• expired
  • targeted

$19 eBay Plus 1-Year Membership Renewal for Lapsed Members @ eBay Australia


Not the greatest offer on earth, but the drought is finally over. Does NOT appear to be targeted, ignore the tag. Might be good for new members, I don't know, mod made it for renewal only, might have inside information.

I've been trying to renew my lapsed membership by clicking on "free trial" for ages and hoping an offer would appear.

I have not received any email, or any banner, but when I went to free trial it finally offered me $19 for a year.

Please give it a try and advise in the comments how you go.

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closed Comments

  • +11

    Targeted, shows 49$ for me.

    • +2

      What's your scenario? New sign up, current renewal, lapsed renewal etc?

      • Lapsed in 2021 I think, its been a while.

    • -2

      shows 49$ for me.

      Mine shows $49.

      Are you using a VPN ???

      • +2

        Google Translate.

    • +10

      Showed $49 for me but I clicked "sign up" and was presented with $19. Also cancelled last November.

      • -2

        Looking at all the other comments this seems to be user error, this does not seem to be targeted. Not sure how to remove that tag (not added by me).

      • +2

        Same with mine. Says $49, but when you click to renew says $19.

    • +2

      Agreed, definitely targeted. Otherwise where is the proper link.

      Unlock our Best Savings With eBay Plus
      Pay now and sign up for eBay Plus
      *$49pa fee applied at trial end. New customers only T&Cs apply

      This link works, not really worthwhile these days. Barley any fee free sales, maybe two last year.


    • +7

      I've had the eBay Plus membership for a year, haven't used a single benefit though have shopped on eBay a few times. The conditions attached to $5 voucher use and the limited shopping options defeat the purpose of those vouchers.

      The 15% off vs 17% off for eBay members which comes frequently is a scam, the prices are already jacked up and even with the discount invariably if you look up online you can find the same price either in store e.g. Good Guys or on Amazon.

  • +6

    It worked for me. I cancelled in October.

    Exclusive offer AU $19.00/1st year
    Description: Join eBay Plus for just $19 *Eligible users. Renews at $49pa. T&Cs Apply.

  • Worked for me on 2 accounts that I cancelled last November.

    Now just need some FVF free listings for the icing on the cake.

  • Checked my ebay account with lapsed renewal and sure enough I've got it too!

  • Got this deal as well.
    Cancelled last November.

  • Worked for me as well! $19 a year, thanks OP :)

  • +9

    I'm holding off until the fee has a voucher for the same amount, this is not helping

    • +7

      Your OZB spirit is strong.

    • +5

      But there would be 16 gazillion conditions associated with that voucher. Not worth the wait just to be disappointed.

    • +1

      $49/$50 voucher days.

    • +12

      You're right. Pointless signing up for a year unless they have a big voucher. Membership isnt worth anything! $5 vouchers dont stack and keep going higher for minimum spend. Deals are basically non existent. When they are decent, the item you want is not eligible lol. People are better off signing up for $5 for one month just to get the deal they want then cancelling…

  • +21

    eBay has changed a lot.. no longer good deals that we used to get and that may be because now they need to pay commission to shopback or cash rewards !

    • +15


    • +2

      Must be shopback, because I don’t think cash awards has any. And I’ve been tempted to join shop back because of eBay but just can’t be bothered.

    • Wrong, i saved at least $1000 last year buying things through ebay with ebay+. Sure aliexpress has taken some of my $ but ebay is still better than most retailers usually.

  • +2

    Thank OP I had $30 voucher offer but the payment failed and offer disappeared

    • Oh i just got the offer when i tried to cancel. Does that mean they will stiff me?

      • Screen shot it, and take it up with customer service?

    • Just note, those $30 vouchers come with conditions. Minimum $50 purchase & valid for only a month.

      Will be cancelling 100% next renewal period

  • Worked for me.

  • Thanks, worked for me as well.

  • Thanks OP. Worked for me. I cancelled auto renew 2 weeks ago and been holding off for a decent deal.

  • works for me thanks

  • +9

    Thanks OP. I think membership is barely worth $10 now though, especially if you are in WA.

  • +3

    Be VERY, VERY careful.
    We did this for the Mrs account last year, and using the link, it came up cheaper… right until payment where we copped the $49.

    • +4

      I can confirm only $19.00 was charged.

    • +1

      Take screenshots. They are known for stuff like that.

  • Thanks OP! Worked for me too :) I've been checking for a while and nothing

  • It worked.. $19 for first year

  • +34

    ebay+ like many other subscriptions has undergone extensive enshitification. No longer worth even $19 imo. $5 coupon minimum has been raised from $15 to $50 the past few years. Rare to see seller promos now too.

    • +4

      A few selling fees or postage discounts would be enough for $19, as long as they don't disappear completely.

    • When I was still on plus there was $5 off $25 spend and $5 off $50?
      Is that no more?

    • -2

      You're doing it wrong then. I saved over $1000 last year buying through ebay+

  • Worked for me as well. Thanks OP!
    Have also updated membership and cancelled so that it doesn't autorenew.

  • Thanks Op, lapsed in December and got this offer. Was waiting for a reduction.

  • +10

    I signed up when it was like 10 bucks and im defo not renewing, shit deals and shit prices recently

  • Thank you, been doing the same checks waiting for something decent , this works for me

  • +13

    After catch Ebay should also close down

    • +3

      we need more competition

      • +2

        We need competition to actually try to compete

      • +3


        I'm sick of being lied to by listings that put a different item as a "colour choice" to lower the minimum price and rank higher when you search

  • +2

    I could access the offer from the app (cancelled in December). My eBay —> eBay plus —> try for free

  • +4

    A couple years ago they were offering this for $10 with cashback from Shopback I think and also a $30 coupon voucher which I think worked on any listing.

