Melbourne's Embarrassing New Year Cracker Show

Every year on New Years Day, the nightly News plays magnificent firework shows from cities around the world.

But in Melbourne, unless you have been forced into the city centre, all you will see are some crackers on top of buildings.
There are some local shows, trying to provide the atmosphere that New Year deserves. Half a million in the city? That would be contributing $100 million to city businesses. Yeah right.

All the while, Westgate stands silent in the dark, and maybe millions of people parked or picnicking around the bay stare forlornly to the distance in a vain hope that there will be a fireworks show. Can we get it out of the city, put it on Westgate, and some random places like St Kilda, Ricketts Point, Williamstown/Altona, so all of Melbourne can join in and share the joy and fun. And imagine the stimulation to local businesses. We should also pick a site in the city that is conducive to a large crowd.


  • +18

    We should also pick a site in the city that is conducive to a large crowd

    There are 4 of them this year:

    • +1

      Just come to Sydney next time.
      We know how to party!

      • +18

        Until it's past your bed time

        • +2

          Don't count Brisbane out yet. We're going to be a global embarrassment in seven years.

  • +32

    fairly emnarrasing title

    • -1

      How many S's

  • +15

    That does sound completely emnarrasing

  • +15

    R U OK?

    • How do you spell that?

  • +45

    Cracker Show

    Seems a bit racist

    • +1

      I dunno, a honky cake walk would be interesting to watch.

    • Hence the embarrassment.

  • +19

    User Name checks out

  • +12

    This site seems to be riddled with people making silly posts.

    Haven’t been for a couple of years but there are plenty of places where you see more than a couple of crackers. Find something a bit more open, especially around the river. New Years eve is about the party as well as the fireworks. Imagine being corralled into a small space for hours just to see 10 minutes of fireworks?

    • +2

      People have been camping out to see the Sydney fireworks since 1am. I have done it in the past but only from 12pm but that was still 12 hours of waiting, although I don't regret it I definitely wouldn't do it again.

      • Yeah, that was what I was alluding to. One of these years I will go watch the Sydney Fireworks but more than happy to watch them on the telly. Given we are inner Fitzroy if we decide on a quiet New Year’s Eve we open the doors and watch the Sydney Fireworks and listen to the Melbourne ones.

        • I have done the Sydney fireworks, it is nothing special, I honestly don't get the excitement for watching a fireworks display live or on TV. Would rather watch a good movie or have some drinks with friends. (this year we watched a movie). cracker night as a kid was far more fun as the excitement was the bonfire and letting off the crackers yourself

          • @gromit: We had a great night. Six couples and we each brought an entree sized dish for 12 people and two bottles of matching wines. A six course degustation. We could see the fireworks in the distance. I like to go occasionally but they are an environmental disaster. Hopefully they find a better way to do a light show in the future.

            The trouble with cracker night was the terrified pets that fled the area and the steady stream of people going to emergency because they did something stupid. Not to mention the idiots who thought blowing up people’s letter boxes was “fun”. They did ban them for a reason.

            • @try2bhelpful: sadly though the idiots that mishandled fireworks and terrified pets still do it, our dogs were terrified hiding in the Walk in Robe last night as you could hear the explosions all through the evening here in Canberra. And yes I agree it needed to end even though I have fond memories of it (we always had bonfire night on a farm with all the neighbours so no terrified pets, but a few injuries that I remember), even my own brother was lucky not to lose his hand or fingers as a 20 shooter exploded in his hand when we were kids, he was just lucky he was only loosely holding it so his injuries were mostly burns.

              • @gromit: My brother’s friend grubbed out a bunch of old pine trees on his farm. They decided to build a bonfire and the wood wouldn’t catch so someone be had the bright idea of throwing an accelerant on it. We all ended up charging up the hill as the wood burst into flames. Lucky we didn’t get injured or start a bushfire.

                Farms are not safe places to be. Toxic chemicals, firearms, dangerous pieces of equipment and, generally, a family with children at the centre of it. What could possibly go wrong? My other half was a farm boy.

                • @try2bhelpful: farms aren't really that bad, it is just different dangers to the city, instead of don't play in traffic, don't talk to strangers, avoid X neighbourhood it is don't touch anything you aren't supposed to and be aware of your surrounds with machinary.

  • +5

    Username checks out.

  • -7

    another one? not surprising…
    covid thing
    Commonwealth Game
    increase land tax

    • +18

      “Rightwinger yelling at clouds” warning.

    • +1


    • +13

      With infrastructure that will carry us well into the next century. This stuff will be continuing long after the debt is forgotten. Just like the cost of the city loop.

