Get top-quality AC now at a bargain price - available in-store only.
It's a clearance sale for the non-Wi-Fi model.…
Get top-quality AC now at a bargain price - available in-store only.
It's a clearance sale for the non-Wi-Fi model.…
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It was the same price of $1,499.25 for all of the stores that I clicked on.
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We searched 'Mitsubishi Heavy Industries 7.1kW Bronte Air Conditioner Split Reverse Cycle Set' to find similar.
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any 2.5kw models?
Curious does the ac use 7.1kwh all the time. I think my older ac uses around 3kwh
7.1kwh is what it can be capable of in terms of heating equivalent power.
In practice it will never draw anywhere near that much. Probably under 1kw if you're running it on low.
Oh cool thanks
And for every degree below 20 it uses 10% more is that correct?
@ATTS: According to the specs it can draw 1.84kW for cooling and 2.02kW for heating. Actual consumption will depend on your space (size, leaks, ambient temp, insulation).
No mate, I have monitoring unit and it hit's top 3kw only for few minutes and then it's like 1.5-2kw if you set it to 22 and mine is 3 bedroom house. I have 2.5kw 3 units and even all turned on it will not go past 5kw total. Mine was installed 4 months ago. Hope that helps. Thanks
Yes very helpful mate thanks
It simply means it can remove 7.1kW of heat per hour. It is not the electric motor power consumption ratings.
I c thanks
Mitsubishi will always remind me of dance clubs for some reason.
Red 😂😂
Yep these won
Damn.. I thought it read installed.
any way to make this "smart" and controllable via app?
Are these better than the Tuya stuff? Been on Tuya for ages and it can be frustrating with Alexa/Google
Never bothered to set up Alexa/Google, I use the native app to turn the a/c on to pre-chill the house before I get home, works great for that.
Have had it setup to turn on the TV, Amp, Fetch TV box all on the correct channels for a luddite family member who was visiting and would never have figured out what to turn on in order to watch tv - worked great for that also.
I have paired with google, works well.
I've got the tuya stuff tied in via home assistant- was a pain to initially set up, but rock solid once I made it send commands a couple times automatically as part of the button.
Dude, awesome thanks
Ive got the wifi version of this mitsubishi AC can confirm that broadlink is much better then the wifi in new ACs. I use a tuya based one with temp sensor now but mitsubishi factory wifi is the worst IOT experience ive ever had.
I just setup my first of three of these tonight - very neat little unit!! Though much more effort than the other options
Yep I have 4 of these installed and working in assistant. Great for automation turning off when the wife doesn’t when leaving the house and turning on when you pull into the driveway!
I actually have 3 complete spare of these for sale.
Check pm
Pretty sure you can order a wifi module directly from Mitsubishi as well if you choose, at least that was the case when I had mine installed years ago. Says its compatible with this model as per the below link.
Sensibo is a great way to "Smarten" these. Sensibo works great with this Mitsubishi Heavy Industries AC. I have 2 of these MHI units plus one Daikin Cora at home and can control all via sensibo mobile app from home or outside
For extra points, use Home Assistant's Sensibo integration for extra automation.
Non wi-fi is a killer
Doesn't it have a remote? Push a couple of buttons?
Sure, I'll bring my remote to work and push a couple of buttons from kilometers away.
Thought WiFi controlled it from home. But if you still want to bring the remote to work & push a couple of buttons, why not.
Broadlink IR controller or Sensibo AC Controller could fix this shortcoming, and probably more customisable and able to integrate into Home Assistant/Homekit.
Just get a Sensibo device….
Sensibo works great with this Mitsubishi Heavy Industries AC. I have 2 of these MHI units plus one Daikin Cora at home and can control all via sensibo mobile app from home or outside
For extra points, use Home Assistant's Sensibo integration for extra automation.
Agreed. After getting a wi-fi aircon that I can control just by telling my google assistant, I'd never get a non wi-fi one ever again. Can't even remember the last time I needed to reach for the remote.
Just use a BroadLink, its even better than the devices own wifi,
If you are happy to chance it with a Hisense a/c they are doing an extended warranty promo at the moment (7 years instead of 5)…
I had one of these installed at the start of the week.
Very happy with it.
I've got both Hisense and Mitsubishi.
Hisense has a significantly better user experience, the remote is many times better, it has some awesome features like I can put the remove anywhere in the room and it will chill the room until the remote reaches a certain temp. The remote is also lots easier for oldies to use then Mitsubishi which is like ancient hieroglyphs to be deciphered.
The mitsubishi does seem a bit quieter for the indoor unit however…
the fan on the smaller hisense does a much better job then the mitsubishi…
you mean the hisense remote is sensor too and linked to the air con?
