• expired

iPhone 16 Pro Max 256GB $1979.99 Delivered @ Costco (Membership Required)


Not a bad price before the S25 introduces some competition.

Not sure if Officeworks will beat or JB match it

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  • +4

    Not bad for the current model (not bad in terms of iPhone prices anyway). We usually don't see actual discounts to those until later in the annual cycle or have to do it with gift cards etc.

    Wonder if Apple would price match this and then you could use some Apple GCs bought at 10% off too?

    • +5

      If Officeworks honour it, it's down to $1881 for arguably the top model on the market. The ram nerfed 256GB s25 ultra would be $300-400 more RRP before coupons/trade in deals etc

      • +2

        before coupons/trade in deals etc

        Yep. Inb4 someone posts here about how the effective price of an S25 Ultra is $700.

      • +5

        Wasn't a pro max, but they matched the 16 pro 256gb for me on Friday - came down to $1748 and woman on the phone was lovely with no pushback whatsoever. Wasn't in stock in my local but arrived for instore collection yesterday, really happy with the deal.

      • -2

        S23 Ultra preorder was ~$1670 with 512GB, pro S-pen, superior features & the best phone AI (not yet in AU iPhones).On top of the great discount I got ~$250 coupon for accessories & >$200 value in Care+ (2y insurance). The batt is still >99.3% (AccuBattery Pro: 4977 out of 5000mAh with super fast2 45W charger)

        • +11

          Pat yourself on the back

          • -1

            @EitherWayUp: I do that with my R(eal)I(ntelligence) to recognise Apple as the most UnEthical Co & to prevent them fooling the world with profit for them & iCult lock-in (no scalability/x-platform comms & pretending they have intelligence - I'm S. Data Mgmt Specialist/Philosopher ;)

          • -1

            @EitherWayUp: Spoken like a true crApple sheep!
            Give your woolly self a pat you little tool

        • Jesus, Androne's are top-level cringe.

    • Apple price matches up to 10% their own price only. Not relative to a competitor

      • Not true actually. They do price match prices from retailers. I've done it in the last 6 months where they matched JB's price on the 15 Pro Max soon before the 16 series came out.

    • -4

      Not a bad price before the S25 introduces some competition

      So, Bad price after S25 Ultra (with better AI CPU) Unpacked on 22 Jan (superior to iPhones ;)

        • +1

          Not everyone needs to run custom roms on their phones lol

          • @onlinepred: It's not just about custom roms. Let me list down annoyances with iPhones:

            1. Poor keyboard customization and multi-language support. In contrast, you can change even minute behaviour like adding or removing spaces after a word, which you cannot do with iOS, to grander changes like long-press customization and various other gear settings like clipboards, dynamic resizing, etc.

            2. Poor multi-region and multi-account support. Good luck trying to install apps from other regions like Japan. It couldn't even install a UK-based app, only "global"-available versions of said apps, unless you have said account from that region. Google how to do this and people actually suggest having to remove your account, load a new account from a different region, and then reload your original account.

            3. Poor multitasking threads and background activity. Did you know that if you change apps or screens, downloads and uploads (like files) can actually stop. You can't even download Spotify songs "in the background."

            4. Poor file system management. Prior to iPhone giving in and reducing iTunes dependence, it was extremely difficult to navigate the files on your iPhone. In contrast, Android gives you way more management freedom and a more feature-filled context menu.

            5. Side loading apps for testing purposes if you are a developer, or if the apps aren't available from the store (due to Google or Apple meddling), or for other reasons I won't mention.

            6. Less integrations for other services. Apple is currently facing multiple lawsuits for being too embedded in their own ecosystem. As an example, if you try to use Google Drive or One Drive (or any other non-native services), you will need to navigate to multiple settings pages to enable them and it's unintuitive.

            7. Poor Settings and inconsistent Navigation. Settings can either be in-app or through iOS's philosophy of "everything in the Settings." Inconsistent Navigation because swiping left and right may not lead to the expected "Previous" screen.

            All this is to say that when you move from iOS to Android, huge, HUGE burdens are lifted off.

