Wow What Happened to Peters Drumstick, It Tastes Like Frozen Whipped Cream from a Can. Blagh!

So just bought a box of Peters Drumstick ice cream from Woolworths because it was on special and it tastes horrible. Remember these babies used to be awesome, so whats the deal? They taste really fake and processed, like if you froze whipped mock cream from one of those aerosol cans this is what you'd get. Mainly binge occasionally on Connoisseur ice creams, which actually taste like ice cream. So disappointed, theyve obviously switched to cheaper ingredients to keep their price down :( I dont know personally they should just use more expensive ingredients, have them taste nicer and put their price up a bit. Yes theyd be competing with the likes of Connoisseur, Maggie Beer, etc, but they dont make their ice creams in cones so it would still be different from the competition. I dont know what does everyone else think?

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Peters Ice Cream
Peters Ice Cream


  • +8

    These icecreams, along with a few others went to crap about 10-15 years ago. They first started with the size, where they made it smaller, then I recently noticed in the last 5 years or so the quality went to crap as well. I just dont buy these anymore.

    • +8

      Oh and FYI, check things like Calippo's, you'll actually find they are made in China!!! Since when does a freaking icecream/iceblock come from China? These were a bunch of sticky awesomeness, now… I avoid these too. I wish these companies would learn, I'm not going to pay any money, no matter how cheap, for inferior quality product. I'm quite happy to pay $5 for a Calippo or Drum stick, as long as its made in Australia, with Australian ingredients, and maintains some decent amount of quality!

      • +7

        All the great streets ice blocks have lost it. Paddle pops now taste like total liquid shit. The texture is also terrible. Like you said I'd be happy to pay double for the old quality…

        • +3

          I wish I could + that comment a thousand times!

          I'm also so disgusted with Paddle Pops we never buy them, Billabongs used to be fine but they're gone now it seems…we actually buy the Coles Choc/Banana Pops for $3.77 a box…they are vastly superior! ;)

        • +4

          @StewBalls: 100% agreed with all commenters so far …

        • Oh no I havent tried Paddle Pops in years, brings back memories. Maybe I wont try them again then and find out how tragically theyve been dethroned :( Lol and I used to love Bubble O Bills with the bubble gum finale, sigh theyve probably changed too then right :(

        • +1


          Bubble o bills are probably the least bad nowadays. Th gum all however is some cheap ass ball that breaks, you can't even chew it.

        • +1

          @ninetyNineCents: Yeah if I remember correctly it wasnt the best ever bubble gum, the crown of that category belonged to Hubba Bubba grape flavour :)

      • Wow really theyre made in China. I might check out where Connoisseur ice creams are made geez its going to be not too far off that everything'll be imported cos everyones competing with each other and no one can afford to make it here. Need some kind of government subsidy for businesses to make stuff here so it doesnt all go off shore.

    • Yeah it seems like quality size etc is dropping on a lot of things. Like you've mentioned stuff getting smaller it just makes me think of my beloved Maccas Filet-O-Fish, every time I buy its shrunk. That patty seriously halved top to bottom then one side came in and then the other so now its just like super super small. I need to buy two now if I get it but then that just feels crazy cos its so expensive, but whatever :|

      • +2

        I just don't buy in to any of these companies anymore, if they try to profit gouge at the expense of quality, then in no longer a customer. Stick it to the man! The rebellion starts now!

  • I think it needs more time in the freezer.

    I know at my Woolworths they are atrocious at keeping their freezers at the right temperature. It also doesn't help that the person stocking it has a whole giant pallet sitting at room temperature for hours.

    The Peters Drumstick tastes like cold whipped cream when it's not frozen properly.

    I don't know if the recipe has changed recently. I hope they haven't done a Breyers.

    • +2

      Thanks for your post. But yeah I guess what I mean is have you tasted that mock cream thats in those aerosol cans it tastes bad and it was like that. It was frozen ok tho that wasnt the problem. Mock cream I think is just butter, icing sugar and water and whipped up like cream, anyway it was just yuck and tasted so processed. I sadly did eat the whole box but I wont be buying them again.

      I was Googling and found out that ice cream needs to have 10% or more milk fat to be classed as ice cream, anything else is classed as a frozen dessert or ice confection. So maybe Drumsticks are frozen desserts/ice confection??

  • +2

    The scary part is that Drumsticks actually taste better Cornettos now… :/

    • +1

      Wow I remember years ago I used to like Cornettos above Drumsticks. There wasnt too much of a difference its just that Cornettos had the choc shavings on them whereas Drumsticks had the hundreds and thousands stick type chocolate bits on top. Now it seems like theres a lot more problems to worry about :(

      • +1

        Same, how the mighty have fallen! :'(

  • -1

    Have you noticed they're also smaller than Tony Abbott's ding dong now as well?

    I hate the damn things because they have tweaked the recipe now such that I don't particuarly like taste them but I feel compelled to eat them anyhow. Screw you guys, seriously.

    It's all about the almighty dollar of course. Every time these brands can work out a way to reduce the cost of 1 unit by even a tiny amount it means millions of dollars in extra profits due to the amount they sell.

    • Flattery will get you nowhere lol, I think a drumstick might be bigger than Tony Abbots ding dong. I would say only his wife would know though, but that picture of him in his budgie smugglers back when he was prime minister is seared into my brain and seriously left nothing to the imagination lol. I wish I could unsee it but I cant :(

      • +2

        By "his wife" what you really meant was "Peta" right?

  • I stopped eating ice cream about a decade ago, with the exception of the odd ice cream truck soft serve by the beach

    • +1

      Oh yeah ice cream truck stuff is pretty nice. I actually never really used to eat ice cream that much, I only started getting it from the supermarket after I tried Connoisseur ice creams and loved them so much. The Connoisseur styles have changed too and opted for cheaper ingredients ie losing the nuts like pistachios etc and going for cookies and churros, but they still have their salted caramel with macadamia nuts from the old range so I get that. I know I mentioned Maggie Beer ice cream in my original post but havent tried that as yet and will have to give it a go. I used to actually mainly be a savoury person with my vice being chips but now get ice cream way too often.

      • Cafe Grand is my favourite, chocolate covered nuts.

        • I usually just get the Connoisseur stick range, but checked out the Cafe Grande then online and it sounds pretty nice. Has Grand Marnier in it yum :)

  • +2

    You want a good tasting ice cream with chocolate and nuts? Try Coles Magnum look alike - great price and awesome taste.

    • +1

      I think they taste better than Magnums - they have a very thick chocolate coating, like Magnums used to have originally.

      • I kind of snobbily look at them thinking theyd probably taste aweful, but Ill give them a go, thanks :)

  • +2

    Australian ice cream maker Peters has been sold to European food firm R&R Ice Cream for an undisclosed sum.
    This was in 2014.

    In 2012 Peters ( Nestle ) sold it to Pacific Equity Partners, who had it for 2 years before selling it to the above business.

    Which must account for the poor quality of icecream goods

    • looks like it's been tossed around like a shop tart to shake the last of the quality and profit out of it… is prolly better to make one owns anyway..

    • Thanks for the research. Looks like R&R Ice Cream is the second largest producer of ice cream in the world -

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