Is Service NSW Ripping Us off?

So, my driving licence expired a day before I was going overseas on holiday, I tried renewing online but couldn't because I had to go in to get a new picture taken. I figured I'd just renew when I got back a few weeks later.

When I renewed, I was surprised to see that the expiry date is 10 years from the date of that my previous licence expired, rather than 10 years from when I renewed, meaning that I'm only getting 9 years and 11 months out of this licence that I paid 10 years for.

My question is, shouldn't the expiry be set based on the renewal date, similar to a passport? Are Service NSW ripping us off?

Edit: Just spoke to a mate who said he had a similar situation with renewing rego for his (garaged) car after returning from overseas. Now we're talking real money!

Update: It seems many people think that a licence is continuous which is why they backdate it to the expiry date. If this is the case, why wouldn't Service NSW have an option to auto renew?

Update 2: For those who are saying I'm paying for the luxury of not having to resit the driving test, this is incorrect, if I renew (yes, RENEW is the term used by Service NSW) between 6 months and 5 years my licence date would be from the date of renewal, no test necessary:

If you renew more than 6 months, but less than 5 years after the expiry date, your licence will be reissued. The new expiry date will be calculated from the date the licence is reissued. This counts as a break in licence tenure.….

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Service NSW
Service NSW


    • Fair point.
      Could I request a new licence number? 😆

  • +2

    OP would probably lose more time from his beloved Drivers Licence on holidays over the 10 years than the earlier expiry date.

    Solution, go on less holidays so you can hug your licence longer.

    Seriously complaining about 1 month in 120.

    Jesus Christ.

    • This post was originally intended as more of a tongue in cheek, letting people know, sort of post.
      But I'm actually quite surprised by how much people are happy to just accept whatever the government throws at them, regardless of how illogical it may seem.
      I know we don't really have much of a choice and need to accept it, but the staunch defending of a government organisation, now that was unexpected.

      • +1

        This seems to be true of Australians generally (I am Aussie but I have spent 95% of my adult life abroad)

      • Its not just staunch defending of government organisations its also backlash against what appeared to be a whiny post.

        But we vote for our government. We recognise that among the seemingly stupid things they do, on the whole they are pretty good for us. We aren't like the basket case of the USA that appears virtually wholly run by big money interests. Sure Aussie gov could do better, but overall, im glad to be in this country.

      • +1

        Unless you were on holidays as well for all of 2020 and 2021 you shouldn't be so surprised. Bunch of boot lickers in here (these forums and Australia in general).

    • But yeah, this post is definitely all about my fierce love for that little plastic card!

  • +1

    Why would you bother caring about this?

    • Because you know why…. certain types of people who travel back overseas to visit home, care about the fraction of cents.

  • -2

    Not to belittle the small amount for $3+ lost in driving license renewal,

    Why is no one upset over the loss of TWO YEARS of a passport, when the Government prevented your travel during Covid?
    Why is no one complaining about insurance companies that have their policies expire at 23:59 and yet the renewals always restart on the SAME DAY at 00:01?

    That's full payment for another 12 month policy they collect for every 365-ish renewals!

    • +1

      Why is no one upset over the loss of TWO YEARS of a passport, when the Government prevented your travel during Covid?

      Plenty of cookers out there complaining about it when they don't even have a passport or haven't used it in years.

      Why is no one complaining about insurance companies that have their policies expire at 23:59 and yet the renewals always restart on the SAME DAY at 00:01?

      Because oddly, if your policy expired at 00:00 on the 23rd and started at 00:00 on the 24th, you would have an entire day of no insurance.

      That's full payment for another 12 month policy they collect for every 365-ish renewals!

      Wait till you find out your policy is only for 365 days, and on leap years, your policy ends a day earlier!!

      • @JimmyF
        As mentioned,
        Policies expire @23:59 on the 23rd, renewal starts on the same day - hence at 00:01 on the 23rd!

        • Policies expire @23:59 on the 23rd, renewal starts on the same day - hence at 00:01 on the 23rd!

          🤔 Are you sure?

          • @JimmyF: 100% yes!
            Expires 23 Jan 2024
            Renews on 23 Jan 2024

            • @Marty156:

              Expires 23 Jan 2024
              Renews on 23 Jan 2024

              Yes that is how they work, and next year it will say

              Expires 23 Jan 2025
              Renews on 23 Jan 2025

              You're paying for 365 days of coverage. So if you don't renew, your policy will expire at the end of the 23rd. If you renew, you get another '365' days covered after the 23rd, which will take you up to the end of the 23rd again.

              As I said above, wait till you find out when its a leap year your policy ends a day earlier! As they sell your 365 days coverage, not 1 year coverage. On that year your coverage will end on the 22nd!

              • @JimmyF: Actually, you are wrong.

                From my policy for 2020/2021 NOTE that 2020 WAS a leap year!
                Period of insurance: From 31 January 2020 until 11.59pm 31 January 2021
                From my policy for 2024/2025 NOTE that 2024 WAS a leap year!
                Period of insurance: From 31 January 2024 until 11.59pm 31 January 2025

                So, a full year in all cases.

