OzBargain Mentioned on The Today Show

A member tipped us off that OzBargain was mentioned on The Today Show by Joel Gibson (JoelGibbo):



Interesting stuff and a funny mention of yesterday's popular thread, OzBargain Way to Paying the ATO

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  • +36

    Did it also make mention of how to get away with infidelity by not keeping your lip gloss in your centre console?

    • +5

      i understood these references

      • +1

        Please explain

        • +20


          The 'can't commit to not seeing prostitutes' is the best part.

          • +2

            @MS Paint: Thanks, beats my attempt at troll threads

          • +3

            @MS Paint: Holy sheet what have I been missing

            This place has gone wild

            Realty television on my bargain hunting forums

            Well I never

          • @MS Paint: Wow that was quite an entertaining read. OP disappeared about 3 days after posting, I wonder what was the outcome of that drama…

  • +101

    It's much more of a big deal that The Today Show would get a mention on OzBargain.

    • +5

      Broadcast TV still exists?

    • +5

      I stopped watching live TV somewhere around 2007, before I migrated to Australia, so yeah I agree and I have no idea what these Australian TV shows are. OzB forum on the other hand has been quite high up on my daily entertainment preferences.

  • +9

    Have you seen a surge in new account signups?

    • +28

      Will be interesting to see the numbers on Ozbargain Gold and Platinum memberships.

      • +1

        Have I missed something (most probably)? What Gold and Platinum memberships

        • +15

          They are platinum and gold memberships

        • +37

          You need to find the secret banner, it appears randomly for everyone. Adblock has to be turned off to see it as well.

          Perks include:
          Automatically unbolding JV comments.
          Automatically downvoting JV comments.
          Your downvotes count as 2.
          You get unlimited downvotes between 5pm-9pm.
          And heaps more obviously.

          • @I like freestuff: Jokes on them, I wrote a browser script that hides any comments from JV.

            • @Wonderstache: a browser script?

              • @remz22: I use a browser addon called Violentmonkey which allows you to add additional scripts to websites to change their appearance or functionality.

          • +3

            @I like freestuff: You had me at unbold JVs comments

        • Don't forget the 'Premium' tier membership.

      • Is there a diamond level membership too?

    • +2

      Yeah, but it's all normies.

      • +1

        Coz they haven’t been indoctrinated by us yet, give them 6 months and they’ll assimilate.

    • +19

      Yes, now everyone on their best behaviour.

    • +1

      First Ozbargain crypto launches and now this
      Definitely linked

  • +25

    "They'll hate the fact that I'm talking about it on TV"

    He knows us so well.

    • +14

      First rule of OzBargain club is that you don't talk about Ozbargain.

    • +3

      Normally its a good way to expand the community but also a sure shot way to get such hacks/opportunities picked up and fixed.

    • Yeah man.. why ruin a good thing by bringing too much unwanted attention to it?

    • -1

      Yeah cause we know the people who watch that program are low IQ leeches. No good deal coming from them.

  • Epic!

  • +1

    Hello to all the newcomers from The Today Show 👋

  • +11


    i cannot believe people are not using night mode 24-7

    • +4

      I was waiting for this.

      • +6

        Bright display hurts senses. Cheers.

        • +7

          That makes lense. Cheers

    • +4

      Until now I didn't know there was a night mode. Thank you so much.

      • +11

        And IMHO it is bloody awful on ozbargain. It's the only site I don't use dark mode on. YMMV.

        • +3

          For the non believers other than Ms paint, yes it is awful for at least the first 2-3 days … but now I can’t go back.

          • +4

            @Jimothy Wongingtons: I'm just trying it again now. I'm going to try and push past the 5 minute barrier (my previous record).

            Edit: nah! Back to normal mode already. The home page is a complete abomination of conflicting colours. Technicoloured vomit.

        • +2

          Feels weird to use night mode when ozbargaining at work.

    • +3

      What f-ing mode???

      Looks at join date then sits in corner of room drinking and staring at the wall, questioning how I let my life get like this

  • +4

    Yeah but all the newbies won't know about OzBargain Premium.

    • Great, now all of China knows about it

      • -1

        Most of Ozbargain is China

      • +4

        Please don't mention China, unless you want this to turn into a 20 page thread.

        • -2

          I can understand why you would want to silence any conversation about China. I hope they pay well and give good credits.

          • +3

            @nahi11: God give us strength. 😟

            • @jackspratt: We've been given freedom and democracy which we need to maintain

              • @nahi11: And a decent education, which hopefully has led to a modicum of comprehension.

