• expired

Free to Watch with Ads - Werewolves Within, A Beautiful Mind, Weekend at Bernie's, Hero @ SBS On Demand

Movie Expiry AEDT
Werewolves Within 28 Feb 11:59pm
A Beautiful Mind 16 Feb 12:30am
Weekend at Bernie's 17 Feb 8:30pm
Hero 27 Feb 10:25pm

720p, Hero is the original Chinese dub with English subtitles.

Mod: If you don't wish to see SBS show posts, please click 'Hide deals from Store SBS' below. Instructions.

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  • +16

    To save OP some time from having to post every single TV show and movie that SBS On Demand has, you can either go direct to their website or Justwatch is good too https://www.justwatch.com/au/provider/sbs-on-demand

    • -1

      Good link.

      • +1

        Yep, you could have just posted this to begin with rather than these silly multiple posts.

        • -2

          It's a little different. With different expiries and some movies/shows popular enough for their own deals, there's also only so much I can fit into the title. Some I also found afterwards.

  • +16

    Ok. The novelty has worn off. We can stop this shite now.

    • from your lips to god's ear

    • guess the new ADASBSBS tag won't launch just yet

  • +5

    Is there any way to block these posts without blocking actual Video on Demand deals??
    There's a tag for Streaming Service Addition that I've blocked but I guess this doesn't really apply?

    • +2

      can y not block individual members?

      y cld try blocking hiphopopotamus

      • Sure, I could but there have been other members that also posted in the past and I'd build up a block-list of users who may potentially post useful deals later that I'd end up missing out on.

      • +7

        how about not posting free to air shows at all?

        • -7

          Nah, spite is a small part of it now. It'll wear out though.

      • Is great you have mod covers all your deals from sbs and remove others as trolls

        Is there a minimum “negs” for site rules to be reviewed? 50? 100?

  • A Beautiful Mind is a masterpiece

    • +1

      *Weekend at Bernies is a masterpiece

  • Werewolves Within was a fun movie. I wasn't expecting much but I'm glad I watched it. It was surprisingly good for a video game adaptation.

  • +9

    mods can i do posts for library books that i like?

    they're free at the library and there's no ads… mebbe that's a deal too..?

    • +9

      Yeah. This is getting ridiculous. Free to air TV with ads isn’t a bargain.

      • +4

        And at 720p. Ahhhhhhhhhh my eyes.

    • +3

      depends if you're one of the mod's favourites

      seems like some posters will get away with BS posts like this … whilst others their posts are deleted / hidden

      • I don't believe the mods particularly like me at all, with how much I post it's more work for them.

        The other 2 deals being unpublished for Trolling was a bit weird. The Kylie Minogue one I guess is not that interesting, but the other one with the animated show appeared to be quite popular with some genuine comments. In the description the OP did write something like OzCatalogue though, maybe the mods didn't like that.

    • +1

      In the 'ten or less' sub-forum though.

  • +13

    3 posts by OP on SBS ondemand in 24 hours.

  • +3

    I thought stuff that are freely available do not qualify as deals?
    Is it even 'recently added' to the service, or recently changed from paid to free?

  • +2

    stremio + rd

    • +5

      Thanks for your dollar fifty

  • +6

    Everything is free to stream on SBS with ads.

    No need to make multiple individual deal posts over a short period of time drip feeding individual titles. This is the fourth such post in as little as a few days. A combined post is sufficient.

  • +3
  • +6

    not a deal. if you want to post this post it in the forum.

    • +4

      I wouldn't block OP. They normally post amazing deals, many of which I have purchased from.

      Probably just trying to get post count up to win the monthly gift card to pay their tax.

      Edit: dang, meant to reply above to mlakmlak but cbf fixing it now.

      • +1

        blocked for feb

      • -2

        Nah that doesn't work, most deals posted doesn't guarantee a monthly member award. I believe scotty chooses with different criteria to spread it around, which is fair. It's also a very inefficient use of time.

        I'm posting because I believe it's a deal, many disagree and that's OK.

        I have another one planned with a very popular movie, curious how it will go.

        Edit: Thank you for the amazing deals comment, it's appreciated.

      • Probably just trying to get post count up to win the monthly gift card to pay their tax.

        OzBargain does not give out a monthly gift card simply for most deals posted. We manually go through accomplishments for members so as you said people don't game the system. The criteria differs every month.

        See https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/830649

        • It was a mock of this thread but good to clarify for those that didn't understand the reference.

        • Hi neil, thanks for the link. Where can I find the stats for the OzBargainer who posted the most deals in a month? I went through 2024 in your link and saw 151 deals posted in Sep 2024 but unsure if that's the highest number ever in OzBargain's history. Thanks.

          • -3

            @trixieb: I think I have that record with 180 in Oct 2024.

            • +1

              @Hiphopopotamus: Wow, I missed that as there wasn't a prize. Are you aiming for 200? Still within the limit of 10 posts per 24 hours 😂

              Edit: Just saw the neg. It wasn't me lol

              • @trixieb: Nah, I've been cutting back now. I went a little nuts but I was never aiming for the record.

                I assumed it wasn't you, as you can see though people are taking things a little personally at the moment. It's the internet, it'll blow over.

            • @neil: Thanks neil. Apart from manually checking each month every year, it appears you don't list the stats for the highest deal count ever posted in a month. I saw this report which lists the top deal posters but doesn't specify the highest record ever for a month.

              @Hiphopopotamus I checked a few random months and noticed username Lysander (In Penalty Box) posting over 200 deals per month a few years ago. Don't know what is the highest count though. E.g. Lysander posted 266 deals in May 2020. I haven't come across Lysander as I've only been an active member recently.

