So, my driving licence expired a day before I was going overseas on holiday, I tried renewing online but couldn't because I had to go in to get a new picture taken. I figured I'd just renew when I got back a few weeks later.
When I renewed, I was surprised to see that the expiry date is 10 years from the date of that my previous licence expired, rather than 10 years from when I renewed, meaning that I'm only getting 9 years and 11 months out of this licence that I paid 10 years for.
My question is, shouldn't the expiry be set based on the renewal date, similar to a passport? Are Service NSW ripping us off?
Edit: Just spoke to a mate who said he had a similar situation with renewing rego for his (garaged) car after returning from overseas. Now we're talking real money!
Update: It seems many people think that a licence is continuous which is why they backdate it to the expiry date. If this is the case, why wouldn't Service NSW have an option to auto renew?
Update 2: For those who are saying I'm paying for the luxury of not having to resit the driving test, this is incorrect, if I renew (yes, RENEW is the term used by Service NSW) between 6 months and 5 years my licence date would be from the date of renewal, no test necessary:
If you renew more than 6 months, but less than 5 years after the expiry date, your licence will be reissued. The new expiry date will be calculated from the date the licence is reissued. This counts as a break in licence tenure.….
Fair point.
Could I request a new licence number? 😆