I can confirm the same thing. The Hisense remote appears to have a temperature sensor and appears to communicate with the unit. It's very easy to use. I recommend.
Have you registered with Hisense for the extended warranty yet? Did you receive an email straight away to confirm the warranty details had been lodged? I didn't receive anything, so I'm wondering now whether I should have.
I did not - paid about $1200 for it installed all up from the good guys.
I'm not too fussed on the warranty. If anything fails, they typically fail pretty early on.
I paid 4 or 5 times as much for the slightly larger Mitsubishi installed, but it was the only installer willing to do it before Christmas.
Also Hisense 7kw is currently $1140 from Good Guys Commercial
There's literally no comparison between Mitsubishi and Hisense. I would never install Hisense and Mitsubishi is one of the best brands of AC you can get.
A mouse or rat decided to live in the outdoor unit of my 7kW Fujitsu killing it at the ripe old age of 4 years.
I did look at replacing like for like but the price difference between a Fujitsu and comparable Hisense was $1070 and the Hisense comes with a 7 year warranty vs 5 years with other manufacturers.
I guess time will tell if I made the right decision.
I've got both.
Hisense 2.5KW unit has a better fan then my 7kw Mitsubishi, we often only use the fan on it.
Hisense has better remote.
Hisense has better Wi-Fi.
Hisense has slightly better warranty.
Hisense was a fraction of the cost. I got it for less than Mitsubishi charge for two Wi-Fi adaptors lol.
Mitsubishi is slightly quieter, but this is probably due to the fan that doesn't spin as hard as the smaller Hisense.
We often just use the smaller Hisense for the whole house, its just easier to switch on with the voice command.
Time will tell on the warranty, but I saw about 40 of these Hisense units in bali, all severely undersized running near 24/7, the hotel said they hadn't had any issues with them apart from the remotes going missing… I asked about it, as mine wasnt working when we got our room. (It wasnt working as they had it switched off at an isolator while the room was vacant)
Kind of regret the Mitsubishi, really miss the Hisense remote and google integration. My Mitsubishi has integration too with wifi but read the google store reviews its far from stellar, its a piss poor experience. Im controlling it with a third party thermostat its so poor.
Both my Hisense 3.5kw HAWV12KR units freeze up and throw ice out after a few hours on cool, but both don’t seem to have a refrigerant leak
Are they both still under warranty? Have you reached out to Hisense yet, if so are they investigating the issue?
Unfortunately I had them installed shortly after buying my first house, chose the installer off hipages and paid cash. Now they are gone off hipages and seem to have done a runner
Learnt a lot since then! So doubt Hisense would do anything regarding warranty, just going to get them replaced as an expensive lesson
@Brick50: Sorry you are having that experience, doesn't necessarily seem to be an installation problem so if it's within the 5 year warranty period (and you have proof of purchase) might still be worth calling Hisense up to see what they have to say.
Who knows, it might be a common issue for a/c's manufactured at that time of purchase that Hisense are quietly repairing.
I don’t see a issue here?
Cost to have this installed?
Yes usually it cost extra to have this installed.
$800+ depending on complexity of installation.
Had a 7.1kW and 2.5kW installed recently - back to back install for $650 and $550 respectively - that was decommissioning and removal of an old unit, that was my cheapest quote.
Quotes for the above work varied greatly.
I'd expect to pay a bit more than this if you are doing a new install as they won't be able to reuse any existing wiring etc.
Did they use only the old electric wiring or even the rest of the pipes/tubes ecc?
Not sure what exactly can be reused, I'm just surmising that some of it can be which would probably make an initial installation more expensive.
The installer has a good reputation and provides a written 5 year warranty on the installation work so hopefully he's done the right thing, no complaints from my tenants and they usually let me know if they aren't happy with a tradies work.
That's a cheap price - I'm using they re-used the wiring but did they install a new isolation switch and RCD (circuit breaker) at your metre box? Did it include a wall bracket and mounting it on the wall or just put on the ground.
Not sure what was reused or replaced, the bigger a/c outdoor unit was installed back onto an existing wall bracket and the smaller back onto the existing concrete pad.
Thats very cheap, decommissioning old units can often cost more than new as they have to remove old unit capture gas etc.
I think I paid $700 for my 2.5 kw hisense installed back to back from the good guys installer. They had slightly cheaper installers, but none had availability
Best quote I found in November to have my 7.1kw Mitsu Heavy Industries Bronte installed was $880 (included wall bracket and mounting which adds $70 - $95 depending on the installer). This included decommissioning the old system (including disposal). Wiring was re-used but they replaced the external isolation switch, all ducting and pipe work and the MCBO (circuit breaker) with a RCD at the switchboard.
