• expired

DF54 Single Dosing Coffee Grinder $370 + $20 Delivery @ DF64.com


I've been eyeing this single dosing coffee grinder and many of the Australian retailers are selling this for $429 (either free delivery or shipping and on backorder).

This is from the official distributor and was $389 + $20 shipping yesterday and has come down by $20 to $369 + $20 shipping for the 220-240V variant in white and black.

By far one of the more popular coffee grinders on the market and compared pricewise to the popular Baratza Encore ESP (is a bit plasticky) (although I'm comparing a chute grinder vs single).

Product Description:

DF54 is an entry-level flat burr coffee grinder that incorporates the best features from the DF64 II but in a more compact design. DF54 was designed in mind to provide the best quality coffee grind in the entire coffee industry at this price point. We are confident that the DF54 triumphs as the market leader among other 40mm and 54mm grinders in the market which produce clumpy and uneven coffee grinds. For an even better grind, do consider the DF64 Gen 2 which produces a superior grind quality and grind speed.

DF54 features custom-made stainless steel 54mm flat burrs for a fluffy grind with minimal clumping and consistent particle size distribution. The exit chute is equipped with a plasma generator (Ionizer) that eliminates static. The three seated positions for the upper burr carrier, along with the integrated wave spring, ensure absolute stability in the grinding chamber while achieving minimal retention at a new level. The integrated Anti-Popcorn cover enhances grinding speed and prevents uneven grinding.


  • 54mm Flat Burrs: Custom-made stainless steel flat burrs.
  • Plasma Generator (Ionizer): The exit chute is equipped with a plasma generator to eliminate static.
  • Anti-Popcorn: Integrated disc prevents beans from jumping, increasing grinding speed.
  • 58mm Transparent Plastic Dosing Cup: Includes a 58mm food-grade transparent plastic dosing cup for convenient use.
  • True Zero Retention: <0.1 gram; the grinder achieves almost zero retention even without a bellow.
  • Stepless Adjustment: Redesigned chrome-wrapped dial with a metal indicator for easy and precise grind size adjustment.
  • Bean Hopper Capacity: 20 grams without bellow, 50 grams with bellow.
  • Aluminium Body with Powder Coating Finish.
  • Easy-Clean Technology: The grinder can be opened for cleaning in a few simple steps without the need for tools.
  • 1400RPM

What's included

  • DF54 Single Dosing Coffee Grinder
  • Bellow & Wood Lid
  • Plastic Dosing Cup & Rubber Adapter
  • Manual

Related Stores

DF64 Coffee Grinder
DF64 Coffee Grinder


    • +42

      Arguably more important to have a good grinder

        • +24

          I doubt that.

        • Mr JV can you please reveal your choice of beans/or pre- ground coffee?

        • Ignore the downvotes. If you enjoy your coffee then who cares what people think

          • -6

            @Checkers42: My guess is they are not really liking their coffee and cannot stand that other people can make one they enjoy without all the fuss…

      • +8

        not even arguable. Grinder,Water,Coffee > Everything else.

      • +1

        Kmart grinder is so good keep one for your coffee and one for your green herbaceous material

        • Link to this Kmart miracle.

    • It's supposed to?

    • Nespresso?

      • -6

        Nah, DeLonghi Magnifica…

        • +2

          tried coffee from this machine, a friend has it. Absolutely horrible.

          I don't get the hype with these machines. Are they a step up from pods? Sure. but they aren't much to write home about if you actually want a cafe style coffee.

          • -6


            tried coffee from this machine, a friend has it. Absolutely horrible.

            Your friend needs to learn how to use it…

            Makes a huge difference when you choose the right grind size, coffee strength and bean choice… Took me quite a few weeks to get it just right…

            Tastes as good as any cafe near me, and better than most cafes I've tried.

            • @jv: Anyway to further improve grind size? I have always found that the grind is not fine enough.

              • -1

                @Duckie2hh: Just put the beans in a ziplock bag and smash them to bits with a heavy saucepan.

                • @jv: He probably doesn't have a saucepan, too invested in coffee peripherals

                  • @Donmega123:

                    He probably doesn't have a saucepan

                    To smash them properly, you really need to invest in a $2000-$3000 saucepan….

                    • +1

                      @jv: It may not be for everyone but if you're serious about your coffee you need a serious saucepan

    • +3

      you must have a sh$ty coffee machines if this is more expensive lol.