      • -6

        please tell me what infastructure is that? factually speaking we have the worst traffic, some of the slowest ambulance reponse times and some of the highest crime in the country and the high tax specific taxes

        meanwhile we have the highest state debt both in total and per capita….

        we are also the worst state for red tape and costs to start a business so things will likely only get worse….

        the future is Victoria heading towards a 3rd world state……note Victoria was the 'richest' state when the ALP took over and we are now the 2nd poorest only infront of Tasmania

        the hard lefties on here will downvote me (which im used too) but no one will be able to provide factually positive impacts on the fact we are in so much debt…..because overall we have not got bang for our buck we spent 150bn and go about 30bn in infastructure but blind woke political bias from the ALP/Greens die hards on here is why the state is plunging further into the toilet

    • -1

      People that use the word “woke” like you do can piss right off.

  • +7

    But in Melbourne, unless you have been forced into the city centre

    Melbourne is the city center

    There are some local shows

    So stay in your local area

    Can we get it out of the city, put it on Westgate

    Isn't that still Melbourne?

    One last cooker for year, amazing.

    • +2

      Whingers gonna whinge, eh

  • +18

    I wondered what base ingratitude looked like in Victoria.It seems it's the default behaviour from the slobbering citizen movement.

    I'm surprised you didn't blame Dan. How much do you think your personal fantasy would cost to deliver? Ready to be taxed for a Sydney lookalike? There's probs thousands of Syd residents fleeing to Melb at this time of year to avoid the carnage.
    Agree with plmko, this is just opportunistic,disruptive, shit-stirring Cookerburough trolling.

    • -1

      Sorry, I'm just not that deep.
      Who did I blame? Is this where you are doing what you blame others of doing.
      I would like to see parents being able to take their kids to somewhere near home so see a wondrous light show

      • Your ballooning outrage has engulfed the minuscule significance of the perceived problem.
        (evident by the clickbait post title)

        Or start a petition. Good luck though, For every few ppl who support the f/works another bigger lump ( eg with traumatised pets) hate them, for obvious reasons.And some ppl just prefer sleep.

        Turn on the surround sound and get a better TV? You said y'self international fireworks are viewable.
        Close eyes+imagine= you're there.

        • +3

          Whose "ballooning outrage"?
          Is this where you are doing what you blame others of doing.?
          Maybe you should change your name to Projector

      • Simples - buy your own!

    • -2

      The blame is the ALP govt when they say this is what we budget to build a road or a project and the cost blow out double and the project duration is push out by years…..

  • +5

    Just invite a bunch of tradies around to your house for a real display of cracks.

    • +2

      Find some electricians off airtasker and you'll likely get a pretty good fireworks display as well

    • +1

      What do you call a bunch of ducks in a box?

      A box of quackers.

  • +18

    The hell? Fireworks are a complete waste of time and money and clogs up traffic everywhere near them. I wish the States didn't do the celebrations and spend the money elsewhere.

    If you're judging a city by their NYE celebrations you're a moron.

    • +1

      ^ this!!!
      just as dumb as smoking… just light a pile of 50's

    • OP should move to Darwin.Melbourne will probs celebrate with fireworks

  • Are you the owner of a failing small business?

    • +3

      Influencer specialising in slobbering citizen law

  • Because of this>…

    It won't go to those places you want. Too many of those nasty killer trees in the 'burbs

  • What can Melbourne do really, there's a small river that cuts through the city, not exactly IDEAL for fireworks. There's no big harbour except Docklands but even that isn't adequately equip to serve a few hundred thousand people.

    • A barge in Hobsons Bay might work but probably not. Public transport for a display anyway other than the CBD would be a nightmare because of the hub and spoke model.

  • -2

    isn't there covid restrictions still in Melb?

    • +9

      Are you celebrating 2021 new year?

    • +1

      You live in Perth or something?

  • +8

    Fireworks are highly overrated anyway. A good drone show, now that's impressive. Fireworks have been done pretty much the same way for over 200 years.

    • +1

      +1 for drone shows

      • +1

        Yes, love watching them fall out of the sky

  • -4

    I am sure that JA can find a new tax to pay for some more shock and awe to keep her rusted on fans happy….. breathing tax perhaps or walking on cracks in the pavement or driving over pot holes in the road (both have great opportunities as there are lots of them)……

    • +2

      They could implement a stupid tax and net all the cookers.

  • +1

    Happy new year! My new years resolution is to hope for less shit talking on ozbargain… naaaahhh!

    • Too late… The Shit talking has already started, it's always been the Ozbargain culture. To casually bullying JV to posting random traffic accident scenarios for analysis.

