Men’s Undies Suggestions?

Back in 2012, I bought a dozen Izod boxer briefs that ended up lasting me a decade (four are still in good shape). I replaced them with Bonds but they’ve turned out to be rubbish: all stretched elastic and crotch tears.

Can anybody recommend a good brand of men’s underwear? I don’t mind paying for quality. I do mind paying for mediocrity.


  • +9

    been wearem step one for a couple years now but quality has really decreased.
    would say they now have a half life of one year… replacem 50% of my rotation each March so looking for recommendations also

    • +6

      Yeah I bought a few replacement pairs and I bought the same size as last time but the recent batch were much smaller and noticeably tighter around the groin area.

      Note: I've always been a biological male and have not recently transitioned, nor has my crotch grown to my disappointment.

      • Damn. I have 15 pairs that I bought back in 2018 and a few have started to get tattered. Was thinking of getting some more but might move on if that’s the case.

    • +1

      Yeah, they really are crappy now. Pilling at the seams after 6 months. Hard to find undies for people with large glutes and hammies that also don't try to compress your package into diamond though.

      • +1

        Have found exactly the same, everything else I've tried hasn't fit as well as the step ones because of the thicker legs.

        • Targets Bamboo Premium Trunks - Maxx are what I've use after starting to lift an having to throw out all my old ones due to glute growth.

          Lots of breathability for the package and I like the material, it’s super cool. That said, bamboo does stretch over time so they don't last forever. But for the price I don’t mind grabbing a fresh bunch every couple of years.

          Never used the step ones however so can't compare, these just work for me.

    • Step Ones are amazing, 1 billion percent recommend. I have not chafed once the last few years since.
      Edit: missed people saying they fell off in quality - I bought mine in 2021 and they are still going strong, so maybe not.
      I do have friends that have bought recently and are happy, but they have not gone through the test of time as yet.

      • +1

        That gives some hope that it was some short lived material/supply chain issue. Keep us posted on your friends' undies, mate.

      • +1

        I got some step one undies around the same time, I think around 2021 that are still decent. Got another batch maybe a couple years ago and unfortunately those are in worse condition than the original batch. They have definitely gone down hill in quality and won't be buying again.

  • +10

    Takes about a week to arrive from the UK but great quality and worth the wait. Been using them for decades.

    • +3

      Agree. I get all my socks and grundies from Next.

    • +1

      Sweet… a tank top vest

    • +1

      Yeah they are good, I bought some a year or 2 ago from a recommendation on here and they are all still in good condition

    • 95% cotton, nice. No polyester crap!

    • Nice tip. Just bought some

  • Can be worth waiting for a Tommy Hilfiger sale, they had 3 packs for $26 (usually $100) last boxing day.

    I bought some Bonds mid last year and the TH ones at black friday, the TH ones are definitely nicer. Bit too soon to tell how they're holding up.

    • +1

      … or letting you down.

  • +2

    EC's post from a decade ago still going strong (working through the packs).

    • +1

      Does that company still exist ?

    • +2

      RIO was my go to. RIP.

  • +1

    Obviously Underwear lasts years for me. Super comfy too.

    • +4

      Strange looking willy pocket on those things? :)

      • It will change your life.

        • +1

          Is the pouch relatively loose, while still supportive? I tend to wear loose underwear nowadays, because I dislike the sensation of having my bits pushed back into my body, does this brand solve this problem?

          • +2

            @Mikeer: The bits are held aloft so you don't get crunched like regular undies.

            Depends how big your package is for it to be loose.

            Very comfy for me.

      • +5

        I was not ready to see that willy sockpuppet after clicking that link.

        • +2

          The red pair with the outline of his willy so clear you can tell he is circumcised? Had you not mentioned it I wouldn't have clicked the link to see his impressive member.

        • +1

          I feel with my banana shaped member that pocket may not functionally work…

    • +2

      these are really awkward to get a boner in

      much prefer the pouch in BN3TH Classic Icon Boxer Brief if i want a sung fit can size down but even the regular size holds it in position surprisingly well

      • +1

        reminds of some u/pants I bought in 'murica - with a wide elastic waistband, the rest of the material was thin stretchy lycra-like, and it was so difficult to pull down the wide waistband to stand to pee, that I finally realised the quick way was to pull the lower lycra aside

        at which point I figured - hmm quick access for spontaneous couplings - unzip, whip it out, whip it in, wipe it clean, whip it back, walk away ?

    • -2

      Do you wear these to mardi gras?

      • What ever floats your boat mate.

  • +2

    Used to wear Bonds, they become rubbish, now CK and always on sale.

  • +1

    Thanks for all the responses. Nice to see quality unmentionables mentioned.

  • +11

    UNIQLO do great ones.

    I buy CK for the brand, however the quality has gone into the sh1tter as of late. Getting holes in some after 1 year of use.

