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[Switch] Metroid Prime Remastered (OOS), WarioWare & More $5 Each + Delivery ($0 C&C) @ EB Games


'Cheap Tuesday' currently opened to EB Games Plus Members and open to the public at 9pm AEST/10pm AEDT.

EB Games is running another major sale with super deep discounts on games, including some unbelievable prices on Switch titles—and they’re unbelievable for a reason. At the time of writing, you need to be an EB Games Plus member to access these prices, which is a paid service.

For everyone else who isn’t a member, these deals will become available from 9 PM AEST today (yes, even though it’s a Monday). That’s AEST, Queensland time. Here’s what we’ve found so far—though, if there’s anything left once the Plus members are done, we’d be very surprised.

Full list of games for all platforms on sale here.

Credits to Vooks

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EB Games Australia

closed Comments

  • +6

    What the actual heck some of these prices are very nice!

  • +8

    not a single good deal available to me.
    I swear some people know in advance.

    • +1

      Glad I'm not you, but also 1-2 deals for games I'll place on the backlog and forget long enough to not even get the coins for.

    • +2

      It opened up to EB World Plus subs before the general public anyway, so of course they got the good deals first.

      • +5

        I am an eb world plus sub.
        The "great " stuff got sniped before this deal was posted.
        I didn't know about it till the deal was posted. Didn't even recieve my email about it until 2 hours after this deal was live.

        I believe a lot of people who got the best deals either had to be browsing eb games site at the time and stumbled across the deal or had to have known ahead of time.

        • Omg the day i dont check my email i missone of the best deals

  • +18

    EB Games Plus member gain access 3 hours early. I dont think there will be anything left for us :(

    • +16

      I'm an ebgames plus member and theres nothing available for me right now. So yeah, I doubt there will be much for any of you.
      All the crazy nintendo deals are either sold out, don't deliver or have like 1-2 stores with stock across the country.

  • +14

    Just a heads up, I have early access, there’s no stock of any first party Nintendo games
    Very limited of everything else listed above

    • Any stock left for metroid prime remastered?

      • +1

        pick up at canelands and atherton only

  • Any stock left for Advanced Wars? TIA!

    • +2

      pick up in armadale and Karratha

  • +1


    i'm guessing there'll be lots of copies of this for everyone!

  • +12

    Poor Attempt at a Publicity Stunt.

  • +4

    Sees like almost nothing available even for Plus members. Downvoted.

  • +8

    I won't fall for this again, unobtainable deals for non Plus members, only site crash loops to check nothing left

  • +6

    Remember if there is no stock near you, check JB. That Mad Monday deal from last time, I was able to price match online via chat, then went to go pick it up from a store 8km away the next day.

    • +2

      Yep this does work except jb live chat will be closed before this deal is available to general public :(

      • +1

        If you're lucky, you'll get someone that will still do it for you. That's how I got mine, I screenshotted and asked. They were super kind and did it for me still.

        • +2

          Oh I have never had someone be super kind on JB chat 😂

        • Oh I just price matched the next morning lol. Birthday Perks voucher happened to work twice for both Advance Wars and Warioware.

          • @Imnuts7: How did you price match?

            • @ShadowCuber: Live chat

              • @Imnuts7: It’s been closed for over an hour how did you manage this, can you share receipt and possibly price match fire emblem and Metroid?

                • +2


                  That Mad Monday deal from last time

                  • @Imnuts7: These games were only part of this deal, as there weren’t a big of a discount on switch games compared to this one?

                    Little confused

                    • @ShadowCuber: Advance Wars and Warioware: Move It! (not Get it Together) were. Advance Wars is already gone now and I'm not EB Plus so I'm happy with what I got, but I'm far more happy with my two $100 Black Series lightsabers.

    • +1

      Can we all agree if someone gets a jb price match that we all share to benefit <3

  • +6

    Eb games world member, alot of the stock is not available so your not missing out and thats 10 mins after launch

  • +2

    There are some really good prices on board games but no stock in SE Qld and no option to get them delivered.

  • +3

    Everything sold out already.

  • +1

    Deal unobtainable

    • +5

      The deal definitely obtainable, because it contains a multitude of items.
      It's just others obtained some of the more desirable stuff before us.

    • +1

      How’s it unobtainable? Just because a few games you want aren’t in your city doesn’t mean everything is unobtainable by anyone.

      • splitting postage into 3/4 lots is costly and stupid. You can't pick it up and noone will drive to the country store for one item.

  • Any of the switch games available to pick up at 3995?

    • +1

      None of the desirable ones that I can see.

    • +3

      Sound like a staff member.

    • +1

      I can't believe you overpaid!

      $15 - Shining Pearl
      $5 - Metroid Prime Remastered
      $15 - Rune Factory 5

      Unless that includes delivery, in which case… I can't believe you paid $14.95 for delivery!

      • -2

        Yep, paid $14.95 for delivery. My point was that even with delivery, this was a sweet deal. Of course, it would have been amazing if I could click and collect, but these were not available for me within a 100km radius.

  • +2

    Staffs got the deal before members of public I reckon, nothing to look around

  • +5

    All the good stuff has either already sold out or will be sold out in the next hour for non-Plus members, well before Tuesday even starts..

