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2 Months Free Apple TV+ (New and Qualified Returning Subscribers) @ Flicks


Simply sign up for free to Flicks.com.au to get the offer.

JustWatch - All Movies and TV shows on Apple TV+:

Here's the description from the website:

Attention Flicks Australian members! We've partnered with the good people at Apple TV+ to bring you an exclusive reward: 2 months of free Apple TV+.

You need to be a new Apple TV+ subscriber or have hopped off your sub at least 2 months prior to redeem this offer.

Apple TV+ is the home of Apple Originals including, Gary Oldman's Slow Horses; the best legal thriller in years, Presumed Innocent with Jake Gyllenhaal; mind-bender series Dark Matter with Joel Edgerton and Jennifer Connelly; everyone's favourite show Ted Lasso; and our favourite show – the Ben Stiller-directed Severance (second season coming in January).

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Apple TV

closed Comments

  • Worked 👌 Thank you OP

  • Is Wolfs included in the deal?

    • in sheep's clothing?

    • +1

      Coming 27 September

      • Thanks

        • -2

          Brad Pitt fan?

  • Returning customer. Worked, thanks!

  • +4

    Thanks OP worked!

    Slow Horses, Acapulco and Pachinko are worth checking out!

    • +1

      +Bad Monkey

      • It started OK and then I realised how annoying whatshisface is. He was slightly amusing 20 years ago, but he has aged like milk.

        I'd like to endorse/add to the list:

        Slow Horses
        Dark Matter
        Bad Sisters
        Criminal Record
        Lessons in Chemistry
        Masters of the Air
        Presumed Innocent
        For All Mankind
        Drops of God
        Sunny (though it goes a bit crazy)

        Apple really are churning out some really good content these days.

        *Vince Vaughan

        • +1

          @gasman agree but vince would say hes "playing to his strengths". Hard to find a good dramatic/dark comedy these days.

        • +1

          Really hope they do more Masters of the Air

  • +1

    Worked for me when all previous freebies went nowhere.

  • +1

    Thanks OP - should work for me as I haven't subbed in a few months. Been waiting for something like this for latest Slow Horses.

    Also saw that there is a Season 2 of Bad Sisters dropping on 13 November (first 2 eps) so will hold off starting my free 2 months until I can watch all eps.

  • Thanks! Looking for this.

    Strangely it didn't work until I cancelled the subscription!

  • +15

    The key takeaway here is:


  • Thanks!

  • Thanks Op!

  • You need to be a new Apple TV+ subscriber or have hopped off your sub at least 2 months prior to redeem this offer.

    And now I wait.

  • Is it a code or linked to the account you use to create?

    • -2


  • Thanks OP
    Worked perfectly for me
    Really appreciated :)

  • Great deal!

  • When does the offer expire?

    • -3

      Can you not read ?

    • +3

      It expires on the 28th February 2025.

      You can find the expiry underneath the tags for the post.

  • thanks mate

  • Thanks OP, worked for me

  • Code based…looks like free Apple till the deal runs out in February to me
    Family grouping on Apple shares it with up to 5 'family members' so just take turns

  • Thanks OP, worked for me

  • Tnx

  • Anyone think offer can be used twice on the same account?

  • +2

    Slow Horses is good. Gary Oldman is very convincing as a fat dirty bastard spy master.

  • thx Op. it works.

  • +1

    Just took out three months ATV+ with LG. Finally watched the third, last season of Ted lasso.. I can’t belive how lame a soap it became compared with the first two seasons. Thumbs down.

  • Thank you!

  • +1

    Hmm as the offer expires on 28th February 2025 and you must have a new or existing Apple TV account that hasn’t been active for 2 months means you should be able to get 2 months now then another 2 months before the deal expires.

  • Finally worked! Many thanks!!

  • Works.

  • Thank you!

  • +1

    For some reason I keep getting a persitent rotating circle when it transitions to the AppleTV subscription page. Tried clearing the cookies but no luck. Any ideas?
    - Edit [got it to work using the phone. THanks OP]

    • Turn off VPN.