  • +1

    Here's a new year's resolution, stop whining!

  • +2

    Let me guess- you hate Dan Andrews

  • -3

    I reckon at least half the ALP online shills (Victoria) are on the payroll of the ALP no one can be this stupid or blind to how bad things are in this state

    It is almost the the same OPs all posting in the same swam of toxic lefties defending Andrews, the ALP and the s—- hole that is Victoria

  • Can we get it out of the city, put it on Westgate, and some random places like St Kilda, Ricketts Point, Williamstown/Altona, so all of Melbourne can join in and share the joy and fun

    Leave out st kilda/beaumaris because that sounds like a nightmare. The other locations are just for West Melbourne people?

  • -6

    When you have lived in Melbourne all your life, you take for granted how much of a dump the place has become.

    Shit fireworks is just a minuscule part of the issues Melbourne has, but then you hear idiots and dumb tourists saying how wonderful the city is lol

    Bloody dumbasses have no clue……

  • +2

    We couldn't even find a Melbourne NYE livestream on Youtube last night — had no choice but Sydney's NYE fireworks

    • -1

      That's cause Melbourne's little sparkler show isn't worth streaming or even acknowledging… Melbourne in every thing it does is always going to be u the insecure cousin that gets left behind. Melbourne can rarely do anything that benefits it's people… Which is why all the poor broke people move to Victoria

  • +4

    We're probably the most debt ridden state in the commonwealth. If it helps save a few bob, skip the laser and fireworks !!

    • +1

      Spending money on something that goes up in flames and smoke is certainly a stupid past time.

      If instead the state gubbermint spent the same money on tax relief via a once off end of year rebate we would all be happier going into the next year.

      Heck we may even spend of bit of that cash to celebrate, generate some money into the economy.

      • +1

        But imagine the rightwingers screaming if the government stopped the fireworks. The LNP in Victoria are looking for any excuse to deflect from their own party fireworks.

        • +2

          I don't know about you, but I stopped paying attention to rightwingers AND leftwingers screaming their nonsense like the barking neighbourhood dogs who get left home alone with noone to play with.

          I've had enough of extremists at both ends of the scale, they're just radio static to me.

  • Pretty much every event put on they inflate the potential benefit to the city and state.

    Events are certainly desired by businesses and some of the public and do have benefits its how they calculate these benefits that is questionable.

  • +2

    The New Year fireworks were easily the worst I have ever witnessed in Melbourne. We initially watched the 9:30 PM display, which was quite underwhelming so we decided to wait for the midnight. But, that too was a flop show. The crowd management and public transport were excellent.No idea where all the money went which all the news achors were raving about. "Embarrassing" is the right word for it.

  • +3

    I agree, its a waste of money doing small fireworks displays from the top of buildings.
    It used to be better when they based the location of fireworks along the yarra river, this is probably over 10 years ago now
    The new locations for the last 5+ years are pretty lame. The display at sydney looks a lot better on the tv.

    I would still want it to be based in the city and CBD, and preferably along the river/open water. Although i can see where you're coming from with a bridge, bolte would probably be a better choice as you can see it from the docklands, but not the greatest area. Along the Yarra is better

  • +2

    All western NYE fireworks are pathetic. All that expense for a few minutes of compressed entertainment.
    The east (esp China) will have pretty much continuous fireworks (albeit at a lower frequency) over a two week period - way better, and no need to shutdown the cities to make it happen.
    I turned on the tragic ABC TV coverage of NYE (vacuous nonsense masquerading as entertainment) for about 15 minutes before switching channel.
    Also actually turned off the fireworks after just a couple of minutes - just found it boring - nothing new - still focused pretty much exclusively on the SHB.
    Can't wait for the fireworks in China from late January.

  • +5

    Use your aggressive feelings, boy. Let the hate flow through you!

  • Fireworks, a meaningless waste of money and in the case of Sydney a desperate "look at me, look at me" every year as part of its inferiority complex and desperation for the world to notice it. Never has this been more apparent than the completely over the top excitement about getting the Olympics in 2000.

    Good luck finding anywhere in town for a drink or feed after the midnight fireworks too.

  • +2

    Fireworks are overrated.

  • -1

    That's socialism for you

  • Same story every year

    Have big firewok - man says waste of money I want little firewok

    Have little firewok - man say i want big firewok

    • Maybe it's just me, but I use gas to heat my wok

  • It was so shit 😂

  • -1

    Melbourne spends tax payers money wisely. Sydney please watch and learn

  • flying led drones would be cheaper and last longer than 12 mins?

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