Recommendations for Bidet

Looking for some good recommendations for bidet. So far I have only tried the hand held spray which I am not a big fan of. I am now looking to get bidet something like "evekare Classic Smart Bidet Toilet Seat" (260$) which is sold in Bunnings. They also have a cheaper 100$ model but it doesn't have warm water option, which would be a good option in Melbourne's winter hence, I am looking at the Classic model.

I have not found any reviews on OzB for this brand hence keen to get reviews/recommendations from anyone who may have used this or are aware of any other good brand/product


  • +12

    Toto is the god tier of bidet

    • Came to say same. If you're actually going to consider a bidet, why not just get a Toto?

      • +5

        I have Toto, low end model retails for $1,899

        • +1

          It would have be gold plated and massage the bits for that kinda brass. What a rip.

          Long live the gun!

      • Pretty much! If you're spending the money, might as well.

        Ofcourse, it may be a lot pricier, but IMHO its definitely worth it. Used them extensively in Japan (where even the public toilets have them), and the higher end models are pretty common in most decent hotels like Grand Hyatt etc (they're so damn good).

    • +23

      When you turn it on does it feel like the rains down in Africa?

    • Every toilet must be a toto

      • +5

        after Toto, everything else is Soso

  • +8

    All hail the mighty bum gun

    • +9

      Mine goes up to 11. For my birthday I also pop in a Fisherman's Friend. 14 minutes is my record.

  • +6

    Look up RPZ backflow prevention valve

  • -1

    Recommendations for Bidet

    I just wash my feet in the bathtub…

    • Why so many downvotes? Is Downvoter the only one cultured enough to enjoy a freshly wiped bottom, with a hint of natural fragrance?

      • Because it was a shitty and useless comment.

      • It’s the method you use to express that you disagree with a comment?

    • +1

      Once you go Smart toilet, you'll never want go back to dumb toilets again. It would feel so ”dirty".

  • +1

    Check that the evekare seat will fit on your existing toilet.
    I had to replace my toilet recently and settled on this mondella one from Bunnings because it was difficult to find something the evekare would fit on.
    It's been great.…

    • My friend bought the 100$ model and fitted it himself without any issues.

      • +1

        Fitted. Oh. fitted… for a moment… I thought you said…

  • +5

    Having installed and used 2 non-electric bidet toilet seats in Sydney, and in many hotels throughout Korea and Japan during their winter, I think warm water is unnecessary.

    I'm a strong advocate for the non-elec ones - easy to install, little can go wrong, no need to pay extra for branding/warranty.

    Get those around the $110 mark, check the shape (D or round) and ensure water inlet is on the correct side for your bathroom.

  • +4

    I've gone through a couple of bidets now. Initially the Xiaomi Smartmi and then the brand Cefito. They both lasted about a year.

    The one i'm using now is the Simplus Smart Bidet and it's been going strong for 3 years now.

    Just a couple of notes:
    * Get a backflow prevention valve
    * Check your system isn't using recycled water.

    • +2

      In what way is it 'smart'?

  • +1

    I’ve got a $60 amazon special. No electrics, too hard basket for me. Water is warm enough in QLD.

  • +1

    I had a handheld one and I hated it too.

    I got an under seat, non-electric bidet attachment and it's the BEST!!!!!!

    Here is an example: Tudaloo Bidet

    They don't have left hand option which I needed.

    Note: If you buy a full toilet bidet and it breaks down, be prepared for a heavy repair or replacement bill (If out of warranty) and even in warranty, I heard stories about it not being fully covered or something….

    Buying a seat bidet or a seat bidet attachment is your best option for money, ease of use and if it breaks down, you only need to replace the seat or attachment.

    • I guess there's a pretty firm cultural reason for the controls being on the right

  • One thing worth mentioning is that if you install it yourself and the bidet causes a leak/flooding etc later down the road insurance may or may not cover the damage. So may be worth using a plumber.

    We actually use a water powered one ourselves but I found recently a handheld silicone one worked well enough so probably going to remove it at some point. There's some very good electric powered handheld ones now too.

