This was posted 12 years 2 months 14 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Harvey Norman - Fitbit Zip $40.50, Aria Scales $90 Paying Via PayPal for 10% off - Free Pick up


Am a Fitbit fan hence couldn't believe that HN of all places could get these prices down to this level!?

Fitbit direct pricing $69.95 for the Zip and $149.95 for the Aria scales.
Even the US pricing isn't as good as HN's of $59.95 and $129.95 respectively!!

Recent deal by Flingshot of $65 including shipping for the Zip pales in comparison.

Fitbit Zip, listed @ $45 in various colours with 10% off paying with Paypal for all items in the Fitness category bringing it down to $40.50…………

Aria Scales, listed @ $100 in black or white with 10% off paying with Paypal bringing it down to $90……

Hope this makes a great Christmas gift for someone!? Enjoy! :)

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closed Comments

  • +2

    I was contemplating purchasing the scales at the flingshot sale (already have the Fitbit Ultra), will pick it up now, thanks!

    • No worries! Glad to assist. I have an Ultra too and snapped up some scales this morning when I saw the price!

      • +3

        Yeah kinda happy with the fitbit and need some scales so was looking at these last night.. nice price.
        Shame my HN $5 coupon doesn't still work (Said for 48 hours on the email and I still have 3 hours left on that from the time I received it)

        actually though it was worth trying it on with the online pop up support support since they did say 48hours I knda feel like they should stick with it (they told me it was an error with the code that it wasn't working - and has been fixed and should work) … and as long as I logged in with an account the code worked so with the code and paypal -$15

        1x Fitbit Aria Wi-Fi Smart Scale - White $100
        Discount (WELCOME5) -$15
        Subtotal excluding delivery $85
        (Incl GST $7.73)

        • Thanks man!!!

          I wouldn't have bothered trying it if you didn't mention it but it works great.

          For $85 I'm willing to take a gamble on a set of scales :)

          Also for anyone else the Welcome5 works without having signed up to Harvey Norman earlier. But you do need to create/login an account before it will work.

        • :( should wait, can not get the5$ off now :(

  • Is the Paypal discount will be calculated automatically, or you need a promo code or something?

    • Calculated automatically when you are transferred across.

      • Thanks for the info :)

        • When you select PayPal during the checkout it updates the total.

  • +3

    Great Buy - $129 at Amazon.
    Ordered one.

    I Got the Fitbit One for my wife for Christmas (she asked for it, I'm not that stupid!) and when I checked out yesterday it came to only $101. I used the WELCOME5 promo which is $5 off but it gave $16 off - I just thought it was a glitch but it must have been the 10% off fitness when paying with PayPal (which I did not know about).

    $101 was cheaper than the flingshot promo that is the cheapest I have seen the one since launch.

    WELCOME5 is expired now otherwise it would have been $85!!

  • -1
    • Pretty much every wireless router supports 802.11b - you would have trouble not finding that. Just run it in a/b/n mode…

      Are you worried about speed? Want your weight updated at 1080i video streaming throughput?

      • +1

        Some things like MIMO and the higher encryptions don't work with 802.11b. Some modem/router/WAPs also have performance issues when in mixed speed modes (automatically normalising to the speed of the lowest speed device connected).

        Considering the hundreds of complaints about the wifi in the Amazon reviews, your blaze attitude towards it is a bit, well, knobish.

        • -1

          There is always a way to fix things - cheap $5 11b adaptor to a PC that might be always on with a bridged connection won't slow your network. MAC address limitation will keep it secure if you are worried about WEP etc.

          I must have missed the "hundreds" of complaints about wifi on the Amazon reviews. Admittedly I only looked at the Black scale that had a total of 100 reviews ranked from 1-3 stars and 522 rated 4-5 stars with an overall ranking just above 4 stars.

          It says it works with WEP, WPA, WPA2 - is there a higher encryption that you are running at the moment? I'm happy with WPA2.

        • Seriously? A dedicated wireless card and an ad-hoc network? Oh yeah, great option.

          You got me on the hundreds though. There's only about a hundred. A hundred complaints about the wireless is nothing to worry about.

