Seagate Expansion 2TB 3.5" HD USB3.0 $79.20 Delivered @ JB.
Drag and drop file saving right out of the box, USB 3.0 or USB 2.0 connectivity, store up to: 2,000 hours of digital video; 640,000 digital photos; 33,320 hours of digital music
Seagate Expansion 2TB 3.5" HD USB3.0 $79.20 Delivered @ JB

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I think Seagate put 5900rpm/5400rpm drives in these nowadays. Still good value… but prefer the 7200rpm ones.
That was the case with my Portable. But reportedly the 3TB desktop drive is still 7200rpm. Don't know about 2TB.
I can confirm that the 3tb drive is 7200RPM (bought yesterday from OW price matched). No idea about the 1/2tb ones, but there would be a good chance they are also 7200rpm. Someone will have to check that buys this deal.
I bought another Seagate 2T one at $99 from JB in June, which was pretty good deal then. It is definitely good value!
I bought 2, saw this yesterday. Fantastic value and reliable. Been using one of these for a year now and no issues.
Yeah, you can get a price match for this.
Good price
Tangental but, a few experiences of mine, wonder of other have had the same?
1) JB Hifi TERRIBLY slow to post. I ordered 3 usb thumbdrives from them nearly 3 weeks ago and still nothing, emailed them several times and only had one reply, about to raise Paypal dispute.
2) External Seagate drives seem unreliable, have several across the years and they all require reformat on a regular basis. Recent 1tb usb3.0 will not recognise on several of the PC's in the house via the front ports (seems to be common problem judging by Google)…works ok from back usb3 ports whereas HP drive works fine through front port….I'm assuming the front ports don't supply enough power for 1tb drives or Seagate have strange internals…anyone got a pointer (tried updating BIOS and port drivers etc already).
1) I've never had a problem with JB postage, it has always been very fast for me in the past. Did you try calling them? It could be a lot easier than going through a paypal dispute (which are frustrating to say the least).
2) You say they do not supply enough power, but this drive in this deal (2tb expansion) is not a portable drive and has an AC power supply, so it can work on any port. I'm guessing you are right about the other drive not having enough power from the front, but as it is a different kind of drive, I don't see why it would be relevant. I've got a 1tb internal seagate drive and it's had no problems for about a year, but that's just my experience.
Horror stories about the unreliability of Seagate hard drives haven't been relevant since since Ramesses stepped down as Pharaoh.
They stem from the early Barracuda 7200.11's much-publicized firmware problems (if I hear "Click of Death" one more time…) which were resolved in 2007.
If you want to be really pedantic about it I suggest you read this post I wrote up at the start of this year, which saw a flood of scare-mongering and old wives tales about Seagate HDDs killing babies and destroying people's lives; to put into perspective how Seagate is no worse a manufacturer statistically than any of the other top HDD maakers:… stop it with the Seagate Paranoia crap. It's old and irrelevant. Every HDD manufacturer makes duds and someone has to get them. You're unlucky.
I agree with your general drift but disagree with your blanket statement the Seagate drives are fine now. I have 4 different Seagate external drives acquired over the past 1.5 years and they ALL required reformatting….yes even the most recent one has popped up, after only a few weeks, saying 'this drive needs to be formatted'. Also, while I would agree that all makers turn out duds I would contest the statement that I have been unlucky to this level…one, maybe 2 but not all 4….especially when other brands I have are running for months and years without a hitch.
Is there any way to extract your files/back up the drive before going through the forced reformatting?
If you are lucky it allows you to click no to the prompt and you can move it to another pc that may not say it needs formatting (this happened with the 1tb I got recently) however for the previous purchases (ranging from 320gb to 500gb drives)I had no choice but to format. Fortunately the drives only had backup data so I could recopy from the original source after format.
