• expired

[Refurb] Apple iPhone SE 2nd Gen (2020) 64GB + Any $1 Item $155 + Delivery ($0 C&C) @ Coles (Online Only)


This is now even cheaper, cheapest it has ever been. Suitable as a first phone, spare phone, phone for someone with basic needs, VoLTE compatible replacement phone, etc.

12 month warranty with 30 day satisfaction guarantee. If the battery life is a concern, use a cheap 10000mAh powerbank to charge it 3+ times to 100%. OzBargainers who have already bought it have said that the condition is good with battery above 84%.

Apple A13 chip.

Updated to iOS 18.2.

VOLTE-capable and compatible with 4G 700MHz (B28)

Warning: Stock is not available in stores. Do not be surprised and complain on here if the order gets cancelled. Order only if you understand this.

Original Coupon Deal

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closed Comments

  • +2

    This can't really compete with Moto G54 at this price or Moto Edge 50 that sold for 200

      • I’ve used Android.
        I will never again use Android.

        • +4

          It really does depend on what Android you use. I don't like Samsung (personally), and a lot of the cheap Android phones can provide some terrible experiences.

        • +1

          So crazy how we can come to completely different conclusions. I switched to Android 2 years ago and can't go back. Love my Sammy

          • @Cryptex: Yes, there are things Samsung/Google/Android has that Apple should have, just as there are things they have Apple doesn’t need - looking at you preinstalled third party bloatware, in particular

            But there’s also the things that Apple does that Samsung decries and copies within 6 months

            I just can’t use the Android OS - it’s an absolute mess

          • @Cryptex: yk hardware wise it's amazing genuinely the best of the best, but Samsung's software feels terrible to me compared to even Motorola. I think to most Samsung is really good I just hate bloated systems.

        • +2

          For the past year I have had an iPhone 15 Pro Max after a decade on android. Cant wait to go back.

          I miss Android so much.

          • +3

            @mxlegend99: For most users the difference is minimal nowadays. They are both mature OS at this point.

            iOS is inferior for me because of the lack of sideloading and how restrictive the appstore is with what apps they allow. The average user isn’t going to care about this.

            • +1

              @Ronnnie: wow, a mature take? and from someone who cares about the OS they use?! get out!

              but seriously, you have summed it up perfectly. it's just about personal preference for the vast majority of people. what you're used to and what feels good. there's vanishingly little to differentiate the two OSs overall for the average person. i don't know why some people can't understand that.

            • @Ronnnie: Feature wise, I believe there is not much difference. However, calling iOS inferior is just too much.
              I am on iPhone, been on Android, God, I hate iOS-Apps, not the iOS itself, now a days, though the eco system is what challenging me to go out of it.
              And I still have fear of those bloatware and unrestricted google app store keeping me in constant fear of malwares.

              So both platforms have their advantage and disadvantage, it's the end users need and comfort which help to choose.

              • @BargainMac: Inferior in my use case.

                If you hate iOS apps, I don’t really see how you’ll gain anything going to Android.

                Both are mature platforms that do everything well for most users. The differences are minimal. It’s usually only if you have a niche usage case where Android will pull ahead. Or you want specific features on your hardware at a certain price point that Apple doesn’t offer hardware at, you know like 5g, oled screen, more storage, better battery life etc. Then obviously Android is superior in that instance.

      • Maximus Cringeius

    • Yeah, It 'sold' for 200.

      • There were plenty 'sold'

    • Cons and pros to each.

      Like the relatively small size appeals to a certain user.

      For myself I like a relatively big oled screen, decent battery life hence having a pro max.

      After using Android and iPhones I regret choosing an iPhone but I’m stuck with my choice. I keep my phones until they stop being supported.

  • +1

    I didn't know that was all that was required to allay battery life concerns.

  • Warning: Stock is not available in stores. Do not be surprised and complain on here if the order gets cancelled. Order only if you understand this.

    Will they re-allocate items from other stores if chosen store has no stock for pickup? or redirect you to pickup from another store?

    • +3

      Not likely

      • +5

        Right. What an annoying system that they allow you to complete the online order even though it could be out of stock

          • +2

            @shxhshzhz: Outdated*
            Backdating is what they did recently with the HECS debt indexation.

            It truly is amazing how far behind Coles is online compared to Woolies though. Wasn't that long ago I had to ring a phone number and wait for someone to pick up to let them know I arrived lol.

            • @pennypincher98: Still have to do this at my local Coles.

            • @pennypincher98: One time my phone was dead and the front desk staff (an old lady) said (angrily) you should call but I can help you today. I knew it was frustrating with a bunch of shoplifting during covid but why mad. I sent a complaint to the CS after a few times of unkind treatment by that mad lady. But I decided to not follow up nor provide more details. People have bad days. She still works there.