    • If you're looking for a decent quality grinder, it doesn't get cheaper than this.

        • +7

          Wouldn't bother with coffee snobs, it's a sliding scale of opinions and everyone's version of great is different.

          People get pretty sensitive about this hobby, but it's ok for nerds to spend $1500-2k on a GPU and no one bats an eyelid or says they can't spend money on it.

            • @jv: That's good but still not measurable and is only your opinion. Mine makes better coffee than most cafes. I can put it down machine mods and accessories but fresh beans, technique and care means a lot.

              Plenty of kids making coffee on 20k machines in cafes that fk it up.

              • @G-rig: My Dad could beat up your Dad.

                • @Daabido: My 🐓 is bigger than yours, type of thing.

                  You saving jV from the negs and embarrassment?
                  Don't know another poor sod who gets more down votes, but he walk into it every time.

            • @jv: Is it the stirling brand one from Aldi?

            • @jv: If you can't tell the difference, that's actually fantastic. When I was younger, I preferred goon to a nice bottle of wine because I also couldn't tell the difference and the end result was the same. I reckon give Blend 43 a whirl, save even more money and you can play with the variables even more than a budget superauto! :)

              • @Ryphon:

                I preferred goon to a nice bottle of wine because I also couldn't tell the difference

                Well there's the difference.

                I could always tell the difference, even back then…


                • +1

                  @jv: I want to believe you, but it's hard when your machine can only deliver half the pressure required for an actual espresso. One day you will upgrade and realise why you are farming negative comments on this post so easily. xx

                  • @Ryphon:

                    can only deliver half the pressure required for an actual espresso.

                    I delivers a very good espresso… better than most cafes.

                    15 bars is plenty…

                    • +1

                      @jv: Sometimes too much and 9 bars is better.

                      Seems good anyway, as long as you're happy and FK paying $4.50+ for a coffee.

          • @G-rig: Same for any hobby

            People who spend tens of thousands on performance parts or rims for their cars probably look at computers/coffee machines and think "pfft. Losers".

            • @coffeeinmyveins: That's right, people can spend money on what they want.

              Coffee making is a bit of an artform however, simply spending more doesn't mean better results (but people going all in obviously have perfected their technique).

              • +3

                @G-rig: ugh, tell me about it. Coffee making has the most amount of variables and it's so hard to control them!

        • Awesome, very happy for you.

        • That's for you and ultimately that's all that counts but I would argue a lot of people would find the coffee made with this grinder would taste better than one from your machine.

          • -3


            would taste better than one from your machine.

            I doubt you have tried the ones from my machine…

      • I grind my shit by hand using a brilliant grinder diamond cut machine grade aluminium grinder with no screws just rare earth magnets. Cost about a hundred bucks. Way better than any of this rubbish.

    • +16

      not sure if grindr was a Freudian slip lol.

      incomparable. many coffee machines require fine consistent coffee grounds otherwise you get siphoning because there's bigger grinds vs powder. these and other stepless/burr grinders produce fine and consistent grinds.

      No doubt if youre putting the kmart grinds through say something like an aeropress, it will still work, but putting kmart grinds through a coffee machine will not build up enough pressure to extract the coffee as best as it could be or at all.

    • +11

      If you're asking you don't need to be here.
      Ignorance is bliss just stick to what works for you if it's fine and save some cash.

      • +6

        Pretty much this. I see this kind of sentiment on a lot of 'hobbyist' gear on ozbargain i.e headphones, people asking what the difference is between their freebie aeroplane earplugs they got 15 years ago and Sennheiser HD800s.

        These people clearly aren't the target audience, which is fine, but they should probably be aware of that.

          • +1

            @coffeeinmyveins: I get your point but when people are researching and improving any part of their coffee making ritual it can definitely become a hobby.

            Who are you to set the dollar value limit, I'm sure you don't have the best machine in the world and there will always be someone with something better.

            People that don't care shouldn't even be commenting and stick to their instant coffee (and Beats by Dre headphones) 🤣.

            • -4


              Who are you to set the dollar value limit, I'm sure you don't have the best machine in the world and there will always be someone with something better.

              Where did I set a limit? Don't put words in my mouth.

              I wouldn't even call this grinder a hobbyist grinder.

              my opinion is that it's not a hobbyist grinder.

              People that don't care shouldn't even be commenting and stick to their instant coffee (and Beats by Dre headphones) 🤣.