            • +1


              1. I use multiple languages just fine on iOS. But yes the keyboard sucks and it's not as customisable as Android. It does have many nice features built into it though, like space bar navigation, creating shortcuts etc. But dynamic resizing seems very specific to you?
              2. I travel and never had issues, not sure what the issue is here?
              3. Poor multitasking is just a lack of understanding of how iOS works, and this is why battery life is often far better for obvious reasons.
              4. I've never plugged my phone into my PC, android nor ios in many years. I use cloud systems to manage files.
              5. Sideloading works fine on iOS, Testflight is a godsend, and Android should really copy it.
              6. Less integrations into what? I use Google Drive on iOS just fine? If you have issues choosing it from a list, that sounds like a you problem?
              7. Back swipe does what the developer of the app designs it to, just like Android. In android, settings are often wildly different in appearance and options, while core settings are found in the settings app like Apple, why bother splitting these core OS level settings up? I could go either way, and don't consider it an issue at all, unless you are unfamiliar with iOS.

              Overall, your gripes are just you problems. I have a longer list of annoyances with android phones, but they are opinion based, and I would still prefer an iPhone as I value longevity, value, reliability, and great customer service.

              • +1

                @onlinepred: Nah, I've been with the iPhone since 3gs. I use both Android and iOS (fallback) always stick with Android in the end. Way more convenient, less headaches, and I haven't encountered any issues.

                • +1

                  @marshmall0w2: I question if you really do you use both, as you clearly didn't understand the iOS side of your arguments. Either way, only way I'm getting an Android is if they magically make super reliable software, or that I have to pay for my phones out of my own pocket haha

                  • +1

                    @onlinepred: Lol, I've literally provided annoyances that I've found with iPhone that no sole-Android user would describe in the way I just did. Furthermore, your arguments mainly fall on "design philosophy." Well if "design philosophy" was the case, then why is Apple adding way more customization options now to the iPhone and why did they remove iTunes dependency? Riddle me that. I won't be surprised if they grant multi-account feature and more dev control over the keyboard and other aspects in the coming year, as well as better mutitasking threads and background apps support.

                    • @marshmall0w2: My arguments fall on how you personally choose to interact with software, you clearly have your preferences, but that doesn't make one or the other better.
                      Customising your phone is great if you are the extreme minority who do that, for 99.99% of people this isn't an issue.
                      But yes, given your very specific requirements, android obviously suits you more.
                      And yes, Google will copy apple/samsung, and Apple will copy Samsung. It's business….

            • +8

              @marshmall0w2: Just moved from pixel to iphone for an experiment.

              The move was painful. Mainly because a lot of apps backup to google on android and iphone they backup to icloud so couldnt restore between the two.

              However since moving to iphone the biggest differences are

              1. Feels like a finished product.
              2. Somebody gave me old airpod pros - I wouldn't have paid for these but the integration with iphone is so much better then any other Bluetooth headset. I can even use the phone to find them if I lose them. You really cant understand how much better until you try them. They sync instantly the microphone quality is better then most full headsets.
              3. Airtags - we used tile previously - jesus the tiles are rubbish in comparison.
              4. imessage and face time video chat - ive used all the chat programs on android and still do to chat to android users but the apple ecosystem is much better. If I want to call my mum on a video call I now call her partner instead just because he has an iphone. The video quality is much better then whats app or google video call. My 2 year old daughter has a strong prefference to call from ipad or daddys iphone versus mums pixel lol. Much to my google loving partners disgust. I get why people keep pushing for Apple to release this for android, I also understand why some kids with androids get excluded from some chats now.
              5. Bluetooth with the tesla is flawless - on occasion both my pixel and samsung wouldnt unlock it when i approached, not a big deal just go in to app and press unlock over internet, but i haven't had to open the app on iphone it just works.
              • +1

                @811b11e8: I'm not saying iPhone or iOS sucks in its entirety because obvious it doesn't else no one would be buying them at all. The iMessage and FaceTime are indeed great apps, but the overall annoyances I have with iPhones in comparison with the sheer amount of things I can do on Android outweigh the benefits. Furthermore, I have many friends who use various apps like Facebook's Messenger and WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber. Few actually use iMessage and FaceTime extensively.

                • +2

                  @marshmall0w2: Something to consider, when saying something is superior.

                  I have two phones in front of me (old work phones we use for testing), an iPhone 8 from 2017(2017), and a Samsung S10 (2019). The iPhone 8 is currently up to date for security patches - being updated just last month. The Samsung S10's last update was 14 months ago. I'm not saying iOS is superior, but neither OS is better than the other, it just comes down to what you need from it. There's a lot android can improve on, and a lot iOS can improve on. At the end of the day, they are just phones, and small quibbles exist on both sides. Saying an OS is superior is quite naive IMO.