Hi Brezzo,
1) yes, will give them a call but I usually prefer written contacts as it removes ambiguity :o) I've bought something else off them recently (the last 1tb portable Seagate special on OZBargain) and it was slow post too…I've had things delivered from China faster than this.2) I agree, the powered desktop model shouldn't have problems (assuming my supposition on the problem being power related is correct)….I don't have a usb3 powered drive to test the theory with though….maybe another OB person can advise?
Well good luck with getting your stuff from JB :) Sometimes I guess they aren't as good, it could be due to being around christmas, but I doubt it.. they probably goofed somewhere along the shipment line and it got lost. Who knows.
Written contacts may remove ambiguity, but a phone call seems to make more of an impact. They won't hang up and ignore you over the phone, but they can easily ignore an email ;)
There's no problem hooking one up to a smart tv right? or is that the 3tb ones.
Apparently some smart TVs have struggled with large drives (3tb), but 2tb should be ok from what I hear. Maybe an ozbargainer has tried?
Great price, bought one now. Thank you!
Be aware this hdd runing very hot even if not in use close to 50C.Should never be getting more than 40C.Case for this one it's really crapy design.
Silly question….you can crack these open and use the drive as an internal HDD, right? I guess it would void any warranty….
I have some JB credit after Xmas, and need to replace a recently-died internal drive
Not silly at all my friend..yes you can take them out and use it as internal hdd because they're internal hdd used as normal 3.5 hhd drives in your PC destkops..and yes unfortunately taking it out will void your warranty..but then again if lasts few years who really gives a damn about warranty…
is it a good drive for an internal, say compared to the seagate barracuda $99?…it's exactly the same drive but cheaper. i have cracked 3 open last night for my NAS.
wow thank you so much! :) thought it might be a lesser quality drive for internal since they come with the casing and might not be designed for it like ones without. sounds good like a deal then thanks.
I thought the internal drive still had a 1 year manufacturers warranty unless of course you open the internal drive in which case you might as well just drill a hole through it.
Any idea how long this offer is for?
Offer ends Dec 31st
price matched the USB3 2TB Expansion at OW(Hobart).
Cracked the newer design case extremely easily - absolutely no broken tabs.
Was no need to reformat, etc.
model no. is ST2000DM001-1CH164.
Firmware version is CC43 - 7200 rpm !!
Manufacture date on carton is 10/2012 — 1.81 TB of usable space.
I can only get Sata I speeds, as my motherboard/bios is very old, and doesn't support the newer Sata rates.Using an eSata (I) dock to connect to the pc, i get an average transfer rate of 102.7 MB/sec (max 103.5 MB/sec), access time 11.9ms, burst rate of 96.2 MB/sec, and cpu usage of 8.8%.
I have seldom seen a "flatter" response curve, and one with so very few jaggies .. this seems 'top speed capable', right up until past the 95% disk-full markI've been told from a few colleagues who own this drive that it runs very hot, and only has passive cooling (I.e. no fans, it seems). With heat being the number 1 enemy of hard drives, I'm not so sure as to the value of the product. Might be better to simply buy a regular desktop hard drive and an internal SATA enclosure cage/bay
Same price at officerworks..
Yes - OW have aligned the store pricing with JB's, and there's no need to "price-match".
JB's included shipping so I sourced mine from JB. As usual, OW were OOS or making themselves irrelevant in any case. (Fuji $30 printerdeal was Ok that I collected OW)
Thanks for the heads up Op and mutantx, I've got some OW credit to spend after xmas and I need some new drives for my NAS, so this will do nicely!!
wow talk about hard work. I went to JBHiFi where the staff / supervisor claimed that this receipt was 'OBVIOUSLY' a forgery and looked to 'neat' to be the real thing.
He had obviously received a company memo / warning and wanted to know where I got the receipt lol.
Headed off to officeworks and they said they could DEFINITELY price match it if I could show them the better price online OR supply a receipt that is within 48 hour time frame (ie: recent).
If anyone has a recent receipt would appreciated it
Top value.