          802.11b doesn't work with WPA2. Which means the spec page of the Aria must be wrong. Further investigation shows it possibly also supports 802.11g. But considering the kind of wireless complaints… I can't help but think there's two versions and the WPA2/802.11b issue is the reason so many people have complained as it's advertised as working with WPA2.

        • -3

          Well for $5 you can keep your MIMO, avoid mixed mode and keep your network pristine with only the latest and greatest technology without the impurities of lowly 11b/g devices. I agree that if you are the kind of person who insists on doing that then it is a great option! Probably the majority of people (hundreds!) will just use it the way it was intended and not have a problem though.

          And just to clarify 100 is a big number but when you are talking about 100 out of 622 it puts it into perspective especially when people are more likely to complain than compliment. When you also consider that is not 100 about wifi issues, people are saying that it isn't always accurate re % body fat and exact weight. Really though it is a consumer digital scale for $90 - it is not going to give you medical class readings re body fat composition and will likely perform as well as any other digital scale in the sub $100 class.

          I'm not saying people won't have problems or that it will connect to every network but the blaze attitude of just writing it off is a bit, well, knobish. ;)

    • My white Aria (from Amazon) connects to my modem (set to 802.11g only) with no problem.

  • Thinking of getting the Zip. That said beyond walking around work/home/store most of my exercise if cycling and rock climbing. Is this device better suited for those who run or will it be worth my $40?

  • Damn it, I bought the Zip a week ago from Harvey Norman for $64 :(

    • I'm feeling your pain.
      I'm too, bought this FitBit Aria scale a week ago from DSE for $105 :(
      I'm now contemplating to return mine for a refund and buy this instead…
      Anyone know when this promo including $10 off from paypal ends?

  • Excellent… No escape now. I have been using MyFitnessPal for months, very good, this gives the system even more control of my life… I just need a iFridge now and the control is complete!

    • +2

      Agreed although I probably just need an iLock for my normal fridge.

      • It's going to cost you more than your fridge.

  • +1

    can someone explain to me what's the point of a fitbit? sounds like an expensive pedometer, nothing more. genuine question.

    • +2

      They automatically interface with programs on computers/phones to track your activity… Just makes it all automated rather than manually putting details in… Combined with the scales and a calorie counting app and it makes calories control, and thus weight loss, very easy. I have had MyFitnessPal for over half a year and it has been the easiest 'diet' I have ever had, for me the ease of it all has made it the first thing I have stuck with.

      Though yes ultimately this all does nothing more than a pedometer and pencil/paper combo could.

    • Well, it is an expensive pedometer, but it uploads and saves the data, and graphs the results for you. The other models they make, the ONE or ULTRA also measure the number of floors climbed and track your sleep efficiency. As a bit of a slob, I find the fitbit scales, a tracker and the MyFitnessPro app/Tactio Health app an awesome combo to try and get healthier.

      • "number of floors" = an altimeter that counts '1 floor' for every 10ft increase, whether driving walking up a hill or stairs.

        • Almost… It counts "1 floor" for every 10 ft increase you make while walking, so driving up a hill won't count as a floor, nor will standing in a lift going up. If you walk around in a lift, though, you'll trick it.

        • That is not the case in my experience, no matter where I have it clipped on in the car.

    • They're useless if you drive a car or use public transport!

      • +1

        seeing as my comments been negged(bah) I'll elaborate:

        • +2

          Perhaps you have a faulty unit? I've been using the previous model (Fitbit Ultra) all year with no problems.

        • Of course that is possible, but Fitbit don't seem to respond to help requests/emails so who knows. It's a good device on the occasional days that I don't have to drive or catch the bus.

        • +1

          Wow I've had a completely different experience with Fibit customer support. I've had my Ultra for nearly 12 months, purchased it from Amazon in late December 2011. I have had it replaced twice, once when I simply broke the clip and they resent out a complete new unit not just the cheap plastic clip, and the second time when the outer black plastic came away from the inner plum/pink plastic. I've received responses via email within 8hrs each time I have emailed them hence I am very surprised you've not heard back from them.

          I too am surprised by how your Fitbit is functioning. I wear mine 24/7 bar water activities and have no issues driving, going on the train or even standing still on escalators. I would request a replacement directly from Fitbit as it appears your unit is defective!?