                  • @onlinepred: Look, in terms of software updates, iPhones indeed reigns superior to Android phones. I have no issues agreeing with this. Again, regardless of the software updates, it's really just small inconveniences adding up that really move me away from the iPhone. Agree on the other points.

              • +1

                @811b11e8: Hey bud, just FYI you can Facetime with Android. Open Facetime and theres a button that says "Create Link" and just send that to whomever. It will use their browser but the quality is top-notch. I even used this function in a group Facetime (my whole family use iOS except for my bro).

                Also, you can share screens and take control via Facetime - great for providing IT support to your oldies.

          • @onlinepred: Most need proper RAM for AI that Apple neglected &now is behind all. Xiaomi has not only better value phones but can do the best EV in 3y that Apple canceled >10y - Biggest Hypocrites :( Huawei is in the league above all ;) I'm stuck with the productivity of the S-pen

            • @taki: I guess I'm in the minority, that I don't want AI running on my phone, but rather it run in the cloud. Google Assistant on the device is highly average anyway, was a big flop IMO. Perhaps when Xiaomi make local stores with long term support and reliability as good as Apple I will switch! I really enjoyed my older Xiaomi phones, but they were mostly toys IMO, not really business grade phones for example.

    • +3

      i was at apple store yesterday (perth) the salesman said no just coz costco use membership. but they will match place like officework.

      • How would this work? Price match officworks with cosco first, then apple?
        Asking as i have an iphone x to trade in with apple.

        • no no, just only with OW if ow has it on sale.

    • +1

      Paid 1350 for a pro max 13 in 2022, can’t justify the upgrade yet

      • same here
        But battery is only 80% healthy

        • +1

          i replaced my 12mini battery, it is 79%. after 1 weeks with new battery, i absolutely feel the difference.
          normal work days 8 hour bluetooth music streaming will almost used up all my battery by the end of the day from 100%, but now i still have like 65% if i dont use it for any other thing.

  • They should honor it, as I had no issues getting my Apple Watch S10 price matched, plus an additional 5%, by simply showing them the price for the exact same model on the Costco website.

  • +3

    Officeworks will price beat. I managed to do this last week.

  • Officeworks will price beat, Jb wouldn’t price match.
    Not sure about apple

    • JB depends on staff. But they weak indeed.

    • +6

      Called Apple, they don’t match Costco.

    • +1

      JB does price match, I saw this post and called them. They checked my Costco card and did price match. Had 1000$ gift cards from Cole’s to top it up with $100 further discount as flybuys points….

      • Which store?

        I have tried twice in the past and was told explicitly that they don’t price match Costco

        • +1

          Jbhifi rouse hill, I bought three times till date

  • +3

    Officeworks will price beat…I have done on 10th Jan 2025. Just call 1300 633 423 https://ibb.co/MDmyBGR

  • Can bring it down further 10 percent after price beat at OW :


    OW pricebeats Costco.

    • Can U pay with Officeworks gift card if U price match?

      • I think you can only do that in store

  • +1

    Waiting for the iPhone 18

    • +14

      Waiting for the iPhone 18 Pro Max Ultra Plus SE 100th Anniversary Supercharged Turbo Boost Limited Edition

  • +12

    Next generation will need to decide between an iPhone Pro Ultra Max Apple Tax and rent / food.

    • +5

      And we already know what they are gonna go for, unfortunately so does Apple.

    • +6

      People spend 10 hours+ a day on their phones so it's one of the most important decisions.

      • +4

        This is more for people who are literal fan boys, I get people spend hrs on their phones but some people make it their whole personality. What phone in 2025 doesn't do anything and everything.

        By the neg it seems like you're one of them lol

        • +3

          Generally fan boys aren't nerds, nerds will generally deep dive into value products rather than buy things based on brand.

      • iphone lasting 10 hours + a day….. on a call. Oh My Dayz.

