Only $10 more than the skin only price for the best bang for your buck angle grinder you can get (apparently) with a 4Ah battery and lunchbox included.
Basically this deal but another $20 off:
Only $10 more than the skin only price for the best bang for your buck angle grinder you can get (apparently) with a 4Ah battery and lunchbox included.
Basically this deal but another $20 off:
This or keep $129?
A decent bike is worth at least 1k
Brushless multi tool and recip saw also the same price although not too sure what battery they come with
So how does this kit work again? Use angle grinder to go fetch your own lunch to put into the lunchbox? Chainsaw massacre here I come.
Battery angle grinder -> newly “liberated” bike -> ride to takeaway shop.
What a great portable kit for those interested in thieving for a living.
First thing to knock off would be some Milwaukee gear. Any self respecting thief wouldn't be caught dead carrying Ozito gear.
Funny thing is that there is truth is this - I keep an eye out for tools on the local police recovered goods auctions and Milwaukee grinders in particular well outnumber the other cordless systems (tends to be at least one listed every time).
Wow this is actually a great deal! Comes with a battery and a free carbon fibre road bike.
And free entry into any venue under lock & key
Free food, exercise, and sexy time too!
These two sets also look like they are reduced to $129……
No doubt only a matter of time. I'd say next year it could be.
Nooo I want to try them this year or as soon while I'm still in the mood
anyone know if you can get the cuttin guard somewhere?
Special Order from Bunnings for $14.98:…
Can someone recommend me a good all round hammer drill kit from Bunnings, I'm thinking this:…
Corded ones have always been my preference for hammer drills. Unless you are always using them it’s better to have a powerful corded one than a weak cordless one.
I wouldn't be using hammer all that much, just after a good all round drill for around the home.
Something like that is fine to drill the odd hole to hang a picture.
Get the brushless one, especially if you can wait for it to go on special.
This is the one I have:…
(Pretty sure I got it for around $70 though.)
There's also this one for $50 more:…
Will not forget the time I saw some dude with one of these,cig in the other hand, on a skateboard cruising down the middle of George street Sydney CBD.
So the ciggie was for plausible deniability - he was planning to light it from sparks. IQ 160 thief.
I have to repair infrastructure at $20k a pop because of things like this. Some weeks, multiple times. Just because the kids are bored or angsty. If only they'd stop wasting taxpayers money
This is what happens when you get money and freedom.
I’d say 1 year of compulsory training (used to be military) so they can see all the bad stuff in the world.
If they continue to FAFO then throw the book at them.
Adult crime, Army time.
Has a nice ring to it.
Worth it just for the fishing tackle box
Who is Bunnings price matching this time? ;)
Probably wrong, but I reckon these were planned for Black Friday, but didn't arrive in time.
They were initially listed 6 days after and there was a ton of stock at the time. There is still plenty over 2 weeks later which why I think is the reason for the price drop.
Paid $149 the other week, it's a really nice bit of kit. The carry case is super solid and can be attached to other compatible ones from the modular storage set they offer.
Same. I took it back and got this, same same but $20 cheaper
True OzB spirit!
i wonder if anyone who buys this will end up on the news like this guy:…
Not sure what you are trying to convey by linking to this horrific crime.
Forgive my ignorance but what is the use of this tool? I google it and it seems it is a dangerous tool ?
I have an outdoor wooden stair with the wooden rail which is quite weathered and with splints. I plan to sand the wooden rail smoothly and put some protective paint on it.
Is it the correct tool to use , or should I get a different one? I have experience of using a electric chain saw and a trimmer. Thank you very much for all your advise.
this is a grinder for grinding / cutting metal i think you want a sander.
Thank you Benk. Any recommendation for a sander (for novice)?
I have a multi-tool, have never used it. Can I use it as a sander?
In my local Bunnings store, Rockdale NSW, it has been reduced to $90. Same is the multi tool. Only a few left though.
It's a large lunchbox.