OzBargain Mentioned on The Today Show

A member tipped us off that OzBargain was mentioned on The Today Show by Joel Gibson (JoelGibbo):



Interesting stuff and a funny mention of yesterday's popular thread, OzBargain Way to Paying the ATO

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    • +1

      Haven't heard the name Ross Greenwood for a while, thought he had retired like the rest of the "Money" crew (though he probably wasn't a lead reporter on that show).

      Paul Clitheroe, remember him? I wonder what he makes of bitcoin, NFTs and Nvidia. It's like a whole generational gap formed from 2010 onwards, no wonder millenials can't save money

  • MSpaint diagram please to help understand this better?

  • I’m curious what percentage of the population already know about ozbargain? Anyone has a stat or an educated guess?

    • +3

      Very small %.

      1.8m unique users over the past 30 days. 26.6m people in Australia so 6.75%. My personal experience is probably close to 6 out of 100 people I speak to probably know about OzBargain.

      • +1

        That’s a lot more people than I thought tbh

        • +1

          Yes that is not a small % I think.. especially if you exclude the elderly, kids below 15, and people who don’t speak English.

          • @Save 50 Cent: My thoughts exactly

          • +1

            @Save 50 Cent: Calculation of "unique users" on the Analytics platform is far from accurate.

            • Accessing OzBargain on different devices, i.e. phone, tablet, and your 2 computers? You'll be counted multiple times
            • Use uBlock origin or other adblockers that also block Analytics scripts? You won't be counted at all
            • Use a VPN / Apple private relay to access OzBargain? You might get counted as foreign visitor

            However my experience echoes Neil's — it does not feel that many people actually know OzBargain.

            • @scotty: and let's keep it that way. We need fight club rules here

      • To be fair your circle of acquaintances are likely to be Ozbargain aware.

        However, I do often mention this site to people as something to check before buying stuff.

        Ozbargain is a little bit like gambling. You get a big hit so you keep coming back. In our case it was the Virgin around the world business class fares for $3500. Still hunting more of those unicorns.

        • In our case it was the Virgin around the world business class fares for $3500. Still hunting more of those unicorns.

          Wow when was this?

      • How many per day? I would not be surprised if OzBargain is getting more daily visitors than the Today Show is getting viewers.

  • +1

    I'm disappointed that Joel Gibson didn't refer to us as professionals

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