              Coles didn't bother to refund me when I forgot to collect my C&C (can't remember well) while WW refunded straight away. Tech side, WW is ahead from what I know. They now have the trolley with a screen that can scan and go on trial at some stores, previously used phone app to scan to go.

              • @bcYield:

                Coles didn't bother to refund me when I forgot to collect my C&C (can't remember well) while WW refunded straight away.

                Maybe that's why Coles shares do so much better than Woolworths!

        • -1

          Yeah you basically have no idea what stores have it. I assume most stores don’t and you just gotta be lucky to get this.
          I don’t see how this should classify as a ‘deal’ when only random people can actually buy it.

  • +1

    I'd prob go the phonebot deal for $100 more… But nonetheless to get on the apple ecosystem with ios18 for 155 is decent

    • Where is that deal?

  • Esim?

    • Yes

      • Would this be the cheapest esim phone you can get?

  • Whennnn will Coles gift cards work online haiyaaa

  • I do recommend not to take this code cause the phone is likely to be oos but one dollar item won't. I just pick up an apple juice from my local coles.

    • One order got cancelled while another order came through with a corn lol.

  • +3

    CommBank Yello has the regular $5/$10/$15/$20/$30 cash back for Coles at the moment, so you might want to see what, if any, offer you have available for extra cheapness

  • OOS

  • Can't add to cart when is deal up?

  • "! Currently Unavailable"

  • Yup, 'Currently unavailable'

    Sad, was looking at getting one of these for Grandparent…

    • I got one from Green Gadgets on eBay this week, $165 delivered in two days. Might be worth checking out..

      • Ooooo v good shout, big fan of GG!
        (Do you know if they have any of those promo cards in the boxes, I swear they used to load them with it but I never had one whenever getting next phone haha)

        • Got mine yesterday, didn't see any promo codes sorry mate! For what it's worth, mine came with 90% battery health and everything OK with the phone.

  • Made 4 orders at 2 diff stores since morning and only 1 order went through. Not too bad. First 2 got cancelled straight away without a reason while the 3rd order told oos. Came in to pick up and ended up spending another $200 on groceries. My my. But ok this week groceries sorted.

  • https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/884941

    why not this one? $100 more but you get a 3rd generation

    • Good question.

      Can someone with a bit more 'know-how' let us know what the main differences are other than being 5g?


  • i grabbed one of these out of the old equipment box at work (it was among a pile of iphone 6/7/8's) to use as a turkish burner phone; but was pleasantly surprised to find it to be a se2.

    My impression of it was that it's actually still quite a decent and snappy phone (i use a 13), and while touch id is pretty old school, it's quite effective. Only drawback was the screen; it seemed that a lot of websites weren't optimised for that screen res/ratio anymore and it just looked a mess with buttons and boxes hanging off the side. which could be a mild annoyance for some.

  • +1

    Word of warning

    I went into this with nothing to lose with the 30 day money back guarantee.

    Just opened it and the screen and back are both scratched 😆

    These (at least mine) is not "refurbished", rather clearly second hand.

  • What does “Any $1 Item” in title mean?

    • This goes back some years when Coles had items that cost less than $1.01 but more than 99c.

      • Sorry not getting you bro. Serious question does this mean we need to purchase a $1 (or more) item to be eligible for this deal?

        • +1


          Do you want it delivered?

          ($169+$1 ITEM-(FESTIVE -$15))

          • -2

            @holdenmg: Oh it’s related to the other deal. Such a poorly written post and post title.

  • +1

    I just picked one up today - unfortunately, it is the mainland China model A2298 and doesn't support band 28, nor have esim.

    • I'm A2296 (Happy dance) :+)

      I was more surprised that it was Lightning not USBC.

    • +2

      Return it for a refund or replacement.

  • +1

    I just picked up my order, wait for it…. It’s my $1.00 item - no iPhone! Thanks Coles

  • +2

    Just bought another to replace the first defective one.

    SMS sent that 'click and collect' was ready, when I arrived they told me they didn't have any stock.

    What a schlepp/waste of time. And F*** you Coles!

  • Some available here for similar price(reebelo.com.au)

  • I tried last night around midnight and there was an outage, so I left it.
    Tried again this morning and all went well, delivered at 2pm this afternoon.
    I am only using it as a 'burner' phone. It is replacing an iPhone 6s which surprisingly has been okay. So $155 is as much as I wanted to invest.
    Just out of interest it is an A2296. It has a red back that looks aftermarket and it came in a Boost box with a sim, cable, power plug.

    • -2

      How you find out the model A2298?
      I ordered 3 last night, took delivery of one. I have not picked up the other two from different Coles. I am not sure what to do with 3. This is the first time I actually got stock of cheap iPhone from Coles.
      Is there any resale value of these phones lately? Is it worth getting it from Coles and resell in the Marketplace?

