• expired

Hydralyte 4.9g 24 Sachets Pack $17.99 + $10 Delivery ($0 with OnePass/ C&C/ in-Store) @ Bunnings


Hydralyte I found cheap at Bunnings.

Hydralyte Electrolyte Powder Orange Flavoured relieves symptoms of dehydration and helps replace water and electrolytes lost due to vomiting, diarrhoea, heavy sweating, vigorous exercise and occasional hangovers.

Dehydration due to:

  • Vomiting & diarrhoea
  • Heat
  • Travel
  • Vigorous exercise
  • Heavy sweating.
  • Occasional hangovers
  • Heat & excessive exercise at work

Signs of mild dehydration
Sticky or dry mouth, increased thirst, lethargy, decreased urine output, dark yellow urine.

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Bunnings Warehouse
Bunnings Warehouse


  • +20

    Did not know they sold Hydralyte at Bunnings

    • +30
      • Tradie finishes work at 3:30 PM -
      • Grabs a long neck on way to pub
      • Goes to Pub, just in time for 'Happy Hour' and Raffles at 4PM.
      • Tradie drinks as much Beer/Bourbon, as possible.
      • Tradie wins a meat pack.
      • Tradie gets home, cooks steak, but passes out
      • Alarm wakes Tradie up at 5AM
      • Tradie has Hyydralites

      It's an Endless Circuit.

      • +2

        Tradie dis you?

    • +7

      Good for when you have the runs from Bunnings

      Why you suddenly need to go to the toilet when you’re in Bunnings (an actual news headline by a “journalist” on Australia’s most visited news website 🤦‍♂️)

    • +1

      Cant wait to buy panadol at Bunnings next

    • +4

      It’s what plants crave

  • I got these the other day at bunnings real good price forgot to post the deal thanks op .

  • Impressive 😀

  • +1

    Do these actually do anything for hangovers or is it a placebo affect?

    • +3

      They do.

    • +2

      Mix with beer and they'll cancel each other out.

      Nah but seriously if you're dehydrated after a night drinking these work well to hydrate you faster

    • +1

      Yes, they do help to reduce or prevent hangovers but you need to drink them before bed. Won’t be as useful in the morning. Beroccas work for me as well

      • +1

        and before a session can help as well.

  • Orange and blackcurrant but no lemon lime.

  • +4

    Excellent deal.

    I know this is a different product but Woolworths has Voost 10 x tablets for $6 on special at the moment. I use these to hydrate after my workout. I find the Voost are pretty good too.


    • +4

      I don't consider $18 cheap, it's cheaper at Aldi everyday (20 pack of tablets about $6-7).

      You can also get a bigger tub of power from sports/supplements shops too which works out cheaper.
      Brands like Endura are expensive but plenty of other options. Cyclists and athletes use all the time.

      Electrolytes / hydrolytes all the same stuff, nothing new. No need to buy expensive supermarket/chemist brands.

  • Why is flavoured salt still so expensive? You can buy this for literally cents in Asian/African/LATM/ ME countries.

    • +2

      Damn right

  • +6

    I buy the Hydralyte 60 pack tablets which are exclusive from Chemist Warehouse for $24 (which is cheaper than the Hydralyte 40 packs everywhere else)

    They also double as giant fruit tingles…

  • +4

    i buy electrolytes from bulk nutrients. they sell kg bags. i know its not hydralyte but, just putting it out there for cheap people <3

    • +1

      I prefer the bulk nutrients powder. I don't want added sweeteners or carbs.

  • +1

    Wouldn't it work out much cheaper to buy this? https://worksafegear.com.au/hydralyte-sports-powder-tub-900g… or are the extra ingredients usually unwanted?

    • Yeah I get the tubs, wayyyy cheaper. Also sometimes they go on special at Chemist warehouse.

    • +1

      Amazon $36.49: https://www.amazon.com.au/Hydralyte-Sports-Electrolyte-Flavo…
      EDIT: DAMN - out of stock!

      It's really hard to compare apples and apples because all of these products have different quantities of the key ingredients. Having said that - the tubs look to be close to the best value based on sodium & potassium quantities.
      The Liquid IV 24pk sachet from Chemist Warehouse are arguably better value with 50% Shopback, but don't contain magnesium.
      I'm finding it hard to compare the bulk nutrients solution.

      …also worth a look at https://www.precisionhydration.com/au/en/ if you're doing hydration for sports.

      • Bulk nutrients have a nutrition panel tab on the product listing page.

  • any equivalents healthier with even more benefits with no negatives like Sugar Free Energy drinks

    • +1

      Bulk nutrients do an unflavoured one.

  • +3

    This product is poor value. You can get 1kg of electrolytes in powder form from Bulk Nutrients for $2 more than under 120g of this name brand.

    • +3

      This comes back to the comparing apples and apples I mentioned above (and I'm not preferring Hydralyte over Bulk Nutrients or vis-versa).

      The 1kg bag of Bulk Nutrients Electolyte Plus (https://www.bulknutrients.com.au/products/electrolyte-plus?s…) is $20. However 1 serve is 60g, so 16 serves per pack, $1.25 per serve.
      Hydralyte on this deal is 24 sachets for $18, so $0.75 per serve.

      On the comparable active ingredients Hydralyte claims per serve:
      - Sodium from Sodium Chloride: 210mg
      - Potassium from Potassium citrate: 160mg
      Bulk Nutrients claims:
      - Potassium: 179mg
      - Sodium: 126mg

      The Bulk Nutrients has a whole lot of other stuff listed (52g carbs, 26g sugar, 60mg magnesium, 60mg calcium). So for a regular joe like me and depending on use case, either could be considered better value. Can't just use the volume of product - and particularly applies to comparing tables, sachets, powers, and different brands.

      • +1

        Good analysis. I actually use the BN Electrolyte blend. As you noted, I quoted the plus price above. For the blend they claim 76 serves from a $24 pack. This comes in at 32c a serve. No carbs or sweeteners.

        Listed equivalent potassium per serve is 120mg.
        Sodium is 60.
        So you pretty much need to double the serving size and spend 64c.

        I need the calcium and magnesium and want to avoid the glucose, so is a no brainer for me, but interesting to see the price per serve is so close.

  • +1

    don't forget the other Hydralyte deal current for this month - net $13.99 for 60 tablets (I think equivalent to 30 sachets, if I'm not wrong) at Chemist Warehouse - after $10 VISA gift card cashback


  • 60 Tablet Pack ($23.99) at CWH
    Plus $10 cash back (in another's post)

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