              This is the sort of rhetoric that gives people who enjoy a hobby a bad name.

              Not sure why I got downvoted above, some sensitive people here it seems. Or maybe anything over $5 is considered "hobbyist".

              • @coffeeinmyveins:

                my opinion is that it's not a hobbyist grinder.

                It's my opinion that you're wrong. Coming from a hobbyist with a DF64, who could have bought an EG-1, but chose the option that was pretty obviously massively better value.

    • +3

      Here is a good explainer if you have a spare 20 minutes: A Beginner's Guide to Coffee Grinders

      • The video includes a grinder similar to the K-mart one, and the big brother (DF64 with 64mm burrs) of the grinder in this post (DF54 with 54mm burrs).

    • sometimes, I think negs should not be anonymous!! What is the point? You asked a genuine question.
      Best thing is simply google it. It makes a ton of difference, some hype but lots of benefit.

    • +1

      How dare you utter the words Kmart and this thing in the same sentence.

      • @dddeal is trying to keep up with @jv for negs

  • +56

    Didn’t take long for the Kmart crew to arrive. If you have to ask, this product isn’t for you. Stick to your pod machines and your McCafé lattes lol.

    • +4

      Hahahahahahhahah calm Down MIKE!!

    • your McCafé lattes lol.

      • hahahah SO much hate my god…..

    • Get em Mike

    • -1

      Kmart crew is my new favourite phrase.

      There's absolutely nothing wrong with Kmart, I love a lot of their stuff and it's miles cheaper than alternatives, but yeah if you're anchoring your price in what Kmart offers you're in for a bad time in the world of coffee.

      I compare Kmart grinders to a 20 year old beat up Toyota Yaris and people asking "why would I spend $50k on a new car when I can get that Yaris for $3k".

      Both are cars. Both have four wheels. But they are not comparable.

      • +3

        they aren't comparable because u can't drive a coffee grinder…

      • I buy plenty of kmart stuff but yeah you have to be selective.

        In the world of coffee grinders if you want bang for buck you need to just accept a "manual effort" compromise and grab a highly rated manual hand grinder. I imagine any popular high rated manual grinder worth $50-100 is going to comfortably outperform all sub $200 motorised grinders, probably all sub $300 grinders. This is not just because of the underlying cost of the electrical components but also the underlying costs associated with motorised grinders being significantly larger units. Moving slightly higher up in price, any popular high rated manual grinder in the $100-150 range is probably going to outperform almost all $200-500 grinders and have performance that's probably on par with the grinder in this post which is better than most others in its price tier. Alternatively, if people aren't willing to choose between those options, possibly better to just spend $0 on a grinder instead and buy pre-ground coffee.

    • +1

      many years back I asked and laughed at expensive set ups! Now the products are definitely for me. I don't go overboard, but there was a time when I thought I was cool and a coffee snob because I used Moccona, Now I would do without, even if desperate!!

  • +6

    Great price for a great grinder!

  • +1

    Any specials on df64 ?

  • +1

    I prefer grinding coffee with my shoe sole, more flavour.

    • Just put the beans in a ziplock bag and smash them to bits with a heavy saucepan.

  • +1

    I haven't heard good things about their support, I ended up buying my DF64V from a local supplier.

    • +1

      Any recommendations? $419 from Amazon, dispatched and Sold by Returns DF64 Coffee anyway.
      No doubt easier to deal with and 2y no hassle warranty/returns if something goes wrong. Maybe worth the extra $30?

      I've always been tempted to upgrade my em0480 for minimal cost but most models have shortcomings and before you know it I'm looking at $600+ grinders. It mostly comes down to technique but could use something a bit better and quieter.

      Got a gagging classic, Cheers

      • +1

        I just got a Varia S3 after reading lots of reviews on budget grinders in the $3-400 range. The Varia S3 is lower mid range at $500 ish. It’s pretty amazing!

        • Yeah I've looked into those as well - so now you're already over $500.
          None of these grinder are perfect either and still have niggles.. too slow, too loud, this and that haha

          • @G-rig: Yeah, I went cheaper machine and better grinder after my last Breville Pro died. Everything will take time and make noise, it’s a freaking grinder! It’s like buying a chainsaw expecting it to be quiet eyeroll.

