- A completed quote is not an Eligible Purchase and therefore ineligible for cashback. You will only be eligible for cashback on a completed purchase of a policy.
- Cashback will be confirmed after your insurance product/service has been active for at least 60 days, or 90 days for all energy plan purchases. Payment may take 50 - 90 days after validation.
- Cashback is ineligible on use of any codes not approved and posted by TopCashback.
- Cashback is ineligible on use of gift cards for payment and/or purchase of gift cards.
- Cashback is ineligible on purchases made via the retailer's mobile app.
Compare the Market: $190 Cashback on Gas & Electricity, $120 on Electricity, $70 on Gas @ TopCashback

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Referrer gets $35, referee gets $10 (after $10 of earned cashback within 180 days of signing up).
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Simples <squark>
As a person that churns every 2 to 3 months, dont think its a deal.
They dont include the free credit from supplier like ecconex does, or maybe its just my address, if anyone can confirm.
They also stopped including free weeks with the cashback or reduced weeks for PHI to make up for the commission
Every churn nets me at least $300 in energy credits
I usually use google search. Or churn and wait for the retention team to call me and offer me a better credits deal. Havent paid electricity in 3 years and gas in 2 years.
Otherwise, if you dont care about your personal information, econnex offers better offers with the free giftcard and always include bonuses from energy retailer.
But simply energy currently have $200 on each electricity and gas, powershop have $150 on each gas/electricity with the ability to combine with referral and buy $37 credits for $30 each month
This is the way! I've been doing the same, relying on sign-on bonus from retailers to pay my bills.
I don't care about the daily service charge or energy rate, once the credits have been exhausted, I just move on to the next one.
@Gorodemon: Also with CTM, they force you to stay 90 days which means for some gas retailers, you have to wait for next billing period before you can churn. So approx 6 months to churn on gas.
@easternculture: Yeah, the bloody gas retailers really take their time to transfer our services. I think I've submitted the transfer request from AGL to Powershop in Nov/Dec and it's just been transferred recently. Your timeframe sounds right, takes about 6 months to cycle through between gas retailers.
@Gorodemon: Its more about how the gas network is setup.
The electricity is better in terms that the churn occurs in 3 to 7 buisness days from signup
I don't care about the daily service charge or energy rate, once the credits have been exhausted, I just move on to the next one.
This rapid churning for electricity is much easier if your property has a smart meter (negating the need to submit manual reads).
@Gorodemon: Regarding rotating providers after the credit is used up, which providers are you consistently cycling through to get the credit please?
@YesPleaseThankYou: Tip: somwtimes I find other hidden offers using browsers other than what google displays
@sydney rider: I've used AGL and Origin twice in the last couple of years. As for the rest, I just used whoever has a more generous promotion when my current one is up.
I'm now with Powershop after combining the promo from Econnex. I've used Econnex previously and they delivered their promises.
So you just switch over to a new company every 2-3 months to get the new customer offers and such? still new in Australia, sorry if it's a simple question. But having not paid electricity and gas in 2-3 years caught my eye
@hastelgado: Yeah, we use minimal gas. Usually signup offers cover gas usage. So churning 4 times gas every year and electricity i will monitor my meter and when ive used the free credit, i would submit a meter read and churn to next.
CTM offer is not ideal as you are forced to stay 90 days. So i would be paying for some of my electricity usage
@easternculture: That's so smart and convenient! Are there any popular companies that you've noticed yourself always churning to back and forth? Like they provide the best deals usually, or is it just whatever pops up on google search?
@hastelgado: AGL is one. Engie is another. They are my main ones. But currently im with powershop for electricity and engie for gas.
Engie is another.
I don't know what your experience has been, but I have noticed that Engie increases its prices, presumably to cover the promotional credit.
@YesPleaseThankYou: Ill have a look and complain to ombudsman if so for deceptive misconduct and ask for further bill compensation
@YesPleaseThankYou: Does the Jemena app allow you to submit a meter read to switch provider quicker? or do you still have to wait for the scheduled quarterly meter read?
@jackofspade: I am testing this very thing now. According to the FAQ:
What happens if I don't submit a meter reading on time?
If we haven't received a read from you via the app after two scheduled read periods, we'll transfer you back to the normal physical meter read process where a meter reader will visit your property. If you wish to provide your own reads again, simply re-add your property to your Gas Meter Mate profile.and
What happens after I submit my reading? What does 'processing my read' mean?
Note: If you are outside your scheduled meter read window, your reading will be captured as a reference only and passed on to your retailer records. Your retailer will then decide whether to use this reading for your next bill.Implied in the above is that once you register a property for metering via Gas Meter Mate, 'the normal physical meter read process where a meter reader will visit your property', is suspended.
Last week I had a regular quarterly gas bill issue (based on my Gas Meter Mate reads). I have since switched to a new retailer and completed a Gas Meter Mate read. I am hoping that this read will be sufficient for the old retailer to issue a final bill and commence the transfer to the new retailer.
I'll keep you posted.