    • -1

      Installing a diverter and bidet toilet seat is considered a minor plumbing task, like swapping a shower head or changing a washer, that can be safely done as a DIY project. However, for more complex plumbing work or anything involving the installation or modification of water, gas, or drainage systems, it's best to hire a licensed plumber to ensure compliance with local regulations and safety standards.

    • Are you meant to keep a receipt of installation for insurance reasons in case you need it years later?

    • Can you link to the handheld silicone one you like?

  • +1

    I first tried a Luxe, which lasted about a year and then started leaking. I have had this for a few years now on all my toilets and it was cheaper and works very well…

    The advantage of this one is that the main part unclips from the seat which makes it easier to clean, and it comes in left and right models (you want the control to be on the same side as the water connection)

    For some reason the cold water is not a problem, no one notices it, even in Melbourne winter

    The biggest problem with having a bidet is that once you get used to it, you miss it when you are away and don't have it. My teenage kids were initially repulsed at the concept, now when we got away they say the thing they miss most about home is the bidet!

    • $51 and comes with every accessory you need, it says they even colour code it to match your knob - I kid you not!

    • +1

      how much did it cost you to install?

    • Re last paragraph…the tushy squeeze bidet works OK in a pinch while travelling

  • -1

    Id recommend water. Solvents can burn, detergents make your butt slippery.

  • The Evakare is fine.
    Check the seat shape v the pan shape.
    Lots of discussion about backflow prevention - EvaKare has a vacuum prevention thing which seems to technically comply with plumbing rules in our state.
    We also added an additional bit to further reduce any backflow risk.

    Toto would be great, but omg pricey.

  • I got the $400 evekare seat from bunnings, been very happy with it.

  • +3

    Might need a backflow preventer so that poop isn't accidentally siphoned up into the water supply. Not likely but could happen. We don't usually boil drinking water so yeah……

    • Lol, no way that can physically happen! Just some bullshit article to protect union tradies.

      • Happens if/when toilet blocks and overflows. Bidet outlet can siphon black water into the potable supply.

        • How can the pressure of a blocked/overflow toilet overcome the pressure from the water mains to contaminate it? Impossible.

          • +3

            @mrvaluepack: We’re fortunate to have only a few service disruptions per year. In the US a water main breaks every 2 minutes.

          • @mrvaluepack: If your water supply is disrupted in the street and you do not have a backflow prevention device on your supply to your bidet. There is a potential for a backflow situation if the toilet was to block and fill with effluent that could be sucked back into the main supply. Like wise with the bum guns, a child could drop the nozzle into the bowl and there is a possibility be it very slim chance of backflow.

        • If the toilet blocks, then overflows, THEN at the same time in your street is a burst water main, or a fire truck attaches to a hydrant, and that pressure overcomes any check valves.

  • Having used a Toto and others, I would recommend a different brand with higher water pressure eg BioBidet BB-1000

    Toto is has a water output pressure of about 0.42L/min as per…

    Whereas some others , like the BioBidet are 1.2L/min

    This helps to eject those stubborn, festering faeces at lightning speed.

    • +1


    • +2

      At that point you're pressure washing your bunghole. Sounds like one misalignment away from giving yourself an enema.

      • +2

        Actually, some bidets label the setting an enema setting
        others call it Turbo (and prob some other variations)

        Toto often have a 'hard spray' which is similar to the enema function on other bidets, but the pressure is not quite as strong.

        • HAAHAHAHA I stand corrected! "It's not a bug, its a documented feature."

  • We got this at the beginning of 2020 and never had issues.

    The idea of using toilet paper to wipe my butt frrls so uncivilised now..

    • 'so uncivilised now..'

      says walking away from the toilet with a drippy ass … and klingons now moved to the thigh …

      • You use the toilet paper to dry it off…
        Do you not dry your hands after washing it? Or do you just wipe it with paper towel without washing??

      • +1

        I think what lunartemis means is, they no longer use toilet paper to wipe and wipe and wipe to rub the faeces off their anus.

        There are two periods in my life: pre-bidet and post-bidet.

        You cannot go back.

        • sometimes i use the wiped paper as a slide to inspect what's come out. saw some tiny orange chalky looking bits today

  • +1

    Just use a hose bro

    • When I went to school, there was a guy caught with a hose down his pants????

