• expired

One Dozen Red Roses For $30 | A Single Red Rose For $8 @ ALDI Special Buys


For the budget-conscious, ALDI's Valentine's Day Roses are on sale from 13th February.

Credit to @TestIgnoreMe here are 2 photos.

  • Cupid's Bouquet $30 (One dozen red roses)
  • Be Mine $8 (A single red rose)

Two other options also available:

  • Bella Brightness Bouquet $25 (Assorted colours & flowers without roses)
  • Love Always Arrangement $30 (Assorted flowers with red roses & green foliage)

Supplier: Beautiful Blooms Fresh Flowers

Credit to Best Aussie Markdowns for the catalogue alert.

This is part of Valentine's Day Sales for 2025.

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  • +33

    This Valentines day is such a scam

    • Sounds like you are a bit bitter about it.

      I am with you on this, but.

      • +17

        Nah not bitter at all. I just realised so many things are a scam to get people to waste money on sht that has no real meaning. Valentines day is one of the biggest. In a relationship you should have more than one day a year to let the other person feel really special. If you don't then you kinda suck tbh lol. Each to their own but my 2c.

        • +7

          Nothing compared to diamonds are forever.

          • +1

            @ATangk: 100% this..

            They can be made for not much, but apparently qz don't show the same amount of love

        • I'm just going to quote the Simpsons here "If I had a girlfriend, she'd kill me"

        • Yeah I'd rather make a big deal of anniversaries because at least that date is of more personal significance.

          Valentine's day is just a cash grab, though I'll happily take any freebies which may pop up ;)

          • @PriceSensitive: Yea saw at coles today, $60 for a bunch of roses haha. Thats just stupid

        • valentines day just a special reminder stop being bitter

      • Not bitter it is lol.

        Even restaurants all doing Valentine’s Day special charging $120-180 pp

    • +5

      Last one wasn't?

    • -4

      Are you single by any chance?

      • +3

        Isnt this the best day to get laid

    • Which holiday isn't for capitalistic profit? Even Australia day profits.

      • +3

        "Which holiday isn't for capitalistic profit? "

        Bank holiday.

    • -1

      It always is. Only morons buy into the whole Valentines Day garbage.

    • Flower market also very bad for environment.

  • +13

    buy 10 dozens, goto townhall/wynyard station on the night of 14ths, sell for $20 each.

    • +8

      And meet a bunch of ozbargainers doing same thing over there, win-win.lol

      • +2

        "meet a bunch of ozbargainers"

        Discount and raise to the bottom?

        Well, those single ozbargainers selling might find their love there.

        • +1

          "I have no need for love, just bargains!"

    • +2

      Just look for the dudes in the orange macpac!

      • +1


        Using a S25 Ultra after trading their s24U and drives Camry?

  • +3

    raises sunnies
    "Can I have a dozen red roses, please?"

    • +8

      Oh hi, Johnny, I didn’t know it was you. Here you go.

      • +5

        You are my favourite customer oh hi doggy

      • That's meee

        • Here you go, keep the change.

  • +6

    A true OzBargainer would never waste money on an outdated cliche practice of buying expensive dying flowers to show how much they care for someone.

    • 30$ Aldi flowers are far from expensive lmao. I’d understand if it was those 100$ bouquets but this is nothing.

      • Roses have cyclical pricing. And I stand by the rest of my comment, besides just the pricing. Far better things you can buy for the ones you are trying to show you care for besides flowers that will be binned a week later.

        • Yeah but that goes for a lot of things. Why get food from outside when you can eat boiled potatoes. Or why get a haircut when you can shave your head yourself. The point is, it’s fun for some people and there’s a deal on that fun.

          But I do 100% agree that buying the
          as an obligation because it’s Valentine’s Day is stupid. Buy it because your partner would enjoy them, not because of some outdated tradition.

  • +8

    Knowing Aldi there'll probably be an ACCC recall on theses roses.

    • +4

      Undeclared danger to children: thorns

  • +10

    Buy in 10 days & return them in 15 days using the 60 return policy

  • +1

    On 15th Feb it will be one Dozen Red Roses For $10 | One Single Red Rose For $1

    • Buy them and put them away for next year 😉

  • +1

    How quickly do these usually sell out, ie can I rock up at lunch on the 14th or would I have to be there the second they open on the 13th?

    • +1

      I found they didn’t sell out in a hurry. ymmv

  • +1

    Buy a dozen, keep 1, return the 10 individually as a special buy without the packaging = profit

  • What happened to the 50 stem?

    • +1

      Probably not sold anymore. I could only find 2 posts for 50 in:

  • $30/12= $2.50
    $2.50 per rose per person per date
    1.5 hours per date = 18 hours, leaves 6 hours to sleep.

    • 1.5 hours per date

      Plenty of time

      • Energy may vary

        • Yeah, but what stopped her at 1.5 hours?

  • No rose deal from coles this year…

    • Coles and Woolworths are both selling 1 dozen red roses for $50.

  • Do they usually sell out quickly? Is this something you need to line up and wait for the store to open?

  • I can't see em online. Only in store?

  • Went to an Aldi, quality is pretty bad to be honest. Guess you get what you pay for.

    • Candle lit room and no one can tell the difference.

    • There were some good bunches and some bad from my experience.

  • Sale starts today, would they be available tomorrow morning as well? Or one day sale thing?

    • +1

      Available from today and would include tomorrow as well (while stock lasts).

  • Went to my local, only had one single rose bouquet of 10, and it looked like it was a couple weeks old. Other assorted bouquets were available but looked pretty sad.

    • That's disappointing. Should have been 12 roses.
      I wonder if Coles & Woolworths would be fresher.

      • +1

        I did try a different Aldi at lunchtime and they had the dozens, there were still a few nice looking ones so I grabbed one there instead.

  • +2

    Went to my local Aldi, there are heaps of dozen roses. They're alright for $30. Photo 1 Photo 2

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