Can Opener That Works

I bought a Kmart then an OXO can opener from OzBargain, both (profanity) useless.

My mums 25 year old one worked so good for so long till it snapped and now two new ones don't even work.

Someone please tell me a good brand to buy that actually works


  • +7

    the new ones work by putting it on top rather than from the side - have you tried doing that with your existing can opener?

  • What kind of opener? The bog standard IKEA one works for millions.…

  • +2


    Which? The one on amazon with over 40,000 reviews averaging 4.6 out of 5?

    • +1

      Yeah thinking the same, which oxo one!? There are many!!

  • +2

    This one defintely works (check the ratings):…

  • +1

    TIL that can openers are still used. I've been using pull ring technology for nearly 10 years. Couldn't even tell where the can opener is.

    • +3

      Only cans you have are beer cans.

    • +2

      I think the last non-ring pull can that I opened was a 3kg tin of pineapple that had gone bad with a bulging lid. I opened it with a 30-30 at about 50m.

    • +2

      What happens if you want to open a 100 year old safe?

  • +7

    Are you using your oxo one properly? I have one and it's fantastic, but they don't work like the old ones that cut anymore:

  • +13

    Skill issue

  • +3

    Someone please tell me a good brand to buy that actually works

    Magic can! Works well for us…

    • +2

      I can vouch for Magic Can. As the worst can opener. I have had a few, thinking they're great but the first one lasted a few months, the next one the same and the third lasted maybe a year. So no, NOT magic can.

      I currently have the cheapest from Woolies and it's just OK but not as easy or good as the magic can. If only they lasted I'd say they are great.

      • +3

        I can vouch for Magic Can. As the worst can opener

        You and the OP must have went to the same can opening class with all these troubles!

        Magic Can has been great for us, no issues at all, lasted for years trouble free.

        • 15 years mine, still going. I think we use once a month.

        • LOL. Maybe I got mine from a bad factory batch, who knows but I can assure you…my class gave extensive lessons in correct can opening technique with various models. I agree with you that Magic Can is great. But for me it just didn't last - the crank handle ended up just slipping on one, another it was clearly blunt or the wheel was poorly angled or aligned as it just couldn't cut with repeated success.

    • +1

      I've got a Magic Can and love it. The horizontal-cut design cuts flawlessly with minimal effort. Any other design has a tendency to slip on me. Although it does leave a sharp edge for the cotton-wool parents to worry about, and sometimes it trims the can label that I need to watch out for.

      • Magic Can will not open soft tin cans, like sardines. It just deforms the can near the seam and either does nothing or makes a few punctures around the perimeter - just enough to leak oil out of the can, but not open it.

        Magic Can works OK on most steel cans, but the sharp edge that it leaves on the can is dangerous. The lid, which you never have to touch, is blunt and harmless. It would be better if it was the lid (which you never have to touch) that ended up with the sharp edge, but I have no idea how one would go about engineering that.

    • I can't get my Magic Can to work well on the large Sirena Tuna tins, it takes a lot for effort to open them and it trims off little slices of the label which can fall into the can.
      It's over 15 years old but haven't replaced it yet because it works well on all other cans.

      • +1

        My Magic Can opener is about the same vintage. It also trims off the hair-wide bits of label on just about every can that has a paper label. It's annoying, but I got used to it by now. at least it's just paper, not a skinny bit of shaved metal.

  • We keep a Victorinox Recruit in our utensil drawer to open cans with, but you could use any swiss army knife you have lying around.

  • any victorinox sak should work.

  • +4

    Cordless angle grinder or gas axe. Everything else is woke.

    • +1

      Blocksplitter, zero running costs

      • Not enough sparks and gritty bits on the chew

        • Rust dust from axe head, increases your iron intake too

          • @Nugs: This^
            & Getting it on your face turns your skin orange.

            • @Protractor: AHHH! So THAT'S what happened to that bloke "Over there".
              I thought he was like that because of spray tanning.

          • @Nugs: Better off eating axe heads for breakfast.

    • Flip the can upside down and rub it on concrete until you grind through the seal. Doesn't take long.

      • +1

        Faster if you do it leaning out of a moving car

  • -1

    oxo can'topener

  • -1
  • +2

    Had the same problem, weak materials that rust easily, paid for a Swing-a-way opener, is $40 now but its durable, hasn't rusted at all in a year and has a huge handle-crank to make opening any can EASY.


    My favourite can opener is the Kuhn Rikon one. Follow the instructions and it works perfectly every time.

  • After going through two different can openers over a few years, I ended up getting this Gangy can opener from Amazon, and it hasn't missed a beat. Zero moving parts to minimise any points of failure and simple as.

  • Just bought this, OXO Locking Can Opener with Lid Catch. It opens anything.

    • +1

      It opens anything

      Can it open the car when I lock my keys in it?

      • Damn. You got me.

    • +1

      Sheesh. $60 for a can opener.

      • I know. I've had a lot of shit one's.

  • I hear ya man.
    I bought a vintage Squire & Sons can opener from ebay almost a decade ago for this exact reason.
    It is made of hardened steel, not the soft stuff.
    It hasn't missed a beat.
    Get yourself one - and this problem is solved.

  • +2

    I highly recommend the Swing-Away can opener. I bought mine over 20 years ago, and it still works.
    My mother had one of the original style Swing-Away can openers that were wall-mounted (that's how they got their name) in the deli my parents owned, and that was over 50 years ago.

    Here's a link:…

    • +1

      i was just about to post this same link, these can openers are the best, i can almost guarantee aswell that this is the brand OP's mum had

  • Problem solved. Cheaper versions may be available.

  • +1

    Technology Connections did a whole episode on can openers here - including one that doesn't leave sharp edges.

    I have an electric can opener because I'm 80s rich which I adore but you may not want to go that far.

  • I have a Swing-A-Way can opener. Had it so long, can't remember when I got it or how much it cost. Mine says Made In USA.

  • We have a left and right handed can opener (one in black and one in red so you know which is which). The right handed one is probably a Colesworth job, the left handed one was probably more expensive just because of what it is. Both work 99% of the time without issue, although most but not all cans are ring pull now.

    Every now and again a rouge ran doesn't want to open for some reason at which point my 30+ year old Victorinox pocket knife comes out with it's old school mechanism which pretty much defeats everything.…

    You can even buy dedicated "vintage" openers:…

    • @The Hawk Tell me more about your left handed can opener! Pics?

      • +1

        It looks just like a can opener… I don't know that I could tell you exactly what model or where we got it… probably Amazon?

        They all look pretty similar, but this basic design:…

        Basically the same as a "normal" one, but inverted. It's amazing to watch a left handed person move from the old right handed one where they are totally failing to the left handed one and it just working (like it does for a right handed person using a right handed tool!)

  • You cannot go past these. Works in the bush, on the boat, during a blackout, is one handed and is multi function.

    I am still using my Service issue one from the 70s.

    Just one supplier I saw……

  • +2

    A FRED!! or field ration eating device!

    • I am still trying to digest the last biscuit !

  • Tupperware can opener is fabulous. I think the horse has bolted for Australians though. Might be some on eBay.

    Mine must be 24 years old and still going strong. Special bonus is it removes lid without leaving sharp edges.

  • ok bought a swing a way.

    will give a review shortly

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