    • +2

      I buy CK for the brand


      Calvin Klein isn't a designer label anymore. It was sold to the Phillips-Van Heusen Corporation and basically get royalties for sticking their logo on third party produced garments.

      Tommy Hilfiger is the exact same thing. Hence their vast ranging quality differences and constant sales/outlet stock. Not to mention the Tommy Hilfiger Gaming 3 In 1 Combo Set Keyboard.

    • I have been wearing UNIQLO loose-fitting boxers for years now, and they are great for everyday wear. But I find they tend to bunch up awkwardly during exercise.

    • +1

      Brand because of Back to the Future?

    • +1

      +1 for Uniqlo from me.
      The woven trunks are my absolute favourite

    • +5

      Uniqlo Airism. Cool, breathable, comfortable.

    • I used to love wearing the Uniqlo boxer briefs in the supima cotton but they don't make them in the low rise option in aus anymore. The normal rise bunch up like crazy. I don't like the synthetic feeling of airisms.

      I've been trying out the AS colour ones now and they're pretty good but a little bunching. If any one has any good recommendations for actually low rise boxer briefs let me know

  • +3

    Boody has been my default for years

    • +1

      Same here

      • I don't get crazy longevity from them - maybe 2 to 3 years - but they aren't vastly expensive - and easily the most comfortable fabric I've ever worn.

        Once I had enough for laundry rotation, I threw everything else I owned into the bin - nothing comes close IMO.

    • Do you find that Bamboo takes forever to dry?

      • +1

        No, I don't find that to be an issue. It's fairly thin material, so it dries reasonably quickly in my experience. Maybe it's a climate thing?

  • +1

    'crotch tears.'

    Stop rubbing them on things?

  • +1

    Still using Step One and Tackle here but as others have said the Step Ones aint what they used to be.

  • +1

    I'm disappointed in the durability of Aussie Bum & Mossman.

    I've got Mundo Unico (Columbian) that are 10 years old and still going strong & super comfy/supportive. Unfortunately the price has increased 400% in that time.

    • Used to love Mundo Unico but all mine got holes to replaced them with Obviously now.

      Plus the price is just silly.

  • +6

    By the time I learn from experience if a particular underwear will last or not, they don't make it anymore.

  • +3

    Aldi recently had some underwear packs on sale. Might be worth trying.

    • Bought some of these some years ago and they had a very strong solvent smell, almost like petrol.

      • +1

        Advice from a wealthy businessman involved in textile manufacturing: ALWAYS wash clothes before wearing a minimum of three times. Especially the cheap stuff.

    • I never buy at more than 5 for $15.
      I bought Kmarts about six months ago, and all gone, lost elasticity
      My 10yo+ Bonds just keep on keeping on, so I just bought an other 5 pack, hoping against hope that they aren 't defrauding the consumer like everyone else

      • I found the 7 days from Kmart better than the 5 pack of Alphas, despite being cheaper.

  • +2

    Check out debriefs. I think I saw a deal on here for them. Super comfy, has a flap to use rather than having to pull the waist band down. Going strong after a few years.

    • +1

      +1 on debriefs however they've increased prices dramatically over the last year or so.

    • +1

      Agree was going to recommend these

  • +2

    Hugo Boss are the most comfortable and longest lasting i've found. Very good quality cotton, much better than CK. Cheap when on clearance at David Jones, think I paid less than $20 for a 3 pack last time.

  • +2

    Satan Boxers the two pack for ten dollars is a great deal and none of them have failed me yet.

    • +3

      always wondered what happened to the 1990s 2000s underwear of choice or even loose boxers in general which were common up until mid 2010s

      now i'd go for plain Silk Charmeuse Loose Boxers, expensive but kmart/B&L satin feels like sandpaper in comparison

      • I have no idea when it comes to the softness and quality of boxer shorts. The Charmeuse is either very cheap or expensive, depending on the nonsense google search puts out.

        • it's been a longtime since i've bought any but i'd expect minimum $50 for something decent

          have to be careful some kinds of silk have very specific washing instructions i just won't bother with anything that requires hand washing

          these Fishers Finery have doubled in price since 8 years ago 🥺 i think these might've been what i tried

          i've never tried these but reckon they'll be good

          i found these CK $50-60 down from $150 with various promo stacks from their official store but with my numbness i cannot properly assess their comfort

          i've tried these SXF regular satin boxers for $10-30 a while back, might've been via freight forwarding from US they feel really good in comparison to what you'd find at B&L/kmart if you can figure out how to get a reasonable price to australia i'd recommend these first as they seem to handle accidentally using the wrong washing machine settings well

        • if you're willing to mess with freight forwarders sxf have new member offer from 5-10USD each

          if forwarding you'd want to buy in bulk so trying one first can look on amazon au if they don't have your size or price to high check back

          also search cause sizes randomly appear as different listings

  • +1
    Not cheapies but these are comfy. Quality that lasts. AFAIK, no other undies holds your sack like these.

