Just rocked into Coles to pick up some dinner and came across this. The lady said Coles purchased much for the Xmas period and it was being sold below cost. She said it was not isolated to this store (medowie) so worth dropping into your store to check it out.
Atlantic Salmon $7.99 a Kg!
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closed Comments
It is Tasmanian salmon (?)
Since when is Tasmania in the Atlantic?
OMG, thanks for the laugh.
Atlantic Salmon is the variety, Tasmania farms a lot of itthanks for the recipes dannyboi…
gotta go now, the pipes, the pipes are calling…
prove that trolls eat salmon they catch under their bridge?
proves there's one born every minute J1…
one person trolling for salmon?
Why didn't jv learn to read and support Australian schools…
seriously mate, do you ever click at deals before commenting at all? :O
It's easier for him to complain. :P
The truth is we get a laugh out of his odd comment. :D
Jeez I don't think I've seen a comment get negged so many times so quickly.
it takes much practice… don't try it at home…
I negged it as well just to see how much we can all get to
Is it the most negged comment on record?
Not even really close. OzBargain's most famous term comes from the one that is: http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/38542#comment-370765
Some good laughs here: http://www.ozbargain.com.au/wiki/epic_threads
I'd love to see footage of jv's kids giving him presents. They would be so scared of the backlash / whinging/ whining/ complaints they would have to hear till next Christmas.
**Somebody gonna get hurt real bad!!
best comment of the year
which coles
paid $26 at the queen Vic Market SaturdayAtleast you know you got good quality fish
Just checked Coles Tooronga [VIC]. Tasmanian salmon on sale for $20/kg which is pretty good!
Just checked it is a product of Australia and Tasmanian salmon
Just checked Coles Hoppers Crossing [VIC] and they are selling it for $25.99 per kg.
Great pickup.Yer better be right about this deal, kiddo……..
Its probably a store specific special only.
Not at my local.
AWESOME! I was just about to post this deal as well!!!!! Got myself 5kg for the freezer
I did ask the lady if it was store specific and she Said it wasn't. Thought it was worth the post on the off chance this was the case. The three ladies at the deli all had trays stashed out the back for themselves. Can't blame em tho!
This is usually store specific. I've come across such Salmon pricing before in Perth.
Was this a prepackaged unit? If so, then it may be for sale a various stores.
That's a wholesale unit, delivered like that to be opened at the deli for sale loose.
Good price but Cole's fish is like rubber
The Salmon is pretty good, not as good or as cheap as Aldi but still pretty tasty.
You're probably thinking of the Basa, never again.
Cole's fish is like rubber
That's due to all the salmonella…
Didn't see any special pricing on Salmon at Greenwood store(Perth)
@ $7.99/kg I'd be doing a BeeDubble and buying 5kg too!
You DO realise it has already been frozen? (they defrost it before putting on display.)
The picture has fresh salmon (never frozen/thawed).
I wonder how fresh this would be since all the Coles in my area (Sydney) have been closed for the past two days. (xmas and boxing day).
Never ask a question you don't really want to know the answer to…
I picked up frozen American lobsters yesterday from coles for $8 each.
Isn't Coles closed for both Xmas and boxing day?
most stores only close on xmas day, while opening on boxing day
Has anyone got it for this price in sydney other than medowie?
Just got back from my local Coles, Tunstall Sq (Melbourne).
Salmon still $35.99/kilo. Dammit!
But… Bargains!! Nectarines $1 for 10. Coles brand bread 30c a loaf. And, the piece of resistance, a free range turkey, about the size of a small labrador (4kg), $18 (down from about $35). Fresh, but is is already in the freezer in the beer fridge in the garage, ready for the Weber some time in Jan.
Not a bad end to a birthday.Happy birthday ……. but please check "piece of resistance" … that's not the words :-)
"piece of resistance" = OMG lololol
Actually in English it's ok
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pi%C3%A8ce_de_r%C3%A9sistanceIt's just normally said in French with bonus phoney accent.
It's actually "pizza resist ants"
Are you looking at the deli? Skin-on Atlantic salmon (at the deli) is Down Down $27/kg.
Happy birthday mate. Love your work with the weber!
Great buy! Bought 2kg this morning tempted to drive back and get some more!!
^ Was the 2kg from medowie? ^
Ditto to this dude - people, please report if you could/couldn't get it and where!
Yep, Medowie
None in Bentleigh 3204
Thats too bad.
Nothing like it in St Kilda, VIC.
Nice deal! Too bad I'm too fat…
That… uh… my brain, she… you're too… what? Are you saying you can't physically enter through a Coles double sliding door?
Fat people: salmon is good food. The problem is not salmon, the problem is too much food. Reduce your calorie intake permanently and you will lose weight and maintain a lower weight. Salmon is not contributing to your fatness any more than oxygen is contributing to your hyperoxia.
You're tellin me I have hyperoxia as well? Is there some hyperoxia-loss scheme that I can sign up to, preferably one advertised on TT or ACA
Nice deal, but I try and limit my intake of farmed salmon, I wish Coles would stock some wild caught stuff.
No cheap Salmon in FNQ today but loads of marked down perishables. Couldn't find any Xmas puddings anywhere though :-( I was hunting for a Heston Blumenthal pud and even went to the bogan Coles out of town early this morning with high hopes but nothing…
My guess is the bogan Coles was the first to sell out of the fancy puddings.
I was hunting for a Heston Blumenthal pud
Were they the cryogenically infused organic micro puddings with electrolytic levitating custard ?
Cheap@#$# pity we can't buy it in Tas, where it's farmed, for this price
you can catch it though…
catching fish is a false economy!
aslong as its not from Thailand or China,
99% of the produce that comes from those countries are garbageThailand, China, Tasmania
I wouldn't eat fish from Iran….lol
lots of good stuff are made in China, Thailand, Vietnam and few other country.
even "garbage" product they made, didn't priced as "diamond".+1 for the engrish
not as stink as some animals i saw here.
I bought a Rolex Thailand for $20AUD, the guy said it was fully legit.
Bargain of the century!
i used to work at the fish markets in melbourne while i was at uni, lol the stuff the gets shipped out are also at time garbage as we just hose it down and ice it. not many places these days are fresh unless u go to the piers
This was a while ago, but I was told Coles buys out the good stuff direct from the Piers, and all the smaller crappier stuff goes to the markets. Though if all stock is the same, then the 'stuff that John West Coles rejects' would still be good.
The fish I would reject are the dirty river fish from Vietnam, living in industrial waste water and poo farms. And sold here for less $6 a kilo.
farmed salmon from the piers?
Who cares about the freshness, it's got enough antibiotics in it to keep it edible for months.
Just checked Hawthorn, Victoria and nothing there.