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Philips Series 2200 (EP2231/40) Fully Automatic Espresso Machine with Lattego $415 Delivered (48% off) @ Amazon AU

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Lowest I have seen it (3x camels and ozb).

Bought one for my parents at boxing day for $425 they really like it

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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  • +4

    I paid full freight for this and love it … at this price it’s a serious bargain.

  • Looking for a fully automatic coffee machine that can make flat white - any recommendations?

    • KitchenAid KF7

    • +2

      I can highly recommend the Delonghi PrimaDonna Soul.
      Has loads of wank on it that you will never use, but if you just want to press a button and get a decent flat white it's great.

      • +1

        I second this. Infact, all delonghi fully auto makes very decent milk based

        • I had the delonghi magnifica s with the manual milk frother, made pretty decent coffee tbh. I was happy with it.

          Now have the evo with auto milk frothing and haven't been able to dial it in, coffee actually tastes bad in comparison. I'll keep at it, but wish I'd saved up a bit more and got a half decent Breville.

          • @TEER3X: The DeLonghi brew chambers are all the same .. BUT..the quality control of the grinders default burr placement is all over the place.
            So you might need to adjust your top burr to get it dialed in properly. Check out Youtube re burr replacement.
            Mark your original burr placement with a texta, and then adjust it finer (drops lower) one notch at a time.
            Easy enough to do.

      • Plus, one for the Delonghi PrimaDonna Soul.
        Bought a reconditioned one-off Ebay one year later still going strong making perfect flat whites

  • +3

    RRP is a bit inflated now. Dont think its actually 48% market price.

  • +4

    I have a code for $15 off - P15KITCHEN and $10 off -NP10KITCHEN

    Might be targeted though.

  • +7

    I bought the 4300, had a good experience for about 5 months and then lots of problems. Philips customer support is terrible, after fighting with them for months, eventually they provided a new one after they damaged mine even further with a warranty repair and then I had more issues with the new one. I would never touch Philips again.

    • +2

      I had problems with this one too. Luckily, I bought it via Amazon and realised literally in the last week before they would've stopped accepting it back for a refund. I ended up swapping for a Delonghi Evo Magnifica which I've liked a LOT more.

  • +2

    10/10 can recommend this model. Milk system is by far the easiest to clean, there's no excuse for rotten gobbets of milk in your drink with this. The brew group guts come out without much fuss and they are a Gaggia design.

    Price is inflated, it's usually $500.

  • +2

    This or the 4300 which is on sale at Myer for $730? Worth the $300 premium? Usually drink latte and flat Whites

  • If you prefer milk based coffees, this can only make a cappuccino. Its an ok machine esp at this price point.

  • Is this as good as the 711 machines?

    • lol anything better than those machines

  • Shame it doesn't have latte option

    • -1

      “ The classic milk frother allows you to create a silky smooth cappuccino or latte macchiato with ease.”


  • Can this get milk based coffees to a hot temp? I've been using nespresso capsule machines and most of them barely make it warm

    • No. You need to steam milk properly to get it hot.
      Autos are just draw through..

  • +2

    A rule of thumb for buying an automatic machine is watch its cleaning video on YouTube and make sure you can handle it. So far I have not seen one automatic machine that has a clean routine that I find acceptable.

    You will be surprise how little maintenance is required for a manual machine especially if you live in east coast.

    • +1

      I probably clean this every six months and I'm not dead yet

      • six months? it will be mouldy all over the place even for two weeks!

        • The grounds can go mouldy, those get tipped out regularly of course but the brew group doesn't in my experience.. Had it 2.5yrs

      • Delonghi PrimaDonna Soul. so easy. Connect milk from fridge 10 seconds make coffee flick milk container to
        clean maybe 15 seconds return milk container to fridge
        empty coffee pucks every 2 to 3 days

        Wash milk container in sink or chuck in dishwasher every 5ish days
        pull engine out every 3-months rinse in water 2 minutes

        Piping hot flat whites burn your mouth if to keen
        Never seen mould in the machine. Have read all those bullshit stories about mould hard to clean by people who don't own machines

        • I had a Jura long time ago which is terrible to clean. Since then I had been looking for a easy to clean automatic without success.

          Automatics are difficult to clean cos grounds and water goes everywhere inside the brewing chamber. You need to attend to it very often. May be yours is better at this but it will not get away from these issue. It is what automatic are.

          Asking people to own these to comment is a bit too much to ask when they cost something between $700 to $2000. YouTube is a good source to tell if a machine is going to be difficult to maintain.

          By the way if I was paying the kind of money for a PrimaDonna Soul, I would just get the original Breville Oracle, that is actually one of the easier to clean Semi Automatic. Yes you have to move the portafilter manually and do the milk separate, but that is why it is cleaner.

    • You need to work it out yourself.

      For example, after making coffee with the jura I will remove the milk tube and rinse. Put thumb over end (to keep water in the tube). Reattach. Release thumb and move milk dial.
      Water then back flushes the milk system.
      Then push hotwater for 2 seconds. Water flushes back the other way. Done.
      Pull the dial off and rinse every 10 days or so. But its always clean anyway
      Won't find that in a Jura manual.

    • I have a Smeg bean to cup espresso machine with wand and find it a absolute breeze to clean , all be it having to clean the ground coffee out because I drink a lot of coffee

    • +1

      Cleaning my Bambino plus:

      Run a shot of water through the portafilter when finished, the steam warnd flush itself, just have to wipe it clean. Drip tray I just throw into the disk washer. Clean group head whenever machine indicate cleaning is needed with press of a few buttons.

      Now you go and watch the video in youtube of cleaning procedure of this machine. Tell me it is not painful compare to Bambino plus?

      • It's the cleaning of the brew unit and its chamber that's pain in the neck. All the corners that you won't be able to reach, full of coffee ground and mouldy…

        • And the lubrication…. I was going WTF? I only known of one chamber needs lubicate and its way smaller :p

    • I second this.
      Switched from 4300 to Breville Barista Express Impress, much easier to clean, most importantly, much better coffee.

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