@YesPleaseThankYou: I think the new retailer has to wait 10 business days before submitting the transfer request.
I think the new retailer has to wait 10 business days before submitting the transfer request.
Are you saying that's the case for electricity and gas? It's definitely not the case for electricity. My experience has been that:
- switches can happen within a day or so, and
- the accompanying documentation says that if you change your mind, they can reverse the transfer.
What's not known with the Gas Meter App is whether a meter read will initiate the closing of the account with the old retailer and progress the switch to the new retailer. I'll know as soon as Jemena verifies my meter reads—there's some delay—unsure why.
@jackofspade: I can confirm that submitting meter reads via the Jemena Gas Meter Mate app was sufficient to trigger a bill and churn to the new provider outside of the usual bill cycle.
@YesPleaseThankYou: Excellent, thanks for the update.
So did you submit another meter read after 10 days?@jackofspade: I submit frequent reads. It wasn't the first meter read after the 10 business days that was picked up for the purposes of the churn, it was a further meter read a few days after that.
I wish there was greater clarity on how and when the gas transfer process works.
Didn't even know about this, thnks for sharing
@easternculture how do we figure out if energy provider will honor sign up credit even if we go through econnex. For example I was just looking at econnex on cashrewards for ovo energy, it doesnt mention sign up credit anywhere, although ovo does it on their site.
For example I was just looking at econnex on cashrewards for ovo energy, it doesnt mention sign up credit anywhere, although ovo does it on their site.
Rule number 1 of churning is that you have to read and understand the terms.
If there's no sign-up credit, then there's no sign-up credit.
@YesPleaseThankYou: Yeah it makes sense, i was just referring to econnex as mentioned by easternculture that they honor sign up credit, i couldnt find it in their deal terms for ovo
How does churning net you energy credits??? Am i missing something here? At most you will get $50 credit with a retailer.
FYI, I also have PV systems so it kinda helps to extend the credit bonus. I reckon a smart man like you would have PV system as well. 😂
I'm getting free credit from Origin.
Also, there's quite a few people who have had problems with econnex. so I disagree that this isn't a deal.
What a jumble of a post. Let me try and decipher.
- You got a credit from Origin. OK, good for you.
- You have observed that 'quite a few people who have had problems with econnex'. OK, good for you.
Finally, because of the above, you 'disagree that this isn't a deal'.
Amazing logic. Thank you! 🔮
I only have elec, so slightly less total energy credits. Have solar, and not a huge household elec usage, but $0 bills over the last 12+ maths from just jumping through the likes of agl, engie signup bonuses.
Smart meter so moving retailers is a day or so only.Hey @easternculture, salute to your skills and thanks for the effort to share your knowledge and experience, I have always learned through your comments for Utilities, Health insurance and more.
2 observations, not sure if I'm the one seeing these:
- Econnex is now $250 cashback on TopCashBack but the terms now is also 90 days (no longer 30)
- Powershop through Econnex gives lower credit of $150 and $50 respectively for elec and gas. Whereas going direct on Powershop webstie the bonus credits are $150 + $150 as you said.Am I on the right path? (Am I seeing things or did I click through the links incorrectly)
Since the beginning of 2024 I have had 15 electricity retailers^ and received over $2,200 in accounts credits.
^ Includes some retailers on multiple occasions.
Could i message you?
I think you can ask the brains trust here.
Could you list some of the retailers that offer sign on bonuses…someone mentioned agl above but just doing a google search for them before they offered me no bonus during a mock signup. So not sure how you guys get so many sign on bonuses
offered me no bonus during a mock signup
Mock sign-up?
The offers are usually plastered on the home page of the retailer or listed in a Google ad.
There's no point to a list—the offers change.
How’s your credit score looking though? 💩
Top notch—thank you for asking!
I keep a detailed watch on my credit scores and record all 3 monthly.
Energy retailers use a soft touch 0 liability credit check, it doesnt affect your credit score much. I switch three times in 4 months and my credit score which was already pretty high didnt move even a point down
And, at least for me, they have stopped doing credit checks.
Perhaps they've already determined that I'm not a credit risk.
@YesPleaseThankYou: Ye and they use cached scores. So if your have already been checked once at Retailer1, when you switch to Retailer2 within 90 days (or 60 days, can vary) who may also also use the same credit check service (eg: Equifax), then you dont actually get checked a second time and the previous score is used.
Not a thing lmao.
What's not a thing?
@TsunamiInTheHouse: No need for the derogatory remark.
Your post didn't specify what you were referring to.
Yet another one who thinks that their own experience is what everyone else will experience.
My Illion score went up by over 180 points yesterday 👍
We should be energy buddies
Im assuming this includes the econnex stuff up when they sent 4 x $200 GCs instead of 2
@easternculture: I've never used Econnex.
I hate the Econnex site and the requirement to give personal information before seeing the deals.
@YesPleaseThankYou: Same, hate eConnex.
Assuming by “churning” you’re referring to cashback details eg Energy Australia/AGL welcome $200 credits?
