How Do I Turn off Dark Mode?

For some reason, whenever I am logged into my account, dark mode is turned on. I can't seem to find any way to disable it or change it to light mode. I've looked in My Account -> Settings and can't find anything relating to the theme or display modes. Has anyone found a way to enable/disable dark mode?


  • +47

    Hover over My Account and click on Light.

    | Light | Dark | Device |

    • +13

      Thanks for pointing it out. I guess i wasn't looking hard enough.

      • +2

        All good. The change was made this morning.

      • +4

        To be fair, its hard to see in the dark.

    • +2

      I can't see the options on mobile. Does it only work on desktop?

      • +10

        It's on mobile site too. Click my account and you'll see this.

        • +1

          Legend! Thank you!

        • +2

          I couldn't see that until I put it on desktop mode

          • +7

            @42: Click the arrow next to my account to see the dropdown.

            • +1

              @zubzub: Arh, good tip, didn't even know that was a thing

        • Me tryna click on this image 😂 thanks!

        • Amazing! Thank you.

          I'm usually a dark mode person, but something about certain scenarios I find really jarring. Sheets/Docs and now OzBargain are the ones I find better in light mode.

        • Desktop mode required for the win
          can anyone achieve Light mode on the mobile site?

          • @marcozmitch: Click on the down arrow on the left hand side of "My Account" to bring down the menu, and then click on "Light". Same place as on desktop site.

    • +1

      Thank you

    • +1

      Legend. Ty

    • +1

      Ty good sir

    • +1

      Thankyou! I had to google search 'dark mode ozbargain' which brought me here!!!

  • +1

    My Account -> Light

  • +5

    Ask Luke, not Anakin

  • +12

    I woke up to dark mode on ozbargain this morning.

    I thought @Jimothy Wongingtons was having a lend until I discovered the new updated setting of device. Phew!

    • +2

      Hope we get some converts lol

      • +6

        I still find the colour scheme really unappealing but I'm going to stick with it for now so you have one convert here. Will save my eyes when I want to Ozbargain before bed.

        • @scotty I reckon need to really focus group/workshop this lol

    • +1

      Same but only on my phone. I couldn't seem to find it

  • +3

    Looks like it was this change caused it.

  • +4

    Once you've had black….

    • +40

      You will want to go straight back to light. Dark mode is hideous on ozbargain.

      • +4

        I find light mode too intense. Cheers

        • +1

          Turn on night light

  • +48

    Anyone else think that the Dark Mode is very jarring and hard to read? Can't put my finger on what is making me feel that way. I usually like dark mode sites. But not on OZb

    • +2

      Yeah, its disappointing and hard to read. Dark mode elsewhere are usually good, but at OzBargain where it is most important going full stealth mode to prevent onlookers steal your deal or thinking you are crazy browsing mid-street…

    • +1

      I agree. I use dark mode on everything except ozbargain. Technicoloured vomit is the only way to describe the site in dark mode.

      Luckily @scotty has made it a priority to fix it 😉

      • Seems like they have already fixed it! Much more pleasant on the eyes.

    • +3

      Yep. I use dark mode on everything but not a fan of OzB.

    • +3

      Yeah this dark mode does not work, it's a lot more straining to read than normal.

    • I honestly think it's just the shade of orange - it contrasts the black too much which makes it pop, certainly stands out and I'm a huge fan of the orange and white but for some reason the fact it pops so much on black draws your eyes away from content and to the branding.

      Dunno how you'd mitigate that without changing the logo colour which doesn't really help for brand recognition ig

      • It was the fact that it was using pure black as the background and pure white for the text. Way too much of a contrast, it should be a shade of black and white that's not as jarring.

        Looking at the dark mode now. It seems they have tweaked it and it now. Thanks Scotty!

        • Yeah looks a bit different now!

        • The site is very much a text driven/based site.
          The amount of text does seem to make it difficult to navigate in dark mode?
          Maybe make more object based version for the non-English speaking?
          Then more people will be able to access bargains QUICKLY!!!!

    • +1

      I think cause most of the images have a white background it’s too jarring.

    • I find black background and dark blue deal title text very hard to read contrast

  • +2

    Lol, ye woke up to dark mode too haiyaaa

  • +4

    Thanks just changed it back to light. Even tho I use dark mode for most of my stuff, OZB looks better in light mode

    • +3

      Same. I use everything in dark mode - browser, PC, phone etc. But ozb just feels off…lol.

      • Agree, oddly

    • +2

      I'm tempted to start a petition on to get this fixed.