                • @Marty156:

                  Actually, you are wrong
                  So, a full year in all cases.

                  hahahaha umm more looks like you proved yourself wrong, Thanks for confirming what I said above that proves you are wrong and you are not paying the same day twice like you claimed.

                  So your policy always expires on the 31st Jan, what happened to it being a day short each time?

                  But some policies shorten it a day when it is a leap year. Good for you yours doesn't.

    • +1

      policies expire at 23:59 and yet the renewals always restart on the SAME DAY at 00:01?

      Because it's a clear way of indicating times without using 'midnight' which most people don't understand.

      It's the same reason things like planes depart at 23:59 or 00:01

      • But, but,
        Finishing and starting on the SAME DATE means you pay for the same date twice!

        • Finishing and starting on the SAME DATE means you pay for the same date twice!

          Its not, finishes on 23, renews on the 23 to start on the 24th.

          • @JimmyF: Mine actually renews on the same date at a specified time, I think 5pm.

            But as I took out the policy in the morning I ended up getting 8 or so free hours of insurance

            • @spaceflight: Can't complain about free insurance!

              But is it swings and roundabouts, so if it expires at 5pm, and your next insurance company policy starts at midnight, that means you have 7 hours of no insurance, unless you double up for a day :/

              • @JimmyF: I think you'll find that a new policy will either start at the time you've taken it out or at the commencement of the day.

                • @spaceflight: Correct, so as your policy finishes at 5pm, that will mean you either have 7 hours of no insurance if you start the policy the following day or you double up for a most of the day on the day your old policy ends.

  • +1

    Update: It seems many people think that a licence is continuous which is why they backdate it to the expiry date. If this is the case, why wouldn't Service NSW have an option to auto renew?

    You couldn't auto renew as you needed a new photo :/

    Anyhow, Licences and rego have a 'grace' period after they expire to be renewed without having to go through the process you could for getting it the first time.

    If it worked like you think it should, that means you have to go resit your licence test, as you didn't have a licence. So nothing to renew.

    Just like your mates car, by giving a grace period after it expired they didn't have to go get a roadworthy and all the other things needed when you register a car.

    So which one would you like?

  • +3

    A Singapore driver's licence expires when the person is 65 years old. So pay once and you can use it for 45 years assuming the driver got it when he/she was 20. Renewing licences annually/every 10 years is just a cash grab.

    • Nah. Its big brother so they can get your photo for the database. If it was a cash grab itd be a lot more expensive. The cost of processing, printing and maintaining the system wouldn't be far off the amount you pay.

      • +1

        If the cost is mostly for the processing, printing etc. why does it cost $70 for 1 year and $410 for 10 years? Surely the price increase should be minimal as it doesn't cost them more to print a 10 year licence.
        The whole 1 year, 3 year etc pricing system is itself a ripoff, there should be one reasonable fee and a set expiry of 10 years.

        • +1

          Uh oh. Logic. You'll trigger a few boot lickers with that.

    • Does the Singapore licence have a photo? Do you have to update it? How does it work as photo id if the photo could be 40 years out of date? Genuinely curious.

      • Well that is what Google says but Im totally unsure how does that work. Pretty sure a driver licence will have a picture.

    • Agree it's a cash grab.
      In the UK it costs £14 and it's for 10 years.

      • -1

        Head back to the UK then to live.

  • +2

    Are we being ripped off by Service NSW? Of course we are.

    Next topic.

    • Thank you for the validation! 😂

  • well you could have let it lapse and gone for a new license. renewal means continue on from the previous license, not have a break and get it again when you feel like paying.

  • +1

    The date should be in line with the legislation. And it is.

    Case closed.

    (4) If a driver licence (the old licence) is renewed, the expiry date of the renewed licence may be calculated from—
    (a) in the case of renewal before or on, or within 6 months after, the licence expiry date of the old licence—that expiry date of the old licence, or
    (b) in the case of renewal 6 months after the licence expiry date of the old licence, but within 5 years after that expiry—the day the licence is renewed.…

    • OK, then rephrase the question to is the legislation ripping people off

    • Thanks for this.

      There goes many people's theories about paying for the convenience of not having to resit a test.

  • +2

    Consider the extra $3 the fee for not having to resit your driving test after renewing past the expiry.

    • -1

      Would have loved it if the OP had to resist the test as the licence expired, then have something to complain about.

      • Nope.
        Needs to be expired at least 5 years in which case you may need to sit a new test.

        • You missed the point, but carry on….

    • "Just be glad they didn't stick their boot on your neck any harder, peasant boy. slurp slurp slurp mmm boots yum yum slurp slurp"

  • My Common Sense applied…

    Renew and pay what you did and understand the dates.

    Get a whole new licence, and you can have a full 10 years at full price.

    Similar with Rego, Insurance, RSA and many memberships etc.

    How could there be any confusion?

  • There are biggers hills in life to die on… This isn't it.

    • +1

      How about we just don't die on hills though?

  • +1

    I just paid $410 to renew a license that previously cost $174.

    I don't think the discrepancy between the renewal and expiry dates is the issue here.

    • £14 for a 10 year licence in the UK.

