redirUN Council for Human rights?
I’m really sorry this has happened to you, I’m also a credit card rejection survivor.
Every bank has their own criteria. They are never forced to lend to you. T
For the genuine posters out there mentioning AFCA does seem to work,After rejection from NAB they now agree I can get a Credit card,disputes team said system error……sure
Thanks for all the negative support from the chin slappers…..gag on…
Impressive speed by AFCA, solving it in one day! Especially considering no pressing urgency like someone getting turfed out of a home or similar. What was your secret?
You having a slow day….
I name dropped AFCA at NAB disputes centre,no secret….
Don't hate the player,hate the game….
@Lexi123 Keep us informed of your progress with Amex. I had some success with AFCA on a home loan points issue with ANZ - it's a slow process but eventually won.
Actually some very interesting reading on the AFCA website of all their cases and resolutions. Haven't found any example yet of credit card application denial, but there are certainly some very questionable characters out there trying their luck with their complaints I would say.
All the Bank/Credit Provider has to say is "you did not meet our credit line criteria". They do not have to explain anything and reaching out to the AFCA is a total waste of time as all current regulation is on the credit provider side (= I do not have to approve you a line of credit - final decision/try again in 3 to 6 months).
When they check your credit score and see multiple credit line applications and cancellations in a short period of time that is an Automatic Rejection.
I am not expecting big things….more venting than getting my hopes up,I think they should come out and stipulate in their T and Cs that people with multiple history of card churning will be denied.They are advertising their product to a broad consumer group with no mention of credit card usage in their eligibility criteria or key facts sheet….
Why would they ?