  • +6

    I am a typical dark mode enjoyer.
    On my phone I was disgusted this morning and searched dark mode because I was just about to make a post. Yuck.

  • Ozbargain staff may want to speak with their webmasters when they get in at 11am tomorrow unless tomorrow is part of their rostered days off.

    I was confronted with the hideous dark mode this morning and quickly changed it to light mode. I have just logged out and now logged back in on a different device and dark mode had returned!

    • +3

      Scotty is definitely going to give Scotty a bollocking tomorrow for the backlash!

  • +1

    Just realised I'm usually dark mode with everything else except having it on ozbargain completely weirded me out

  • The shock here is pretty much predicted — we have been going back and forth on this change as it's just not possible to please everyone. I've decided to keep the current setup and won't make any further configuration change.

    For those who said "darkmode-everything-except-ozbargain" — maybe suggestions on where needs to be fixed?

    • +1

      I'd prefer a darker black background that's slightly lighter than the bottom banner. Please and thank you scotty.

    • +3

      My opinion: I don’t think I like the colour of links in dark mode. On the main deals page mostly. Maybe a lighter shade of blue or even bright white?

    • -1

      Just get rid of all the colours. Black background, white main text, grey for everything else. Dark mode is about keeping it basic, not just making the background black.

      The ozbargain header on mobile should be black with ozbargain in orange. Reddit do it well.

      All of those annoying/space wasting share links should be grayscale. Who uses them anyway? If they must remain just use the traditional share icon, that every other site in the world uses, and expand the share options after it is clicked.

      The views, revisions, votes banner should be grey scale with just the appropriate text in orange vice the big orange box.

      I'm happy to bang on with more suggestions if you want to hear them.

      • Basically it's "OzBargain dark mode should be like Reddit dark mode" where Reddit's existing colour theme is already pretty much close to grey scale. Whereas OzBargain historically started with a more vibrant/saturated colour theme (orange) which is more difficult to transit into your idea of dark mode and yet still retain the theme colour.

        The same CSS has to work with both light & dark mode which would make it more challenging. I'll see what I can do, but likely some gradual change over the coming months.

        • +1

          I think it's not great for OzBargain because link icons typically have white backgrounds, which makes them a bit of a mess. As others have said, the brightness and link colours (which constitute half the page text when you include titles) make a lot of contrast, which I find unpleasant to look at and actually makes it look busier.

          Of course, taste is subjective and I get that not everyone will feel that way, so I'm fine with having options.

        • i find the dark mode for ozbargain on Vivaldi Android to be quite pleasant

        • Would you consider reducing the orange to be an accent colour rather than the background colour of the headers?

          I was a "darkmode-everything-except-ozbargain" person but given your change I wanted to stick with it, but I did make some changes of my own.

          I initially only changed the colour variables but got ahead of myself and made some subjective changes to spacing, font sizes, etc. Haven't finished it yet but just an example of what I would prefer for dark mode.

      • Black background,bright fluoro text, and free 3D glasses.
        Anything but that decomposing cadaver colour scheme over at Whingepool.

    • +1

      I think it looks mostly fine, will just need some getting used to. Just a few things for me:

      1. The text in the labels are too white, guessing they don't have dark mode applied,
      2. The white padding + background on the thumbnails really sticks out,
      3. Some links also have white white text
    • i for one found it jarring as hell but eventually it grew on me - my suggestion, mandatory dark mode for all for a trial period (haha).

    • +4

      Hi scotty,
      Can try looking at material design principles for dark mode:…

      There is a section on Desaturated colours, I think that's maybe where the jarring/effect is happening, particularly hyperlinks and use of orange/red in the site - these saturated colours could be the culprit. Can still use these colours but maybe a try a more desaturated version of the colour.

      • Another thing I noticed causing jarring effect I think is the images, because most have white background. Probably unavoidable with product images but, so I was looking at a few other dark apps to see how they deal with it and what I noticed was the use of a lot of circles or rounded corners instead of squares/rectangles.

        For things like avatars they used round circle. Images they used rounded corners (I think there's a way in to do this in css)

    • For me I think it's the fonts colours, and the small bright/vibrant highlights. I think the fonts might need to be a bit brighter, the background slightly darker, the highlight colours more muted or bright-on-dark rather than the other way around.

    • It is accessible to wcag standards? I'm not trying to be a stickler for those rules but there are tools that ensure the contrast between colours is readable. Surely H1-H3 text colours on a black background is an easy one given most websites offer dark now?

