Merry Christmas! Landed in Kingsford Smith this morning, after spending almost 3 weeks with family in Hong Kong and Taiwan. I did my first AMA in 2015 and a follow up in 2019. OzBargain has turned 18 in November and due to request, ask me (almost) everything, again. Sorry about this delayed AMA, and I'll try to answer them in the next couple of days.
- Ask in top-level comments, otherwise I might miss your questions.
- Vote up good questions and vote down bad ones.
- Please check comments for similar questions. I won't answer the same questions twice.
- I also won't reply to your question if I do not think it's worthwhile to answer. For example "why did you start OzBargain?" that has been asked a zillion times before.
- Do not ask about new features or issues. Use this post instead,
- Do not ask about moderation decisions. Use TWAM
To get started, I'm opening some cans of worms
OzBargain has been sponsoring many meetups over the years, but personally I found going to one quite draining. I have only been to one meetup this year (Ippudo @ Chatswood). I guess it's just a personality thing, as I have to force myself to get to those events to meet the users. Don't get me wrong — I am more than happy to chat with other ozbargainers (although sometimes found myself obligated to get the conversations flowing). But yeah, it is just tiring.
Used to go to conventions at those marketing companies as OzBargain often get invited. Way too much "energy" in those events that make my head spins, so now days I'll have to make up excuses to skip. Sometimes it's just plain "sorry, I'm too old for that".
Not joking when I said that I am getting old, but I am actually in the process of retiring from OzBargain. Yes it has been 18 years seeing many ups and downs that consumed a big part of my life. My time spent on OzBargain has also been spread thin over things that I'm not really interested in. Again, felt a bit tired, so I decided to step down a little bit.
No, I am not leaving OzBargain (yet). You'll just see less of scotty as the face here. I'll still code and try to make sure the infrastructure stays up especially during busy time of the year, but neil and hamza23 are stepping up to look after the daily operation of OzBargain.
Another reason for semi-retirement is being able to spend more time with family especially my ageing parents. Like 30% of all residents here, I wasn't born in Australia — my family immigrated here from Taiwan when I was in year 8. My dad wasn't born in Taiwan either, but was part of the exiles from China when he was 2 years old. Parents are now retired in Queensland with gradually reduced mobility so I'll need to think about how to best assist them.
Are you a billionaire now? :)