        • If it turns out that it is defective and they send me an effective one then I'll be sure to post some glowing reviews of it, as it has a lot of potential. But I'm not alone, there's heaps of reviews and forum discussions about these problems.

      • +2

        Actually, that's not quite right. If you go into the fitbit dashboard and log an activity, then select "driving" and enter the time you drove, it will adjust the calorie count accordingly. Keep in mind that just sitting upright still burns calories; you still need to power your heart and lungs etc. In fact driving is a bit more strenuous because you have arm and head movements, tightening of abdominal muscles as you corner, swearing at other road users and increased blood pressure :) and so on. It does a pretty good job of converting what it recorded as walking steps to driving calories burned, at the equivalent reduced rate. If you drive a truck, you will be working harder, so be sure to select "driving a truck" from the activities, not just "driving an automobile". I'm not sure if it will update the display on the tracker, but the online results will be changed, and that's the feature attraction of the device for me, I'm less concerned with what's on the display.

        As for support, I emailed them after having my Aria scale for 2 weeks, it failed, they apologized and promptly sent a replacement from USA (they didn't even want the old one back). Pretty good communication and after-sales care I thought.

        • Well what's on the display is what's most important to me. At the moment I can't look at it during the day and have any idea of how many steps/stairs I've done because the display will always include "steps" and 'stairs' from driving, whether you've logged them as driving or not. The website is great, but I'm not usually near a computer during the day so I don't get the motivation factor of knowing how many steps I've done until late at night most days.

        • Sure, but don't get too upset if the figure is slightly inaccurate. Unless you are a rally car driver or an off-roader, the readings won't change much when you are in a car. For example, my logger read 9500 steps, 7.25km and 10 floors for the day. After I entered my 1 hour/65km drive it changed to 9100 steps, 6.9km and 9 floors.

        • It's not slightly inaccurate.. I reckon a 40 minute drive in my (hilly)area equals 25+ stairs and anything from 500-2000 steps. The crux of this is that this device doesn't make tracking activity easy- I've got to press the button when getting in the car and press it when getting out, then later on I've got to assign that time as driving, and If I forget to press the button I've got to try and remember the times.

        • I don' have this problem - doesn't register driving or hills etc on my One. It measures stairs very accurately and doesn't add any steps (maybe one getting in and out of the car) when I drive to and from work.

          I would suggest updating firmware (if new one available - you might have already done) and then RAing it as it sounds defective.

        • RAing? what's RAing?
          firmware was updated when first set up (it's up to date)

        • Return Authority - ie get it fixed under warranty. It definitely shouldn't be registering all that.

          Talk to whoever you bought it from and ask for a replacement. Definitely broken.

          Unless your car is powered Flintstone-style?

        • It sounds like you would have been better off with a cheap $5 spring-loaded step counter then. You aren't that interested in logging it to the website and you aren't pleased that it is measuring distances in the car and height changes, it doesn't seem that this device is suitable for you if you aren't taking advantage of it's unique features. Unfortunately those "heaps of reviews" you refer to are usually written by people in your situation where it is is unsuitable for them, and write that it doesn't work, the company doesn't respond to emails etc., when the exact opposite is true in my experience.

        • You've misinterpreted what I said, actually you've invented things - I DID NOT say I wasn't interested in logging to the website.

          What is on the display is what's most important to me, but that doesn't mean what's on the website isn't important -it's just that on an average day I don't get to look at the website during the day. That doesn't mean I don't take advantage of the great features on the website.

          As far as me saying that it doesn't work, well it doesn't work as advertised AND the company has NOT responded to me.

          Your experience, however good, doesn't change mine but it does give me hope that they'll eventually pull their finger out.

  • Even cheaper than Amazon and more info / customer reviews there -…

  • Just bought my sister one for xmas. Hope she doesn't kill me :) I bought myself one so she can't complain too much.

  • What's the difference between these scales and this: ?
    Any disadvantages for going the cheaper model? Because i can't see any

    • Withings were the original scales that could be used with the Fitbit until Fitbit came out with the Aria. From what I understand they do the same thing!

