Just got my car renewal and it has increased from $1200 to $2000.
No claims made but I did lose the multi policy discount because they pulled a similar card with the home insurance. It is with Suncorp and on the old for new policy which I have paid for four years so they do have me bent over backwards there.
I think I'm happy to drop back to comprehensive and miss out on that old for new deal. Every year I've called, and they are becoming harder and harder to drop the price and when they finally do it's nowhere near as much as it was dropped the previous year.
It's a standard Kia Cerato so nothing special to justify $2k, and the first random quote I did with ING (where home and banking is) was $1200 (with 15% first year discount).
Worth dropping new for old after paying for it 4 years?
I am pretty sure with AAMI new for old works only if you are the first registered owner (not a demo car) and the car is less than two years from the date of its first registration. As the car is now four years old, you will find that there is no new for old cover for your car. Strangely though, I found with AAMI new car insurance was pretty cheap, even with the new for old cover. However, as the car goes past the warranty, the insurance costs jumped significantly.
Have you tried Budget Direct. I found them cheaper than AAMI for my cars which are out of warranty.