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Ozito PXC 18V 240mm Cordless Grass Trimmer (Skin Only) $39 + Delivery ($0 C&C/ in-Store/ OnePass/ $99 Tools Order) @ Bunnings

  • Telescopic shaft - Allows adjustment to suit the height of the operator for improved ergonomics.
  • Tilting head - The 5 position tilting head allows easy trimming under low hanging shrubs and trees.
  • Rotating head - Allows quick change from grass trimmer to edger.
  • Sure grip handle - Provides comfort and grip for the user.
  • 10 Blades included

Thanks to Pricehipster

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  • +1

    what is the regular price?

    • +1

      Browser tells me $84 but I'm not 100% on that price..

    • +1

      bought this for $84 a couple of weeks ago.

    • +1

      Powerpass lists $84 yeah

  • +18

    Haha , you said telescopic shaft

  • +2

    Im wondering how this compares to the ozito single line trimmer ? These one off ozito promos are amazing value. Usually used to test the market according to bunnings staff.

    • Or maybe when Aldi have a similar deal.

    • +1

      Looks like this is an "upgrade" to the PXCGTAS-018, now with head tilt, and angle adjustment?

  • +1

    Is this the one people buy a metal insert from AliExpress to replace the plastic hub and use normal string?

    • I remember there is a hack to use normal string and no need to buy a insert.

    • +2

      I tried the metal blade it’s too heavy and throws it off, I think they’re better used on units that have two blades to balance. YMMV.

    • +1

      One of, yes. The plastic blades warp and break very easily.

    • +4

      Dont use metal how danger it is if its loose flying towards yourself. Buy heaps cheap replacement blade from aliexpress/temu instead

      • You can buy heavy duty blades that are thicker than standard too. They work better, but it's still quite a pain to use.

      • I tried making a metal blade from sheet steel (the side of a PC case) but it kept flying off

        I also tried the ebay ones, but they didn't add enough plasticizer so they are brittle and shatter at the first encounter with something hard.

        I ended up just using official ones. They last a while as long as your using them lightly

      • I bought the cheap blades and they throw off so quickly or break very fast. I once read a hack about how you could strengthen them in the microwave or boiling water or something, but forgot to save it and now have no idea how one does such things.

    • I tried this, went back to the plastic blades.
      I just don't find the trimmer powerful enough to cut the grass.
      I bought metal blades off temu which i've yet to try.

      • Let us know how the metal blades go.

        I tried the hack with line trimmer and couldn't get it to work..

        The Bosch plastic blades are very good.

        • metal blade from temu didn't work for me

          • @cob: How didn’t it work? I still haven’t tried mine

  • +2

    What does "skin only" mean?

  • +1

    can I just use zip ties instead of the plastic blades haha

    • +2

      Possibly. I have the plastic blades but I might try the zip ties. Make sure you wear boots, long sleeves, goggles, gloves etc

      • Do you mean because zip ties are more dangerous? Otherwise surely just the goggles are necessary

        • yeah I assumed given that zip ties are not designed this purpose.

    • Zipties don't work. They fly off straight away.
      The plastic blades (Ozito & knockoffs) are terrible.

      I ended up using the trimmer line hack: https://www.randseq.org/2021/06/update-line-adapter-for-ozit…

      This isn't 1000% better, but you'll get longer use.

  • Would this be suitable for a small patch of grass (25sqm)?

    • yes but can't get it really neat though. best to buy a cheap mower.

      • I have storage constraints unfortunately so have been taking my old mower at my inlaws

        • I see. It will defo cut grass no issues.

        • Well maybe you could keep doing that…or just pave it.
          Oranother option is a cylinder push mower. when Mrs entropy and I got married we had a flat with 25m lawns front and back and that is what I used. You could just hang it on an external wall or on the garage wall..you just need to do it fairly regularly to keep it easier to cut. A well set up cylinder mower does a very good job. Like a golfing green.
          This Victa seems well rated, but there are cheaper Saxon and ozito but they may not work as well:

  • +4
    • -1

      I have the Ozito and got a Ryobi 18v brushless recently, can confirm

      • +3

        You can confirm a $279 trimmer is better than a $39 one? Cool.

        • -1

          that's what the video was showing soo..

    • Fair if you are looking to do edging with a trimmer which is not really what the Ozito is meant for. Horses for courses as with all things.

  • +2

    I have this one and the 36 volt one with an actual line. 36 volt is barely a pass. Give this one a miss guys. If you do any work next to concrete or even timber sleepers, good luck to you. The above video shows grass and mulch which should be the easiest of all the scenarios

  • +5

    I wouldn't waste my money on this. From experience the cutting diameter needs to be at least 320mm. This will drive you insane constantly replacing the blade. The cutting force will not be much at 240mm diameter. Remember circular motion from high school physics.

    • Remember circular motion from high school physics.