              • @trixieb: I remember Lysander. 266, yeah that's not happening.

              • @trixieb: Ah sorry, I misread your question. I don't know for sure who has the most amount but I'd say Lysander would probably be the best guess. I'll see if I can figure out a query to run on who that would be maybe on the Jan stats post.

                • @neil: That would be great, thanks. I found a higher count - Lysander posted 268 deals in July 2021.

        • +3

          So seeing as you have commented here and the post has not been removed, I'm guessing it's allowed? I don't understand how this qualifies as a deal

          • @violetgrumble: Which guideline does this post break?

            • +1

              @neil: Just a hunch:

              Multiple Bargains for the Same Site/Store

              Think twice if you are posting more than one deal for the same site/store. Are they all really good deals?

              It's also possible to post a deal, mentioning the best offer, and mention ”+ more” in the title, then put details of the other bargains in the same posting (along with direct links to those items too)

              If more than one post is made for the same site/store within 24 hours, it may be combined (especially where posts aren't considered bargains or are related sales/products). Moderator discretion applies.

              All I am seeing is Mod discretion applies to all of OP’s SBS deals

              • @avoidfullprice: Maybe OP bought mod some valentines chocolates last year.. & this is the result a year later

              • @avoidfullprice:

                If more than one post is made for the same site/store within 24 hours, it may be combined (especially where posts aren't considered bargains or are related sales/products). Moderator discretion applies.

                This post -> 08/02/2025 - 18:28
                Free to Watch with Ads - Scrubs Seasons 1-9 @ SBS On Demand -> 07/02/2025 - 19:50

                Yes, so 22 hours and 40 minutes. However, this deal expires Feb 28 whereas the previous doesn't. That's where moderator discretion applies so fine to have 2 different posts. Either way, it's either one post with the shows listed or 2. Both meet guidelines.

                I think perhaps in general we as a community need to accept that people are different in what they find are deals.

            • @neil:

              There are so many useful free multimedia content (e.g. ebooks, videos, photos, software, apps etc.) and websites out there that if we listed every great one, then we would be inundated with deals. Feel free to discuss any of these in one of our forums. Alternatively, add the freeware to its dedicated free software wiki page – Useful Free Software.

              In general, always-free multimedia content that are available to everyone should be posted in the forums. Products that are temporarily free or have become permanently free qualify as deals.

              Would this be considered "always-free multimedia content"? I guess one could make the case that it falls under than latter but then couldn't you argue that movies played on free-to-air tv are temporarily free and therefore qualify as a deal if you usually have to buy them or have access to a paid streaming service to watch?

              I don't mind the odd post but I feel like the frequency of posts is what is bothering most people (I also reported a previous post which was upvoted heavily) and this would be better in a forum.

              I love SBS On Demand and I'm not trying to complain - I really do appreciate OP and the mods for posting deals and enforcing rules respectively - just seeking clarification.

              edit: I realise I probably should have just reported the post instead of downvoting so I apologise if I'm in the wrong.

              • @violetgrumble: Well, for one, all these are available free for a limited time, expiring on Feb 28. If we look at Werewolves Within, the only other options are to buy a paid Netflix subscription or buy it from Google/Apple store for $4.99.

                So if we look at the examples linked in the guidelines you quote:

                Examples of what you shouldn't post:

                Software: Mozilla Firefox (Free Browser, Always Free)
                Websites: Google (Free Search Engine, Always Free)
                Examples of what you should post:

                Software: DVB Web Scheduler Pro is now free (Normally you have to pay for it, now free)
                Websites: Used Car Ads Free on Carbuddy.com.au (Free for now but later on not free)

                So if some movie, software, etc. is usually a paid product but is now offered free, then that's fine.

                I don't mind the odd post but I feel like the frequency of posts is what is bothering most people (I also reported a previous post which was upvoted heavily) and this would be better in a forum.

  • +4

    This is getting beyond the joke @Hiphopopotamus

  • +5

    So the bargain is TV channel has shows?

  • +3

    joke post for sure

    • Nah this Hiphopopotamus character doesn't get his posts removed for some reason. He must have incriminating photos of the mods.

  • +4

    To be fair to the OP, 422 people encouraged this post by upvoting the South Park "deal".

    • +1

      See, the whole SBS on Demands could be posted as a long running deal

      OP could elect to post every week / month when a batch of new shows being made available on the site. South Park could fall under this, right? After all it was a popular show with multiple seasons been aired.

      Posting individual shows as a new deal is just playing with site rules (with mod discretion, of course)

      • The 'discretion' part on display here is how three deals for the same website, from the same person, about a day apart from each other aren't merged into one. On some deals, mods would combine the deals and just update the deal title.

        • +1

          mods would combine the deals

          Regarding this, mods will only combine deals if it was posted within hours.

          For example, sometime Epic Games release one additional free game which wasn’t uploaded on the backend when dealbot has posted the free game for next week. This is normally allowed to post that additional free game, as it has been more than a day apart (or sometimes I think 7ish hours apart)

          • @BargainsGrabber: Does this offer show up in the deals page? I saw the offer when it was first posted but it doesn't show up anymore since the negs. Don't know if it's because of the negs. I had to look for the post under Hipho and then subscribe.

            • +1

              @trixieb: It gets removed from the new deals page if the deal gets more than -3 in votes and it will not hit the front page either

  • +4


  • +2

    Soon people will be posting links to YIFY or RarBG (RIP) saying they're deals for watching movies for free.

  • Please stop posting this garbage. Ads for free to air TV streaming services are not bargains.

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