30 Days Free Apple TV+ for New & Eligible Returning Users @ Apple TV


Hey everyone! I hope you have a nice New Year's Eve.
Free 30 Days of Apple TV.

  1. Code expires on January 7, 2026. New and eligible returning subscribers only. This is a promotional code and is not for resale, has no cash value, and will not be replaced if lost or stolen. Valid only for Apple TV+ in Australia. Requires Apple ID with payment method on file. 30 days free, then $12.99/month after trial. Plan automatically renews until cancelled. Cancel anytime in Settings > Apple ID at least one day before exact renewal date. Terms and Apple Privacy Policy apply; see the applicable terms for your country at https://www.apple.com/legal/internet-services/itunes/au/term… Cannot be combined with other offers providing access to the same service. Only one offer valid per Apple ID, and only one offer per family if you’re part of a Family Sharing group. In the event that one Family Sharing group card member enrolls in this offer, all participants on the account will be enrolled. Must be thirteen (13) years and older in Australia. Compatible products and services required. Apple TV+ is a service mark of Apple Inc.

I hope the link works. Have a good one!!
P.S Ozb wouldn't let me set expiry date as 7 of Jan. 2026.

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  • +5

    No good for me as I have already applied any prior free trials so it says I have already reached my redemption limit. Can only try as need to finish Silo S2 😀

    • Can you wait until the weekend, for this deal?

    • +1

      60 days between trials and I think it was 2 free trials per year.

      However, I have a small household of let's say 4 and Apple TV can be shared between them. The one month free trial can then be used by each family member in turn giving 4 months of free trials. Wait a week or two between trials if you can and stretch that out to at least 5 months maybe 6 months.

  • Thanks! This worked for me.

  • Thanks
    Got a month

  • Thanks. Work for me.

    1 week + 1 month free.

    I have previously subscribed for free for 3 months earlier this year using a different deal.

  • +8

    Perfect timing for Severance S2!

    • +1

      Not expecting weekly episodes?

    • +1

      Episodes will be weekly, so not really

      • Code valid until 2026, so great timing even with weekly eps

  • -1

    Can we cancel the renewal straight away after getting this?

    • -6


    • +5

      once u sign up you sign up for life - it passes on to your children and grandchildren, or if you have none, eats away at your estate until nothing is left.

    • +1

      Yes, cancel immediately and it will be valid till the end of the free month - it says so when you go to cancel it

  • +13

    I never, ever thought I'd say that Apple has the best original content of just about any streaming service available today. It started off so damn poorly, but has really upped its game.

    • I’d say they have been consistent, low volume compared to others but high value.

      • -1

        I started subscribing back in beginning and it was awful for a long, long time. Now they're turning out some of the best stuff around.
        Paramount+ isn't doing too badly right now either.

        Netflix just churns out garbage, for most of the time.

        • +1

          The only good thing on Netflix lately has been the new chefs table which has taken forever to come out with a new season but they hit us with two of em. I really enjoy that show.

        • +2

          I actually watch a lot of things on Netflix, so I guess it is what you want/like. I have watched plenty of fantasy/historical Korean and China drama series and love most of them….so much, I tend to binge watch them. There are many other series and movies I watch and really like, so each to their own. I have Prime and Foxtel as well, and can access Stan through my son's subscription, although I have only watched a few things on that, The Whale being the main one…..and Prime isn't one of my first choices, although I watch it occasionally….tried 30 days Paramount+ for $1 a few years ago, and at that time I didn't even think it was worth that lol

          • +3

            @souths123: I feel like the best part of netflix these days is the foreign language content, cause god knows the English stuff is rough

    • Absolutely!
      Bad Sisters, Bad Monkey, Silo, Severance, Black Bird, Shrinking, Disclaimer, Slow Horses, Presumed Innocent, For All Mankind, Pachinko, Acapulco, Platonic… there’s just so much more content I can mention!

      • -2

        ok, but some of those shows are not good ;)

        they definitely have some good shows.. as do other services.

        that's why I subscribe to none, but still watch all the good shows.

        • All that I listed are rated quite high, mate. Nice try though.

          • -5


            All that I listed are rated quite high

            I have a friend like you. Thinks if it is rated highly it must be good. Learn to rate your own shows. Don't be a sheep.

            Severance and Slow Horses are top tier.
            Black Bird was a good show, as was Pachinko.
            Silo, s1 was good, s2 is weak so far. Presumed Innocent was okay, not great. Easy to watch even though it was easy to guess who did it by e4 out of e8.

            For All Mankind is a woke piece of crap that had potential, and Bad Monkey is total garbage.

            Bad Sisters was ditched - they should have stopped after S1.

            I have Disclaimer on my list to watch, and not seen Acapulco or Platonic - but neither look like my kind of shows.


            • +2

              @bohn: So I take it we should listen to your opinion on shows from now on when you clearly said we shouldn’t listen to others opinion? You’re kind of contradicting yourself there.

              Plus you don’t know anything about me for you to claim you have a friend just like me.

