Seems like a pretty good deal. Only $1 more than the 128gb version.
Only the Hazel colour.
The other colours are all $1447 for the 256gb version.
Update: Now only available for order in QLD.
Seems like a pretty good deal. Only $1 more than the 128gb version.
Only the Hazel colour.
The other colours are all $1447 for the 256gb version.
Update: Now only available for order in QLD.
Not a mistake..
I sure hope so. Just bought it online through Officeworks before seeing some of the other savvier Ozbargainers getting JB and Google Store to price match.
Looks like it's marked as unavailable online now as well.
Its only 150 off the RRP of 1449 :)
$1849 lol
Can everyone calm down
Only $150? Deals here that are discounted by $1.50 get hundreds of upvotes, so $150 is a lot!
Same price at other stores
Other stores have the 128gb at same price. The 256 is 1447/1449 at $400 off at most places incl. OW for the other colours.
My bad just noticed now there 128's
I got JB to price match, then I shared it.
I figure sharing the deal & informing others before OW fix it, will lead to more people buying it VS not sharing it and people not being aware of it before OW fix it.
No problem if you disagree with my way of thinking.
JB and Google have the 128GB at $1297/$1299, maybe OW have price dropped to match but mistakenly done the drop on the 256GB model
Why does that even matter?
Maybe it's related to their above comment? Think about it.
Would you be willing to be friends with someone who only complains, never gives, and only takes?
Get it price matched with JB Hifi before OW fixes the price.
Exactly what I did :) great minds…
Think it is fixed.
nah still the same price
thanks price matched with jb
Lucky you, all JBs closed in my vicinity.
try live chat thats what I did
Get on their online chat. They're online til 8pm tonight.
I have this phone. Got it via the JB Telstra deal last year (signup $99/month and immediately cancel). Around $900. Very good phone and camera. Battery life great too.
This phone came out this year? What do you mean last year? Or do you have the 8 Pro XL?
Pixel 8 Pro XL doesn't exist haiyaaa
Ha true. I guess I meant that there wasn't a normal size pro model last year. The pro was the 'large' model
Sorry my bad. I mean a few months ago. Getting too excited about 2025 around the corner :)
$900 for 128 or 256 GB?
Did you pay a total of $1,050 for Pixel 9 Pro 256GB?
@BuyNow Think Later: Not sure why there are so many questions but yes it was more like $913. Telstra were actually nice enough to refund me the first month $99 with the immediate cancellation. Search for the past deal.
I'll even search and link it for you:
Of course this was 2 months ago :)
Did the same, but couldn't resist upgrading to same storage as my (previously) current phone, 512gb, seemed the sweet spot given last phone (6 pro) was way over 256.
Credits went to a PS5 for one of the kids that I reckon I am play about as much as them.
Everyone a winner.
Price matched with Google store, thanks so much!
Do they refund as google store credit?
No, they will refund the difference to the credit card after the item has been shipped.
What's the benefits of Google Store purchase vs. JB or Office works?
Have $100 storr credit to use up
Would it be worth moving from a S23 Ultra to this?
I don’t think so, unless you want a small phone.
No? Why swap if your current phone is still < 3 years?
I also price matched via JB hi-fi live chat. Cheers!
The XL 512GB is also on special for $1697 ($500 off)…
Still says $2197.00 for me
Looks like they have reverted back to full price
Price matched with JB live chat too! Thanks
this or wait for new years deals!!???? what do you reckon!!!???
Surely it is going to get cheaper than this? I don't understand the folks calling it a price error, this is pretty expensive for a phone. I'm waiting - and if it doesn't end up cheaper then it'll be time for the newer chip in the v10 anyway
not a price error, pixel phone price drop every 6months due to age, the A variant being released and the annual refresh
only iphones hold their value simply due to the Apple tax logo
This may be true generally with pixels, but this year their pro range only came out last month!
Its time to replace my Pixel 5. Is it better to get this or wait for S25?
If you prefer the Pixel experience, go for this great jump from the 5. Probably the only model with decent battery since the 5. Coming from a 7 owner lol.
i prefer pixel experience but im coming from just Pixel 5 and the battery is crap now (wont last even half a day) but before Pixel 5 i had a Samsung S8+ and its battery is still good (gave to kids for playing)
Surprised to hear that. 2 years into my pixel 5 ownership I damaged it and got the 7 my brand new 7 had worse battery than my 2 year old p5.