            I read less issues with warranty with the Varia than I have with the cheaper machines and Alternative Brewing (where I got it) is Brissy based so same City, albeit opposite side of town, so hopefully not too many issues with warranty.

            • @kojihama: Yeah have heard of them. Will look at the Varia again.

              It would be better to get the DF64 with 64mm burrs vs these DF54 anyway.
              Even my Cafe Series EM0480 has bigger conical burrs.

              Either way don't feel like spending over $300-400 as they all seem to have issues or not perfect or need parts upgraded.

            • @kojihama: A mate is looking for a grinder as the manual one isn't practical (too much effort for his missus as i predicted).

              He mentioned the DF54. I said to look up the Varia S3 as well, and it reminded me of this review by James Hoffmann
              The Best Espresso Grinder Under £250

              There are a lot of niggles with the Varia S3 for $529!
              (summary: very messy, grind setting moves (no step-less adjustment), beans get stuck/popcorning, bellows useless, slow, clunky big DC power adapter). At least it's quiet.

              This is the exact reason I haven't upgraded my EM0480.
              I recommended he just get a Breville SGP or Cafe Series Conical Burr. Keep it simple.

      • +1

        Love a classic gagging 😂

        Whoever is cheapest (which rules out Di Pacci, I have no idea how they're still in business with their pricing). You've missed the boat on end of year sales.

      • +1

        For $419 via Amazon, I’d pay the extra for local support and warranty for sure!

    • +8

      Seconding this. I purchased from this site and when the grinder arrived I noticed a small cosmetic issue with a replaceable part. Support wanted to charge $30 USD in shipping for a new one which for the size and weight of the part, was ridiculous. The grinder works great and price was good but that’s the price you pay for buying non local I guess.

      Also the DF grinder is mass produced in china and sold under various brand names around the world. I would take the “official distributor” title with a grain of salt.

      • Do you know any of the other names it goes by and where to get them?

  • +1

    It always seems to be $399 on Amazon.

    • It was $419 on amazon a few days back, so the dropping of $20 appears to be consistent through the supplier (same seller on Amazon). Amazon may be cheaper if you stack with vouchers?

    • I searched for DF54 on here, no deals at all for that price but I'd happily pay less than $419.

      You may be thinking of a different one.

      My 28d shoppers protection would cover a price drop if it did in fact sell for that.

  • +1

    Does this work well with Bambino Plus which is 54mm not 58mm ?

    • Yup

    • +1

      I paired my Bambino Plus with a Varia S3, awesome combo!

    • +3

      The biggest change you want to make with a non-standard portafilter size, is to adjust any espresso recipe to suit the basket size.

      This Reddit thread gives you a good explanation: https://www.reddit.com/r/espresso/comments/ive36u/adjusting_…

      For example, I buy beans from Ona, who for one particular recipe will recommend 20.5g in, 38g out in 25-27s. I adjust that to 17.8g in and 33g out to suit my Bambino. Makes a world of difference.

      • +1

        I didnt know about this, thank you!

      • what milk based ona beans do you recc? feel like trying them for the first time

        • +1

          Any, but the (pricey) Raspberry Candy is my absolute favourite.

    • +4

      The 54mm refers to the grinding burrs inside the grinder. The grinders themselves are universal for all portafilter sizes 54/58mm etc. Just a bit confusing when the numbers are coincidentally similar to your coffee machine sizes.

  • +1

    I have a DF64. It's rock solid and it definitely lifted my coffee game.

  • +1

    Got one when they first came out. Awesome sturdy grinder that is very consistent.

    Upgraded from the Kmart one.

    Worth it?

    Yes. If you want to use higher grade beans and extract rich flavours from medium to light roasts.

    No if all you're going to throw into it are dark ALDI beans. The Kmart one at it's finest settings will do just fine.

  • Cheers op saved me a few bucks. Almost pulled the trigger at $375 the other day. Upgrading from the Breville Smart grinder pro. Hopefully it was worth it!

    • +1

      Should be a pretty noticeable step up mate, enjoy!

  • +1

    I’d still prefer the commondante

    • you have both? I bey ya couldn't pass a back to back blind taste test. Why would you prefer a manual grinder?

      I know that's a great grinder, I was on the fence for ages looking for a high end travel grinder but I heard that almost no-one can pick the difference and I have the taste buds of a 10 year old doormat

  • Anyone know if it's a good pair with a breville dual boiler or should I got for a more expensive grinder?

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