Hi all, I am trying to convince my 73yr old mother of the merits of getting a certain type of vehicle, which she is currently rather resistant to. Hence, I'm hoping to leverage the expertise of folks here as to their opinion given the variables applicable to determining which type of fuel type vehicle she should lean towards.
Relevant factors:
- Age 73yr, still very capable driver
- Driving sub-10,000km per annum the vast majority of which are urban (sub 20km round trip)
- Only needs smaller car (no towing, many passengers, bulk carrying etc)
- Has ~9kW solar system on roof, on average exporting 75%+ of power back into grid @7c/kW
- Looking to spend up to $30k on right car, leaning towards 2-4yr old low mileage 2nd hand.
I am not placing up my opinion (as don't want to influence the opinion of others).
I would welcome in the comments constructive feedback supporting your recommendation, as I will be showing this to her as oddly it seems my credibility is somewhat lesser than total strangers at times - lol the joys of assisting older parents.
Thank you in advance for your opinion & thoughts. :-)
Needs to get Mum on full pension so when he puts her in subsidised state health care it won't eat into his property portfolio via bequeaths. Battler family