• expired

Upsized Discount eGift Cards: 11% off Priceline, 8% off EB Games, 7% off IKEA (Expired) & More @ HCF Thank You (Members Only)


Gift card savings offers available for eligible HCF members via the Thank You loyalty program.

Many of these gift cards allow you to purchase at the exact value that you wish to redeem. You can checkout using an American Express, Mastercard or Visa card (including prepaid gift cards) with no card surcharge.

Offers end 24 February unless specified otherwise.

Specials on gift cards:

Gift Card Sale Was Comments
Adore Beauty 7% 4%
Autobarn 7% 4%
Category Choice Fuel 3.5% 3% Offer ended 20 Feb.
EB Games 8% 4%
IKEA 7% 4% Offer ended 20 Feb.
Long Chim Sydney 10% 7% NSW only. See discussion below.
Luigi Delicatessen 10% 7% SA only.
M·A·C 9% 4%
Madame Wu 10% 7% QLD only.
Meat & Wine Co 10% 7% NSW, ACT, VIC, SA and WA only.
Michael Hill 7% 4%
Pandora 6% 3%
Priceline 11% 9%
rebel 9% 7%
RedBalloon 10.5% 9%
Sephora 7% 5%
The Good Guys 5% 4%
Ticketmaster 6% 4%
Ultimate Beauty & Spa 5% 3%

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  • I may switch to HCF from my current health provider, NIB. Their rewards were good but turned to trash in June last year. They reduced the discount rate for all brands and no longer accept Amex. Anyone know the cheapest way to get this HCF Rewards membership?

    • +6

      Anyone know the cheapest way to get this HCF Rewards membership?

      Join HCF ?

      • Join HCF?


        • -1

          Usually private health insurance premiums are much lower for residents of the NT.

          • +1

            @tihir: If I understand you correctly:

            • you are suggesting that the OP use a residential address in the Northern Territory (even if they don't reside there)
            • because this might result in a lower insurance premium (and thus result in a lower cost to access the HCF retention gimmick, the HCF Thank You program).

            In essence, if I understand you correctly, you are suggesting insurance fraud. Sorry if I have missed something.

            • -1

              @YesPleaseThankYou: Insurance fraud involves making an insurance claim.

              Using a different address to get the lowest possible cost access to a rewards program is nowhere near what you are suggesting. It is at worst a breach of contract. No Big deal.

              OP asked what the cheapest way to access the program is. Op might be about to buy a whole bunch of appliances and so getting extra discounts on the good guys might be what op wants.

              • +2


                Insurance fraud involves making an insurance claim.

                Using a different address to get the lowest possible cost access to a rewards program is nowhere near what you are suggesting. It is at worst a breach of contract. No Big deal.

                OP asked what the cheapest way to access the program is. Op might be about to buy a whole bunch of appliances and so getting extra discounts on the good guys might be what op wants.

                Obtaining benefit by deception.

                At the very least, it's a good way to get yourself banned from that insurer.

                All to save 2% on a gift card.

    • +3

      The HCF Thank You terms and conditions says the following about eligible products:

      Eligible Product includes any Australian residents hospital or ancillary product (excluding Ambulance Only) or any Life and Disability, Term Life, Family Plan – FPL, Income Protection, Salary Continuance Insurance, Recovery Cover, Crisis Cash and Serious Illness Cover, Smart Term, Women’s care, Income Assist, Medical Trauma, Bounce Back or Critical Illness Cover.

      HCF members will not be eligible to access HCF Thank You if they only hold Overseas Visitors Health Cover.

      You also need to hold an eligible product for at least one week before you are granted access.

      I have no idea which of these eligible products would be the cheapest for you, as I do not know your personal circumstances.

    • You might be able to get a HCF corporate discount through your job or a union with "Member Advantage".

      • So, are Member Advantage and HCF Rewards the same?

        NIB used to have the same rewards as HCF but not anymore. The discount on gift cards is much lower, and they no longer accept Amex. Mod, please update the e-gift card discount wiki page.

        • +1

          Yes Member Advantage have gift cards too but different to HCF.
          Just saying 2 ways to get corporate rate for HCF.

          I meant to reply to "Anyone know the cheapest way to get this HCF Rewards membership?" :)

        • Mod, please update the e-gift card discount wiki page.

          That would require Mod to be a member of NIB.
          You could also update the Wiki yourself.

      • If one is looking to save on health insurance, corporate discounts are minuscule compared to the savings that can be made by churning.

        • Yep, different strokes for different folks!
          I travel o/s 6 months of the year using free CC travel insurance and suspend HCF.
          50% discount :)

          • @Amazingly: I'm sure you are aware that isn't really a 50% discount, hence your smiley.

            I'm sure you've read and are familiar with:

            • @YesPleaseThankYou: Of course I'm aware I'm halving my yearly health insurance :)
              You too can do it.

              • +1

                @Amazingly: I already do, via churning, achieving savings of around 60%.

                • @YesPleaseThankYou: It's conceivable you could save 100% with this method for 2 consecutive years without losing your Lifetime Heath Cover.

                  Stay for 6 months and do it all over again.

                  Just be aware HCF require both departure and return boarding passes.

  • How instant is the delivery of the gift cards? I often use the Macquarie ones because it's basically instant, but I'm also with HCF and a bit hesitant if it isn't instant.

    • Within 3-6 minutes of purchase.

  • On a side note, was the cheap Tuesday @ EBGames a one off? I was thinking it was every Tuesday hahah

    • Can't say for sure but I know the EB Games staff I talked to said he thinks it was done largely to get rid of dead stock because most items were ones that most EBGames had little of that they needed to unload. So I'm guessing its not a regular thing.

      • Thanks

  • +3

    The good thing about the HCF rewards is you can get a voucher for a specific amount. So if you need to buy something that is 47.95, you can get a voucher for that rather than having to buy in fixed amounts. Sooo useful, especially with Amazon.

    • +1

      Can also do this with Macquarie Bank.

      • +2

        Nice. It's so much better than the deals for fixed voucher amounts.

        • +2

          IKR, I bought one in the queue at JB Hi-Fi today—the gift card is provided within the banking app, instantly.

  • Is there still a 2-3% surcharge on these??

    • +2


      HCF Thank You axed their 1% surcharge nearly two years ago, but also decreased gift card discounts by 1% at the same time…

      • +1

        Thanks, I think I was thinking of another rewards program I’m in.

  • These gift card offers are good but are little more than a retention trick designed to keep you with HCF.

    Unless you are saving $1,000s per annum via the gift card discounts, you would be best off churning through funds by following the join offers, ignoring retention gimmicks like this.

  • FYI: Long Chim Sydney is now permanently closed.

    • Interesting, thanks for the heads up.

      That would explain the reason the gift card picture on HCF Thank You says Long Chim Perth (even though the gift card's name and description says it is for Long Chim Sydney)…

  • Is it free to join? So register for account and can get discount gift cards?

    • No additional cost if you have an eligible HCF product

    • It's also free to read this thread!

  • +1

    You can save more by waiting until Wednesday 19th Feb and get 10% off Ultimate gift cards. Better deal for Ikea, Autobarn, EB Games, Pandora, etc.

    • And no need to fall for HCF's attraction and retention gimmick.

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