Just to add to my own post, my average days with electricity retailer (2024 to now) is 21.5 🗓️
It is joke compare the market service. I used their service to select a car insurance. All their deals are higher than if I use service providers website directly. After I signed up, I got a call from them claim they can bargain for a cheaper price which can be a few dollars cheaper and asked me to cancel. They can give the discounts in the first place. I regret to submit my details to them.
Yah, I have never used Compare The Market, Econnex, or any site like that. Generally, the wait time to get the credit negates the so-called deal - at least that's my view. Further, it introduces additional complexity.
Yeah. As i commented above, they dont include free weeks for PHI anymore and appears not to include any energy retailer offer.
This is likely to maximise their commission as they are already paying the cashback to topcashback so they may pocket higher commission rates by not including any perks.
Further to that, they force you to stay 90 days (before it was 30 days) so the potential to maximise earnings via churning ia reduced
I've never found these kinds of sites to be all that useful personally and I've often found better prices by checking the providers' sites directly.
I also dream of the day when I no longer have to waste hours of my life shopping around over and over for the best price for electricity, gas, internet, petrol, toll providers, bank accounts, superannuation funds and all the rest…
In the world my parents grew up in there was one provider for each utility, one insurance company, etc, all the prices were managed by the government and they just paid their bills and got on with their lives…
I also dream of the day when I no longer have to waste hours of my life shopping around over and over for the best price for electricity, gas, internet, petrol, toll providers, bank accounts, superannuation funds and all the rest…
Agreed—it can be painful.
one provider for each utility
But no credits like today.
In today's society, those without capacity to shop around or who choose to remain loyal, pay for the savings made by those who do shop around.
Guys if someone is looking to switch electricity and gas,i reckon raiz has the best deal going on currently . They're giving 96$ on gas ans 120 on electricity. Plus they use econnex so 1 month switch is on the cards
I'm in NSW and have been with Dodo electricty for just over 1 year and coupled with the government rebate, low income rebate, and solar feed in… I've paid ~$43 in total over the past 4 quarters. I'm a 4 person household with most of usage during daylight hours, gas disconnected since forever. My latest bill is like leaves me with a credit of ~$9.
And I'm far from frugal; aircon in the bedroom running every day and night, lights on around the house, ~50 minutes worth of showers everyday, 24/7 security camera system, automatic sliding gate, etc.
@easternculture , @YesPleaseThankYou and others who have churned so regularly, do providers not charge you a read fee and/or cancellation fee when you cancel? Maybe it doesn't happen everywhere but when I've looked at churning for credit, as much as 50% of the credit would be used by cancelling.
For me, smart meter so no 'read fee', and changing retailers is not "cancelling your supply" so no form of cancellation fees.
No read fee. You can either upload a read with a picture or they estimate based on your daily usage
do providers not charge you a read fee and/or cancellation fee when you cancel? Maybe it doesn't happen everywhere but when I've looked at churning for credit, as much as 50% of the credit would be used by cancelling
I would honestly love to know where you have read this. I do read the offers and terms carefully and have never seen what you are claiming.
Looking back at all these years of insane electricity bills… my wallet has been bleeding non-stop! 💸💔😭
Looking back at all these years of insane electricity bills… my wallet has been bleeding non-stop! 💸💔😭
You stay you pay. Utility and insurance companies love you.
Never change—your loyalty is paying for my account credits. Thank you 🥰🤑💵
Aren't they tightening up on these sign up bonuses? Last AGL $ bonus noted in t&c that none could be refunded. Also seeing ineligible if you've been a customer already within last 6 months. EA recent offer through CashRewards specified only available if you'd never been a customer.
Aren't they tightening up on these sign up bonuses?
It's a competitive market. How much do you think they can tighten before they get no customers?
Last AGL $ bonus noted in t&c that none could be refunded.
Stock standard. We're not here to withdraw the promotional credit.
Also seeing ineligible if you've been a customer already within last 6 months.
Then those companies lose potential customers. Bad luck to them.
EA recent offer through CashRewards specified only available if you'd never been a customer.
See above.
Was offered $300 credit ($200 electricity & $100 gas) on my next bill, no locked in contract, by AGL bcs they said I had to switch to their new Saver plans. I don't even know why they want to keep me, my usage is super low
Use the credit then leave :)
Yeah prolly, if I cannot squeeze more credits out of them :D
I find that it's not worth my time to talk to them. Much simpler to churn.
Shopback offer $112 (70+42) but only seem to need to stay for 15 days. Might be a better option for regular chruners
Dont they use econnex
There's a free $250 here for NSW customers, for anyone looking to churn electricity at the moment: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/872893
Agl just sent me a please come back email with $250 credit on electricity. They are my next churn lol. So ill be going back to them in 1 month when powershop credits are used. Left them a month ago
Agl just sent me a please come back email with $250 credit on electricity.
Nice. AGL gave us $225 'please come back credit' after we left last month.
I've taken up the Origin deal as that'll cover us nicely for the next fortnight and the rates are reasonable.