Legendalvin » user profile

Member Since 21/02/2023
Last Seen 1 hour 21 min

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The current conversion rate is 3:2, which makes it 3 months XGPU in total not 4
05/06/2024 - 13:43
Nice you are asking about the pace. Rebirth is by far the worst among all modern RPGs I‘ve played in these years.
31/05/2024 - 17:20
After 8 months, Lies of P best price so far is 30% off, I guess this one will be the same, $69 would be the best price before Christmas.
21/05/2024 - 02:04
Just like buffet, you don’t own all the food, one or two plates is all you can eat.The quality of these two plates food is what you…
20/05/2024 - 21:54
More like a Mario+rabbids game than Persona
03/04/2024 - 19:46
Acer cut the price recently, it's been this price for a while now. I did some research then end up buying HP pavilion plus last month…
22/11/2023 - 01:20
The screen is really good ,CPU r23 ~12000 , GPU 3dmark TS 3900 roughly like desktop 1060 Ti 6G, but it will run hot because of the form…
22/11/2023 - 00:53
I recommend modding it to get good experience, otherwise you have to hit Don hard and Ka REALLY hard to get consistent triggers. At least…
04/10/2023 - 10:24
I'm talking about its actual performance in real world retails, not tune up machines for paid reviews.
18/08/2023 - 01:28
CPU R23 Multicore ~12000 , roughly 12% lower than regular 6800H, this model has some performance issues, buyers should be aware.Regardless…
18/08/2023 - 01:03
Waiting for the 13980HX model this year , double the 6800h benchmark , I hope few hundreds bucks may worth the upgrade .
21/02/2023 - 01:02
Legendalvin joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!
21/02/2023 - 00:54