    I started out wearing the bamboo but found the polyester version last longer without much difference in comfort.

    Zero international delivery if you spend over US$35

    • @silverham
      I always wait for their sales Fathers Day was 30% off. Bought 5x3” trunks for us$90 delivered. Yeah still pricey but I like them :)

    • +1

      I think Obviously do a better job with the pouch.

  • +2

    Jockey - microfibre. Last for years and no chafing.

  • -1

    I commented on a similar thread a while ago. UnderArmour Men's Tech have been game changers for me. Super light material and haven't seen anything else like them.

    Have been wearing them for years.

    • -2

      Please explain to us exactly what game these underwear change and to what effect?

  • +5

    Once you go Commando, you'll never go back - comfortable, very cheap, and last a lifetime.

    • i've tried a lot of loose boxers in my time absolutely nothing comes near the comfort of these nicelaundry pants and shorts so good i use them as underwear

      loose boxers and commando always give me 100-1000s of friction boners throughout the day but nicelaundry lines their shorts pants with modal fabric when used as underwear the outer material is slippery so doesn't bunch up against pants

      no more awkward tents

      • May I have some of your happy tents? I can no longer make my own. =(

        • +1

          honestly, they are very painful
          due to a medical issue my body doesn't know how to process histamine
          it's really awkward cause you just wanna get it over with

          • @mantra: That sounds awful. As an adult I wore the same five pack budgie smugglers Mum used to buy me as a kid. I did this for decades, buying the same pack each time. They sure do keep everything in. Nothing can move.

            I do have some cycling underwear that have the package hugging pouch. Same as the five pack but the bicycle underwear protects my fat thighs and wicks sweat all around my crotchal region.

            • @Loopholio: always hated regular briefs i keep trying to give them a chance but boxer briefs hold themselves on my leg much better than groin which feels weird

              Tencel/Modal is the only fabric i can handle and a pouch is a must, i've found Bn3th Classic Boxer Briefs the best fabric also retains it's shape throughout the day, many other pouch brands sag until washing them

              size down or up if want a tighter or freer

              Bn3th have lots of other fabric compositions some probably similar to your bicycle underwear, their US store has best range but their prices recently gone high i'm planning to find Canadian freight forwarder much cheaper region

  • +2

    Men wear the same undies for 13 years they're 'still good'

    They're not.

    • +1

      Just one more wear. The band elastic still forms a full loop!

      • +1

        …. and out comes the ball of string to make them last a few more years.

  • +1

    My favourite is the Champion briefs from Costco

    • +1

      Personally, mine got thrashed out after a year.

      The Puma ones from there are still going for me about 5 years later however.

  • +4

    Uniqlo Airism

  • +3

    Anko Kmart days of the week undies

  • I've worked through every decent brand in recent years and I hate say it but Ralph Lauren's seem to be the only ones that stay comfy and don't get holes. Used to be cheap enough on special at Myers but now they don't stock them :(

  • Nike drifit has been great for me. But im also a believer in buying fresh pairs yearly because its ya junk

  • Duluth Trading and B3neth or whatever the name is. Duluth is US based with high shipping costs.

    I've tried tradie on OzB recommend - no good. Elastic wears out fast.

  • +2

    I swore by step ones, now they suck.

    I've been using these for about a year now, and I think they're the bomb. Can't go wrong for $10 a pair, they've held up very well against wear/tear and sweat (I'm a tradie), plus there's basically always stock. Definitely worth the money, I won't buy expensive undies again while these exist.

  • i wear cotton fleece shorts. They last about 3-5 year sometimes longer but I had to patch a few…

    Other similiar ones…

  • +2

    I travel a lot and look for light weight, breathable and quick dry. Tried Lululemon and very happy, Icebreaker lightweigh merino and they're good. Kmart sleep shorts/undies do pretty well too, but slow drying. Kathmandu undies are rubbish as are Country Road, Coast and Bonds.

  • -3

    Since I have great girth and enormous length in the crotch department, I have to make my own underpants to accommodate the extraordinary mass that resides within them.

  • I find these to be pretty good and lasts awhile…

    They are available in a longer version so they don’t ride up as much

  • aussie bum, for those times I'm wearing a zipper pair of pants/shorts.
    Wait for regular 50% off sales. They did have a selection that were aus made last time I bought some a few years ago.
    I still have four unopened aussie made bonds to get through as well

  • How about skims? Good brand?

    A friend told me not go with cotton when it comes to underwear.

  • Undies are unnecessary, buy eneloops instead. That's the ozbargain way.

  • Under armour ones for me. Havent looked back since changing to them a few years back.

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