    • +13

      some people are still arguing about smartphones

      Just went through the entire post, who here is arguing about anything?
      Why make up stuff

  • +4

    I just bought it from officeworks by price beat with costco
    The lady asked if i can show her costco membership card and i was like its online price anyone can buy this

    I think i paid $1881

  • Fwiw I price matched OW online yesterday as no stores near me had stock of the white - was a seamless process. OW online offered free shipping or store pick up in 24hrs. Since had message saying order is delayed not sure when it will arrive for pick up :/

    • but are you able to use gc to pay it off

      • Don’t think you can with gc over the phone. If you price match in store then you can I believe. The stores near me didn’t have stock of the colour I wanted so assume they wouldn’t price match if I tried in store (who knows maybe they would order it in)

        • +1

          They still will I had them price match an iPad despite not having it in stock they ordered it for me and told me to collect when ready

      • I price matched mine over the phone and unfortunately you can't pay via GC. Was trying to get an extra 2% haha.

  • -2

    Has anyone had a price match through JB?

  • -2

    Any deals on the iPhone 14?

      • Thanks, I’ve seen them at $967. I was wondering if maybe Costco could have had them for less.

        • Consider buying the 14 pro atleast, noticeable difference in battery and performance.
          I was able to find one for just over $1000.

          • @Gervais fanboy: My starting point was the iPhone 13 😂

            • @bluedufflecoat: I understand, if you don’t use your phone much then yeah, sure a 13 or 14 would suffice.

              • +1

                @Gervais fanboy: I do use it quite a bit, but I’ve come to a point where the additional features don’t really mean much to me anymore.

                • @bluedufflecoat: Same
                  I don’t really care for the camera either but the battery difference is noticeable, also my 14 used to heat up sometimes, 14 pro not so much.

                  • +1

                    @Gervais fanboy: Battery is a pain point for me. Doesn’t look like iPhone 14 Plus is sold anymore.

                    Edit: actually you’re right, $1087, jb hifi. Sigh.

                    • @bluedufflecoat: Can’t say anything about the 14 plus, never used it. I was recommending the 14 pro.

                      • +1

                        @Gervais fanboy: Went with the iPhone 13. Theoretically better battery life than the iPhone 14. But running the risk of not getting software and security updates.

  • Is it good for taking photos at the Australian Open?

    • +2

      Need fast shutter speed and large sensor with decent zoom, so, no phone camera would cut it

  • -6

    iPhones are a scam

  • +1

    This or an RTX 5090?

    • +5

      It’s like asking whether getting a pair of new runners or a tennis racquet is better.
      If you already have a good mobile phone, then 5090. If you already have a good graphics card but need the latest iPhone, this.

  • -3

    2007 - 2009 = fresh ‘expensive’ Apple iPhone

    2010 - 2016 = delicious innovative & ‘cheaper’ Apple iPhone

    2020 - 2024 = stale iterative & ‘expensive’ Apple iPhone

    2025 - 202x = rotten incremental ‘unaffordable & undesired by many’ Apple iPhone

    202x = dead and buried Apple iPhone. A new company come in, innovates and replaces iPhones.

    • +1

      x=6 ;)

    • +2

      I wish Microsoft would make phones again, until then Apple and Google are the two behemoths devoid of real innovation.

    • Nokia made $5 per phone while Apple made $500 per phone. Dead? Still have lots of money to push the ads in case. Maybe give $200 cashback per phone and got ozbargained.

  • +1

    I don't have a Costco membership nor is one close to me. Can confirm price beat by OW over the phone was easy. Free delivery.

  • +1

    Quite hassle free experience, went to the office works in glen Waverley and asked about the price beat and gift cards, she accepted the cosco price and also said that gift cards will be accepted so bought the 3 x $500 gift cards with cashback and paid the amount of $1880. pickup from the OW near to my home as they don't have the stock of 256GB

    • How many percent for cash back?

      • +2


        • did you buy from Shoback?

  • Jbhifi just dropped the iphone pro max 256gb to $2037.

    Managed to get it for $2035 with discounted gift cards ($1831.5) and a case for $79 (normal price $129.95)

    Claim TRS as well hehe

    • JB wouldnt match Costco? That sucks

      • yeah they wouldnt match ebay, kogan etc (grey imports). I did managed to find a local company with the case so they price matched the case.

        The main reason why i still go with jbhifi is i don't need to traumatize the counter staff with a stack of gift cards lol and pay online instead.

  • +1

    Almost $2000 for a phone? Anyone buying this phone better not complain about the cost of living or not being able to afford a house.

    • +4

      I've been buying the top 1TB iphone models, when you add AppleCare on top, that's a $3k investment. I change phones every 2 years lol

      • +1

        yeh you tell em @jmeister

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