I'm getting a 2.5kw Mitsu Heavy Ciara installed on Monday - I received four quotes ranging from $700 to $900 (includes wall bracket and mounting). The cheaper install prices are often installers just piggy backing it onto the nearest power circuit - I prefer a dedicated circuit which adds $200 - $330 so with that, I'm paying $900.
whats the benefit of a dedicated circuit if you know? i think all AU houses have same gauge and amperage wires throughout the house so shouldn’t make any difference.
It's just to avoid annoying tripping of the circuit breaker. For small 2.5kw units it's not as imperative as they draw probably 900w max and often less.
For the bigger units like this 7kw one, max it can draw 1500-2000 watts. If this is on a shared circuit, then the risk is turning other things on this circuit may trip out the max draw. Not dangerous, but you just have to keep going out to the meter box and flicking it back on.
The same thing that happens if say your laundry and kitchen are on shared power circuit, so turn on your kettle, airfryer and then tumble dryer, and it trips out.
I'm not sure if anyone has actually had warranty voided when installed on a shared circuit, but often the installation instructions for the units state it must be on a separate circuit, in reality this isn't always followed. The electrical standards just say it must be installed by manufacturer instructions.
@placard: wow, never thought that it might have been the reason for frequent tripping at one of earlier places as soon as the iron was switched on.
@placard: Max running current for the 7kw mhi is 17A, so maximum power consumption can over 3,500watts, so you made a good decision to go dedicate circuit.
That’s completely wrong, we have 2.5mm TPS for PowerPoints typically, 1.5mm for lighting circuit
I’m assuming this would be wired up with 2.5mm wire but I could be wrong.
Would be easy to overload powerpoint circuit if cable if A/C is on same circuit as kettle,toaster etc.
Also if you have an issue with the A/C you can isolate it and still have power elsewhere in house
My induction cooktop required 6mm cable
I believe legally you can install up to 3.5kw split system on existing circuit, but pretty much every manufacturer states it needs to be installed on a dedicated circuit or else they will try and deny warranty
@Brick50: so the value of dedicated circuit is easy warranty claims and nothing to do with tripping?
@backupper1: It’s both, anyway it won’t be a problem because any self respecting sparky would refuse to hook it up to existing circuit
Hi, if you are in Sydney, mind sharing the contacts for the quotes? Cheers.
Max running current for the 7kw mhi is 17A, so maximum power consumption can over 3,500watts, so you made a good decision to go dedicate circuit.
Good price, I have 6.3kW version and it is good.
Highly recommended.
overkill to replace an old small unit? Have a 10+ year old 2 or 4kw unit but cant tell what size it is (unless theres an easy way to tell as I cant see any model numbers on the unit)
If you got the space for it then you can. Always better to have larger capacity than small, cools the area down faster. Once at temp these units sip power, so are really efficient. Though you have to beware the outdoor units can be quite large.
Keep in mind if it’s way too big it will cause it to cycle on and off lots, and may struggle to reduce humidity by cooling room down too quickly
These AC are inverter powered, it doesn't work like the old school on/off compressors. If it doesn't need much cooling it just slows the compressor speed down.
There is zero problem with humidity, I have an 8kw system and the room it is in has 6 fish tanks and can be shuttered off to make the area only about 50 sqm. I can cool the room down in about 20 minutes from 29 deg to 21. It is oversized for that space, but if I open the doors then it would be cooling double the space.
Getting an air conditioner that is too big for your space is bad because it will likely cycle on and off frequently, leading to increased energy consumption, poor humidity control, discomfort due to temperature fluctuations, and ultimately a shorter lifespan for the unit itself
More efficient to run a larger unit
unless it too large then it's less efficient
Good price and great unit
I found it near on impossible to find someone to install a supplied unit. Probably have to go through bunnings itself.
Where are you located? I called four electricians yesterday and only one said they only supply and install.
Over the past 15 years I have got 5 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries units installed (at different properties In Melbourne) I have never had any issues with the units or the installs- they are a reliable brand with good warranty terms for commercial premises etc. (ie they don't decrease the warranty period when installed in a commercial premise like many other brands). I have always bought the units themselves from Good guys and more lately Bunnings, and then supplied them to the installer. I have used Chris at for all of these installs. His name was originally supplied by Good guys as a suggested installer on the first install, so I used him since then for other installs.
Good deal - I got one for $1513 from Bunnings in October (price beat another retailer).
OOS apparently
Make it wifi with a $30 smart ir remote from ali express
Which store ? Or is it nationwide