  • Not saying that there is a day short.
    To reiterate, the Insurance company charges for the same date, twice!
    (If it finishes on 31/1 just before midnight, then starts again on the same day just after midnight on 31/1, means that an extra day)
    From and including: Tuesday, 31 January 2023 -start of policy at 00:01
    To and including: Wednesday, 31 January 2024 -end of policy at 23:59
    Result: 366 days.

    You are paying for the same day, twice.

    You are payin

    • Don't renew, and buy a new policy starting on the day you want it to start

  • -1

    lol, FFS. Of all the shit…

    Now, imagine your crying on this forum if at the end of your license expiry there was 0 tolerance and if you let it lapse by one day, you would have to sit your whole driving test again and pay all the fees associated with resetting your license?

    I thought it was going to be a legit rip off, like I had to get my motorcycle re-registered because it lapsed by more than 90 days… but I already had a general issue plate for the bike, but they couldn’t use that and forced me to buy another number plate, even though I had the original one from the bike and it wasn’t stolen or lost… they just wanted to slug me an extra $82 because they can.

    • Yet if I renew 6 months later (up to 5 years) then my licence is from the renewal date. No test necessary.
      Clearly not paying for the convenience of not having to retest.

    • -1

      "Just imagine if they pushed the boot even harder on your neck. Be thankful they didn't. Slurp slurp mmm yum boots yum mmmm slurp slurp"

  • ye

  • I'm not sure about anywhere else but in the ACT if you pay your rego renewal later it adds the time from when you paid. For our second car I pay it when we need the car for something. Some years it is a day or two but it has been up to a few weeks.

  • -1

    Plenty of government revenue apologists in this thread. Everyone you turn some bastard has their hand in your pocket, has you by the short and curlies, or has you bent over ready for action. It's an exciting life I lead.

    • -1

      Probably all agree with the mandatory hotel imprisonment fees during COVID as well (can of worms right there)!

  • +3

    It certainly wouldn't be the first time Service NSW is ripping people off. $144 million, and no refunds!…

  • +1

    Wait till you hear about our expensive Aussie passport.

    A lot of countries require a traveller to have at least 6 months left on their passport to enter their country, so if you’re travelling, you’re forced to renew early.

    When you renew your Aussie passport, the new expiry date goes by the date that you renewed it, not when it’s meant to expire.

    • But if you aren't travelling for a year or two, you can let your passport expire, and provided you renew it within 3 years of the expiry you get a full 10 years on the new one.

      What would be nice is if you could specify a date up to (say) 3 months in the future so that the waiting time between submitting the form and your next travel date is not "wasted"

    • Also one of the most expensive passports in the world.

  • +2

    2 things didn't happen. You didn't wake up and suddenly decide to go overseas for three months, on your license expiry day. Transport for NSW only reminded you of your license renewal on the day it expired. You failed to read the renewal document and couldn't be bothered to go in and get a new photo. This alleged ripoff was solely of your own making. Had you paid your renewal like most intelligent people, on the date it was due, there would have not been a travesty of justice and a massive financial burden.

    Your license expired because you failed to renew it, consequently you became unlicensed. Now, the Tranport for NSW has come across entitled people like you before and they allow you to "pretend" you paid your renewal on time so you as an "unlicensed" driver do not have to do your learners and Ps again. This means your license continued without a break.

    Apparently for this consideration you felt ripped off. I'd suggest you go to TFN explain you couldn't be bothered to renew your license and demand they cancel the license from the original renewal date. Then apply for a learners permit.

    • -2

      This skirts around the point. What if the licence had expired while I was on holiday? My complaint is still the same whether it affects me or others.

      What exactly is the advantage of having my continued licence without a break? Can I contest a fine received for driving without a licence if I later show them that I paid it late so now my licence was continuous, meaning I in fact didn't really drive without a licence on the date of infringement?

    • Settle down @Flamenwerfer, don't go applying logic to the OP rant!!

  • Ouch! That was really mean!

  • -1

    OP, you aren't getting a new licence…. you RENEWING your current one.

    Read that word again… RENEW.
    It's a continuation of something you already have. Of course there's no lapse in time, that's how renewals work.

    Going by your exact argument, if you were getting a "new" licence and wished to have the start date as time of payment, you would of course then need to satisfy new licence requirements- that is, going to do your test again and starting over.

    But of course that wouldn't be acceptable to you either. A renewal is a continuation. A new licence is a new licence. A massive difference that most people people are glad isn't a requirement. I'd personally LOVE to see crap drivers having to get a new licence entirely. In that instance, I would expect a new date.

    • Maybe you can have a word with your friends at Transport NSW and have them change the wording on their website, because it doesn't align with your theory.

      If you renew more than 6 months, but less than 5 years after the expiry date, your licence will be reissued. The new expiry date will be calculated from the date the licence is reissued. This counts as a break in licence tenure.….

  • Ripping you off? You're renewing from the date it expires not whenever you feel like you renew it after it expires.

    Service NSW employees don't get paid enough to deal with the stupidity of customers like this geez they make 60k a year before tax

  • The real ripoff is $410 for 10 years.

  • Because it is the aim of the government to keep us endlessly occupied in endless tasks

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