I'm going to be the last person on Ozbargain rocking the Pixel 5 as his/her daily driver. Sad times.
@Charlie Dont Surf: Honestly if I didn't break my 5 I'd potentially be running the 5 still… Though skipping 6/7/8 probably would've made me buy the 9 pro!
@ReaperX22: i love my pixel 5. im even more tempted to get a battery replaced just so i can keep using it. Cant beat unlimited photo storage
@gbones: You can just do quick share via bluetooth to your old pixel. I do this and use no storage on my new pixel.
@Charlie Dont Surf: I'm still using a pixel 5 as my daily driver, it's the 🐐 pixel and I refuse to give it up.
@gentlekoala5906: I actually have a second Pixel 5 in the box, only been lightly used, as new. Might be time to switch over to it.
I had high hopes for the Pixel 8, but they weren't fully met. Hoping for something compelling from the Pixel X.
This or S25U Pre Order deal (probably in Jan) ?
Planning to buy one for my missus.
The main feature I am looking is Camera.
Can't go wrong with either. Pixel probably gonna be cheaper by a fair chunk. Pixel 9 pro has all the cameras you'd ever need so as long as you like the Pixel aesthetic in photos you'd be sweet! I've had a google device since 2014 so consider me bais heh. (nexus 4/5 then 6p and pixel 2 5 and 7)
Definitely wait for S25 series. Pre order deals are usually extremely good i.e. I paid less than $900 for S24U when I preordered it in Jan this year using all the discount codes, Samsung care and accessories voucher redemption.
Did you also trade-in any device? If so, which one (just curious on $$)?
Yes, but only for. $5 trade in value, mainly to get the trade in bonus.
@OZBsince2018: That's a sweet deal. I don't have anything of $5-10 trade value sadly.
S24 Ultra 256gb is only down to $979 for me right now and AFTER trading in a S22 Ultra 256gb! (on a EPP portal)
And this doesn't even include Samsung Care!
@jensenhuang: Usually the care is included with the pre-order, but not this far away hence worth the wait.
A few more weeks
@sh4hp: The launch is on the 22nd of Jan - how far after that would be the release/delivery? Only curious since my phone is acting up! :(
@jensenhuang: Mine too! I've got a 1TB S22 U, and apparently all the new updates are making it unusable. Green screen lines being one of them
Usually it's about 2-3 weeks after pre-order, so end Jan/ early Feb is best guess
@sh4hp: SAME!! Overheating and turning off too (apparently that's long been a Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 issue)
@mountaineer: I still am, but I am also seriously considering the Pixel 9 Pro as well.
Will wait for the launch and see what the price looks like post trade boosts and edu/affiliate store discounts.
The best value of money is where I am looking
You can also get a new Google Pixel phone for this price.
Where? Link?
Thanks, exactly the phone, size and colour I have been looking at. Just purchased with JB price match and paid with $1000 gift card at 5% off. Click and collect in the morning.
Local JB declined but online CS price matched.
Paid with 5% off gift cards. Couldn't use TCN cards as there was acodition third party issued crds are not allowed.
Local JBs miss way more sales than they should. Supposed to be they have the sell, sell, sell mantra.
All depending on the person at the desk.
I really dont get it, does every price match come out of their pay?
OOS :(
out of stock, but it says it is a price match… now to track down who else is selling it for around that price
I selected QLD as my Officeworks location as per OP’s suggestion then shared that URL with JB to price match based on that. Just have to drive an hour to my nearest JB that has stock. Haha.
Any store in Victoria that has stock? I want to try and get JB to price match. Thanks.
Ive been looking and looking and cannot find
I just bought the Pixel 9 (not pro) for 1197 last week. FML.
Thanks OP, great deal. I just refunded the price differernce today when I bought mine from JB HiFi for 1409. :)
anyone has luck price match? JB rep just told me no stock, no talk
Price match with Google store in case JB doesn’t do it. Google store shouldn’t be OOS.
Nice spot! Probably a mistake