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BOGOF: Connoisseur Ice Cream Varieties 2 for $12 @ Woolworths

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Generally not a fan of multibuys but not going to pretend I only buy 1 when they are half price.

Best flavours:

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closed Comments

  • +9

    problem I have is they don't last, as in I can do a whole tub in no time, 2 nights it's gone maybe less

  • +1

    Is there any real reason why corporations need to add "soy", "colours" & "flavours" to what should otherwise be just a simple vanilla bean ice cream?

    • +2

      real ice cream is usually 3 or 4 ingredients this is just cheap way to mass produce, these days I can make a litre for about the same price without all the additive crap

      • Any link to a good recipe please?

        • +4

          I use a variation of this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTNBcPzjFCo
          ignore adding the food colouring it's not necessary, you can add vanilla bean too, strong tasting ripe mangos are best but other fruit is fine too, I sometimes use marscapone as a substitute for cream or a mix of both

          • @Irishness: Any chance you got any other good healthy recipes?

            • @ATTS: plenty, how healthy do you want…….

            • @ATTS: You can make chocolate ice cream with avocado and cocoa powder.

          • @Irishness: This looks great - I wouldnot have thought to cook the mango to reduce in volume
            I guess that takes the water out of it, which would otherwise freeze into ice in the mix

            • @Noblejoker: absolutely, I have made it previously without doing that & the ice particles formed ruining texture

      • +1

        Any chance you have a recipe that works well ?

    • how else do you keep up with the demand for creativity these days šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø. Iā€™d like to see a vegemite twist one of these days similar to what Cadbury did some time ago.

    • +4

      Money. Those are all cheaper substitutes than the real thing. Real thing being more cream and more vanilla

  • +6

    Coles sale tactic are the multi-buysā€¦. not you too, Woolies :(

    • +1

      They are trying the member only pricing. Sigh.

  • +8

    not a fan of multibuys

    • +3

      You know jv is miffed if there's no bolded word

      • +4

        The second space is bolded…

  • +5

    +1 for OPs comment, I usually end up with 3 or 4 when half price, have to clear up freezer space for them at times.

  • I don't remember BOGOF being part of the woollies repertoire.

    Is this new?

  • -3

    ahhh so the price of 2 tubs just last year… now a single tub is $12… fark!

    • +4

      When was the normal price of one tub $6? Since we switched to this brand 8 years a go, it was already around $10, and we have always been waiting for half price promotions

      • +1

        For real, 8 years? I seem to remember they were a luxury buy when they were priced at $6-8 lol.. maybe 12-15(+) years ago?

  • Do the 2 tubs need to be of the same variety?

  • +10

    A gentle reminder that if I scream, and you scream, then we all scream, for ice cream.

  • +3

    Multibuys just a way to jack up prices, sell for $5 on special but suddenly 2 for $12 is a special. Next thing 50% off makes it $7…

  • used to buy when they had the dark chocolate with the swirl of cherry brandy sauce through it and I think cashews, I used to then get some of the different choc ones after that one was discontinued, but I think it is too expensive now…..I just get the Streets choc when I want choc, or Bulla choc chip when on special…..also used to love the WW brand Black Forest one….had just had it a few times then they discontinued it…..gutted when that happened.

    • +1

      I remember the cherry sauce ones. Can't remember the name, maybe Chocolate Obsession. Was the best.

  • Palm oil….Yum :)

    • Better than Sole oil…

      • Depends on what the Palm has been doing

  • +1

    Does anyone know where we can find the Matcha Green Tea flavour in Adelaide?? Preferably north/east

  • Raspberry white chocolate is the best flavour.

  • When browsing '1/2 price specials' is it just me or have they removed the ability to browse the specials by category? (Pantry, Drink, Lunchbox, Cleaning etc…)

  • +2

    Thanks, will swing by to grab some. Love the Cafe Grande and Matcha, though it's a shame they changed the vanilla flavour a few years back. Used to be a fan but now it's become too sweet and doesn't have the beans anymore and its tough getting a substitute that fits my taste…

    Anyone know of good vanilla ice cream brands? I've tried:

    • Bulla Murray St (on the sweeter side and tastes a bit more caramel)
    • Sara Lee (too sweet)
    • Coles Irresistible (good flavour/sweetness but oily aftertaste)

    and used to get Due South which was nice enough but then they stopped supplying.

  • My favourite alternative to ice cream - chopped up frozen banana - eat it just before it gets rock hard and it is just like ice cream

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