      • I checked that it was an A2298 after it arrived.
        Yes I have never bought a phone off Coles before. I am impressed with the condition of it.

  • Scored a A2296 model with no scratch anywhere and 100% battery. So $155 for a new phone?

    • Congrats buddy. I have not checked my battery health yet. But it has scratches in the camera housing, and the volume switch. As the handset is black colour, the scratches are easy to notice. I would say still not too bad for $155. Which year's SE models are these?

      • These are 2nd gen SE so 2020

        • Oh I see, fairly old one. Was your one had iOS 18 pre installed?

          • +1

            @adnan: Mine came with iOS 17.3 but has since been upgraded to 18.2

  • Sorry, How do you check if it's model A2296 or A2298? I went to settings, general, about, but I can't see anything

    • +1

      Model Number (Tap the Code to the immediate Right of the Word Model Number)

      • Wow, thanks so much! I got A2275. I hope that's ok

        • USA model with no Band 28 :(

          • @rpb: Omg what does that mean if it has no band 28? I'm planning to bring this phone to Japan with esim. Will it work? Sorry, I'm so lost. I did look up that A2275 supports physical sim and esim

            • +1

              @pizzacracker: I’m not sure exactly what bands they use in Japan but in Australia band 28 is used to provide wide coverage as it is low frequency.
              I quick google shows they do use B28 but also other bands.
              They point people are making here is that Coles said it has band 28, indicating the model is the global model. There is also a china model that you can disable the camera sound on, and a USA model with different band settings.

              • @rpb: Thanks for your reply! I tried exchanging the phone at coles but they said no. I guess I'll have to see what happens when I use a sim. :/

                • +1

                  @pizzacracker: Hmm that’s rude. If something is not as advertised you should be entitled to a refund under Australian consumer law. Later the comments someone explained the 30 day change of mind process

                  • @rpb: The Coles guy told me I can't exchange it under change of mind and he told me my phone will work in Australia (he doesn't know what he's talking about). I'm stuck so I'll try calling alegre themselves

                    • +1

                      @pizzacracker: I rolled the dice and bought one. Opened it up and it’s lightly scratched. Activated it and it’s an A2296. So looking good. Then check battery health and it’s 80%. Boooo

                      • @rpb: Oh no, hope the battery lasts you a bit but can always get it replaced? Mine is 87%

                        • +1

                          @pizzacracker: My iPhone details, ironically:
                          Description: IPHONE SE BLACK 64GB-JPN
                          Model: iPhone SE (2nd generation) 64GB Black Cellular [A2296] [iPhone12,8]
                          Estimated Purchase Date: 2021-01-21
                          Warranty Status: Out Of Warranty
                          Purchase Country: Japan
                          Locked Carrier: 10 - Unlock.
                          Sim-Lock Status: Unlocked

                          Seems we should have got each others :)

  • Can you choose the colour?

    • If you go in store, the colour is listed on the outer box. You might have some to choose from if you're lucky.

  • I got a very fresh looking A2296 / MHGP3J/A with 91% battery health from Coles Marketown (Newcastle).

    • Mine had battery health of 86%. Probably I will return it. It is not going to give adequate life as it is already progressed to 86%. May be I will try the other two Coles which I ordered but did not pick up yet.
      What is the return policy of these handsets? Will it go back to Coles or the mobile operator who are actually selling it through Coles??

      • From the leaflet in the box:

        How to return your device

        To make a claim under the 30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee or under the 12 Month Warranty, please submit your request via https://alegre.net.au/coleswarranty

        Upon submission, you will be provided with an Australia Post shipping label that can be printed, along with instructions on how to package and post your device back to Alegre via Australia Post

        • Thanks for bringing that forward, I also noted that this morning. Seems like a bit hassle to return compared to return to the store. Today I am going to try another Coles to get another unit to see if I get any better model. I am looking for something more than 90% battery health.

  • I have got another one today, which had 90% battery health. Probably I will keep this one and will return the previous one. This one also had no visible marks of wear and scratches.
    I might order another one in Black colour to check if I get better health as I did not like the white coloured one which I have now.

  • +1

    Thanks OP. Got mine today. Looks new, 92% battery and model no MX9R2X/A. This is my first iPhone so I can now finally take advantage of those iOS-only deals.

    • Welcom to the Apple Turkey. Same purpose but I upgraded my iPhone 7 (bought $700) currently with 70% battery. Will trade my old iPhone for a good bonus deal.

  • 83% battery. Fail. I'll be returning it.

  • 90% battery. Now just need a mac pc referb to start to feel apple ecosystem.

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