                • @jackspratt: Agreed, we need a decent education to identify blatant censorship attempts and have courage to call them out when we see it.

                  • @nahi11: Indeed - why don't you go and look for some.

                    • @jackspratt: Ouch, little mean.

                    • -1

                      @jackspratt: Typical censorship tactics to resort to personal attacks when logic and commonsense becomes an inconvenience. Welldone sir.

                      • @nahi11: Have you, or anyone else on this thread, been censored by my light-hearted OP?

                        Which 4 others obviously understood, and only you didn't.

                        You must be fun at parties.

                        • @jackspratt: No way, you got 4 upvotes?!

                          We can all see through your deflection tactics as you now attempt to retreat from your loss.

                          I don't get invited to parties anymore (potentially because I never go), but I would be happy to have one to with you and your 4 upvote buddies to perhaps give you a taste of freedom and democracy.

              • -2

                @nahi11: Which Trump and co are busily destroying.

                • +1

                  @try2bhelpful: Never seen anyone bring up Trump as much as you do
                  FYI - this is a post about Ozbargain featuring on Channel 9.

                  • @Gervais fanboy: I was relying to someone else’s comment on China. You can have a go at them being off topic as well. Trump is a huge threat to the world and is throwing out bonkers policies. We should hold him in a spot light at the moment.

                    However what is more interesting is you actually care to follow so closely what I post. WCON.

                    • @try2bhelpful:

                      I was relying to someone else’s comment on China.

                      I have noticed them do that for the first time..
                      You do your Trump whataboutisms almost every other day

                      However what is more interesting is you actually care to follow so closely what I post.

                      Typical uppity behaviour

                      Mate, you have replied to me with some random Trump reference soo many times.
                      Now you are slyly acting like I am stalking your posts or something.

                      Again FYI - this was* a post about OzB on Channel 9.

                      • @Gervais fanboy: I believe the discussions are befitting of the emerging Channel 9 and SMH right wing agenda.

  • +1

    Hey Newbies 👋 I Smell Pennies

  • -6

    Thumbs up if you're here from seeing us on TV 👍

  • +2

    Fitting as the today show is cheap

  • +4

    Uh huh … there goes the neighborhood …

  • -5

    Ugh. There's already enough right-wing, Trump and Liberal Party supporters on here advocating for killing poor people to decrease government spending, we don't need them from the Channel 9 audience too

    • +3

      Trump supporters watching The Today Show or Channel 9? That made me laugh. More likely X, Telegram, Rumble, Bitchute, Gab, Truth Social, Odysee etc.

      • +2

        Nine is heading that direction as well.

    • +1

      There's already enough right-wing

      Right or left,…both wings are attached to the same bird.

      • +1

        This guy gets it.

        • This guy

          Be careful about who you call 'guy', ya gronk.

          • @whyisave: Can't see whatever is at that link as it requires me to log in and I don't have a fartbook account.
            FWIW I was agreeing with you, guy or gal or other.

    • -1

      It is not the far right that should be of primary concern, but rather the far-left, which was and still is currently advocating for potentially hazardous practices, such as endorsing experimental vaccines. There was a coordinated push for initiatives like Operation Warp Speed, despite the well-established understanding that the field of medicine requires rigorous testing of vaccines before it is approved.

      Individuals like Protractor, who represents the far-left agenda, emerges prominently in discussions on Ozbargain spouting ramblings about what science is. True "Science" as Protractor has in their profile picture should be founded on inclusion and caution, not on hasty decisions and concepts found inside a textbook. A thorough examination of the history of medicine reveals a troubling legacy of human experimentation, with psychiatry standing out as one of the most troubling and fraudulent fields of science. Most medical professionals do not deserve the public's respect and what happened during covid reinforced that.

      In the realm of medicine, the Allinson's test for professional misconduct serves as an important reminder that medical practitioners are not above the law. Many healthcare professionals have already been implicated in this regard, as their peers know that they should not have recommended such a high-risk product were it not for the overwhelming pressure exerted by government authorities. Regrettably, few chose to speak out.

      Unlike legal professionals, medical professionals are generally not independent in their decision-making due to various constraints imposed by medical boards and associated regulatory bodies. Thus we only have the justice system to protect the general public. It is important to have dissent as that is part of human nature. For one, dissent is important in a legal context because it shows the judges are impartial. Dissent is always important, Kirby's dissenting judgments are my favourites to read. Likewise, without permitting dissent within the medical field, there is nothing for the medical boards to stand on. In such a scenario, one cannot even legitimately refer to it as a medical board, it becomes nothing more than a dictatorial facade that loses its legitimacy.