              • -4

                @Rimzi: Let me break this down: You completely missed my point. When you said 'All that I listed are rated quite high' to defend the shows, you proved exactly what I was criticizing - relying on ratings instead of forming your own opinions. My point was simple: don't just accept high ratings as proof of quality - watch shows and judge them for yourself rather than just accepting aggregate ratings as gospel. That's exactly what I did when I gave my thoughts on each show, explaining what I liked and didn't like based on actually watching them.

                Also, where exactly did I say 'we shouldn't listen to others' opinions'? I never said that. Please work on your reading comprehension.

                I'm clearly doing TV wrong - here I am actually watching shows to form opinions when I could just let IMDb/RT tell me whether I will enjoy it or not ;)

                • @bohn: I rarely ever base my viewing choice on ratings, so I am curious to know where you got that without knowing a single thing about me, even going as far as to call me a ‘sheep’.

                  My list is based on shows I personally enjoyed very much, and they just happen to be rated high amongst the majority of viewers. I can’t change that, neither can you.

                  It also shows that you may be in the minority if you didn’t enjoy some of the shows in the list, even going as far to saying they should have been cancelled after s1.

                  Your initial message claimed that my opinion on some of these shows is false, and somehow yours is correct. Not sure how you can follow that up with saying we shouldn’t listen to other ratings.

                  You don’t have to like any of these shows, that’s completely fine! You’re allowed to have your own opinion and feelings on them.
                  But to pass of your opinion as the definitive answer of quality is just wrong.

                  • -2


                    Your initial message claimed that my opinion on some of these shows is false

                    You gave no opinion. Only in this post that I am replying to did you even say you enjoyed them. Your first post

                    Bad Sisters, Bad Monkey, Silo, Severance, Black Bird, Shrinking, Disclaimer, Slow Horses, Presumed Innocent, For All Mankind, Pachinko, Acapulco, Platonic… there’s just so much more content I can mention!

                    Also, no opinion.

                    Your exact words were 'All that I listed ARE rated quite high' - the passive voice 'are rated' literally refers to external ratings, not your personal opinion. Basic English. Another thing to work on.

                    The rest of your post is not worth replying to, as you still haven't comprehended my previous post.

                    Happy New Year.

                    • +1

                      @bohn: Happy new year to you too.

        • All the good shows? Apple TV has a small but excellent range of programs to watch. Yes some aren't that good but they are few.

    • +1

      Yeah I agree but annoyed when they cancel shows and leave the story unresolved eg Big Door Prize and Hello Tomorrow

      • +1

        Yeah, well said. Also, an issue for me is the time between seasons. For Severance, it's been 3 years between Season 1 and Season 2.

        • +1

          It's been a looooong wait

  • +9

    There isn’t as much but it’s generally way better quality than the rest.

  • +1

    I just tried this code, not only I got 30 days but also extra 1 week of trial which was showing up when I first opened apple TV app after downloading. I got 1 month + 1 week. Enough time to finish Silo S2

  • hmm not working for me at the moment, just hangs on the confirmation screen. ill try again later

  • +2

    your code limit has been reached, can't redeem.

  • +14

    Keep in mind the Flicks deal for 2 months is still active until 28 February. I am waiting for Severance 2 to drop before taking up the offer.

    • Does anyone know if you can use both? That is, get this for 30 days then Flicks deal after?

      • +3

        Needs to be 60 days between free trials of which this is one so you could as long as you wait 60 days after the end of that one.

  • Thanks OP 😊

  • Thanks redeemed 1 week+ i month

  • +1

    Apple TV is generously free this weekend. Perhaps take advantage of that first before snagging this great deal.

    • Depends if that then counts as using a free trial that requires a gap before you can use this.

      • Good point. I don't think they'll know who's watching on the free weekend if the entire site is open to anyone.

        • +1

          You need to sign in with an Apple ID.

          I haven't been account swapping so not sure how that affects things for multi users on one device - but I'd be tempted to make and use a temp account this weekend, sign out of the TV with my main account and then sign in with the temp.

  • +2

    Your code limit has been reached 😞

  • +1

    Yer didn’t work for me either

  • +3

    Code limit reached.
    Here's the code might work for someone.
    Open Apple TV app and redeem code.

  • Thanks guys. I just tried it. It worked. I have not used apple tv for a very loooong time…

  • +1

    Watch severance season 2 then cancel.

  • +1

    Maximum codes reached for me

  • Thanks OP

  • +2

    Same here, code limit has been reached too

  • great

  • +1

    Link still worked for me. 1 month free. Thanks

  • +1

    Still worked just now for me. 7days + 1 month free until 17th Feb.
    Immediately cancelled subscription.

  • +1

    Still working. Just reactivated my long-dormant account (1 month only, no 7 days free trial)

  • Is the free 3 month trial still available via PlayStation 5? I'm about 1 month into that, hoping to be able to get through most (if not all) of the Apple TV content that I'm interested during the 3 months.

    Obviously not possible for everyone (you need to have a PS5 to sign up through), but better than this 1 month trial for those who are able to get it.

  • +1

    maximum code limit reached for me

  • Worked for me after my 7 day Prime trial ran out. Thank you

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