    • When I was deciding between the two earlier in the year, I landed on the Withings scale since it synced with more 3rd party services than the Fitbit Aria. It's also worth noting that while readings from the Withings scale can be synced to your Fitbit account, readings from the Fitbit Aria scale can't be synced to your Withings account.

      At least, that was the case around six months or so ago when I got mine.

      • Can you export the data, xls or csv, from the Withings!?

        • +1

          Yes, you can export to CSV. You can also import from CSV as well.

        • I'm now leaning towards getting a withings from amazon for AUD$150 as you can export aswell as withings has an iPad app.

  • Missed out on the extra $5 off, but just picked up my Black Scales from Harvey Norman…

    • Yeah I missed the extra $5 too…sometimes it doesn't pay to be quick!

      Your store is effective, I've not even received the damned pick up email yet!

      • got the extra $5 and got the email telling me the scale was ready for pick-up almost instantaneously. still at work right now though… keen to give it a go

      • Hah, well they hadn't actualy sent me the pickup email yet - I just rocked up at lunch time and asked if I could pick - they say it usually takes 24 hours, but he checked the system and found my order, so all good.

        About 30 mins later I got the pickup email :p

  • Are they the best scales money can buy? I rely on ozbargain for the majority of my purchases ;p. Says the data uploads to the fitbit website, is there a way to export it to excel or anything like that? Or just view on the website

    • I don't think you can export normal stuff from fitbit so I'd be suprised if you can with the scales.(I haven't used the scales)

      • +1

        Actually you can but it'll cost you premium membership, $59.95 per year.
        Just having a quick Google to see if there's anyone out there who has hacked it.

        • I love that the image on that page proclaims "Your data belongs to you!"

          Sure, it belongs to you, but you have to pay to access it ;)

  • Aria price back up to $147? :(

    • Thanks, have updated the post.

  • Expired unfortunately. Advertised at $100 on the site. Shows as $147 in the cart and Harvey Norman has told me the price is $147.

    Bugger, was a great sale price!

    • Yes, I saw it still came up as $100 when you search for Fitbit but not in the cart…damn! Sorry you missed out!

  • aww man, i missed out on the scales, dick smith still has for $105 atleast.

  • Got it for $85 today even after comments the $5 doesn't work, just created a new account logged in and claimed

    1x Fitbit Aria Wi-Fi Smart Scale - Black $100
    Discount (WELCOME5) -$15
    Subtotal excluding delivery $85
    (Incl GST $7.73)

    • yeah if you look thru the whole post you'll see this was found somewhat early on. just needed an account to claim code. i pulled mine for $85 too :)

      • +1

        .. and yet few pluses for the helpful tidbit that was posted.

  • Got the scales and three zips :)
    THanks for the post.

    Scale verdict -> im fat :)

  • Has any one got theirs yet? I thought ordering for pickup meant I could just goin and get one but I went in on the 24th and they had none in stock and I was told they would email me. I get Christmas is a rush and all but I was hoping that they would have restocked by now - I'll go in this weekended again - but was wondering if other were in the same boat?

    • I think it depends on the store. I have used the internet ordering system before and it worked great, it was quick and efficient and the goods were set aside for me to collect. A surprising change from the regular HN experience. I ordered my scale from this deal, was emailed that it was out of stock within an hour, then an hour later they emailed again and told me my order was ready. So I drove to the store and collected mine within a few hours. As I say your experience may vary depending on the store, mine is Coburg Victoria.

      • Went in today and they were on the shelf .. was told they came in a week ago but 'the system didn't flag you to be called'. In and out in 10min.
        For those above talking about network compatibility - had no problems connecting to my timecapsule duel-band 5GHz router [configured for 300mb N only wifi].

  • .

  • started looking for a fitbit and missed out this deal,

    called up harvey norman to try and get the same price but they wouldn't do it so I called up domanye which is also harvey norman and he said he couldnt do the same price but could give it to me for $50 which I took.

    I also asked for the fitbit one which he said he could do for $105 (same as flingshot but can pick it up instead of waiting for delivery)

    If you call up, ask for Ryan in the computers department, it was his first day today at the auburn store after moving from the bondi junction store.

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