    • @scotty feedback: note I’ve found my way to this forum post as I have always been using dark mode on OzBargain and enjoyed it until the recent update - whatever you had before was good. Now I find the contrast way too low, my eyes get sore trying to read the pale grey on the black background. I can upload a screenshot of the old dark mode if that helps - was it just an inbuilt browser dark mode and not from OzBargain?

      • Background becomes black and the foreground text stays the same — the contrast should actually be higher. Or do you mean the link colour that was brighter blue but now more greyish (as suggested by another user here)?

        • I went and compared an old screenshot to the current version and my mistake - you’re right, the text colour seems to have stayed the same, but for some reason the completely black background does make it harder to read than the dark grey background did. I’m not sure that I can explain why sorry, I think it triggers my slight astigmatism more and maybe that’s why I notice it and others don’t?

  • +1

    Yeah, dark mode went off as soon as I knew how. Something about the ozbargain site design made it hard to read while scrolling, plus it's also very ugly

    Could be interesting if fixed up. I'd offer suggestions but don't know enough of design principles

    Just before sleep I think I could get used to dark mode. Light otherwise.

  • +1

    I like it

    • I think it's nice

  • +1

    Funny dark mode was on for me to but has never happened to me before since joining in 2013. What is the reason? This post helped me.

    • They added an automatic dark mode based on device settings instead of just a manual on/off option

  • I had always used forced dark mode in the Opera Browser both desktop and phone (night mode has this option to force in phone). Works good for most website whether they have dark mode or not. But Ozbargain looked really contrasty for some days, now I know why and turned it off right away. Back to normal dark mode.
    The Web developers need to test forced dark mode in Ozbargain website themselves to see what they are doing wrong.

  • Thanks for sharing how to turn it off

  • +1

    It needs to be a bit grey. Its too dark at the moment.

  • I am afraid also I don't think this is a nice dark mode implementation. Some of the font colours need to be adjusted to work well with the dark background.

    Appreciate the effort though.

  • +2

    Agree with everyone else. Dunno what it is but something about the dark mode on ozbargain makes it hard on the eyes. Usually quite the fan of dark modes if implemented properly

    • Yeah something about how it's implemented on this site, I can't do it.

  • +1

    I love dark mode and use it everywhere, however it's terrible on this site IMO.

    • +1

      lmao i came to write basically the same comment word for word then saw yours.

      i don't know why my brain doesn't like it, but it really is horrible. ozbargain just looks right in white!

      i'll let it sit for a while before i decide to change it though, i'll probably get used to it.

  • Changed it to light yesterday, back to dark again this morning

  • Has dark mode improved or is it just my eyes?

    • +2

      You're right. It's improved since its debut.

  • +1

    I prefer my OzBargain dark

  • Heresy!

  • Didn't realised it was dark mode, just thought Ozbargain changed interface. It was so irritating to my eyes, very hard to look at for some reason. Just changed to light mode, much better.

  • Dark mode returns,
    OzBargain greets with shadows,
    Light mode fades at dawn

  • Add me to the list of dumbass who couldn't find the toggle to switch back to light theme and had to google despite the toggle being right there lmao

    (As for why light theme it's probably because I'm too used to it lol)

    Edit: I also find dark background with blue deal title text very hard contrast to read

  • Thanks solved it for me too!

  • +4

    Dark mode would be fine if the colour scheme wasn't poo brown on black. What's wrong with orange on black?

    • +4

      Is the poo brown new? Dark mode seems 'darker' today, but I think it's good

      • +8

        It does seem darker, and I’m not a fan.

      • +7

        Yes it's new. I've been running dark mode for a long time. Rather than the poo aesthetics what really disturbs me is the usability and lack of testing when large web sites make changes like this. For example dark red text against black for the date when setting a reminder on deal is almost unreadable. Old dark mode wasn't broken. Why "fix" it?

        • If you read many other comments before yours you'll see that dark mode "is" broken according to others and requires a fix. A black background has also been long requested by the dark mode user.

          At this stage I think I just had enough for it. Your idea of "large web site" here turns out to be developed, maintained, deployed and debugged by a tiny team of 2 part-time programmers.

          • @scotty: I have no reason to doubt you have 2 staff, and the job isn't easy, but that doesn't make Ozbargain any smaller. Any mistakes made have the potential to impact a lot of users. And if you're trying to argue the size of the site, it's going to be quite a tough sell.


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  • +6

    Looking extra black now

    • +1

      Yeah all the links have been muted colour and same with the orange.

  • +17

    Can we get a preset to have old dark mode back? I’m not a fan lol - so much that I returned to light mode …

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