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Limited-Edition Allen’s The Year of Lucky Snakes Alive 888g $5.99 (Was $11.99) @ Costco in-Store (Membership Required)


Edit Price reduced to $5.99 Lowest price currently at $7.99 $5.99 for 888g of Limited-Edition Allen’s The Year of Lucky Snakes alive (Red and Yellow Gold). (Credit to @Kendo for price drop alert)
At all locations.

$14 at Amazon & Coles.

To celebrate Chinese Lunar New Year 2025, the Year of the Snake - Allens are releasing their Limited-Edition Allen’s The Year of Lucky Snakes alive – packed in a bag weighing 888g (acknowledging that the number 8 is considered lucky) and it is filled with both strawberry (red) and pineapple (yellow gold) Snakes Alive (in Chinese culture, red symbolizes fire, good fortune, and joy, and gold symbolizes wealth and prosperity). What more do you need as an excuse to eat Alllen’s yummy Snakes Alive.

Costco Code 213013

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  • +2

    Plenty of stock at Perth airport store.

  • +11

    888g 'so auspicious' ….
    Champagne marketing, right there

    • +4

      Luckily the price isn't $8.88

      • +1

        They should just increase the price by 1c and make it $8

      • -5

        It's still junk list most of stuff at Costco

    • +8

      and the snake forming an 8… pretty good marketing overall i gotta say

      • +9

        The execution of this is 8/8 tbh

    • +2

      Price reduced to $5.99 today!

  • +11

    $14 at Amazon & Coles

    Such an unlucky number lol

    • +14

      You could say that one died when they saw the price.

    • Keep up with that attitude and they might price jack it to $24 just for you.

    • +1


    • +1

      Imagine the sooking it they were being sold at $14.88

    • Yes, they didnt get the memo it shoud be $8 to be auspicious or understand why it's 888g!

  • +10

    Limited-Edition Allen’s The Year of Lucky Snakes Alive 888g $7.99

    Anyone want to go halves ?

    • +10

      Yes. I get the snakes and you pay.

    • Heads or tails?

    • I'll take the reds, you can have the yellows :).

    • +2

      finally JV did a funny

      • +2

        Are you interested?

        444g each?

  • -7

    To celebrate Chinese Lunar New Year 2025

    Oooof millions of SE Asia bros cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.

    • +2

      well some people can get offended with CNY cause of "Chinese", usually by the ones not celebrating or observing the festival. only a matter of time before it gets changed to Chinese Lunar New Year to not offend both sides.

      • I feel like I’m missing some sort of nuance here. The Chinese New Year shifts around based on the Lunar cycle yeah? Why is it offensive CNY vs CLNY?

        • "Chinese New Year" implies that it's a Chinese-specific cultural tradition, which ignores all the other cultures who celebrate the New Year of the Lunar Calendar.

          "Lunar New Year" is the correct term.

          "Chinese Lunar New Year" is trying to play both sides.

          • +2


            "Lunar New Year" is the correct term.

            ignores all the other cultures who celebrate the New Year of the Lunar Calendar.

            i think you saying LNY is the "Correct" term is way more offensive than "ignoring" other cultures. It's technically Lunisolar New Year, so at least do it right if you want to make a statement like that.

            CNY is an English term used by Chinese diasporas outside of China/Taiwan. It marks the new year on the CHINESE calendar, been like that for more than 3000 years. It's typically longer in duration, it's celebrated very differently to other cultures such as Koreans or Vietnamese.

            Lunar New Year is just a "loose" term to describe new year events celebrated by other cultures. And again it varies, Vietnamese Tet for example is a bit shorter compared to Chinese New Year, they eat different stuff also. Same goes to Korean. You think LNY popped out of nowhere? Korea and Vietnam were both part of the Sinosphere, and the Chinese brought Chinese Calendar there.

            Bottom line is, feel free to call it however you want. I respect all cultures. But i do not respect those that put down mine and i will not hesitate to call people out on it. Every year you always get a few people that come out to say stuff like that and it's honestly so hurtful to see

            • @dukeGR4: Thanks for the response @dukeGR4

              i think you saying LNY is the "Correct" term is way more offensive than "ignoring" other cultures

              You're right, I should have used the word "inclusive" instead of "correct", and expanded on the context.

              You think LNY popped out of nowhere? Korea and Vietnam were both part of the Sinosphere, and the Chinese brought Chinese Calendar there.

              Lunar, lunisolar, and solar calendars actually did pop up all over the world. For example, the Celts also have a lunisolar calendar.

              But yes, you're right that Korean and Vietnamese calendars descended from the Chinese calendar. You're also right that the specific cultural events are different, so there is a specific Chinese New Year celebration.