  • Good prices just nothing on the Gold Coast for pickup that I wanted or anywhere close by

  • +3

    I'm having mixed feelings about this…

    Has anyone been here since the beginning? Was there actually any stock??

    • +1

      I missed out on a copy of Pokemon let’s go pikachu locally pick up—- had it I. Cart but was to slow. Good games had very limited stock.

    • -1

      Yeah I was there a few mins after 7pm but like most people too slow to nab the big titles for cheap but I still bought 11 games for $51 so I can't complain :)

      • -2

        Why did my comment get negged?

        • +1

          People salty lmao

        • They just jelly

  • +7

    I am EB plus and I can say that the best games are gone and the other are only available to pick up far from you. Pretty much impossible to buy anything decent

  • Why does Let's go Pikachu say out of stock here:

    but according to this:

    There's plenty???

    • +2

      Looks like the second link is for pre-owned? Still a disappointing sale though.

    • +1

      Guessing the one "on sale" is brand a new copy, the second link shows preowned

  • +7

    $43.80 split shipping for a few games kills the deal.

      • +5

        My $5 item became $20. That is 400%
        My $2 item became $10. That is 500%

          • +1

            @Originality: Got you - I just upvoted it to remove the -1

              • @Originality: I see where you’re coming from. Some people just love to be keyboard warriors!

          • -4

            @Originality: Didn't neg you. But now I have.

          • +4


            yes but just because it was bad for you doesn't mean the entire deal is bad.

            That's literally how a voting system works. You vote based on your own opinion. You don't vote on behalf of someone else's opinion.

    • +9

      Jokes on you. I already bought them all and plan to resell them for below cost price. Sucker!

    • +3

      Let's see that receipt!

      • Yes drop a screenshot of the order! Pics or it didn't happen!

    • -7

      Look how salty people are lol

  • +2

    I signed up to Plus to get a bit off the PS5Pro but even for Plus members, most of the stuff were out of stock for both click and collect and delivery, Reckon most of the stuff must have been gone by 6:05pm.

    • +1

      They probably did not have much stock to begin with. It's like a clearance sale

      • +1

        They definitely have stock right when the deals go live, though within minutes a lot sells out. But I would assume its limited to clear out old stock and a lot of people are either employees or friends/family of them and know about it well in advance.

  • A few things went OOS after getting the plus membership but still got quite a few presents for the year knocked out in one go (hopefully, last time around everything bar one $1 item was available).

  • +1

    Is it just me, or are the store availability details hidden for sale items?

    • +4

      Details are hidden unless you have EB Plus. You can kinda cheat the system by adding EB Plus to your cart to see where stock is.

  • +1

    No stock available for Metroid Prime. Not really a deal if you cant buy it

  • +1

    Horrible deal. Cant find stock or get it delivered. Terrible website.

    • +2

      It’s been on sale for 3 hours already for eb plus members so they grabbed all the good gear

  • +4

    Anything that is still in stock, costs more to ship than the sale price.
    Also have to pay shipping numerous times as the items are coming from various stores? Totally kills it.
    Nice try EB

  • +1

    Wanted WarioWare but seems like it's only available for pick up at really far away places.

    • Where abouts?

      • +1

        Alice Springs and Port Hedland.

  • No stock for metroid prime or wario ware damn

  • +1

    Grabbed one of the Mandalorian black series helmets for pickup from my local store. One benefit of living in regional NSW, I guess.

  • +4

    Typical EB "deal". Paying subs got some decent deals
    (I assume) whilst the rest got shite.

    I don't know why they offer delivery TBH, it's not available on 99.7% of items.

    • Use the filter to select only items that can be delivered, saves a bunch of time.

  • Got 2 games I wanted for $25 posted, luckily they were coming from the same place. Had to remove other items to get the shipping price down, and EB need to get their shit together, but overall I'm still happy and think this was a worthy post. Thanks OP.

  • -1

    I was considering four items, all available nearby except one which was in the CBD, but still decided they were too expensive lol

  • +5

    Why does EB Games even offer 'Home Delivery' when they refuse to ship from stores that clearly have stock according to their website :/
    Seems like deals like this are literally where you'd want to take advantage of it, yet nothing is 'valid' for shipping for god knows what reason.

    Sigh, big fat nothing for me in QLD.

  • +2

    My orders are getting refunded already

    • Me too, I thought I managed to get a good deal!

    • are you serious? they are working so hard…..

  • +1

    Ordered some cheap Switch games for pick up.

  • -1

    Where’s the best place to price match some of these deals and will they match out of stock products?

    • No one price matches items that are out of stock

  • Is something going on with EB? Some crazy cheap sales lately. Is this just aggressive marketing for their paid membership?

    • Maybe a sign of the times?

      They going out of gaming business (slowly) or transitioning into a merchandise clothing store?

      • Physical game sales slowing down, and they have a ridiculous number of stores. I smell trouble.

        • Possible, although the Australian branch (EB Games) is the profitable part of the business (Gamestop). But it does worry me too they could go bust, honestly, their regular prices are just way too high. I still shop there but i always get them to price match.

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