    • I have to use incognito tab to get it to work.

      • What browser and how did you do that? I am getting the annoying transition to Apple TV subscription page as well

  • Easy!

  • Signed up again, thanks. Boy, how many times I have to enter in login details.

    I cancelled last free subscription about 4 months ago. They still have Luck, Ghosted, Finch, Greatest Beer Run, Palmer, Tetris, On the Rocks, The Banker, Greyhound, etc in movie top chart - come on Apple. Planning to watch Presumed innocent.

    • Funnily enough for once my account WASN'T locked (it seems to lock on a weekly basis then I have to go through the whole recover account thing that takes ages).

      But "Not eligible for this offer" still.

      The wait goes on (I've had maybe 3 or 4 free trials in the past)

  • +1

    You're not eligible for this offer.

    What a shame. Oh well, will try one of the other many offers down the track.

  • +1

    Shame didn’t work for me :(
    Got You’re not eligible for the offer

  • Thanks, this one worked for me!

  • lmao. I was watching a video on the movie Jumper and only just found out they made a YouTube Red series for one of the books in the series. Googled it, went to watch, to my surprise it was free on YouTube. Sweet. I'll watch that tonight. But I know better, so I click episode 2, and it and every one after the pilot are paid.

    So, I'm like, I guess I could go make a free YouTube Premium trial, I've never used it before so I'll actually be eligible for once. Buuuut, I don't wanna. So I Google where else it's streaming. Turns out it's on Apple TV of all things. They finally have something other than rewatching the movie Argylle that I want.

    With this trial, I think I've got over a whole year for free now. We might have watched one other movie, maybe. Maybe this time we'll finally watch the Tetris movie.

    Anyway, cheers OP!

  • Worked perfectly. Thank you kindly OP.

    • So did mine after posting I got "not eligible" 24/09.

      If you got the same message maybe try again? Seemed I was allowed to get it again till now.

  • Hmmm offer ends in February 2025…torn on whether to get now or wait til Severance is out in January. Silo just dropped tho! What to do

  • Where do I enter the code? When I try, it goes ahead and tries to get me 7 day free on my mac?

    • I even tried to do this using Tor in private. It is blocked in Tor in Private. Weird

    • Tried in Chrome in incognito. Same. is it because I am using a mac

    • I read on another discussion here in OzBargain that Honey may be doing some shady work. I removed it. And, guess what. I have 2 months free now. I do not know if it is the honey or just me trying again today. However, I have the 2 months free now.

  • Notworking for me, wondr if its ecause I already had a flicks memership… anyway, nt to worry.

  • I didn't have a Flicks Membership and dropped out of Apple TV when they jumped the price up (too much in my opinion) and now have at least 2mths Free - which I am grateful for - as they do have some great shows and films. So thank you very much OP !

  • +1

    Thank you, Christmas viewing sorted! Slow Horses season 4 and Dark Matter.
    Any suggestions for new shows added this year?

  • +1

    I highly suggest to watch Silo. Thanks. I can watch the latest now.

    • Thanks, added to watchlist!

  • Worked. Thank you

  • Highly recommend You Would Do It Too.
    I've watched all the other recommended stuff, and it's good, but this one is really good with the twists and issue of Truth.
    Is Spanish so you have to watch with subtitles, but it's worth it.

  • It worked. Thanks guys.

  • +2

    Doesn't seem to be available any longer:
    "Sorry, this is a limited offer and you've just missed out. Contact [email protected] with any questions."

  • FYI this seems to be available again…claimed today for 2 free months after missing out on this deal

    Says code expires 28 February but maybe get in quick…

    • I just checked and it says offer over ?

      • Im not sure why it worked for me, I just clicked through everything and it gave me the 2 months

        • How did you get the code ?

          Sorry, this is a limited offer and you've just missed out. Contact [email protected] with any questions.

          • @strikerzebra: I clicked the red 'your unique discount link' and followed the prompts

            • @Luigy: Maybe because you signed up before the offer expired

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