      I really shoulda spent more time studying during class instead of daydreaming

  • +5

    The yellow Ryobi blades fit this and I've found them far more durable than the red Ozito blades

    • Good tip! Thanks.

    • I bought a pack of 90 Ozito blades from eBay for under $10. They aren't great, but there sure is a lot of them.

    • Just note that they are a little shorter in length than the Ozito ones.

      And note on top of that, the fact that the Ozito ones will probably break down to smaller than the Ryobi ones within about 3 minutes of using them.

  • +5

    My parents use this for their 4mx4m backyard, they love how easy it is to use, does the job. They prefer the blades because it's super easy to replace.

    You'll always find gardening enthusiasts dissing something like this, it is a sub $100 setup (including batteries), so not sure what people expect.

    • Yeah i agree, i have one and it suits my use case fine. I use it for my front lawn, backyard and nature strip to trim the edge. Blade normally last 2-3 uses only because it hits the concrete/brick. Cheap replacements on AE

    • Same. I use to edge my lawn even next to stone retaining wall. Yes I go through one red blade per episode but that means it's about 15 per year.

  • -3


    I bought the blower and trimmer for $50 from 2018

    • +2

      I had hair on my head in 2023

  • +2

    Avoid this at all cost. Constant battle to keep a blade on it, both wearing out and ripping off where they attach to the head. Get a cheap line trimmer instead.

  • +2

    Damn, I was just about to try and sell mine on marketplace now i'll have to drop what I was asking..

    These are ok for a small patch (especially with the 2.5Ah battery), the plastic blades are an absolute pain. Sometimes one will last ages, other times you'll go through 3 or 4 for the same strip.

  • +2

    Got this in a combo with blower few years back. If you plan to use this as a edge line trimmer - its not powerful enough nor does the plastic blades hold up. Ordered 100 replacement blades from Temu cheap-as.

    • That's a good idea.

  • +3

    The plastic blades suck, get the better model with good old string and then buy decent string.

    • I just made this upgrade and the string that comes with it is rather a small spool, and seems to get chewed up pretty quick working around paved edging. Any recommendations for replacement line that fits? Or can I use any diameter line with it?

      • +1

        Depends on the model.
        For the Ozito 18V it's Ø1.6mm, and for the 36V t Ø2.0mm last time I checked.

      • +2

        So me and my dad have these. He drilled the hole bigger in spool and uses 2.4mm line, cuts decently.

        I use the 2mm twist line. If using normal line just put over night in water before use. Will stop alot if breakage

  • +4

    I have this and its fine for what I use it for - trim grass along fence lines (including buffalo runners), tidy up edges on driveways or curbs. The red blades fly off a bit too easily and do wear out on concrete pretty quick, so I probably go through/lose a blade per hour of use or so. The really thick runners requires a few seconds of work, not instant cut through as would be the case for something more powerful. Like a printer, cheap hardware and then expensive (well, about 60c per blade) to refill. I dont know how that compares to a string model in terms of cost.

    However agree that if you are thinking of using this to cut through brush or large firebreaks along farm fences or to clear out significant overgrowth, its nowhere near powerful enough. Its purely for domestic tidying up use, nothing more than that. Which I dare say is probably sufficient for most people - sure you can get sometime more powerful that can cut through blackberry or thistles, but if you are just trimming your couch then why bother? It may take a few minutes longer at times. However, at $39 its probably $100 cheaper than most alternatives.

    So definitely make sure your use type (and 'mental' requirements) are suited to what this offers.

    • The really thick runners requires a few seconds of work, not instant cut through as would be the case for something more powerful.

      It gets through eventually? Or a bit of back and forth? I have buffalo runners to get through for edging and the comments here have got me leaning towards not-this-edger.

      • It gets through runners but might take a few passes. If you are the type of person who wants their equipment to work first time then dont use this; but if you are happy to accept its cheap and needs some extra work at times then its all good. For normal grass (non runner grass) it cuts through quickly and easily.

    • I concur.

  • +2

    I've had one of these for a few years now and have been somewhat happily using it. Over the weekend used a relatively basic 36v Ryobi line trimmer and the difference is night and day. The Ozito is nothing more than a toy. For $39 I wouldn't necessarily advise against the purchase as it's more capable than that - but don't have your expectations very high. It also works much better with a 4ah battery.

    • +1

      Ignorance is bliss lol

      Same boat as you, had one of these for a couple of years and it does the trick but…. i just know a nice line trimmer would do so much better. Especially along the corrugated fence line which these don't handle at all

  • These are AWESOME for doing perfectly detailed edges. It can do a really neat job in some situations where the petrol powered line trimmer can not do the same fine detail. Having both is perfect in my experience.

  • back up to $84?

  • ohhh missed it

  • +4

    Showing $57 for me.

  • +2

    This is landfill. I had one that I thought I could use for 'light jobs' and I just gave it away. It's just absolute shite. I don't want one for free.