    • no hose in this house

  • A home with recycled water being used for the toilet cannot connect a bidet to that water supply.

    • They can. Although I wouldn't recommend it.

  • I can recommend…. bought on amazon on 7/2019 for $111. No issues.

    Hibbent Non Electric Mechanical Toilet Bidet Seat with Dual Nozzle Adjustable Water Pressure Self Cleaning - Combined Toilet Bidet - (Fit for Round Bowl)- AU108

  • -1

    I have this one…

    Bought in May 2022 and still going strong.

    I have 3 toilets in house and prefer using this one all the time.

  • So, once you have a clean arse but it's dripping wet - then what? Use TP and get it stuck everywhere? Sit there scrolling ozbargain whilst it drip dries?

    • +1

      Activate the dry function

  • +1

    I would suggest hand held bidet instead of the seat, in which the nozzle lives near the bowl.

    I have been using this since 3 years without any issue -

    I also added a backflow preventer to it so that water on the tip doesn't get siphoned back in case water supply is shut/cut off from behind.…

  • Have two of the Xiaomi ones, but they don't seem to be discontinued now?? One is 5 years old, the other 4. Both doing great! It's easy enough to install a backflow valve but making sure there is a code compliant GPO nearby can be difficult. Initially had Phillips one that died within 6 months. I'd highly recommend a powered one especially for Melbourne climate. Having a heated toilet seat and water to your bum is a god-send.

  • +1

    We are on our second - a Kogan special. For around $250 its pretty good.
    A few things:
    Get the heated seat. The only rump that deserves a morning 'ring of ice' has a T in front.
    Heated water - same. Anyone that looks forward to cold water there on a winters morning is plain nuts (tiny ones at that)
    You need a power outlet in a good location for this.

    Next time we build/renovate we will likely go Toto or equivalent.
    Once you have one you wont go back.

    Just think- Oh, ive got Vegemite on my moustache. OK, ill just get some tissue paper and smear it over my face.

    • If it's so good why are you already on your second?

      Spraying water at your vegemite moustache isn't going to do much either. You need mechanical or chemical action to shift that.

      • First one was over 10 years ago and was very basic. I kept waiting for it to die. I was a bit sceptical about them. Still works, but we wanted the heated seat. The Kogan cheapie is 4 years in and wont die either.
        Once I got used to having one, I became more comfortable about their hygene and reliability. We're going to build next year. Our ensuite dunny will be a thing of wonder!! 😎

        I won't go into the material properties of sh@t here, but a water jet of moderate strength directed correctly clears stuff pretty well, particularly because the user hasn't 'spread things around'……

  • +1

    Went with a Toto, did not regret and would highly recommend.

  • I got a bidet hose from ali express and a T way adapter from bunnings for the wall outlet, about $25 all up

  • I've been through a couple of non powered ones from Amazon, and honestly haven't felt the need for anything fancier. The cold water isn't anywhere near bad bad as you might expect.

  • Do you Own a 3D Printer?

  • I got this one Op.…

    It comes with the black flow adapter and hose. So far its been good for 3 months since I had it.

  • Korean made Electronic bidets are reliable yet priced much lower than Toto.

    We have 2 bidets in our home & both have been going strong for a large number of years.
    As others have recommended make sure the one way valve is installed on the bidet side and highly recommend you install inline water filters that should typically get replaced 3-6monthly depending on water quality at your home. Oh and dont forget even though the bidet will do a full nozzle clean at end of every use you still need to check weekly and clean this using antibacterial cleaner.
    For those who care there is no going back to a standard toilet once you have tried a good electronic bidet.

    Especially love having the seat nice and warm when using the toilet on a cold night.
    Luxury for some but not that high a price to pay for the cleanliness and ease of use

  • We use the brand Smarto. A bit on the expensive side but been reliable. Think it cost $1000 fully installed. It’s the same brand that HaiDiLao uses at their restaurants.

  • -1

    I have a toto neorest xh i feel like a homo everytime that water sprays…..its worth the money!

  • how's the cold water feel during winter times ?

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