Every year on New Years Day, the nightly News plays magnificent firework shows from cities around the world.
But in Melbourne, unless you have been forced into the city centre, all you will see are some crackers on top of buildings.
There are some local shows, trying to provide the atmosphere that New Year deserves. Half a million in the city? That would be contributing $100 million to city businesses. Yeah right.
All the while, Westgate stands silent in the dark, and maybe millions of people parked or picnicking around the bay stare forlornly to the distance in a vain hope that there will be a fireworks show. Can we get it out of the city, put it on Westgate, and some random places like St Kilda, Ricketts Point, Williamstown/Altona, so all of Melbourne can join in and share the joy and fun. And imagine the stimulation to local businesses. We should also pick a site in the city that is conducive to a large crowd.
There are 4 of them this year: https://nye.melbourne.vic.gov.au/fireworks/