    • Concur, even my 73yr old mother rated it as utterly gutless & more frustration than helpful.

    • +2

      Personally I disagree, for basic use, it's fine.
      I had one at my Mum's house for trimming against garden beds and under the deck until some (profanity) stole it (battery and charger were in the house).

      I never had a problem with the blades, they lasted ages and rarely flicked off. I recall replacing 3 across a 12 month period, that's probably fewer times than I've rewound the line spool in my actual line trimmer across the same period.
      Different use cases for both, but I wish I could have replaced the Ozito for free! The Katana Line trimmer that has replaced it is a poor substitute.

    • I've been happy with mine. The blades are annoying once they are a bit used up and sometimes they flick off but its also dependent on how you use it. I think the idea is to just touch the grass and when you start hitting the bricks or pavement it will flick off easier. Haven't had any issues with mine but will see how this modded head works. Hopefully it doesn't flick off coz its a massive thing hahaha

    • +1

      I use it where it's needed - for heavy duty trimming, I use the Ozito grey corded one - two strings, a beast. But this one, using trimmer line tied to the blade base (now upgraded to this, https://vi.aliexpress.com/item/1005006057356378.html?spm=a2g…), is fine for light edging and far corners of the yard where cord can't reach.

  • +5

    Thanks to @jimojr


    That's a link to how he 'Upgraded' the trimmer - https://files.ozbargain.com.au/upload/183387/116121/screensh…

    Buy this from Aliexpress:

    Choose Color: B - https://vi.aliexpress.com/item/1005005939243018.html?

    Mine came with a washer. You have to get the same size bolt that is a bit longer to fit it. It installs ON TOP of the plastic part that comes with the trimmer. Don't remove it else it will not fit.

    I fitted mine today but haven't used it. Looks good.

    • +1

      I bought this recently. Found the right washer size, and used orig bolt. Works well. If you shop around on AliExpress, can find cheaper (eg https://vi.aliexpress.com/item/1005006057356378.html?spm=a2g…)

      • +1

        Can you share how often you need to replace the line when using it? Thanks

        • I just did a trial run with it. Seems to cut better than the blades, AND the old setup I used (typing some line onto the eroded blade's base). Longevity depends on the line you choose. I'd go for 2.4mm, maybe star shaped, and only two lines into the head, not all 4 (2 makes four 'whips').

      • How did you get yours to work? EBC and renvilo both said the attachment don't spin fast enough. Can you show a picture of what you bought and how to attach? TIA

        • It's at parents' place, so will try to get a photo and maybe some video. See comment above though - works ok on very tall couch grass.

    • Damn. That's a neat attachment. I might try that… Thanks.

    • I tried this and it's worse than with the blade. Mine doesn't have anywhere near enough guts to be useful with this on unfortunately.

    • Have you had a chance to try it? @EBC said the motor is not strong enough to spin to cut properly. Would be keen to know if it is effective. Tia

      • +1

        Nope. Been raining a bit so maybe over the weekend.

      • +1

        Ok so I tested it out today. Don't waste your time to order the thing. I took a video that I'll upload tomorrow but in short it spins wayyyyyy too slow to cut anything. Super useless to install it.

  • Bought this in a kit bundle on clearance 6 months ago for $60 with a blower, 2.5mah battery and charger. Honestly, it's a waste. The blades you will likely get 2 uses out of it if you're lucky before you lose it flying off or it has worn down too much to use. It cuts okay and would be find for a court yard but wont handle thick grass. Would be cheaper to use a line trimmer than these unless you got the replacent trimmers of aliexpress like others said.

  • +2

    POS, don't waste your time.

  • I am still on the 2rd blade after 6 use. Wasnt that powerful but does the job. You do want better one at the end but they are x5 the price

  • I was a hater of these in the past, mine sat in a box for years and I continued to use the petrol whipper snipper and the Ozito line one when I couldn't be bothered with petrol… Then I tried a Makita 36v with a plastic blade head and it was actually pretty damn cool. Got the Ozito one out of the box and tested it out and yeah, it's so lightweight I can reach awkward spots with one arm, gives a pretty decent cut actually. Nowhere near the Makita with adjustable speeds and head rotation direction, but I think I paid $20 or something for this one and for those annoying spots where you don't want the big snipper or you've left the brush cutter head on and can't be bothered replacing it… This is pretty adequate

    Wouldn't pay $84 for it though, think you can get a kit with a blower for $99

  • For a small lawn, it'll do the job. It's not a line trimmer so can't really compare it to one. If you constantly hit concrete, yes, it'll fly off as you're using snap on plastic blades. Best blades I used were from Bosch, and I would leave them soaking in water before use. I've also tried numerous hacks but it wasn't ideal due to the lightweight motor. Main advantage I found using this trimmer was the weight.

    I'm now using the 36v line trimmer (yes, plenty of bad reviews), but I've managed to hack it with x2 2mm lines without the motor smoking :)

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