              What I meant to say was that, when speaking generally about Lunar (lunisolar) calendar broadly, it's more inclusive to not attribute it to one culture, especially when the different cultural celebrations overlap around the same calendar.

              If you're talking specifically about one culture's celebration, be that Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, etc, then it's better to specific.

              Sorry if I offended with my lazy comment. Thanks for the polite response 😇

        • The Chinese New Year shifts around based on the Lunar cycle yeah

          Nope, it's Lunisolar. If anything, Lunar New Year is a misnomer. Should have been Lunisolar New Year or sth.

          It's not offensive to call it CNY, or LNY, or CLNY. But CLNY is obviously trying to play it safe because just like below, there are genuinly people that think calling it "CNY" is offensive to other cultures when they don't even know the nuances between different New Year celebration.

      • never heard it being referred to as CLNY. I've only seen Lunar New Year.

    • "The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) recognized Chinese New Year as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2024"

  • +2

    Since when did the regular orange ones change flavour from orange to apricot?

  • -4

    who even likes the yellow flavour

    • +4

      My favourite actually. I also like licorice and Turkish delight. I'm under 60 as well, just in case you were wondering…

      • I'll eat the Turkish delight, when everything else is gone.

      • +1

        Love Turkish delight. Can't believe it's frowned upon.

        • +2

          cause Cadbury's Turkish Delight is actually so damn bad. gf's colleague brought back real turkish delight from turkey and it's so tasty lol.

          we also got them at the sunday market, very good too but very sweet.

          • @dukeGR4: The trashy fry's ones (cadburys now? concerning) are the ones I like most.

            • @gakko: my apologies it's still Fry's, got it mixed up with Cadbury Turkish Delight flavoured choc haha.

              you should try the real deal, very different

              • @dukeGR4: Oh yeah I've had the legit stuff. I'm just low brow >:)

      • -2

        Okay boomer

    • +6

      yellow is pineapple and is probably my favourite.

    • I like all of them

    • +1. Not me, I hate the yellow and green ones.

      • I used to hate green and yellow, when they were lime and lemon flavor. Now yellow is pineapple and it's my favorite!

  • +1

    Pretty cool product. Hopefully Amazon might price match?

    • What's different between these snakes and the normal ones

      • +12

        These bring you very good fortune AND diabetes

      • I like the idea, packaging and presentation.

      • 888g with red and yellow gold colours only for good fortune and prosperity.

  • Love it. Would buy if I see it next time I am in costco. Would be a cool thing to share in the office.

  • What's the easiest way(s) to join CostCO?

    • +5

      Walk in and ask to be a member???

    • +1

      Username checks out

    • +1

      Joining Costco:

      • Are you an educator?
      • Membership
      • $10 shop card for auto-renewal
      • You can return the membership for a refund if less than a year of membership but you are not allowed to rejoin for 18 months.
    • +2

      Jump the counter and hug the manager

      • Hug me, bring it in. Would you loosen up would ya?

      • +1


  • +6

    Bought a packet of Snakes Alive the other day. Opened up the packet and they were all dead…

    RIP Hughesy. Gone but not forgotten

  • +4

    Year of the snake, fitting for Trumps inauguration. There's no justice in the world and the rule of law means nothing :(

  • How much is membership?

    • $65 for a year is the cheapest.
      More info here.

    • +3

      You’re going to join just to buy a packet of lollies ?

        • It’s also available at Coles and Aldi.

      • -1

        Go to the new one at Ardeer

        • They're not open yet. Not even an opening date on the website.

  • +2

    The price is actually pretty good by kg wise ($9/KG, so works out to be cheaper than even half price sales of the smaller bags) but this is also demonstration of how marketing has worked in this case.

  • Allen’s should have some Australia Day themed ones about to drop shortly yeah?

    • Yes, there’s a Snakes Alive for every holiday of the year. Stay tuned for the Easter Snakes Alive too

  • My missus said it's a bad deal, please don't Ozbargain it

  • Yellow's my favourite. Glad to see there are so many in a pack.

  • +1

    So many companies are making year of snake edition products this year to cash in.

  • +1

    $5.99 from this morning.

    • Thanks updated. I checked with Costco and it's for all locations too.

      • +1

        $2.99 today (-$6) Costco ACT

  • fuarr yera of the snake

  • +2

    Now for a special on Mooncake 🥮

  • I’ll wait until these are at the reject shop for $2.

  • Quite a lot at Ringwood Costco.

  • Can't find it at Costco Adelaide warehouse.

    • Perhaps sold out. At my local, the stock has been moved around a few times. The snakes are now placed with the New Year ornaments at the front entrance.

  • $2.99 at Costco Canberra today

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