  • +1

    So, it worked for me, and I thought I’d cancel straight away - so I wouldn’t forget to cancel in 12 months time, at this point they offered me a $30 voucher to stay…. so I didn’t cancel, but set a reminder to cancel in 2 months time.
    Hopefully this works :)

    • +2

      Can you check and confirm? Normally the voucher doesn't actually come until next renewal. Might be an awesome deal otherwise.

      • +1

        Also got offered this. But "Stay & continue your membership beyond 21 January 2026 & receive a $30 voucher."

        • Yeah maybe that’s what it said… whoops.

      • Yeah ok, I didn’t read it too closely, but it said something like voucher applied 14 days after money taken… and something about 30 days.
        I wish I screen shotted it now.

      • +1

        That's correct.
        However when my plus was up for renewal I couldn't locate the email for the $30 coupon.
        And when asked customer "service" they said they had no record.
        So just let it lapse.
        Have probably saved a lot of money since, as was just trying to find something to buy to use my $5 coupon each month.

  • Thanks OP works for me

  • +14

    ebay plus has lost a lot of value for me. I swear just before Christmas they got rid of the $5 off $30 spend completely, which used to be $15 spend.

    • +1

      Indeed. For the record the monthly originally extra $5 off $15 on almost anything minimum increased to $35 early last year, got adjusted to $25 midyear, before it ended at the end of the year.

      I've been waiting for a new promo to replace it these few weeks; without it Plus is not worth anything to me, especially since eBay has not offered any FVF selling promos recently.

    • Yep. Given the trend, I'd expect the $5 off $50 to change this year, as ordinary as it already is.

      There's just not a lot of value left in eBay Plus.

    • I got onto ebay chat when the $5 off $25 spend wasn't on my ebay voucher summary in December. They said there was a problem with the $5 not showing up in the summary. Ebay gave the code, and I used it. The January $5 off $25 spend isn't in my ebay voucher summary either, but the code did come by email.

      • +1

        Tbh, seems delibrate on ebay's part. Annoying, as I signed up for a month and didn't use any benefits.

        • Lame, decided to call up and they said the only code was $5 off $50.

  • +1

    Thanks OP.
    I clicked on 30 day free trial and was presented with $19 for 12 months subscription.

  • The day will come that they will offer $20 instant cash to sign up.

  • Thanks OP, got the offer

  • +4

    HODL for $9

    • NODL for $8

  • Thanks, worked.

  • +1

    Good ol' days whey they were giving $80 vouchers in addition to the $5 monthly voucher to register for a year at $49.

  • Thanks OP. Worked for me.

  • Got the $19 offer.

    If I cancel now will it last 1 year or cancel straight away.

    • +4

      it should stay for 364 days

  • +4

    It worked for me…and if you try to cancel it, it will offer a $30 voucher to stay beyond the next renewal date.

    • Thanks for the reminder.

  • +2

    fyi definitely targeted because I have one account where it's $19 and one at $49
    The account where I've bought and sold a few things recently was $49. Not rewarding customers that's marketing for you.

    • Mine said renewal was $49 (i.e. no offer). But when I click on renew it says $19.

    • Not rewarding customers that's marketing for you.

      Not so sure about this. I've never been targeted and haven't been a Plus member in ~two years. Didn't get targeted this time either. Honestly, I would sign up at $19 even without the voucher, so no idea why eBay are neglecting people like me.

  • Worked for me. Finally.

  • Thanks OP works for me

  • +3

    Man Ebay plus has gone down hill since the early days.
    Does this actually have any benefits?

    • +1

      Free Express shipping on eBay plus items. That’s my main benefit. Discounts sporadic.

    • Seemed to me every time I bought something one seller would have a discount for ebay+. Would have saved a few hundred overall last year, but mainly because I had a few expensive purchases with good discounts.

  • Thanks OP, signed up again

  • +1

    Is eBay about to meet the same fate as our catch connect friends?

    • Catch connect is unaffected.

      While it is affiliated with Catch.com.au, Catch Connect is owned and operated separately, meaning mobile users will not be impacted by the closure.

      “We will continue to offer great value products and exceptional customer service, as we always have,” a Catch Connect spokesperson said. “There will be no changes to your Catch Connect mobile services, and we will continue to operate as usual.”

    • With the amount of upvotes for just memberships, you can tell it won't go anywhere soon. Kogan would be first if it's the case. But since Kogan is from Aussie it shall get help unlike Virgin.

  • +4

    Got the offer at $19 after cancelling a few weeks back.

    Not sure if it's worth $19

  • Works for me. Thanks.

  • +3

    Don't buy into it if they make it $1, I will think about it $19 still too dear

    That's not many deals under eBay Plus anymore.

    The platform is dying. People don't even sell stuff on there. Nothing worthwhile

    All jumped bandwagon to Temu, Aliexpress, Facebook marketplace

    • +2

      I personally hate marketplace. Temu and Aliexpress are just selling shit my cousins are trying to dump on the rest of the world.
      But each to their own I guess.

  • +1

    I don't feel any use of eBay plus as a buyer.
    I was good previous when they had monthly $5 coupon with minimum $15 spend. But later it was same $5 with $35 spend and now changed to $25 spend.
    There were few sale items which were tempting during eBay plus sale day else it's not a kind of deal for me.

    If anyone can share what benefits are you getting after eBay plus subscription?

  • +1

    Keep in mind that Facebook and ebay annouced a new partnership a few weeks ago.

    Hopefully they have a collab similar to the gumtree deal where you got a few free listings. Perhaps they will target ebay plus users.

    • Would be nice. I've got a backlog of things to sell, just waiting for another free listing deal.

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