      Furthermore: Where, precisely, are these comments advocating harm to the impoverished? My recollection is that it was primarily right-wing individuals expressing concerns regarding the engagement in risky behaviors of the broader public, such as the usage of experimental vaccines. They were vocal in warning about the potential risks tied to a perceived depopulation agenda, which stemmed from the misguided actions of government authorities who failed to grasp the fundamental principles of sound scientific practice.

      You will find the reality is that you have distorted the truth about what transpired on OzBargain during Covid.

      Cautioning about the potential risks and consequences of experimental vaccines does not equate to advocating for the depopulation of the general public. You simply interpreted it that way. I know Protractor still believes this given how they respond to many comments by right-wingers, but rather than ignore those provocative comments, people need to set the story straight and actively attack Protractor.

      Through ignoring the trolls like Protractor, it has led to the appearance that right-wingers have some sort of agenda here when in fact the replies by the far-left reveal the true nature of the comments.

      Other left-wingers, pardon me for saying, like yourself, should also be put on notice.

      For gods sakes, I'm not an Artificial Intelligence, Mr Protractor. If I was then, what does that show you about how humans are acting? Perhaps I would prefer not to identify as human.

      • -1

        I suggest other people read this and think hard about who the real issue is. Recognises what happens when people go hard down the rabbit hole.

        • +1

          It isn't just this thread…

          Observe the responses to my comments in the private school thread. It’s quite absurd, this time it is andyfc, but it's really anyone that has a left-wing agenda. People's bias oozes out.

          While you cannot alter the views of these OzBargainers, you can certainly bring attention to the matter so that others are aware of how to interpret the comments.

          • -1

            @Foggy Fluoride Stare: I’m talking about the rabid rightwingers going down rabbit holes. It is interesting you didn’t spot that.

            Frankly there is no leftwing left in the wold.

        • +1

          Mark Zuckerberg on Joe Rogan

          Watch the first 10-minutes, at least, where Zuckerberg admits that Meta (Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram) censored / removed / blocked any LEGITIMATE & TRUE 'opposing' views, from medical professionals, during C-19. He says more things during the long interview, but that's the summary.

          Also, read the Youtube comments too.

          • -3

            @whyisave: Because we are dying in our millions from the effect of the vaccinations? No, it was people were dying in their millions before the vaccination despite a much, much smaller number being infected. You are getting a tech bro to define what is legitimate and true. Have you seen what social media is peddling?

      • I knew I'd flush out a nutter- thanks for proving me right on that!
        While you're down the rabbit hole, say hi to Alice and i guess you owe the hat owner an apology- you definitely deserve to wear the hat more than them.

      • Firstly, Operation Warpspeed was launched by DJ Trump, ostensibly a "right-winger", however I agree with this comment.

        Right or left,…both wings are attached to the same bird.

        The main issue was not following normal scientific practices such as undertaking proper testing not only for the injectable products but also the manufacturing processes for them (e.g. one moment it needs to be stored just above absolute zero, next minute it's alright to chuck it in an esky with a couple of ice packs, but there was no change in the manufacturing process or product itself). Other non-scientific practices like completely ignoring national and international pandemic preparedness plans, changing the definitions of pandemic and vaccine, inducing stress in the population (and stress weakens the immune system) by imposing lock downs (like we're already in a prison), imposing irrational and daily changing rules like social distancing and masking and how far from your home you can travel, shuttering small local businesses, stealing money from the lower classes and gifting it to mates in the private sector who seemed all too ready to fill government pandemic contracts, etc.

        The other big, and probably more egregious issue, was denying some people informed consesnt for their participation or not in the medical experiment (for the record informed consent requires an absence of coerceion, and mandates which threaten one's livelihood are coercive, ergo when there are mandates there is no informed consent).

  • I'll click the link for $50k.

  • +1

    Australian television is pure garbage, now most television is but Australian tv is bottom of the barrel.

  • This is frankly disappointing, my daily trawling will now need to be half hourly to fight the newcomers for good deals

  • +1

    This thread really needs one of those "you won't believe what Karl Stefanovic has done to end his career" pop ups

  • I bet Effie brought it up at the editorial meeting now she’s the new full time “ring around for a better deal” financial guru. Bring back Ross Greenwood and give Effie her own show on The Apprentice.

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