Hi all, I am looking for a long term credit card to hold for the sole purpose of travelling / hotel reservations etc.
Right now I basically use my debit card which I use to pay for everything (which is dumb I know since I don't earn any points). I also have a Ubank debit card with 0% international fees which I use for international payments in other currencies.
I've had many CC's in the past which I've churned the points on but I want to:
- Start using a CC for most of my payments so I can earn points.
- Setup some seem-less auto pay so I can always pay off the amount automatically form my savings.
I'm with CommBank for my main debit card so maybe considering the Ultimate Rewards Card as my long term credit card. This way I can also set up the auto-pay integration nicely. However, the fee on it is $35 and I don't think I'll spend $4k on most months to waive it so I'll basically be paying the fee each month. Not sure if the rewards program is particular good either. No good current offer on it either.
Is this a bad idea? Should I instead just stick to churning cards yearly with good offers instead. The only thing I hate about that approach is having to go through hassle of switching credit card every year which can be time consuming but ignoring that, it gives best rewards payback.
Thank you.
Ask a friend to be an additional card holder of their AMEX. Foreign transaction holds don’t count towards their limit